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Chae Rim 채림


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Guest fashionista


in ep 20, this is what DJ had to endure:

1. she saw TB and his ex at Handa Shopping. she was surprise cuz he never told her he was working for his ex. when she ask him what he was doing there, he told her, "I'll tell you later". (okay. so TB kept this from DJ cuz he didn't want her to get the wrong idea. the problem is, for someone as intelligent as TB, one would figure he'd know better than that. leaving something like this out is the equivalent of lying. he should know that once she finds out for herself, it's going to make matters worse....it's going to make him look guilty...as if he had something to hide -- which we, the viewers know isn't the case, but dal ja doesn't. there's something call lying by omission. has he not heard of that??? at one point, he'd said he's always honest with her. i guess that changed with this.)

2. her mom pressured her to talk to TB about marriage. her grandma chimed in with the same thing.

3. TB's mom called her...reminded her not to bring up the marriage thing cuz TB should focus on work right now.

4. at the office, TB's ex rested her head on his shoulder. TB told his ex that they're working...and should go back to work. she insisted on taking a break and told him to let her rest her head on his shoulder for 5 minutes. he didn't seem too fond of it but did nothing more about it. when TB still didn't come home that nite, DJ decided to go to his office. there, she saw his ex resting her head on his shoulder. she gasp and decided to leave.

5. TB's mom called DJ to join the family for dinner, failing to tell DJ that the ex was also coming. TB's mom seated Dj next to her and told TB to sit next to Su Jin (his ex). at the dinner table, the ex and mom kept talking and laughing about the relationship between Su Jin/TB. SJ was taunting DJ with every chance she gets. DJ kept quiet and continue to eat. TB just look at her from across the table and again....did nothing.

6. outside, TB's ex Su Jin brought out a cup of tea/coffee for DJ. she told DJ that DJ shouldn't feel so uncomfortable cuz everyone was treating her so well. she mentioned how happy TB's mom was when she saw her again at the office. She told DJ that she was worry TB might feel obligated to marry someone (referring to DJ) he doesn't love. TB came out of the house and ask DJ why she was outside whe it's so cold. The ex went back inside and DJ told TB she didn't feel well and wanted to go home. TB wanted to accompany her but she told him it wasn't necessary. she told him he needed to let his parents know that she left. back inside, TB's mom pretty much told TB he can marry DJ. he was ecstatic. he gave his car keys to the ex and told her to drive herself home.

7. DJ went to her mom, looking for a place to rest. her mom told her she'd talked to TB earlier about the marriage issue. DJ ran out of the house, recalling what the ex, Su Jin had told her about TB marrying someone he doesn't love out of obligation.

All of these led to DJ breaking down.

Conversation at the end of ep 20:

DJ had left TB's parents' place, excusing herself by telling TB she was suffering from indigestion.

When they met again that nite outside Handa Shopping:

TB: How's your digestive problem? Are you okay?

DJ: ...

TB: Are you still sad because of me?

DJ: ...

TB: Actually, I have something I need to tell you.

DJ: ...

TB: uh, I really don't know how to say this...

DJ: ...

TB: listen to me, Dal Ja


DJ: ...I'm...really tire

TB: ...what?

DJ: I'm...really tire...Tae Bong

TB: ...

DJ: We...should break up

TB: ...

DJ: We...should just break up..



source: dc

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when i watched the last scene on ep 20, i am speechless, feels uneasy cuz of the situation between DJ & TB.

i am sort of partial agreed w/ all the analysis and critizism among those posts or discussion. i understand we all have different POV based on our experience of relationship.

it is sad to see this drama end in a week, look forward to seeing CR in her next project.

really love everyone's comment and contribution in this thread, i learned a lot from all of you here and special thanks to those links, caps, summaries and subbing team, your time and effort is truly appreciated. :rolleyes:

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Guest cutiepie

ahhhh, nat..why did you post spoilers here, so tempted to read the rest of the spoilers now, so sad seeing dal ja crying :(..tempted to watch the episode now

btw thanks for making the caps, at first i thought it was the wedding for next week's eps, haha which wasn't the case

ep20 chinese subbed


noticed that tianshi released 4 sisters chinese subbed



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i see wedding caps one minute :w00t: then the breaking up caps next :(

what an emotional roller coaster ride this show has been...

am so so tempted to watch epi 18 onwards...BUT I'M NOT GOING TO!

