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Hwanhee 환희

Guest SUjjang

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Guest kdramanut

No doubt that Hwany was, is, and always will be the HOTTEST guy!!!

I wish I could be there at their fan signing at Coex. I've actually hung out at that mall...timing was just WAY off.

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Guest cheka

I know what you mean, kdramanut, my timing was way, way off too. I know the exact place and the cd store there too. But a friend of mine is going and I'm so jealous! I wanna be there myself to see uri HWANY in the flesh and to hear him speak even if it's just "Ne", "Ye" or if I'm lucky he might say to me "Ann Yeong Haseyo"! Haish! When can I see him?

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Guest rainme4ever

kdramanut, cheka....so envy of you 2 even hang around the coex and even know where the CD store is....I have never been to Korea ever...I want to go there now !!!!!

so glad you all think Hwany is the hottest guy like me....... :w00t: we can all burn up together........

fttsluva, i see u down there.........*wave*

Man, i have a sudden urge to go watch OTR now to get some hot HWANY LOL let me go watch now......

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Guest fttsluva

kdramanut, cheka....so envy of you 2 even hang around the coex and even know where the CD store is....I have never been to Korea ever...I want to go there now !!!!!

so glad you all think Hwany is the hottest guy like me....... :w00t: we can all burn up together........

fttsluva, i see u down there.........*wave*

Man, i have a sudden urge to go watch OTR now to get some hot HWANY LOL let me go watch now......

Waves to you too,

no doubt our hwanhee is the HOTTEST, supposed to have gotten my album yesterday but,

HMV said it has'nt arrived yet, how much longer do i have to wait? CRYING now. :(:(

hey guys we're already 170, YAY.

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Guest atreyu112

thanks Fe for providing the star paparazi with the subs.. they are adorable.. now i love both of them soo much that it hurts.. i know where is the cd shop in COEX mall too.. been there last apr.. if only i know they are going to held a fan signing over there, iwould have cancalled my apr trip and then go this time of the yr.. OMG!!! i soo envy those who r in Seoul right now...

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Guest maisara

Uji, Mai.....can u calm down? No, I dont think so......cos I cant either !!!!! :w00t:

Yumi, haha i love ur reaction. i cant do anything but to calm down, dear. my cd will only arrive in weeks time and i guess same goes to Uji, i think. ive some some of the cd booklets too and its awesome! and im so envy to those who got the poster. aaaiisshhh... how i wish i'm in Korea now and will be able to attend their fan signing session. like cheka said, its enuff for me if HwanHee say something like Ne... or Ye... haayy i'll be on cloud 9 then!

Cheka, thanks for the latest info on FTTS coming schedule. i guess we will be very busy again drooling over their performance esp on HwanHee chest, hihi! i think its a must for him to unbutton his shirt in every performance or else i'll get frustrated haha

Sheryl, i saw u posted! really miss teasing u here **HUGS**

Niko, got ur PM. thanks!

and... Kayla *scream*, i see you down there. huy, why dont u post ha??? i miss spazzing with u and where is our goodies??? :lol:

Hello to all HwanHee Lovers **waves**

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Guest .alyak_


omo. you all made like 5 pages without me posting in a single page. ahhhhhhh!!! you gals are amazing. i'm not complaining. =). I've decided not to quote because this whole page will be fileld with my quotings. HAHA =) The HWANY spelling is so cute. I never thought about spelling it like that. Now, I think i'm going to be spelling his name like that every time. omfg, I can't believe i'm freaking out about that name....saying it outloud: HWANY. haha, omg it's cute.

fe! thank you for sharing all the new pictures and the subbed video. i tried playing it but the video dimensions was big so it kept lagging on me. i couldn't keep up with the subs, because it skipps from lagging. i'll try converting the video to a smaller size so i can follow the subs. thank you though. I was going to post those scans up too, but you did. don't you guys just love it? my favorite is with Hwany looking back. He's so amazingly hot in that trenched coat. haha =). There is also a picture of our Hwany smoking. Did you gals see that?

sheryl! goodies for the 170th page? I'll dig into it. Not sure what you peeps want to see. i think i'll spazz away with those Star 4 You pictures. I dont think i've ever posted those up. There are quite a bunch so we'll see. HAHA. who has seen them?

