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F4 2nd Teaser Pg 96

Guest virvir111

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Guest subdwfreaky

MiyuKanata09: thankss so much for the pics.......Kimjoon lookin' so fineee there.......i like his first pic a lot.

virvir111: thanks sooo much for the translation. must have cost you a lot of time n hardwork. thanksss.

now comments on the interviews.

Gu Hye Sun sounds so cute and straight up. haha, poor Nuna, oh yeah.......she's older than all F4 members....but she doesn't look that old anyway. her comments bout wanting to keep the uniform is cute....haha, the uniform is pretty despite the skirt being a lil short.....so she better make sure to get it....

Junpyo/Minho's interview is funny..puhaha.....he's getting too into his character....he better not, in real life though...^^

EeJung/Kimbum interview......hmm, not much comment, i still am a lil confused at his character and Soujiro in the manga...cuz in the manga...Soujiro isn't that serious....but i might be wrong, cuz i've only read halfway.

WooBin/KimJoon.....i've to comment on something...

T-Max is the group he is in.the Maknae in the idol group, but on set. Jun is the oldest.

this isn't correct. maybe the magazine got it wrong or whatever. he's NOT the magnae in T-Max. he's just in the middle in terms of age.

and he doesn't even know what's the audition about n just went ahead....lol...that's kinda....brave/blunt....haha....it's sad tho his bandmates called him traitor...(hopefully, just playing around n not serious)....and i'm glad he wants to do both acting n singing despite T-Max being very unpopular/not successful...cuz i love their music too much to see him ditching the group for acting. it's funny though he's talking like he's a big brother to the F4....(they listen well....lolll) . i still don't get why he said he's used to be the youngest.......hmm, maybe in his family....? aii....

JiHoo/Hyunjoong's interview....as expected....is darn funny(esp the embarrassed to borrow the manga n getting goosebumps on having to say the mushy lines and...well, everything :lol:) n just straight up. the way i like him to be. :)

thanks so much again for the interviews....had so much happiness reading 'em...^^

OMFG that kim jun guy looks hella attractive. hopefully, they'll show a lot more of him, too. [=

:lol: i'm glad somebody noticed it. so, i don't have to spazz on him alone, do i? :P

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virvir111 I know you practically own this thread but you can't tell people

what they can or cannot say. It's a free forum and people can say whatever they want

negative or positive.

I personally find it annoying when they say mean things about the cast, especially MinHo since

in my opinion, he's perfect. But we can't really do anything about those people except to just ignore them.

The best way is to just skip their post and move on....of course unless they've crossed the line, coz if they do

then I'll be the first one to throw them out.


Anyway, wow, as if one perm won't damage your hair enough, he needed to have 4?

I feel so bad for his hair. I'm not completely into his perm yet, but it's definitely starting to grow on me.

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Guest kuki_kuki

Wow virvir111.. Amazing.. Thx so much 4 your translation... You are the best updater..

Hahaha.. Go hyesun poor,cute, and lucky noona.. Hoho damn lucky she is around the F4 boys.. Go hye sun hwaiting!!

Hyun joong's interview.. So funny.. As always.. That answer just expected answer from him.. So random.. Really him.. ^^

Hahaha i am glad they have soju party and be closer now..It makes them in to f4 in reality.. By the way, kim bum is allowed to drink soju? Hehe i think the 'magnae=kimbum' according to his age,must not allowed.. But its okay..kkkkk.. It doesn't matter if that is one of a way to be closer as f4.. xp

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Guest goldenGAZE

OMFG that kim jun guy looks hella attractive. hopefully, they'll show a lot more of him, too. [=

Hahaha, i noticed this too, i think his already my favourite F4 member already. SO HOT!

Thank you soo much for translating the articles virvir111, they were actually pretty funny to read. I can't wait for this drama, i seriously think it may be the best HYD yet :D , I love all of the cast, their all perfect (thanks for keep us up to date ^^ )

EDIT, KJG is in a band called T-MAX? i never heard of them but i think i'll become a fan now hahaha.

