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Guest soutsada7

love YAI as gul-ro...he nailed the character. can't wait to see his next project. I did hear a rumor that she's casted to star in another sageuk...any updates on this? and is he the main character? thanks in advance for updates :)

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Guest coldtucson

Yoo Ah In has been living on his own since 17yo....loneliness plays a big part of his depression (this I assume)....Videos like that would partly help (referring to the video made by his dear fans)...

Psychology is not my strong field, I would say...but,I have every confidence on  Yoo Ah In.  

For his age, I'm mesmerized on his principles.  

He may have depression to some degree but nothing serious, I may say.

He is for me a strong and couragious young man, which you seldom meet at his age now.

His writings might be cynical or would concur depression but....my guess is that ...it's just his means of outlet...so,don't fret friends...cause you got a strong willed actor here...an actor who is blessed with such fans...who'll make sure that Yoo Ah In's happiness is their priority...

As long as he knows and feels that his fans are with him all the way...he'll be fine...He just have to be reminded every now and then....

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* YOO AH IN --- new profile pic on TWITTER ... ( tsk tsk tsk .... eat more )

Haha, that was my reaction too. So skinny!

Rxgoodleaf, Aww, thank you for the translation about the video.

It was so heartwarming to see the fans posting messages to YAI. What a sweet gesture. I love the one who wrote her messages on her hands and the one who PS-ed his face to girl bodies, lol, so creative.

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Guest tinysunbl

1crazynyt Thanks so much for organizing this event for us. Thanks to those who participated too. I didn't see my message in the vid (?) but I think I heard my voice at the end...lol so embarrassing!

So happy that Ah In watched and reponded to his fans' dedication. All the messages are so sweet and I love how the fans' voice are played over Jae Shin's best scenes!

what_life, welcome back from your vacation. Hope you had a good one. I missed you on YT :)

Huek San fans! a fan (Tyler) has shared with me some of her newly made Huek San wallpapers. Enjoy~



I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?

Of course I will. I've always liked him since Antique, but it's true Ah In came to my attention again through Moon Jae Shin. When Jae-shin became love sick at around ~ep. 13, I can't help but watching more Ah in's works to cool down my Jae-shin fever. Then I'm in love with Ah In in all of his movies and dramas. Especially Heuk San and his role in Boys of Tomorrow. What a talented actor! I self-identify myself as Ah In virus carrier since then.

I think everyone needs a healthy dose of cynicism to see the world with critical eyes. I kinda love how Ah In expresses his cynicism so freely without afraid of being called emo. Really hope that he uses that cynicism to his advantage and doesn't indulge too much in them, making himself sad and depressed.

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Guest Asha Summer

Thanks to GULO event MV

For those who joined the event.. Thank you... till next time.

Milkcoffee emailed me about Ah In tweeter msg.

-you promised? 12:47 (video running time) me too (maybe it is his answer about our "I love you")-

That was so sweet of Ah In. He sure knows how to appreciate his supporter. Wooww I'm drowning deeply with this dude.

That was awesome video!Please send our thanks to the organizer for letting us participate. So much talent! And yah! Our Yoo AH IN is sooooooooooooooo cool with his reply! Very chic! Those message our so simple yet very touching...who wouldn't love such a boy(man)!

1crazynyt, I'm drowning with you...I never thought I could be in awe with a someone, specially an K-actor...but I am! with our Yoo Ah In! My first, fangirling! Hahahaha

tinysunbl, Hahaha on the grandma hair and glasses! He surely is different! How old is he in there? 12? So cute!

** edit**

mathed2001, thanks for the link! And so... OUR bad boy is BACK!


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Guest tinysunbl

Anyway, hello every body, I'm Leiarn and I've been following you since I saw YAI for the first time one month ago. Soo, I wanted to thank all of you for the translations, the pictures, the videos and the comments =) It was a real pleasure to follow this topic xD

Welcome, Leiarn. I hope to chat to you more often ^^


I came across this image at F*** Yeh Yoo Ah In today. The hair o.O

Can anyone tell what show/event it was? I wonder what happened to his hair lol

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Guest mathed2001


Ah In appears an on-line magazine (I think) today.  Unfortunately, I can't read Korean...  There are Ah In's new pictures and an article.

For those who can't read Korean, like me, pictures look great!

For those who can read Korean, please help us (when you have time, of course) understand what the article is about.  Thanks!

Here is the link to the pictures and article:


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Guest janjher

omg omg omg !!! HOTTIE 9876543210 times

Sungkyunkwan’s big man on campus: Park Min-young interview

- I’ve talked about this with Ah-in, that everyone: Park Yoochun, Song Joong-ki, Yoo Ah-in,  was so passionate about acting that we spurred each other on. The  teamwork was so good that even when doing reactions for each other’s  shots, we were diligently acting.

- But I have one complaint. All three of them have such baby faces.  Especially Ah-in, when he cuts his hair and shaves his face, he looks  like a total kid

Full Article : http://www.dramabean...oung-interview/

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OMAGAHHHH, HAWTT!! Thanks so much for posting those pictures, guys! Those make me itch to make avatars or banners or something. So damn gorgeous. I love the messy hair. I'm digging the jacket, it looks so warm.

tiny, lol, that was a surprise. And I think he surprisingly looks good with the curly do. From the picture, the show is called Sponge, but I don't know more details. Hair wise, maybe during Antique?

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I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?

