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[drama 2005] Love I Want To Kill/ Ijuksa 이죽일놈의사랑


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Guest renni72

30-45 minutes until the summary comes out for today's episode. :)

KTH <3

I survive on your summaries, thanks!!!!!!

Xiaomao123 - thanks for clubbox but me and clubbox do not get along :(

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Episode 5 Summary







credits to me :)

LKW is jogging and stops by some sea urchins. He asks the secretary if he can buy all the sea urchins by this road so, Eun Suk won't have to see them. At the meeting, LKW's father talks about the global age and how Korea needs to unify as a country to survive. On the beach, Eun Suk is on the set of her drama. She yells out "Get lost you bastard" [Referring to Mingoo]. Everyone is happy because LKW is buying dinner for everyone. Couple seconds later, LKW asks if he is cool for buying everyone lunch. LKW asks Eun Suk if she wants to each lunch but she says she wants to drink. LKW enters a restaurant and asks the owner if he could have the restaurant to himself for the day. Meanwhile, Eun Suk is drinking by herself. LKW offers Eun Suk better liquor but Eun Seok prefers soju. Eun Seok offers LKW a shot of soju but LKW says he doesn't like soju. Eun Seok offers him cola, cider, hot chocolate, orange juice, and yogurt. LKW changes the subject and asks her if Mingoo likes soju. Eun Seok says she fell in love after she saw him drink soju. So, LKW pours a large ammount of soju and drinks the whole glass. Eun Seok tells him that he isn't cool and shouldn't drink too much. LKW orders another bottle of soju.

Kim Sarang and Bokgu are walking together and Sarang starts to feed the horses. Bokgu thinks back and he sees himself walking together with his girlfriend. He then sees Mingoo and Eun Seok playing together. Kim Sarang taps him and they continue to walk. Bokgu is lying on the grass and Kim Sarang tries to kiss him. She turns away but Bokgu grabs her arm. He gets up and holds her neck to kiss her, but he tells her that he wants to kiss her later. He puts his hand down and they walk home. Eun Sok is still drinking in the restaurant while LKW is sleeping on the table. Eun Seok tells him that he is not cool and starts to sing a song. As she sings, she hears someone whistling the melody in her head. Bokgu is also whistling the melody on the bus. Bokgu's friend is waiting outside of the bus stop and calls his name. Kim Sarang wakes up in the bus and asks her brother if Bokgu is gone. Kim Sarang says, she is afraid of Bokgu finding a girl. Her brother tells him that Bokgu won't even become the champion because he does not want girls all over him, but Kim Sarang is still worried.

LKW wakes up in the restaurant and Eun Seok is sleeping this time. LKW tells Eun Seok that she will be his girl tonight. LKW carries Eun Seok and and they both get in the car. Bokgu is driving and asks LKW if they should go to Eun Seok's hotel because it is closer. However, LKW says to drive to his hotel instead. They arrive at LKW's hotel and LKW tries to get her out of the car. Eun Seok asks why she is going to a hotel. LKW picks her up and takes her to his hotel suite. Bokgu is waiting inside the car when the valet knocks on his car window. LKW opens his suite room and Bokgu opens his car door at the same time. He runs up to LKW's suite. LKW drops Eun Seok on the bed and takes his jacket off. LKW is about to kiss her when the doorbell rings. Bokgu asks, "to give up Cha Eun Seok." Bokgu enters the room and looks around for Eun Seok. LKW grabs his arm and asks Bokgu, "what the hell are you doing?". Bokgu answers by saying that he is responsible for Eun Seok because he is her bodyguard. LKW grabs his arm again and asks him if he knows who he is. Bokgu says he knows who he is and tells him that Eun Seok is not his wife yet. LKW tells Bokgu to go away or he will not leave him alone. LKW pins Bokgu to the wall and tells him to go away. However, Bokgu replies by saying "if you do not give me Eun Seok. I will have to hurt you." LKW is surprised by the answer and punches Bokgu. Bokgu asks for Cha Eun Seok and LKW punches Bokgu again. LKW is about to punch him again but his friend calls his name. Bokgu picks Eun Seok up and takes her to to her hotel.

After Bokgu drops Eun Seok off, he continues to sing the song in his head. The next day, LKW awakes and sees Bokgu sitting by the beach. He walks up to Bokgu and asks him if he ate breakfast. Bokgu does not reply but LKW hands him a drink. He thanks Bokgu for helping him not make a big mistake. He says he is sorry for punching him and asks him to sue him if he wants. Eun Seok is also sitting by the beach and asks her coordinator if she heard someone singing. Bokgu and his friend run to the police department because someone took Kim Sarang's money. The officer tells her to go to court and settle this in court. Kim Sarang continues to beg when she sees Bokgu. Bokgu tells her to get up but Kim Sarang tells him that she will fight until she gets her money back. Bokgu picks her up while Kim Sarang wants him to put her down. They arrive at Kim Sarang's house and she tells Bokgu to stop worrying about her. Bokgu starts to rub his shoulder because Kim Sarang was too heavy. Kim Sarang offers to check out his shoulder when Bokgu takes off her scarf covering her burn mark. Bokgu tells her that he likes her burn mark. Kim Sarang wants to see his shoulder but Bokgu kisses her on her neck. He continues to kiss her on the neck and tells her to not lose weight.