yumi! looks to me like your having tons of fun with the font size and the word HOT to descirbe Hwany. i dont blame you; he is what you were obsessing with. hahaha. and i think everyone here would love to go the to fan signing event. gosh. if i ever get the chance i would wait the night beofore at that place. be the first to shake Hwany's hands. ahhhhhhhh!!!! fantasizing moment. i saw some pictures of last year's signing event and Hwany hugged a fan. i would definately ask for a hug. well after i stop drooling and shake out of my shocked and freezing phase. hehe =)

yien! i'm so blad you got your friend to like Hwany. Now she wished she would've discovered him earlier. i love it when new people obsess or starts to like Hwany or FTTS. more fans to communicate with. more people to spazz with. more fighting with eachother...RAWR!!!! =). Read your message that you sent to me, will be writing you back after I comment here.

niko! i wish i had my own cell. i would've definately PM'ed you for those ringtones. haha. are you still having troubles with getting into Brian's and FTTS's thread? it's working fine for me, i'm not sure what happened or both the threads are just being evil to you. x_X i'm also excited for my album to get to my front steps. ahhhhhhhhhh...thinking about it coming and me freaking out. can't wait to listen. i'm so excited!!!!

kdramanut! thank you for translating the star paprazzi clip for fe to sub. i appreciate it alot. like what i've mentioned, i've had problems playing the video. i'll get to converting and watching it soon. although someone already provided a brief summary i would also like to see it with subs. thank you. i see you posting alot more too. hahah. hwanhee crazed we are!!!

mai! we should chit chat more often. it was short too. we should have more HS convo, it was the best. about the signing event thingy. i would definately go nuts if i ever get the chance to shake their hands and look at theim right in the eye and having them look right back at me. i would make a fool of myself; freaking out and squeeling. haha =) i will try my best to stay calm and be polite. but omo! how how how? HWANY's right there in front of me. ahhhhhhhhh!!!! i would probably injure him. haha. can i get a huge? huge him tight!!!!!! first a handshake, second a huge, and thrid a very special one; kiss me!!!!!!!! hahah... anyways. going nowhere here. talk to you soon, alrighty?

Hey everyone else!!!

oh yah. i made this so-called graphic. just had to do it for Hwany was making me nuts!


my two favorite pictures. he's so sexy. love the one where he turns back. sexy monster!!! RAWR!!! imma eat you all up!

Also, new picture i found!

not sure when or for what. hahah. i feel like a stalker!


Credits: Naver Blog / Kayla @ Soompi

And last thing before I come back with the Star 4 You pictures.

fly to the sky 7th album sales? could this chart be it? it's pretty high, right? =)


Credits: Daum Blog / Kayla @ Soompi


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Hi to all HWANY's lovers....

hey kayla...u're down there... miss u girl... he hee...thanks for the pics...OMO OMO...i love that pics too...the way he was looking back ...I feels my heart STOPPED for a few seconds.. or maybe minutes...aaahhhh...can't remember...I must have fainted by then... and the other pics...wow!!! our man looks like a big eater huh...he cleans up most of the bowls..hah haaaa ...and kayla...we don't mind you stalking on hwanhee as long as we got more goodies on him....yup!yup!... :phew::phew:

Yumi.... there's no such word of CALM when we talk, drool or spazzing abt hwanhee... we'll be OUT OF CONTROL!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy: CRAZY !!! :wacko::wacko: TOTAL WACKO!! haa haaa... feels like one already ***start drooling**

Mai: I want the CD too... I hate waiting... :tears::tears: ...hey...u got the cd booklet??? from where??? I want one too!!!!! :w00t::w00t:

**waves to all...Hwanhee's BIG FAMILY**

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Guest rainme4ever

Kayla......welcome back..we missed you so much and u always bring us goodies......and Hwany in that green T looks good.....who is he looking at? oh I rmb, he was looking at me after we finished dinner....... wahahahahaha............... :w00t:

OK.....I was a bit carry away with the font size in he last couple of pages.....sorry......I was just too excited....:blush:

FLY to the sky is no.1 on the first day of sales.....lets hope they stay No 1 for the next few weeks..........*crossing fingers*

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Guest ayadaokin

mai: i'm glad you got my pm! i hope you like em!!

kayla: YES i can read the brian/ftts thread now thank GOODNESS. ah so happy. i LOVE LOVE LOVE your graphic!! i love it sooooooo much, i dont think you understand. thanks for the picture, dont worry i feel like we're all stalkers hahahaha. aw, once you get a cell, phone me up for those ringtones LOL

hi to yumi, uji, sheryl, cheka, atreyu112, fttsluva, daisii, fe, lovegoodfood, pauline, kdramanut, marc, and everyoneelse in our thread haha.


im gathering up goodies for our 200th page :] only 30 more to go

AND I CANT WAIT FOR MY ALBUM. im so happy, i think it'll be here tomorrow hopefully. ahhhhh.