Don't worry. I was here when no one knew of him and I'll stay on board for a long time still. You know I can't just leave because he's not popular anymore. That just ain't fair. But I figured with Sungkyunkwan Scandal in his resume, we'll still see him again for a long time. Unless he decided to quit. Oh no... I hope that won't happen. He's too good of an actor.

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Guest jaeshinah

Welcome, Leiarn. I hope to chat to you more often ^^


I came across this image at F*** Yeh Yoo Ah In today. The hair o.O

Can anyone tell what show/event it was? I wonder what happened to his hair lol

ZOMG he is so cute!! I actually adore his hair. He just looks good no matter what <3

The logo in the top right corner says "Sponge" which I guess was an old KBS2 show. Hmm.. sorry I can't be of more help ><

The new 10Asia article from today will be translated =) Ancientkingdom (those of you on YAI Haven might have seen her around--she's a Korean fan) asked if I would split it with her. Rxgoodleaf--if you want to help us out (if you're not busy!) or anyone else really--shoot me a PM. Ancientkingdom copied and pasted *just* the text parts of the article into a Word document and it came out to T-W-E-L-V-E single-spaced pages. OMFG. Why so chatty, Ah In? wub.gif Anyway, I think it will be a really meaty article so look forward to it ^^

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omg....i can't believe he tweeted about the youtube vid!!! that's so amazing....i'm not sure how to describe how i feel right now....beyond ecstatic even after a very hard and depressing exam!!!!

ah in oppa, I hope you have a good rest and start on a drama soon!!! I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not watching him on a monday....

@ 1crazynyt: Thanks again for inviting us to contribute and compile.

I will be away for a week...I mean, I will still check in once or twice but until my exams are over, I should concentrate on studying. This is to emphasize that I will still always be here even after SKKS has ended because I, like I'm sure a lot of you, are going to watch ah in progress in his acting career!

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Guest aycel02

just came back from the SKK thread and there's this article about Yoo Chun, wherein the reporter gathered questions from Sungkyunkwan Scandal's Producer Kim Won Suk, and fellow actors Park Min Young (Yoon Hee), Yoo Ah In (Jae Shin), Seo Hyo Rim (Hyo Eun), and Kim Ha Gyun (School Chancellor). And Ah In's question is this:

- When choosing your next project, what would you do if you like the writing but you don't like the female actress who will play opposite you? Vice versa, if you like the actress, but the drama sucks? (Yoo Ah In)

how very Ah Inish question :D

link: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/339160-drama-2010-sungkyunkwan-scandal-%EC%84%B1%EA%B7%A0%EA%B4%80-%EC%8A%A4%EC%BA%94%EB%93%A4//page__st__6360

also...thanks for sharing the Ah In pics! he's hot as always! blush.gif

and it seems Ah In and PMY are a lot closer than Yoo Chun and Min YOung, how come they didn't get any dating rumors? *kidding* just wondering, maybe because didn't have any kissing scenes together? :ph34r:

Ah In :wub:

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Guest tinysunbl

Hello everyone. I just came by to say hi, then bye. I feel like missing something if I don't post and contribute to the advancement of this thread at least once a day lol.

konayuki-chan, good lucks on your exams!

Thanks for sharing the bits of info aycel02, that question definitely sounds like something Ah In'd ask!

I have some translated tweets. I'll be back and share them tomorrow. Night!



This one is about him in Thailand and his next photo shoot.

You have to watch the vid of him pretending to be a supermodel lol. It's so cute

All the gifs you shared are gold. i'm giggling like a kid right now lol

You can find the 10 Asian photos without the annoying logo here. Fan-arts anyone?

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Yoo Ah-in will be in Esquire next month! OMG I'm so excited! Here's the proof



The lady next to him, and to whom the tweet belongs to, is famed Korean photographer, Jo Seonhee! She has photographed quite a few other Korean stars. One I know is 2PM who she also interviewed in Korean cable channel, O-live.

A bonus. Thanks to Jang Yoonhee whose hompy I found this from. Ah... I suppose she's someone in acquaintance to Mr. Yoo. Not so sure, but whoever she is I'm thankful! So I found where this originally came from! It's from Fashion Director of Esquire magazine, Shim Junghee's twitter (@aliceinstyle). Through this, I have ultimately found myself gaining powers of that like a netizen. Sigh. Mr. Yoo looks ultimately adorable in that pic. It seems like it was taken the same day as his outfit and styling is the same.


Where in the world is this boy? I keep seeing 태국, 태국, 태국 (Thailand, Thailand, Thailand) in his twitter but poor me, I have no idea. Is he in Thailand now? I guess we have to wait. Or may our K-translator help me out here? From the background of his pic, he's definitely not in Korea. Ooh... Mr. Yoo has gone global!

I'm so friggin happy. I keep on re-editing my post to check on the missed grammar because of all the excitement. Gosh. Well, it seems like Yoo Ah-in post Moon Jaeshin will be a busy boy after all.

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Guest Asha Summer

Hello just dropping by to share this GIF's: Our YOO AH IN's Funny Expressions...heheheh



It was soooo fun making GIF's with those face! Hahahha! :wub::wub:

aycel02 hahaha on the Ah Inish question! he's brain so no ordinary!

konayuki-chan , goodluck on your exam! May the pictures of our YAI inspire you! :D

conanblue32 , HOTNESS OVERLOAD! Kyaaaaaaaah! Can't wait to see the whole spread! :wub::wub: the first picture, he soooooooo look like a prince! Soooooo excited! Thanks sharing the good news!

Waves to all new Virus carriers! Nice to see you here!

Promise? 12 minutes and 47 seconds! me too...forever!

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