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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest duckie 27

just to answer the question of how did i get into taec...

well, i'm not really sure. Actually, I was such a ChanSung lover before because I liked him in High Kick. I probably have a thing for rappers. Lol. I love love love Tablo, EunHyuk, TOP, and ChanSung. I started paying more attention to Taec when they started promoting 10 out of 10 and them BAM! I fell in love with the man. He's someone you can't resist. No lies. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. DAMN. Can you say perfect package?!

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Guest Aireia

Wow. Honestly I love reading everyone's post on how they fell in love with Taec. I shall tell my story...LOL.

Well, I first noticed Taec in Hot Blood, seeing that he was tanner than everyone else and that he was also one of the ones that could speak English. Initially, I was seriously crazy about Khun and I really liked the TaecKhun coupling. And then, when they finally debuted as 2PM, I read Taec's interview/questionare thingy (which I think is posted on the first page) and I immediately became infatuated with him. He's tall, gorgeous, friendly, and has the best smile ever (why hasn't he been endorsed by a toothpaste company yet?), and what's not to love about this guy? He has sort of a "bad boy" image but he's a dork at heart. <3. Goodness, I could probably write a whole essay on this guy...

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Guest Kiss Me

The front page looks great <3 Good job.

I'll follow the trend and share my story as well.

I am going to go into depth because I love Ok TaecYeon ;D


Couple years back, I saw on Soompi a thread on "Kim Junsu, the other one"

Being a DBSK Junsu fan, I was like "Who could possibly be the other Kim Junsu"

It happens to be Junsu from 2PM while he was in his trainee days.

He was a popular trainee that was known to be good friends with Big Bang TY & GD as well.

Anyways, so another year after that, a thread pops out saying that Kim Junsu will be debuting.

And there were links to him rapping in Hot Bloood~ so I watched that... I was focused on him only cause he was the only one I knew.

Anyways, here comes the day when they released the 2PM teasers. I got hooooooked. I couldn't stay away. I heard he was debuting with the boys from that rapping clip so I watched the same rapping clip from Hot Blood as I did couple months back. However, this time I started to look at the people around him. This one fellow caught my eye and I thought he was super cute but was too lazy to do the research and just watched in awe. Finally, the MV comes out and found out his name was TaecYeon. It was love ever since then. LOL I truly thank Junsu for getting me into 2PM! Without him, I wouldn't have known Taec as soon as I did~ Right after the MV, I watched ALL the Hot Blood and waited to watch their actual debut performance live.

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Guest lynaz

hmm.. how did i get into taec??

well the first time i was into 2pm.. i didnt really bother bout him. my fav then was jay & wooyoung. but after watching idol army.. i fell in love with TAEC. he is sort of my ideal type of guy. tall & have superb sense of humour. XD

i wish he would get to sing instead of just rapping. his rapping is of course awesome but i think his singing is not bad.. i wanna hear him sing!!!!

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Guest random koohkie

How did I get into Taec?

I didn't really pay attention to him at first cause I was more into Jaebum.

But I think I was watching the episode of Idol Army with SNSD in it.

My gosh, when SNSD called "Director Ok" and he turned around ;DD

He was so cute. I love how he seems so hawt when he's rapping but then he's a total dork otherwise :]

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Taec? He caught my eye in the episode of Hot Blood when he and Seulong were sleeping in the van and the door opened and he opened his eyes and smiled...that was it for me. He was so beautiful with his smile and his correcting khun about the bus, lol.

Definitely a great guy.

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Guest babymarzy07

hmmm my taec story.. i noticed him in 10 out of 10 perfs.. but i just didnt notice too much..

like a lot of people here.. i liked jay first..

but it was after hot blood and idol army.. seeing that smile and that voice.. it hits you..

just all around perfection.. just really good ideal guy.

plus all these cute stuff he does and whatnot.. how can you not love him..

i found out we share the same birthday too.. just different years lol..

ahhh.. great guy. nuff said. xD

nice job superstar on the first page!! xD

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Guest ddalgi<3

hmm my love story...<3

i didn't think much of 2pm at first.

i was like, 'oh another more-than-5-member-boy-group"

but then somehow i came across some hot blood videos

and then, seeing how intense the training i got hooked and kept watching.

when i first saw taecyeon, i automatically thought,

"whoa. that guy looks just like my ideal man"

because he really does.

even wayyy before i ever knew taecyeon existed i had a pretty specific image of the man i'll eventually marry

and taecyeon happens to look just like him (my ideal guy)

it's ridiculous.

it's freaky.

and the thing is, as i kept watching hot blood and other clips,

i realized taecyeon happens to have my ideal man's personality as well.


it's freaky to have a real person who is the living breathing embodiment of your ideal soulmate you know hahhaa

like, he looks JUST like my ideal guy--face, height, body-type, EVERYTHING.

and same with personality--hardworking, diligent, yet easygoing and friendly, etc.

bah, stupid taecyeon...<3

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Taec? He caught my eye in the episode of Hot Blood when he and Seulong were sleeping in the van and the door opened and he opened his eyes and smiled...that was it for me. He was so beautiful with his smile and his correcting khun about the bus, lol.

Definitely a great guy.

which episode was this??

when i got into taek.....hmm...

i first noticed them when they debuted cause they were doing all these crazy flips and WG's yoobin was in the MV... then i was watching all of the army idol stuff when it was SJ, then FT island (esp the episode where 2pm come out) and then BAM!! 2PM was the MC. i watched it every week and i think i liked taek when he sang to the high school girls. it was funny but yet alluring at the same time.

