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Guest tinysunbl

jaeshinah, on Today, 06:29 AM, said:

HAHAHAHA is he wearing a cowl-necked pleather backless halter top turtleneck??? OMFG I THINK HE IS

L M A O <3

Thanks movall unnie for the update. I love that cow-necked halter top actually. The material is very nice, and, come on, who doesn't want to see his topless back here????? The jacket adds an edge to the outfit too. Not bad at all. (It's really nothing compared to Jang Guen Suk's Snape-inspired clothings, for example)

My fav Ah In's blod fashion statement comes from his outfit at the He Who Can't Get Married press conference. Anyone who has a good picture of him at that event? Love everything from top till...knees and ROFL@the blue shoes. Soooo cute!

The link aycel02 gave is the one to the other soompi Yoo Ah In site I'm talking about. Thanks for sharing!

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why did i come to this thread?

i can't get any work done! haha

actually - i came to see if anyone had posted seopseophae's youtube videos, but i see she's here posting them herself! thanks janjher!!! i happened to see one on twitter and was delighted to see that there are so many!

 jaeshinah - i LOVED the cine article you translated -- i saw it on the YAI haven yesterday, as well as the news updates you posted today.

rxgoodleaf - what's this about you retiring??? as others have stated, this would be outrageous :o

thanks to everyone posting great pix, gifs, caps, tidbits. made my day!

sorry i have nothing to contribute, but for my appreciation! :D

edit: i forgot to mention that BACKLESS SHINY HALTER THING --- GOOD GOD! let's hope he never took his jacket off all nite! wooooowwwwwww. does he want to fight with jang geun suk over ladies clothing or something??


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Guest jenjnyjen

OMG WHY AM I HERE AGAIN? hahahahahhahahahahahha! sorry everyone :(

I've always noticed that YAI looks thinner and smaller in events photos. He doesn't look that small in fashion photoshoots and videos (series and films included) though.

Goodies! Subscribe to kbsworld in youtube, there are a lot of subbed videos about SKKS (and of course YAI's there too :D) [star Date] "Sungkyunkwan Scandal"

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Guest jaeshinah

SOURCE: Part I & Part 2


[O2/Cover story] Yoo Ah In: "The Hongbyeokseo who endlessly persists exposing the world's problems; that is youth."

KBS's 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' 'Guh-ro Ache' Syndrome: Yoo Ah In

He scrunches his forehead in a frown and gazes at a far-off point. After a heavy sigh, he opens his mouth.

Yoo Ah In (age 24), the actor with whom we met on the set of KBS's 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' in Gyeonggi-do's Hwaseong, said himself that he talks a lot. The words he spilled in one hour filled 9 pages worth of A4-sized paper [T/N: A4-paper is skinner and longer than US letter-sized paper, and holds slightly more words per page]. And yet nothing was spit out lightly or thoughtlessly. Unlike typical celebrities who reflexively respond to questions with ready-made answers, he must organize his thoughts before opening his mouth. He who said "I became an actor because I had a lot to express" is an actor with many thoughts and many words to say.

> "Hongbyeokseo, who endlessly persists in exposing the world's problems: that is youth."

Q. You seem to have gotten thinner.

YAI: I lost about 5kg. I think I'm still losing weight.

Q. Most of the filming is outdoors in the countryside--I heard you all are suffering because of the cold weather.

YAI: Munkyung [T/N: name of a city] is really cold but it's not deathly cold. If you stick on hot packs it's bearable.

Q. Moon Jaeshin can be described in one word as 'beastly man.' Does this appeal to you?

YAI: I think he's more of a boy than a man. He's not a man who has completely found himself; he's a boy who is undergoing many rapid changes as is typical of his age.

Q. It's become known that after being cast as 'beastly man' Jaeshin, you went tanning and went to an action school.

YAI: (Laughter) The tanning and the action school seem to stand out but it actually wasn't that big of a deal. I just tanned enough to get a big darker and worked out just to enough to tone my body [without making it strangely big]. For viewers, of course, the outward changes are the most obvious which is why I think they have been saying those kinds of things...