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Guest virvir111

virvir111 I know you practically own this thread but you can't tell people

what they can or cannot say. It's a free forum and people can say whatever they want

negative or positive. on me.

im just reminding them that you can't bash in soompi thread in general. u get warned for that..i've already asked to calm down on the bashing before..like calling them blatantly UGLY. yeah thats bashing.. n the lasting i want is ppl fighting over hoo is better looking and hoo is ugly and start comparing n get this thread closed.

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i didn't know kim bum was so tall. i thought he was a lot shorter so it surprised me seeing the group pictures.

the boys look GREAT! i love the uniforms, the suits, everything! OMG, its gonna be such an eye candy watching this drama!

minho is totally loving his character's attitude.

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Guest MiyuKanata09

I really really love the interview.. Thank you thank you soooo much vivir11...

you really made my day..

Hye Sun is cute when she said she don't want to be called noona..and that she wanted to keep her uniform..so cute of her..lol my mom always keep my uniform even i say i don't wanted to..

i like it when it said that Looking up to someone and Loving someone is different that was a very good phrase

Min Ho..he's really perfect for the role.. he's cuteness really showed in his interview.. i think he's the most gorgeus domyouji.. i don't understand why people say he's not good looking..(i think they have to wear eye glasses :D )

Kim Bum.. he sound so mature... i think the way he think will help him to portray his character well..

Kim Joon.. i didn't know that he was the oldest out of F4.. (i thought it was min ho because of his height)

he was kinda funny when he said that he audition but didn't know what for..

Hyung Joong.. lol at his interview.. he always make me laugh.. i like it when they say just act like how you usually act.. lol Hyung Joong is the only one who perfectly fit to the role of Ji Hoo..

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

thats the point.. he isnt supposed to look happy..lol.. thank goodness we got married got cancelled.. he can focus on filming now.~

Off topic but WHAT?

We Got Married got canceled? ... Well I guess since I'm only on Episode 29

Aw, virvir, you're like the bearer of bad news for me.

But you're also the bearer of good news--with all these great translations.


Korea's Version: The Jungpyo guy really looks like what Domoyogi is SUPPOSED to look.

Granted, I am a Hyunjoong supporter,

Jungpyo looks like THE authentic Domoyogi

Japan's Version: Yeah I really thought Matsumoto did Domoyogi's character really well, but it bothered me that his friends look more threatening than he does when Domoyogi's character is supposed be like he's the top dog and stuff. And he's supposed to strike fear in everyone because he's THAT hardcore.

TW's Version: Jerry Yan had that look, although it didn't help that I was biased and I already knew Jerry Yan's true nature (very lovable kind of guy) so it sort of scarred my image of him being Domoyogi.

As for the Rui casting, I think all 3 versions did VERY well.

All the Rui's look so darn delicate... like a pretty flower.

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Guest virvir111

Off topic but WHAT?

We Got Married got canceled? ... Well I guess since I'm only on Episode 29

Aw, virvir, you're like the bearer of bad news for me.

JOONGBO couple was supposed to go on for a longer time, but they will be ending it. because HYunjoong's schedule with we got married and boys over flower filming will get in way, n the company didn't want the image gap of the two shows to get in the way for the viewers, so they will be ending it, with the last episode being JOONGBO couple going off on their last trip to some hiking mountain in korea.

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JOONGBO couple was supposed to go on for a longer time, but they will be ending it. because HYunjoong's schedule with we got married and boys over flower filming will get in way, n the company didn't want the image gap of the two shows to get in the way for the viewers, so they will be ending it, with the last episode being JOONGBO couple going off on their last trip to some hiking mountain in korea.