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Guest Miss.Understood

Taec's Singles Magazine Questionnaire

My name is (Ok Taecyeon)

1. My best point is my frivolousness

2. If I have a sister, the member that I would like to introduce my sister to is Khun because his face, his body, his personality are all perfect

3. The member I had the worst first impression is Wooyoung because he wasn't eager to greet me when we first met

4. The member that make me feel envious the most is Khun because his face, his body, his personality are all perfect

5. The most memorable moment after the debut is when performing in our Open Concert because it made me realize how hard performing in the rain is

6. In the next 10 years, I would become actor, singer, DJ, Coffee shop owner, and many many more

7. The nickname I was given is OkCat because I draw cats

8. If I could change my band name, I would like to change it to 7PM And if I could reborn, I would like to be the member of TVXQ

9. The first thing I do when I get home is computer

10. To me, I found that my speaking is really bad.

11. People usually misunderstand that I am cold but when they get to know me, I am in fact giddy

12. The thing that I require and want to hold on to is rice

13. The girl who is most close to my ideal type is Jaebeom

14. The thing that I don't like about myself is my big feet that are as big as a whole village

15. My secret of keeping in shape is none

16. Honestly, about watching porn, I don't watch it


Love Taec's expression---never changing. ^^ <3 That's my baby!

credit:Angelina2804 @ youtube

His smile! =D -dies-

credit:inystyle89 @ youtube.com

Fan signing in Kangnam


Grrrr ^ Hands off. No touchy. >O LOL



A bunch of pics I found at bestiz. (sexy overload!)





-- Mina

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^ Omg, why is he wearing only a wifebeater? He looks so hot though. >< I wish I was the girl.

It's funny how some people were "converted" into Taec-lovers. Yes, that's what his dorkiness does to you!

He's also such a tease...



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Guest screamxlove

which episode was this??

when i got into taek.....hmm...

i first noticed them when they debuted cause they were doing all these crazy flips and WG's yoobin was in the MV... then i was watching all of the army idol stuff when it was SJ, then FT island (esp the episode where 2pm come out) and then BAM!! 2PM was the MC. i watched it every week and i think i liked taek when he sang to the high school girls. it was funny but yet alluring at the same time.

It was in the first episode like... 10 or so mniutes in. It was SO cute, and just before the whole he's wearing white cuz he's the "purest" of all the guys, LOL <3


I love the cats he draw :') WAISOCUUUTE!?



I just want to do this together with him one day, LOLOLOL.

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Guest killjadeskye

Just joining in the fun.

Naturally, I first noticed him in "10 Points Out of 10 Points" perf. coz I love his expressions when he was singing his part. Then my friend introduced me to Idol Army. I can't help but to fell for his dorkiness. I mean, who doesn't love dorky guys right? I kinda like the fact that he has this sleazy expression while singing, coz it's downright adorable.

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which episode was this??

when i got into taek.....hmm...

i first noticed them when they debuted cause they were doing all these crazy flips and WG's yoobin was in the MV... then i was watching all of the army idol stuff when it was SJ, then FT island (esp the episode where 2pm come out) and then BAM!! 2PM was the MC. i watched it every week and i think i liked taek when he sang to the high school girls. it was funny but yet alluring at the same time.

It's episode 1 click! starts at 8:39

at 7:12 they do a COFFEE CF, lol so cute

His hair is old school in episode 1 but i think he cuts it before they go on the 'mt'

but I love how in the boxing episode the boxer challenges one of the boys to come up and Taec immediately steps in for the challenge. Such a man, even though he get beats up a bit, and bleeding! :( my poor baby! But shows that he can take a challenge!

start watching at 4:24 ish

here's a taec wallie!


Taec on a date by himself!

Isn't this so much better girls? He still looks like he's having fun so it's okay. :)
















with chansungie, AWWW!!

[c] time for sickness and me

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Guest lalalasupp

awwwwwww he's so cute!

I love how he always has different facial expressions

most celebs tend to... stick to the same faces haha

he's so cute(:

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Guest jaeners

Awww I'm missing out on so much not being here for a few hours. ><; But LOL. The questionnaires! His answers are so cute and dorky. I just wanna hug him. That gif of him is such a tease! *pokes him* T-T I love the pictures of him at the fansigning. And Taek on a date with himself........ is much better! HAHAHAHA. 8D Thank you guys so much for all of the pictures and everything. You guys rock! <3

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Guest she-smiles

How did I get into Taec?

I didn't really pay attention to him at first cause I was more into Jaebum.

But I think I was watching the episode of Idol Army with SNSD in it.

My gosh, when SNSD called "Director Ok" and he turned around ;DD

He was so cute. I love how he seems so hawt when he's rapping but then he's a total dork otherwise :]

i loved that episode!

it was love at first sight, all over again! hehe.

when they called him, and he turned around: OMG! *dies*

and when he sang and almost tripped. hehe. <33

wow. thanks everyone, for sharing your wonderful stories.

so we all got into him at different times (before his debut, during hotblood, during 10 out of 10, and again & again).

i hope we'll all continue to support him & share the love!

(actually, i'm not gonna share the love. *harhar*) JUST KIDDING!! :P

also, thanks for sharing the singles questionnaire.

of course baby doesn't watch porn, i taught him well! :D

and ideal woman? jaebum?

*sigh* i am far from looking & acting like jaebum.

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