His words fade and he is silent for a moment. He flashes his trademark eye-smile. "Why is it that I want to say it's not a big deal?" he says quietly. In actuality, stories about how he had suffered while tanning or gotten hurt while at the action school could, when drawn out, fully fill ten minutes. [but] to him [YAI], this did not appear to be a crutch on which he would lean. The tightly-packed questions I had prepared [suddenly] seemed embarrassing. So instead of a standard interview, I decided to try having a conversation with him.

Q. Are you saying that you made more of an effort [to transform] your inner self than your outer appearance?

YAI: When many people have said that I have transformed or changed through Moon Jaeshin, it's laughable if I say 'Nothing about me has changed,' isn't it? But in truth, there really hasn't been any big changes. It's merely that I have taken out one of the many colors [of myself] that I have. That's why a different color came out [in Jaeshin]. In the future, too, I will always be able to take and out and show different appearances. Rather than 'Look at this, I have transformed well,' I want to have the appeal of 'I have all of these different [sides].' That means that as long as my outer appearance is readied, I can take out and show [a different side of me] at any moment.

Q. You have taken on a variety of different roles in the past--does this mean that all of these [characters] were part of Ah In-ssi's inner self?

YAI: Yes. My acting philosophy is to enlarge what I have [inside of me] through the character. On a fundamental level, I don't think I could [take a role] that isn't already a part of me. In SKKS, I am showing you Um Hong Shik [T/N: YAI's real name] through the shell of Moon Jaeshin .

Yoo Ah In debuted in 2003 in the youthful drama 'Banolim' as Okrim (played by Go Ara)'s boyfriend. He has also appeared in the movies 'Shim's Family,' 'Boys of Tomorrow,' 'Antique Bakery,' and the dramas 'Strongest Chilwoo' and 'Man Who Can't Get Married.'

Q. If that's the case, who is the Ah In-ssi you are showing us through Jaeshin?

YAI: Of course, there's the masculine and rough side. Falling short, sadness. These days, a major connection [i have with Jaeshin] is through the Hongbyeokseo. Jaeshin puts on a black mask every night and shoots arrows with red messages into the doors of the houses of powerful men. As Lee Jungmoo (Seonjoon's father, played by Kim Kap Soo)'s lines say, he is a young man with the foolishness to think he change the world with words. Reading those lines made me realize that Jaeshin is really similar to me. I feel like this was a role I had to do. I'm someone who talks a lot about youth this, youth that, and so I'm thankful that I could take a role that properly shows what youth is.

Hongbyeokseo are writings on red paper that criticize the state of society. It has been pointed out that the red messages only bring up problems without offering alternative solutions. But Yoo Ah In thought differently.

YAI: That's what youth is. If Jaeshin knew what the solutions were, he would be the Prime Minister or the Left Minister. Most people live without any consciousness that there are problems at all. I think the work of pointing out that problems even exist is plenty valuable in its own right. Though it's a dilemma of the young, I still can't help but think that we should still persist in pointing out problems where they exist. If you do that, you will [at least] become closer to the answer.

In Episode 14, Jaeshin says the reason he scatters these red messages is, "If I don't do even this, I won't be able to stand it," and "Because I have to in order to live." For Yoo Ah In, who tweeted, "The 21st century's Um Hong Shik is the 18th century's Hongbyeokseo" [the character of Jaeshin] is one with whose heart he genuinely connects. 

YAI: It's not a logical thought process of revealing society's problems in order to get people to react and solve the problem. It's just that he is so aware of and obsessed with these problems that if he doesn't do at least this, he will be so frustrated he can't live.

Q. Is that what you think of youth?

YAI: I don't think it's as much my personal thoughts so much as the actual face of youth. Though he is caught up in problems everywhere, the solutions don't exist no matter where he looks, which frustrates him.... I think that most youth are like this. I'm actually the kind of person who is closer to the solutions. I have tried for a long time to find [the solutions] and am pretty smart, and on the flip side of my confusion I also tend to be logical.

Q. Have you passed that stage [of not having answers to the problems you expose]?

YAI: i think I have gathered [my thoughts] and transferred it into action, to an extent. In the past, I was like a messy and discorganized room, but now I have found a place for everything and have placed the books in the bookshelf. I think I have steadily transferred my life to the action phase, but my consciousness is sometimes still confused and scattered. Because if you live as if you know the answers, it's no fun and you could fall behind.