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Guest .alyak_

my apologies for those who faints or gets numerous nosebleeds... <_<


star 4 you pictures. picked out the ones i liked the best.

ok. so these aren't new or they aren't gifs. i haven't posted these yet so why not, right?...





















I forgot the site where i got these x_x / Heavenly Sent

i have more. will be back after i'm done uploading...

omg. my hands going to fall off. just 24 more pictures. i can do it...xD

someone post. i can't fit any more images into this post...

Kayla ^_^(yes. i made it. my hands are still attached!)

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Guest fttsluva

Thanks for these pics, i know they're old ones,

but does'nt hwanhee look just to cute in all of them,

grabbed a few , is it ok?


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Guest .alyak_

^ fttsluva, it's fine that you take them. HAHA =) thanx for the quick reply. (whats your name?)

I can post up the rest now:















same as above...

OMG. HWANY ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!! (it's true!!! lol..)


HAHAHA.... Now that my treats are done. imma sleep now.... <_<

Kayla (Hwany's wife....) ^_^

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Guest cheka

Talking about picture flooding .... LOL!!! Gomabta, kayla darling!!! You are my "an-jjail", too!!! :D

HwanHee with short hair. We'll probably see him in similar style when he grows out his short hairdo. But keep the style for a little while longer. I absolutely love it! He certainly caught a lot of people's attention with this short do. Many of my friends think he's really good-looking with this style!

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Guest kdramanut

Thank you so much for all the pictures of our boy Hwany. Seeing him in the old pictures makes me realize just how ENORMOUS his arms have gotten. :blush: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have his big strong arms wrapped around me for just a second...minute...hour...days...*sigh* :sweatingbullets::wub:

Fe - I am a procrastinator. Rather than work on work-related stuff, you gave me an excuse to spend a lovely evening listening to our boys. I finished the Love Letter interview translations early and just PM'd them to you. Thanks in advance for putting it all together for everyone.

Kayla (Hwany's wife....) ^_^

Kayla, it's a good thing that you do so much for all of us...otherwise, with a comment like that <_<, you may have to watch your back ;) Thanks again for the pics!

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Guest fttsluva

Hi again, Kayla my name is bridgette. can never get enough of him,the more the better.

Cheka i'm ones of those who loves his short hair,

hope it does'nt grow too fast,

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Guest rainme4ever

Oh no........Kayla is back to spam us with Hwany.......so many pictures, some I have seen some I have not, so I am gonna take them now and hide him from you ladies.....hehe......

OMG. HWANY ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!! (it's true!!! lol..)


HAHAHA.... Now that my treats are done. imma sleep now.... <_<

Kayla (Hwany's wife....) ^_^

Thank you so much for all the pictures of our boy Hwany. Seeing him in the old pictures makes me realize just how ENORMOUS his arms have gotten. :blush: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have his big strong arms wrapped around me for just a second...minute...hour...days...*sigh* :sweatingbullets::wub:

Kayla, it's a good thing that you do so much for all of us...otherwise, with a comment like that <_<, you may have to watch your back ;) Thanks again for the pics!

Like Kdramanut said, Kayla, if u havent given us so many Hwany's goodies, U wont be getting any sleep tonight coz we will be beating you up...just kidding..... :w00t:

We all want to be Hwany's wife, but I think I'll settle just be his GF for now.....hehehe......

Kdramanut, what is your name? your ID is too long to type, did u know? :P

and by the way, I think Hwany's arms has actually gotten smaller than in those pictures Kayla's just posted. Not as muscular now but his body is getting leaner and more yummier....can't wait for him to tear his shirt's off for us again *drooling now* :phew: :phew: :blush: :blush:

(Let me go watch that N&S performance again)

Hi Bridgette....finally we know ur name......:)

I also like Hwany in this short hair now.....His face is just too handsome to be hiding under long hair...... I think he looks younger now then in their gravity and transition period. does anyone agree with me on this?

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Guest fttsluva

Hi Bridgette....finally we know ur name......:)

I also like Hwany in this short hair now.....His face is just too handsome to be hiding under long hair...... I think he looks younger now then in their gravity and transition period. does anyone agree with me on this?

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