^ WGM is not cancled, only Joongbo couple leaving so the othe couples will stay. OMO, I went back and read the interview again and still laughed as hard, that Hyungoong is such a LOL person. The more I look at Minho the more I like him :blush:

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The first manhwa i ever read was <BOYS OVER FLOWERS>. When i was asked audition by GROUP8 i wanted to go to the Manhwa borrowing place to read over the manga, but i was so embarrased. I was too embarrased to go to the TrendFantasy manhwa section, so i told the manager to just go to ChunGaeChun ManHwa store and buy the entire series and i'm reading it at home. All the series are scattered all over my house right now because i'm reading them again for the role.

thanks for the translations. they're lovable. and OMG, i just had to comment on HyunJoong's. LOL. i remember he mentioned something that he really enjoys reading manhwa and everywhere he goes, he brings manhwa with him. LOOOL.. so i wouldn't be surprised at all if he had read that 34 volume series.... but I guess he was just embarassed to purchase it by himself since a shoujo manga. LOOL. too adorable to handle.

this makes me get more hyped anticipating this series.

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thats the point.. he isnt supposed to look happy..lol.. thank goodness we got married got cancelled.. he can focus on filming now.~

Just found this thread...thank goodness. The pictures here are beautiful.

Not sure it's that he looks sad...it's that he looks very tired. My poor poor Hyun Joong has dark circles under his eyes. He looks very very tired like he hasn't slept in days. I hope he gets some rest soon.

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Guest ChaeRyeong

I don't like the girl she's ugly.

hah, in case you don't know.

the girl can't be too pretty, even if she is, she have to make herself look ordinaryy

because that's her role ^^

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thats the point.. he isnt supposed to look happy..lol.. thank goodness we got married got cancelled.. he can focus on filming now.~

There's a difference between looking (or acting) somber and looking plain deadbeat exhausted. And no, WGM isn't canceled.

I honestly love the look on Lee Min Ho, I think he can pull it off pretty well. Plus, looking at his expressions on those pictures, I kinda believe he'd do Domyouji justice. Of course we'll have to postpone all judgment on acting until after the drama airs, but so far I'm liking his image of Domyouji.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing Kim Hyun Joo on the show as Tsubaki. To me her image has always been more soft and mellow rather than Tsubaki's strong and decisive (in fact, I think she and Han Chae Young are supposed to play each others' roles). So I can't wait to see her play Tsubaki, who punched Domyouji, and I can't wait to see Han Chae Young, who punched Jae Hee, do the softie Shizuka.

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Guest virvir111





There's a difference between looking (or acting) somber and looking plain deadbeat exhausted. And no, WGM isn't canceled.

to see Han Chae Young, who punched Jae Hee, do the softie Shizuka.

i meant cancelled for their part. JOONBO couple??.. THEIR we got married got cancelled not the show. the show is getting a season 2 soon.

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Guest yurikah

They all look soooo good~

I think Jun Pyo looks really good. I didn't like the curls at first, but the quality of the pictures are giving me a better view. He looks great! So does the rest of F4. And Jandi is cute. Goo Hye Sun is a good actress. People should watch New Nonstop 5? I think if they want to see her in a role that kinda relates to Makino. (I'm not saying that her role in Nonstop is exactly like Makino)

Anyways, can't wait for the drama~

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Guest ljphantom


japanese fansite if any1 knos japanese

Ooh, thanks for the link. But look what I found while lurking in dcinside -- a Korean translation:


Anyone who takes pity on the poor souls who have a severely limited or no knowledge of either Japanese or Korean and translates the Japanese site or the Korean translation into English has my eternal gratitude and appreciation.

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Guest MiyuKanata09

those little pictures of them on that article really give me so much excitement.. ahhh..can't wait....

will it be aired december or january? i hope its december..

every picture trying to kill me.. i really can't wait.. i hope its more than i expected..

liphantom thanks for the korean article..i think vivir11 can translate it since she translate the magazine interview..

vivir11 help us.. i really wanna know what the article all about..Thanks a lot for the updates..

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Guest virvir111





I'D translated it if it had new info.. but it doesnt..lol. so yeah,

there isn't much new info because the cast is all in new caledonia near australia right now.. the only

new news so far is that the cast is having a fanmeeting in december,,n that info was from Boys over Flower japanese fansite.. also TBS channel that aired HYDdrama (japan) bought the korean version for japanese airing.

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