He added, "Being confused is a difficult thing, but I would still like to be confused," carefully pronouncing each syllable with strength and precision.

> "Even if they make a SKKS Season 2, I would not participate"

Q. You have had revealing scenes because of the role of Jaeshin.

YAI: Hahaha. Right? When I get the outline [for the next episode], I no longer have any clothes on my top half. This isn't right. That's very much a commercial beastly man [T/N: that is, for sale]. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to appeal [to viewers] with a six-pack; what I don't like is the idea that 'I must take off my clothes because I am beastly-man Moon Jaeshin.' Continuing to do it because it worked once is the lazy way out and it's no fun. I'm already fed up with it. My company has been saying, let's try wearing some clothes now. Hahaha.

Q. There is a huge number of fans who say they have 'Guh-ro Ache.' Do you feel your popularity?

YAI: I make an effort to feel it. I read people's reactions [to my acting] often, and if they like it I feel like flying. In the beginning, I would pay attention to whatever anyone pointed out about my acting. Nowadays, I read good [reactions] more often and listen more closely to people who cheer me on. I am usually the kind of person who [cynically] thinks 'How long can popularity last, anyway' but when I thought about it more, I wondered if I really had to be that way. Now if people applaud me, I am be happy and enjoy it, and if [my popularity falls], I can comfortably think, 'Well, it's over.'

After participating in 'Banolim' he was so popular he fan cafe members numbered 150,000, but afterward Yoo Ah In gave an interview and said, 'Popularity disappeared and only the constraints [of popularity] remained.' I was curious as to whether he could fully enjoy his current popularity.

YAI: If people like me, I like it;' if [my popularity] ends, it ends. Either way, I am still here, in the same exact place. Some days make me happy and excited, and then other days it subsides and even if I leave, it's a place to which I can comfortably say 'goodbye'... it's the same for not only popularity or work, but also love. I think that's just my disposition. Of course, if there are good things, positive things, it would be good if I made an effort to keep them, but if it doesn't work out then I try to just be comfortable with [what happens].

Q. I feel like you have a lot of affection for Jaeshin. When the drama ends, don't you think you'll suffer from withdrawal?

YAI: You're right. It is like that. (Silence) Because I am pouring myself out through Jaeshin and letting things go, I think I will feel relieved/unburdened [once the role is over]. I also think that my fans see Yoo Ah In through Jaeshin and can look at [the real] me a bit more comfortably. Even when the drama finishes, Jaeshin's color will show strongly in how I live my life. Until I meet a new character who pulls a different side of me to the surface, that's how I will have to live.

Q. As the drama approaches its middle part, fans are asking for a second season. It doesn't seem impossible, as the original novel 'Lives of Sungkyunkwan Scholars' has a sequel titled 'Lives of Kyujanggak Government Officials.' If a second season is produced, would you consider participating?

Before his answer came a groan. After thinking for a long time he replied.

YAI: If it  took place in about 2 years, I would very seriously consider it then.

Reporter: If you had to decide now?

YAI: (Silence) I don't want to do it.

His expression has darkened. I asked him why, and he began thinking again.

YAI: Because how I think of SKKS right now, Jaeshin's finish line is already decided. [What happens] after that point is a whole new question.

Reporter: Do you think you will be able to say everything you want to as Jaeshin?

YAI: No. 

Reporter: Then won't you feel regretful?

"I don't think I have to borrow only Jaeshin's mouth. I will speak through other characters, writings, or other ways," said he before adopting a blank expression. After another silence, he said quietly and as if to himself, "But still it's regretful."

YAI: While it's happening, you don't really know how thankful you are. Will I have [another] opportunity to speak this much again. I am telling my own story through Moon Jaeshin's voice, but I think about whether I will have the opportunity to have this kind of voice again.


