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Whew, lots of discussion going on.

Personally, it disturbs me when I see variety shows where Celebrities are on public places (like Guerilla date show), cos people seem to have no qualm abouts slapping their camera phone is the celebs' face. I remember there was a stalking video of Lee Seunggi paying attention in class. I just feel like that's totally crossing the line. I guess it's not a very big deal in Korea, but it sucks being celebrities there, with so little privacy. But then again, I'm being a hypocrite cos if I were to see YAI on the street, I would probably snap a picture of him myself.

I haven't had the chance to read the entire 10asia article, but thank you so much for translating it!

Oh, and YAI just tweeted, seems like he's back in Korea and using his phone!

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Guest jaeshinah


pooh4ever, those banners bring tears to my eyes!!! truly beautiful, BEAUTIFUL job. the first one is especially so appropriate for the coming winter for those of us in the northern hemisphere ^___^ who wouldn't want a scarf-ed up yoo ah in to cuddle with in these chilly months... wub.gif

thank you for making those!!! 


Totally watching SKKS Episode 14 on QTV right now!!!!! Jaeshin just woke up after being injured and smiled to himself after Yoonhee looked at him when he was pretending to be asleep. 

BE STILL MY HEART tears.gif wub.gif tears.gif

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Guest tinysunbl

Personally, it disturbs me when I see variety shows where Celebrities are on public places (like Guerilla date show), cos people seem to have no qualm abouts slapping their camera phone is the celebs' face. I remember there was a stalking video of Lee Seunggi paying attention in class. I just feel like that's totally crossing the line. I guess it's not a very big deal in Korea, but it sucks being celebrities there, with so little privacy. But then again, I'm being a hypocrite cos if I were to see YAI on the street, I would probably snap a picture of him myself.

It sucks to be a celebrity anywhere, cuz I remember watching a vid of paparazzi flashing camera at keanu reeves like crazy when he came out of a bar. The reporter annoyed him so much that Reeves had to pull the middle figure and swear. Yet the video title is framed in such a way that made Reeves rude and aggressive!

But I have to admit it's a tough call. Like deeta said, if I see Ah In totally wasted on the street of Korea someday, not only taking pic but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do^^

Pooh4ever, your banners are amazing. Let's hope they'll be in service over at dramabeans soon, so I can see my hubby Ain's face graces my fav site everyday!

Jaeshinah, ep. 14 is the Jae-shin episode in my opinion. Ah In steals every single scenes he's in. I especally love the gentle and brief smile on Jae-shin face when he wakes up and sees Yoon-hee. What a priceless expression that speaks everything in his mind. Ah In just hits the right emotional note, not too much, not too little. That's definitely my fav scene (And the Ginkgo tree scene too. So beautifully done!)

"Leg-wide-open man" LOL I'm sure everybody means well by that nickname, cuz it'd be too perverted if they don't lol. His fans' reaction about his pelvis is way too cute. Reading about it just totally makes my day :)

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Guest aycel02

thank you jaeshinah and janjher for the article.

Ah In is such a great thinker!

i don't have a snap shot of the smile he was talking about in the interview, but if my memory serves, i think he absolutely nailed it!

thank you Asha Summer, Aylam and Pooh4ever for the art works! you guys are awesome!

i hope Ah In's next role is a romantic one, i still hasn't seen him get the girl, so i hope he gets a leading one soon, but even if not, just seeing him will be enough for me.

Ah In :wub:

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Guest chloefargo


No need to be worried. Celebrity twitter posts make news every day in Korea. They're just reporting on the picture and the reactions of fans, not judging him for lying down or anything like that.

Some fan reactions as reported by the news: "That position isn't good for your pelvis" (lol! Anyway it doesn't come off this way in English, but this fan was worrying about his health); "you are a true fashionista" (again, this comes off as sarcastic in English but it's not in Korean); "is this the current trend in thailand?" etc.


Jaeshinah:  Thank you (sigh of relief)!     

BTW the 10Asia interview translation is fantastic.  Thanks for making it available.  I'm intrigued by his intelligence.  He is my guilty pleasure and haven...

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Guest icedevil0289

jaeshinah I freaking love you, you have no idea. thanks for sharing and translating. that was an amazing interview, and I don't even know what part was my favorite. I really like the part where he talks about how he dislikes when someone picks up a piece of work and is like I don't understand it, explain it to me and he wants people to come up with their own interpretations. my god this man is just wonderful.

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Guest aycel02

^ Ah In can really carry his "stache",

i don't really go for guys with mustache (i always think that they look like a bad guy dunno why? :ph34r:) but Ah In is an exception XD.

Ah In :wub:

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Guest tinysunbl

i think Ah In looks very sexy with the stache then without it. :)

->With stache->sexiest man ever

->Without stache->cutest boy alive

Our Ah In is a complete package, isn't he?

Thanks sooooo much janjher for the cuts. I'll start recapping that series with keritingirl very soon. So watch out for our updates!

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Guest aycel02

^ you said it!!!

you're recapping the series?! *jumps for joy*

thank you thank you thank you

did i say how awesome you guys are?!!! i feel so useless, i hang around here all day with nothing to contribute... :tears:

Ah In :wub:

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Guest aoikarin

Yeaaayyy!! I'm so happy that tinysubl and keritingirl will recapping He who can't marry!!! I tried to find the drama but i couldn't find one. At least I can read the recapped. Janjher gave the link but too bad i got a connection problem. couldn't dl it now.. :tears: Anyways thank you so much guys.. you are all awesome!!

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I have a copy of He Who Can't Marry with eng subs. I can upload it if anyone wants to watch it.

First time writing in this thread, hello everyone!

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Yoo Ah In news today, November 15, 2010...


최근 태국 공항에서 찍힌 것으로 보이는 사진에서 유아인은 뜨거운 태국 날씨와 추운 한국 날씨를 모두 커버하기 위해서인 듯, 하의는 여름 상의는 겨울 패션으로 코디 했다.

Appears to be taken recently at Thailand airport, Yoo Ah In is trying to cover both hot weather in Thailand and cold weather in Korea and wearing Summer clothes lower half and Winter clothes upper half.

Not flattering on everyone but I think Ah In can "carry it off"... ;)

Was planning on going to Chang Deok Gung Palace and Secret Garden Saturday but the tour was all sold out!

Ended up at a small park next to the palace, Hyun Dae Building park...

The trees were on fire, red and yellow!

This one is preview of the Secret Garden, I hope... made reservations for Tuesday...


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Guest Asha Summer

hello! hello! just dropping by..busy, busy week! I heard someone asking for Brokeback Mountain :lol: : Well here, enjoy



LOL on YAI new nickname! :wub:

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