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When You're Doing Your Homework...

Guest May_I?

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Usually now, I would just close all windows but ms word, but that doesn't help because when I'm stuck and I decide to take a break, I end up taking more than a half-hour break... vicx.gif then i listen to music when i get back from my break. crazy.gif

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Guest shiri_river

i tried listening to music when doing my homework...but i really can't concentrate much :(

long time ago, i used to do my homework while watching tv...and it worked, though right now i'm not so sure...

so...i think i shouldn't do anything else while doing my homework? :D

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Depends on what kind of homework. If it's a lot of reading, I won't listen to music, because it interferes with how well I remember the material. But if it's writing a paper, I'll listen to music...upbeat music, because it motivates and helps me keep a rhythm, haha. I never watch TV when I'm doing homework, though, it would take me forever to finish the homework because I'd be distracted the whole time. And I would probably not remember anything I read.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest vixen___xoxo-


although i can't guarantee what the quality of my work will be like when i do that LOL

mostly i just turn the music up loud so my mind can go at ease, its just the way it works for me xD

but then i get distracted really easily roflmao

so yeah,, btw im a great last minuter LOL

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I would listen to music while doing HW if it was some easy, simple assignments. But if it's something that I have to learn by heart then music would distract me all the way _ _"

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Guest shinhbang

I'm either Facebooking while doing homework, or munching while doing homework. The munching part is okay because a college student has to eat! I barely have any time for myself anymore. I mean there are days when I even skip dinner to finish off homework! The Facebook part is extremely bad though.

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Guest Eun_neptune_Him

I get distracted by music playing the the background easily. Studying is easier that way for me to remember. But when writing and drawing i listen to music and occasionally check my e-mails. Facebook is too distracting for me haha.

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-doing homework/revision-

Hmm, I should check something real quick

-1 hour later-

Oh crap *goes back to hw*

Oh wait, I need to listen to this song.. JUST ONCE!

-puts song on repeat for 3 hours-

Great, I'm doomed.

Story of my life.

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I do my homework on both ways, sometimes while watching or listening to something and sometimes just doing it #likeaboss lol. I can pretty much multi-task - I'm kinda used to doing it.

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  • 2 months later...

I get easily distracted so, if I can't focus I munch on snacks or make small talk to my roommates, if I am focused I do my hw straight for hours without doing anything else because I know once my focus is broken there's no going back. XD And, the more I do hw the more motivated to do hw I become...the less I do it the more I don't wanna do hw. Same with studying. XD Hw and music never goes well together for me...classical music is ok sometimes...but songs...NOPE...I end up humming or wanting to sing along. XD

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