[O2/Cover story] Yoo Ah In "I trust that the non-mainstream can become the mainstream"

> "I trust that the non-mainstream can become the mainstream"

Q. After you finish this drama, are you planning to rest? Or are you going to go straight into your next project?

YAI: I'm currently thinking about it. This is the time when I should be working a lot, but when I don't have time to myself I feel like I will die. I feel like I will disappear. So (during filming in the countryside) even when there is a little bit of time, I come back to my house in Seoul. I am desperate for time to be myself in my house, in my space. So I'm very seriously thinking about whether I should go straight into another project, or if I should go back to my space and take some time for myself.

Q. Ah In-ssi, on the one hand you seem to be the kind of person who is well-matched to be an actor, but on the other hand I wonder how you will make a living as an actor.

He explained that he would answer with "slight bragging and the assumption of some narcissism" as he flashed an eye-smile.

YAI: Someone on Twitter wrote 'Yoo Ah In-ssi's non-mainstream feel is really wonderful but when 'SKKS' is over I'm afraid that feeling will disappear.' Hmm.. what's mainstream and what's non-mainstream isn't absolute. If the general public is mainstream, and what's not the general public is non-mainstream, then I think the non-mainstream can change into the mainstream [over time]. I work with the belief that I have the strength to make that happen. If that wasn't the case, I would really have to stop acting. No matter how much non-mainstream mania I might attract, the yardstick for celebrity success is how many people turn their attention to me. I'm not saying that I want to throw away my non-mainstream inclinations to transfer to the mainstream [for that], but rather that if I show more people what I have within me, that can become the path to the mainstream. I'm trying to become a bit better in navigating this area.

Q. Are those the reasons you picked 'SKKS'?

YAI: Yes. SKKS has all the entertaining elements of a product for the general public. It's called a romantic comedy, right? Of course, if you look deeper SKKS is not a simple romantic comedy; within it, the non-mainstream outsider Jaeshin has a particular uniqueness. I figured, ah, there is something here that I might be able to show.

As he spoke more and more, I became curious about the person named Um Hong Shik. He did not seem like the kind of person who would want to be dragged into the bright lights and become a celebrity.

Q. With what thoughts did you become an actor?

YAI: Ah, I can become a celebrity. These kinds of thoughts?

Q. I feel like you wouldn't have started so lightly/thoughtlessly.

YAI: I entered an arts high school and considered going for auditions in 11th grade. I thought it would be good to be a celebrity. That was it. Hahaha.

Q. Why did you want to become a celebrity?

YAI: I guess I had a lot to say, even back then. Hahaha. I think my urge to express myself is very large. I have a lot to show. Our generation is like that and I think I match our generation well. 

Q. Do you think you're doing a good job expressing [yourself]?

YAI: Personally, I'm satisfied. To begin with, whatever the public sees is an edited version of myself, so I, too, should edit myself well. So that the things I want to show are not misunderstood, or even if they are misunderstood, that they can be corrected; so that confusing parts can be clarified; so that preconceptions can be turned around. I think I've done this while editing myself well so far. I would be happy if I could continue that in the future. And on the point of the person I want to show [to others], I would like it if [i could be] always confident, unembarrassed, and not countrified/unsophisticated. I would like it if I could use the person I am effectively.

> I would like the ending of 'SKKS' to be a frustrating one

Q: You once said, 'I have never played a character I didn't like. If I didn't like it, I changed it.' Did you change parts of Jaeshin as well?

YAI: Many parts. Jaeshin was really cliché. His masculinity was just that of a beastly man. As [sKKS is] a romantic comedy, he had many lines that made you cringe. I talked to them about it before filming started, and even now I am constantly talking to them about it. I tried to remove a lot of the grease. It's not enough to say I'm 100% satisfied, but I figure I am showing a bit of a different kind of beastly man. 

Q. A different kind of beastly man?

YAI: The typical beastly man is someone with a lot of muscles, but the beastly man I think of is someone who is free, someone without a typical mold. Not a beast locked up in a cage, but a razor sharp mountain beast--that's the beastly man I wanted to show.

Amongst his fans, Yoo Ah In is a poet, an author. He consistently uploads his writings onto his mini-hompy and Twitter. I asked how 'writer' Yoo Ah In wants SKKS to end.

He groaned and laughed in succession with an "Aigo..." and "Hahaha" before offering an ending that was simultaneously both Yoo Ah In-like and Moon Jaeshin-like. 