not until i know its a happy ending.... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest fashionista

ovette, here's the HQ panel u wanted. i now have all 21 HQ panels. let me know if u r missing any other ones.


ahhhh, nat..why did you post spoilers here, so tempted to read the rest of the spoilers now, so sad seeing dal ja crying :(..tempted to watch the episode now

btw thanks for making the caps, at first i thought it was the wedding for next week's eps, haha which wasn't the case

ep20 chinese subbed


noticed that tianshi released 4 sisters chinese subbed



oh, so sorry cutiepie. i thought blocking the spoiler in black would deter those not interested in reading from doing so. i didn't think posting the short conversation to go w/the caps would be a big deal. god, i hope i didn't spoil it for anyone.

anyways, i can't believe the NG is so short...only 2 minutes and 18 seconds or something like that. can't wait to see it though. i heard they only show us 1 NG from the kissing scene. <_<

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Guest ovette

wow thanks soo much for the panel!!

wow NG is short only.. considering they didnt air any for 2 consecutive weeks now! :(

but i love that there is NG for the kissing scene! i hope someone could upload the links soon wweeee :)

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Guest cutiepie

ovette, here's the HQ panel u wanted. i now have all 21

oh, so sorry cutiepie. i thought blocking the spoiler in black would deter those not interested in reading from doing so. i didn't think posting the short conversation to go w/the caps would be a big deal. god, i hope i didn't spoil it for anyone.

anyways, i can't believe the NG is so short...only 2 minutes and 18 seconds or something like that. can't wait to see it though. i heard they only show us 1 NG from the kissing scene. <_<

o no worries, usually i have my settings set to off for picture viewing, hahaha so i was just highlighting the links to save to my computer lol so i only caught some of the spoilers

thanks for posting up the NGs!

the 'kang xi' cast were promoting in shanghai recently, you can see CR's pic from the poster in almost all the pictures, haha


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Guest amane~matsuo

wiiii~~ I really love Dal Ja and Hye Young`s fashion attires/get ups in Dal Ja`s Spring and Ive known that some of the dresses/clothes Chae Rim wore are from Missing Dorothy

Missing Dorothy is Hye Young's fashion clothing line~ if am not mistaken ^ ^

[images from MD Story]



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Guest vivjelly

It's great to know that Dal Ja Spring is doing well with the viewers and I can see that it sparks quite a bit of discussion. I'm proud of CR for participating in a provoking drama. I haven't been able to watch the drama, only on episode 4. I want to wait till the school quarter is over then watch the rest. Don't want to get hooked while school is still in session :lol:

Thanks for all the pics and screencaps, everyone!

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Guest fashionista

o no worries, usually i have my settings set to off for picture viewing, hahaha so i was just highlighting the links to save to my computer lol so i only caught some of the spoilers

thanks for posting up the NGs!

the 'kang xi' cast were promoting in shanghai recently, you can see CR's pic from the poster in almost all the pictures, haha

i have a feeling it's intentional. since CR hasn't been able to participate in any of the promo, posing behind her pic would remind viewers that she's in it so they'll actually watch the drama. i've seen various covers of the dvd set for the drama and they all listed CR's name right after the leading actor...kinda funny since her role is actually more of a "special guest star".

btw, have u check out "my lucky star"?

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Thanks cutiepie for ss link of ep20 plus the Making of the Wedding show & Nat for the 'kisses' NGs, screen caps & ......the spoilers...awwww, reading it & seeing CR's teary eyes makes me want to cry too :tears: I can also feel hurt & suffocation. DJ was feeling agonized & pressurized from all directions, it's little wonder she's tired & wants to call it quits. :phew: I was feeling very lousy (as I was unable to defend her as I'm not very good with words & afraid of being offensive & causing adverse harm to our dear CR) the past few days from reading some of those criticisms & attack on DJ's character which I think was too harsh (should have kicked myself for not having the strong will to resist from visiting :vicx:) Juz b'cos DJ wants out, she's being labelled stupid & there was even some hint of her being mercenary...I almost cried (I know I'm being silly & emotional, & I don't know why but I juz felt so hurt too) I admit I'm being prejudiced too as I'm a woman so am able to relate more to DJ's problems & feel more for her. I've watched ep18 & 19 but will not touch on 20 until I can be sure the storm's blown over in ep21 :blink: I really salute DJ's patience with TB's ex...urggh, in the restaurant where they eat the raw fish, when she had this gloating smile of her face & was telling DJ that TB doesn't love her cos' he hasn't said, not even once, to her "I love you" (lol...she really hit DJ at her most vulnerable spot with that cos' it's the truth, TB had NOT said "I love you"..& I curse TB for that!) I would have boxed both her ears & dumped the whole plate of wasabi down her throat! :crazy: Ahhh..got to go now, will talk again when my mood gets better ;)

