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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Isn't this so much better girls? He still looks like he's having fun so it's okay. :)

O.M.G., this is SOOO much better but so funny and cute at the same time! I didn't really get it at first until I started asking myself where the girl was, lol!!!! *INSERT SELF*


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Guest jennieeeee

but I love how in the boxing episode the boxer challenges one of the boys to come up and Taec immediately steps in for the challenge. Such a man, even though he get beats up a bit, and bleeding! :( my poor baby! But shows that he can take a challenge!

Sorry to cut your post but that's how i liked him too!

I was watching Hot Blood and when the boxer guy asked someone to volunteer Taec came forward :wub: yeah and then he got hurt and he was bleeding TT________TT poor baby

Thanks for the pics guys! :D

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Guest duckie 27

Have any of you guys seen this video?

It's 2PM practicing Niga Mibda and

Taec is just so cute in here. haha

Just had to share it...

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Guest mochilove

Taec's pretty much too hot too handle. D:

He's so freakin' gorgeous for his own good. XD

i haven't watched his episode on Mnet Scandal yet, but I think I would

if i have time on the weekends. Because if i'll watch it on a school day, i'm not

sure if i would focus on my lessons, maybe i would just think all day about Taec's Mnet scandal. :D

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Guest random koohkie

Have any of you guys seen this video?

It's 2PM practicing Niga Mibda and

Taec is just so cute in here. haha

Just had to share it...

Puwahaha, Taec did the eyebrow raise from Idol Army and camera-whored.

I think I'm developing an addiction. I just work up and first thing I do is check this thread xD

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Guest last love.

-cough- I was backtracking in here, and someone asked about how I got into Taec. -siiigh- Good days.

Well, for me, it started in Hot Blood. x: ( Yes, long time. I KNOW! It's been a year<3 ) Anyways, my friend told me about Hot Blood and how hot the guys were, and coincidentally, Taecyeon was her display picture on MSN, so I was like, "Oh, show me some!" So she showed me and I was trying to pick a favorite by looks, and I picked Taecyeon. Ever since then, I've been DSLJFGAHHTAECYEON<3 When they debuted, I was like, AHHTAECYEON<3 When Again and Again came out, I'm still, AHHHTAECYEON<3

My love for Mr. Ock Taecyeon has been going strong for over a year now. 8D

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Guest jaeners

Have any of you guys seen this video?

It's 2PM practicing Niga Mibda and

Taec is just so cute in here. haha

Just had to share it...

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Omfg they are a bunch of dorks. <3 Taek is so freaking cuteeee. I love when he does his adlibs in the song. The "Yeah!" and "OH OH!" ones. Gah, so sexy. @_@ His voice is such a turn on, lol. *falls* But thank you for sharing! I am so favoriting this video. xP

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Taec on a date by himself!

Isn't this so much better girls? He still looks like he's having fun so it's okay. :)

LOL! XD I was really laughin out loud XD oh my god .. whoever did this is a genius XDD oh my XD so funny thanks for sharing! xD

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Guest Aireia

LMBO! The video of the dance rehearsal is so funny. I didn't expect that to happen towards the end. Haha! Taec and his frivolousness! He totally just changed the mood and got some of the boys to goof off. LOL. I love you Taec.

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Guest duckie 27

LMAO. I don't like the song Hot Issue that much but seeing them go sorta dance to it lessens my dislike towards the song..

and at around 8:40.. was he dancing to it using 10 out of 10 choreography? AHAHA. He's awesome.

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Guest HelloOperator

omg i hate the new pics of taec yeon kkissing the girl on the forehead.. TAEC!! WHY!!!!!!! ugh i hate chu taec. hahahahah taec is the best.

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Guest Aireia

Jdksjk;kd I know! I like going crazy over the photos of the foreheqd kiss. I know, it's just the forehead but its still a kiss. Ahh! I'm gonna die. Why are you doing this to me Taec!?

On the other hand, he's cute in the Sim sim tapa radio. xD. I love it when he dances to 'Hot Issue.'

EDIT: Anyway, I don't want to post again but did you guys see the Vogue Girl Photoshoot yet:

Taec on Piano at 1:05. <3

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Guest lynaz

13. The girl who is most close to my ideal type is Jaebeom


saw the new pic of Taec's mnet scandal.. my heart kinda stopped for a minute. SIGH.. even though it'll break my heart, i still cant wait to see the next episode of the scandal! XD

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Guest bright.crystalx3

Thanks for sharing the vids, SUPERSTAR =)

(Good job on the front page btw!)

I'm heartbroken for the 9326687654th time due to the scandal pics.

AND I HAVEN'T EVEN WATCH IT YET! Isn't that sad..or what, lol. -_-

Lucky girl, I'm dying for a Taec kiss, lol.

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Guest jaeners

I haven't even seen the new scandal pictures yet. I'm going to try avoiding them as much as I can. x: I think I'll die if I saw them. D:

But ahaha those videos of the boys~ Taek on the piano is hottttttt. I really love Taek with eyeliner, lol. He looks really good with it. And him dancing to Hot Issue with 10/10 & Hate You choreography, hahaha. <3


Wah, another page ownage! I will bbl with something to share. :D Okay, well, it seems like photobucket doesn't want to cooperate at the moment. I was trying to upload some Taek icons I've made last week, but it isn't working. Stupid photobucket. D: Then again, maybe it's bc there's too many icons, haha. But I will definitely try to share something with you guys soon~ <3

V HAHA. So I clicked on the link even though I said I don't want to see it. x: But like Mina, I didn't even flinch. I actually laughed, lol. XD

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Guest she-smiles

^ i saw the pictures in the 2PM thread.

you should not look at them if you are easily sensitive.

i had a heart attack, but surprisingly, i'm still alive.


all i can say is,

taec isn't so faithful to us anymore.....

darn mnet scandal.

for those who have not seen the new photos, and you dare to, click here:


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Guest Miss.Understood

^ Haha. I didn't even flinch. +1 baby! ^^ Har har. I mean, as long as it wasn't on the lips, then it's all good. =D

I found two summaries of the newly released episode for Taec's wifeys who are too petrified of watching it---like myself---in soompi's 2PM thread. click for summary 1 (Credit:Kiss Me) & click for summary 2 (Credits:xoxdreamgurlazn209) You will all finally be able to breathe properly again.

And here's your daily dosage of Taec goodies:



Enjoy & do not hotlink! Thanks. <3<3

-- Mina

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