YAI: Well, on the romance side Seonjoon-ee and Yoonhee are going to get together. 'SKKS' shows [the 4 of us] growing up and maturing. I would like it if it had a frustrating ending. I would like it if teenagers and people in their 20s saw it and felt suffocated and heavy along with us. So that rather than showing a bright tomorrow, they can feel the futility of 'We have no strength at all.' So they can feel greater anger and feel more deeply that they don't know what can or should be done. I would like that.

Q. If that's the case, what kind of person do you think Jaeshin would be at 40?

YAI: I would like it if he made it to Lee Jungmoo (Left Minister)'s position. Though he was being shot with the Hongbyeokseo's arrows back then, I think one could live as a better version of Lee Jungmoo today.

I had actually thought he would reply that Moon Jaeshin in his 40s would be similar to Jung Yak Yong (played by Ahn Nae Sang), a professor at Sungkyunkwan who orders his students to be awake [to the world around them]. I was surprised to hear he thought he would take a political position like the Left Minister.

YAI: Jaeshin is educating himself about politics beyond the lives of Sungkyunkwan scholars, so he should make it to Lee Jungmoo's position. Of course, [it should be] in Jaeshin's own way; in the way only Jaeshin can. Actor Yoo Ah In is the same. If I am still acting at age 40, I think I have to become the best. What I think of as the best is making [myself] not 'like so-and-so' but rather 'like myself.'

Yoo Ah In has said that his 24-year-old self is close to whom he had hoped to be at this age when he was a teenager. Upon asking him what kind of person he wanted to be when he reached his 20s, he gave the ambiguous reply, "Rather than this hyung, wouldn't it be nice to have that hyung--I think I have become that hyung." And to the question of who he wants 40-year-old Yoo Ah In to be, he said, "An adult that I would have needed in my 20s; I want to become that kind of adult." Again, ambiguous.

"I always have dreams and things I wish would happen, but in this reality, those kinds of things vanish completely and [we] become different people. A person I needed in my 20s, a person I would wish had been by my side; that's the person I want to become. I suppose I am [even now] also becoming an adult, but I would like it if I could become a better person than today's adults."

October 21, 2010. O2 webzine/Dong-a Ilbo.

Written by Kim Ah Yeon (aykim@donga.com)

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I have to share this funny gifs from DC....read here that he was thinking whether to shave off his beard and I hope he will keep it for a while....he looks so manly and and older with it and without he looks so young and babyface




Jae Shin is the best second lead ever and Ah In stole the show with his awesome acting and portrayal....somehow I don't feel bad for him for not getting the girl as he will always have Yong Ha and he will find his one true love...how about a spin off series with Jae Shin as the lead :D

jaeshinah....thanks for the translation

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Guest valmylove

View Posttinysunbl, on Today, 03:11 AM, said:

The goodies are as good as expresso for me. There are THAT much news about him now?

For pretty pics of Moon Jae-shin, this site is a MUST-SEE.

Another place to get pics is to visit the Yoo Ah In pics thread@soompi :) You'll be surprised. We have such a thread!

wow...thanks for the HQ .... love love love them!!

gosh the articles....will save them to read later!!! thanks.

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Guest aycel02

regarding the cowl-necked halter top, i was thinking, at least he still dresses better than jang geun seuk (don't hate me i also like JGS but not as much as YAI) :ph34r: and he still looked smokin' hot blush.gif

i agree with jb that if ah in portrayed jgs's part in HGD it would've been much better tongue2.gif

1crazynyt thanks for the BTS pics :)

jaeshinah thanks for the articles :)

you guys are the best!

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Guest SweetSerein

yayyy im soooo glad theres a forum for him..he totally deserve to be loved cause ahhhhh Geolo just melts me away. ~I never knew Yoo Ah In until Sungkyunkwan Scandal but I'll definitely watch all of his other movies/dramas. <3

btw thanks for translating the interview...WOWWW, Yoo Ah In is a very deep thinker and he sounds really educated. His way of thinking is totally different from typical Idols or actors/actress. He's only 24 but he sound so mature..and he is MATURE~ No wonder he always tweet weird yet "poetic" stuff on twitter. He's very different..and he definitely wants to be different from the rest. <3 i like that...he's pretty awesome.