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Guest fashionista

Thanks cutiepie for ss link of ep20 plus the Making of the Wedding show & Nat for the 'kisses' NGs, screen caps & ......the spoilers...awwww, reading it & seeing CR's teary eyes makes me want to cry too :tears: I can also feel hurt & suffocation. DJ was feeling agonized & pressurized from all directions, it's little wonder she's tired & wants to call it quits. :phew: I was feeling very lousy (as I was unable to defend her as I'm not very good with words & afraid of being offensive & causing adverse harm to our dear CR) the past few days from reading some of those criticisms & attack on DJ's character which I think was too harsh (should have kicked myself for not having the strong will to resist from visiting :vicx:) Juz b'cos DJ wants out, she's being labelled stupid & there was even some hint of her being mercenary...I almost cried (I know I'm being silly & emotional, & I don't know why but I juz felt so hurt too) I admit I'm being prejudiced too as I'm a woman so am able to relate more to DJ's problems & feel more for her. I've watched ep18 & 19 but will not touch on 20 until I can be sure the storm's blown over in ep21 :blink: I really salute DJ's patience with TB's ex...urggh, in the restaurant where they eat the raw fish, when she had this gloating smile of her face & was telling DJ that TB doesn't love her cos' he hasn't said, not even once, to her "I love you" (lol...she really hit DJ at her most vulnerable spot with that cos' it's the truth, TB had NOT said "I love you"..& I curse TB for that!) I would have boxed both her ears & dumped the whole plate of wasabi down her throat! :crazy: Ahhh..got to go now, will talk again when my mood gets better ;)

u should see the other boards.....almost all of the viewers were defending DJ...actually, i didn't see any that didn't. they can all relate. i really don't find it all that necessary to blame any one particular character in a drama for things that happen. that's why i got irked when one person actually call DJ's action "stupid", "selfish", etc. it's so easy to judge when we get to watch the drama cuz we see everything that the writer want us to see. we only need to step back and put ourselves in the character(s)' shoes to understand why they do what they do. how can anyone NOT understand what DJ went through in ep 20??? maybe it also has to do with our age, experience, and level of maturity. maybe all these factors help us see things differently from the others. no one person can be place the burden of blame for problems in a relationship. each needs to shoulder a part of it. sometimes, when we get tire, we can either continue to duke it out or call it quit. DJ decides to call it quit. i know I would if i were her. don't all women want to feel a sense of security??? it doesn't always have anything to do with our own security or being materialistic or helpless, etc. we want the guy to give us the feeling that he care enough to be there for us in times of need, to protect us, to support us (in more ways than one) if necessary. if a man can't make a woman feel secure, a woman should think twice about continuing the relationship. If actions aren't enough, maybe the guy needs to speak up...reassure her with words (and not necessarily the 3 letter words)...not holding back cuz that's just gonna have the opposite effect....but this is exactly what happened in DJS. so even if DJ ends up by herself, i'm sure she will survive. women are very resilient and good at bouncing back. we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. :)

as for the ex, DJ took the high road rather stooping to her level. i would've certainly handled her differently. chicks like her tend to want the person they're antagonizing to "respond" either in anger or feel belittled. i would've come back with some lines that would certainly shut her up....all deliver with a smile. when u show no anger, hostility, or hurt toward ppl like the ex, it will infuritate them. and that's exactly what DJ needed to do.

what's my lucky star... it's so nice to see that ChaeRim's name is given soooo much importance in china lol

:lol: my lucky star is a new tw drama that started yesterday. totally off topic here...

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Guest ovette

oh woops i thought ChaeRim is acting in it lol

i actually dont want to be angry at DalJa too! i want to defend DalJa simply because it's ChaeRim who's playing her role. but come to think of it, im a girl so i understand more what goes on in a girl's mind than a guy's... maybe i just thought why DalJa would make it hard for her by breaking up.

yah i kinda found it mean that someone actually called DalJa babo.. and even in bold letters! i think they should understand first what DalJa endured especially in ep20.. with all those problems thrown to her at all the same time. i think she was just confused about everything and thought that by breaking up, it might all stop even though it would only mean losing the only man she loves :(

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