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When You're Doing Your Homework...

Guest May_I?

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Guest mellowmellow

Sometimes, I'll listen to songs that I don't know the lyrics so I won't get mixed :P

For me, I'll just turn the TV on and leave it there. I can't concentrate if there's no sound :lol:

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Guest rezjjoo

When i'm doing homework, example math, I do the first three exercises, then somehow i find myself at the computer... on facebook??? ehh... no wonder why i'm always late with assignment xD

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Guest Supernike911

*while doing math homework* ooooooohhhhhh, facebook... *wanders over to computer and commences into a 5 hour internet surf* LOL xD

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Guest LiSAiSViPx3

When I'm doing homework , I have to be eating a snack , I understand why I'm getting fat . LOL

Unlike some people , music just distracts me , so I don't listen to it while doing homework .

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Guest suebaee

i dunno why but i do homework better when i'm watching tv rather than listening to music or in silence. weird huh?

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Guest GoldFork

I think I basically just open up Itunes and loop all my songs on my favorite playlist XD. Im fairly good with homework though :)

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Guest kisschu

I listen to music when doing homework and studying. It gets me really distracted though >.<

And sometimes I go on my computer because studying and doing hw just boreds me to death.

I eat almost all the time when doing hw haha.

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Guest awesooome

Haha, I'm in the middle of doing my homework too. I have my iTunes on. :P And after a few problems or each assignment, I give myself a treat, by watching 10 minutes of a drama, or going on soompi. Haha :P

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Guest velvetsky

hrms it depends, sometimes I listen to instrumental music and put them on low. And if I feel like its distracting me then I turn that off

and I don't really like eating while doing my homework cause I think its just a distraction.

So yea, I usually just do my homework with no technology or any food beside me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest _FOBchink

I do homework while listening to music and watching TV.

Maybe even on Facebook or Soompi.

Don't know why, but I work better that way. XD

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Guest Sally901010

I usually listen to music while doing homework. At first, my mother told me to turn off but i didn't, so she lets me doing that. If there is no sounds, i can feel asleep when doing homework.

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Guest xryuuseix

When I do my homework, it has to be in complete silence! LOL I get so distracted easily--I never bring my laptop to the library. Ever.

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Guest winterofdiscontent

My psych tutor said that the most effective way to study is for your study conditions to be as close as possible to exam conditions. So, you should study/do homework sitting upright in a hard, uncomfortable seat at a desk covered in graffiti, in a room so cold that your face goes numb, and with supervisors walking past, looking over your shoulder every 10 minutes. As an extra measure, make sure your phone rings loudly at least once (but don't answer it).

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Back then, I used to do my homeworks while surfing the internet. While waiting for the page to load, i'll do my homeworks. But, I realized I play more than I study xD So, as for now, I'll make sure I put the laptop far from my sight and do my homeworks while listening to my mp3. and I can't do homeworks without noise, I mean..music. Otherwise, I'll ended up sleeping on the books.

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Guest zuzu21

When I study,I want it to be quiet so I can concentrate but on homeworks,music is always playing ^_^

Keeps the level of boringness down hehe

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