"YAI: If people like me, I like it;' if [my popularity] ends, it ends. Either way, I am still here, in the same exact place. Some days make me happy and excited, and then other days it subsides and even if I leave, it's a place to which I can comfortably say 'goodbye'... it's the same for not only popularity or work, but also love. I think that's just my disposition. Of course, if there are good things, positive things, it would be good if I made an effort to keep them, but if it doesn't work out then I try to just be comfortable with [what happens]."

btw i really like how he answered this question...Popularity will end someday & im glad he sees that...Jay thinks the same too...thats why i like him because he's different, positive and a really good role model. ^-^ First i was a fan of Georo but now im also a fan of In Yoo Ah. =)

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Guest yunhobemine

I just couldn't stop laughing because of that GIF. XD Yoo Ah In, Y u so adorable??!!

I so love his character in SKKS ♥ And his hiccups will sorely be missed ^^

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Guest tinysunbl

edit: i forgot to mention that BACKLESS SHINY HALTER THING --- GOOD GOD! let's hope he never took his jacket off all nite! wooooowwwwwww. does he want to fight with jang geun suk over ladies clothing or something??

Awww am I the only one who liked his Backless Halter Top here????? I wonder if he wore that for the second (third) round of the party! Smexy boy needs to take off the jacket and show some skin.

Thanks for all the goodies and translations! (thanks, jaeshinah, for your lovely good luck)

KIn Cho, the owner of the Naver blog-DC Galler- and the one who helped translate the tweets said she was amazed by how fast we got our hands on Ah In's info. just as fast as folks at DCInside. You're all amazing.

@janjher, if you have any low quality/non-fullscreen vids related to Ah In or SKKS, just send them to me and I'll edit to enhance the quality.

OMO! Am I topping the page again? This thread is moving so fast. Last night I stopped by it was hot topic again.

I have been planning to share this vid made by swoddss, but always forgot. It totally cracked me up:

Yongha and Guelro Last Christmas Bromance


Since Rxgoodleaf unnie mentioned Levlife, I think I have collected quite a few photos of him modeling for the fashion line. Will post them up over the weekend :)

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Guest currysushi33

im going start reading this thread from the beginning.....ill be back to comment after im done....love the wordpress blog ...is that wat its called?

seriously an awesome idea

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Nooooooo!! Please stay! This thread would be much much less than what it is without you!! Also, as a more selfish reason, I need you... ^___^ I have been on threads/forums before where there is so much pressure to translate everything quickly because there aren't enough translators around and the joy of translating totally disappears. I don't want to feel that way in this thread either >__< You have done an amazing job of maintaining news about our lovely YAI for so long and now you have other people (like me!) to help you out, but that doesn't mean you should go anywhere tears.gif

I was "half" joking when I said "retire"... but after reading your post, I have changed my mind... ;)

Because I know EXACTLY how you feel... about being under pressure... I have translated several YSMM episodes (especially Bi/Rain episodes) and boy the pressure!!! And, some people were soooo impatient, actually sent me nasty PMs!

I will keep updating the thread as much as I can... Although I do think your translations are way better than mine! LOL


Some pics from 11/4/2010...





배우 유아인이 4일 오후 청담동 카이스 갤러리에서 열린 콜롬보와 오르비스 인터패션이 준비한 ‘인콘트로 트라 루쏘 에 아르테’ 전시회에 참석해 포즈를 취하고 있다.

콜롬보와 오르비스 인터패션이 7년간에 걸쳐 준비해 온 'INCONTRO TRA LUSSO E ARTE'(인콘트로 트라 루쏘 에 아르테) 전시회 오프닝 파티가 11월 4일 오후 6시 30분 서울 강남구 청담동 카이스 갤러리에서 열렸다.

이날 오프닝 기념 파티에는 김희애, 장미희, 최지우, 이연희, 김정은, 황신혜, 윤은혜, 박시연, 이요원, 윤정희, 최명길, 서인영, 남상미,홍수아, 이정현, 권상우, 유아인, 김남진, 유노윤호, 이용우, 이상우 등 유명 연예인들이 함께해 자리를 빛냈다.

On 11/4/2010, Yoo Ah In attended the opening show of 'Incontro Tra Lusso E Arte' which was held in Cais Gallery in Chun Nam Dong (name of city).

Other attendees included (to name few I recognize) Choi Ji Woo, Yoon Eun Hae, Lee Yo Won, Suh In Young, Nam Sang Mi, Kwon Sang Woo, Yoonoyoonho etc...

Ah In rubbing shoulders with the "in crowd"!

As to some people being surprised about Ah In's "halter top"???

I was not... not at all... didn't I mention that Ah In founded the fashion apparel site "Levlife"???

Although I am not sure if he is still involved with Levlife...


He used to model some of the clothes before... he has very adventurous fashion sense... That's my Ah In!!!

Edit: 17 people reading the thread right now... WOW!

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Guest Asha Summer

jaeshinah , thank you for the articles! Like I’ve always said our Yoo Ah in is not your typical/ordinary actor…

sara2908 , the GIF’s are sooooooo funny! Hahahaha! Thanks for sharing! He is sooo adorable

1crazynyt, Migz, the picture of him in brown is that latest?(Nevermind, resident angel and our thread keeper have posted it was) he seem so thin! I wish he’s having a good rest now…worried worried!

yunhobemine, yes, his hiccups will sorely be missed and the MJS character overall! But, I’m sure our YAI will have lots of other characters to portray (that we can fall in love over and over again!)

Rxgoodleaf , glad to see the purple post once again! :wub::wub:

And lastly, HAHAHAHA the cowl-necked pleather backless halter top turtleneck??? He looks so chic! ROFL, *die of laughing*, omg netizens are so scary indeed!

Hello to all new Virus Infected fellow! Fingting!


Another place to get pics is to visit this site, I don't know what they are talking about (I think its Vietnamese) but lots of good quality pics and artwork in there. :)

***EDIT 2***


Just wanna share this before I disappear again over the weekendsbannerBlackWhitecopy.jpg

Have a nice weekends everyone! :wub:

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Guest janjher

Old Clips/ Vids ... (^_^)



ARIRANG with Eng sub =)


First Fan Meeting Aug 2004


Thank You ... Thank You @jaeshinah , @1crazynyt ,

@Rxgoodleaf and @tinysunbl

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Awww am I the only one who liked his Backless Halter Top here?????

LOL, quite possibly. However I fangirl the boy, backless halter should really be reserved for the ladies :lol: :lol:

And OMFG, I'm watching the video right now, totally hilarious. Damn, I wish this year Santa gets plastic surgery and comes looking like YAI or SJK!

Sara, OMG, those gifs are TOTAL WIN!!! *right click save*

Janjher, thanks a lot for those videos! Especially #11, I loved YAI a lot in his movie Shim's Family, and I thot that was the most hilarious role I've seen him play.

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yay for more people! So awesome, now the thread is moving so quickly. Ah, the power of Gulruh-arhi.

Aaaaaaannnndddd thanks a million to jaeshinah! I feel like crying reading a translated interviews of him. I bet it was a load of trouble for you. But thank you! I'll send you cyber kisses :*

I too agree with Rxgoodleaf about his fashion choices. I've been lingering in this thread long enough to acknowledge his rather questionable fashion choices. I remember the non-traditional tux he wore to PIFF 2009. It was awesome! And he looked different than all the others. It's not as weird as the leather halter top or anything but it looked unique and nice. While talking about the leather halter top, I wonder if he has anything else under that. Wouldn't it be cold?

Yay for the new buddies at Yoo Ah-in thread! Yay yay yay!

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Guest Shiroiyuki

As to some people being surprised about Ah In's "halter top"???

I was not... not at all... didn't I mention that Ah In founded the fashion apparel site "Levlife"???

Although I am not sure if he is still involved with Levlife...


He used to model some of the clothes before... he has very adventurous fashion sense... That's my Ah In!!!

Edit: 17 people reading the thread right now... WOW!

^I checked the site....and most of the dress are for GIRLS..

and I used to think of buying a halter top before YAI wore it..


It's time I contribute to this thread!!!


^starts at 1:34

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