Meanwhile, Eun Seok is watching a movie when she gets dressed. She goes to the gym and asks for Bokgu. Eun Seok asks Bokgu if he can talk with her today. Bokgu asks "about what?" Eun Seok replies by saying "how do I look?". Bokgu continues to punch the punching bag while Eun Seok asks him if she is nothing to him. Bokgu walks away into the lockeroom and tries to get undressed. Eun Seok waits outside and asks Bokgu if he has anything to say. Bokgu walks away and Eun Seok follows him from a distance. Bokgu sees a fight outside and slaps the a guy who is watching the fight for not breaking it up. Bokgu walks up to the fighter and kicks him in the chest. He continues to hit her for beating up a girl, but the girl hits Bokgu and tells him to stop. Bokgu is waiting for the bus when Eun Seok asks "do you always wander into other peoples business?" Bokgu walks up to her and asks her about what happened in Pusan. [The kiss] Eun Seok asks why he kissed her in Pusan. Bokgu says there was no meaning to the kiss and tells her to forget about it.

Eun Seok's father comes out the hospital room and asks his daughter to take him to his friend's hospital room. As they are walking, they see Mingoo's name in front of the door. However, they walk past the room after see Bokgu's friend entering the room. Bokgu goes outside and thinks about the past again. He is on the beach watching Mingoo and Eun Seok playing on the beach. His brother says, "I am the happiest man in the world because of Eun Seok." Bokgu replies by saying, "I know you bastard~" Bokgu looks through his brother's camera and finds something. Meanwhile, at Eun Seok's house, Eun Seok gets the phone and sees Mingoo on her screen display. She asks who this is and hangs up. As she is about to hang up, she asks "do you need more money?, I don't have any money right now, but I can ask my fiance." Bokgu hears this and hangs up. Eun Seok starts to cry and Bokgu starts to read his brother's journal. Bokgu thinks back again and sees his brother standing up for his mother. Bokgu also reads about Eun Seok's mother giving Mingoo some money to stop meeting Eun Seok. Eun Seok's mother tells Mingoo that Eun Seok gave her the money to give to him. Mingoo writes, "I can't see Eun Seok anymore, the sky is falling~"

Eun Seok is aiming at a doll and thinks about what her mother said. She remembers what everyone said. The booth owner tells Eun Seok to stop calling because he will go bankrupt if she comes everyday. Instead of all the small dolls, she asks for one doll named "Pero". Eun Seok is on the set of a photoshoot when she sees Bokgu playing a game on phone again. Eun Seok is staring at Bokgu when Bokgu stares at her back. She loses her stepping and is hanging off the building. Bokgu races up to the building and grabs her wrist. Bokgu is trying to bring her back up when his friend tells him that Mingoo is not breathing anymore. Bokgu hears the doctors trying to save his brother and he starts to let go of his grip. As he is letting go, he says, "Hyung, I'm gonna take this girl with me."


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She was doing a photo shoot and I think she was distracted by BK when he glanced up at her and their eyes met, that's when the mishap occurred. ES is definitely thinking of him most of the time ! :P

:lol: who wouldn't get distracted with those eyes looking at you. ahhh can't wait until ep6. Its too bad viewership is so low in Korea :<

thanks for the summary albert :)

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Just my thoughts and musing over Episode 5 :

1. Lotsa deceit and webs of lies, especially on the part of ES's greedy and evil stepmum. She is after all the

main cause to break Mingu and Eunseok up.

2. What would it be like had Eunseok's dad and siblings step into MG's hospital room while BK was there too?

Again, purposely showing us the suspense of what if....

3. Until Albert's summary is out..just a guess here : Why was Bokgu so anxious to take ES from the Busan

hotel room where JS took her to ? Afraid that JS might carry out dishonorable actions? He ran up 18

floors instead of taking the lift ! And he was mean to knock the hotel doorman down with his car door.

4. LKW is up to now Mr. Nice Guy and I do like him. He does not look down on the bodyguard .

5. When BK called ES with his brother's mobilephone, what would happen had she said something loving

like "I miss you" or "where are you, you're breaking my heart". Bokgu would then re-examine his inner

thoughts and feelings. But instead her hurtful words enraged him further, thus pulling him away from the

edge of his attraction to her.

6. Bokgu does not love Da-jung at all, not even one teeny bit..just being nice to her.

7. The cliff-hanger for episode 6 : Will Mingu die ? I do not think so.

*EDIT**hehe...i think Albert beat me to the translations, but here is a more detailed one for just the car scene and drinking scene*

on number 3 the reason why that Buk gu rushed up 18 flights of stairs is that from the coversation that KJS and Eun Suk had b4 they got outta the car, LKW revealed a bit of frustration that how come she doesnt know who he is, since he is her engaged fiancee. So BK senses somthing is up.


The very last scene of KJS and ES drinking, ES was already drunk and sleeping, but now KJS is awake. He hears her calling out "oppa" "oppa" meaning for MinGu oppa, so he gets annoyed and says

"Cha Eun Sok, it seems that you are still confused on who you are. Tonight, i'll make sure that you completely become my girl" thus implying that he might do something to her...(of course BK doesnt know this, only the audience hears this) oh..... I am translating from the korean i hear....in case u are wondering, i take 3rd year korean, and im only translating this cuz i know for sure the meaning, but of course there parts of drama that i still dun fully understand, so i am waiting for the subtitles as well^^

then in the car

BK says to KJS, "Since here is close to ES's hotel, i'll take her back"

then KSJ says "That wont be needed, i'll take her"

then BK gives a suspicious look to himself

then they arrive at the hotel......

KJS says to BK: "You dont have to come down, just leave after we get outta the car"

KJS to ES"lets get down(out) from the car"

ES stares at KJS and says"you, who are you?"

"I am Kim Joon Sung"

"Kim Joon Sung? *sniffs*, what does this KJS do(like what has he got to do with me?) Who are you?"

KJS:"It seems that you are so drunk that you dont even recognize your own fiancee, let's get ouuta the car"

ES gets frustrated and pissed "Ahhh sheeee...to where....where is this place, where are you taking me?!!"

KJS: "Hotel"

"Hotel?!! what hotel, i wanna go home, bring me home"

"Hey, this is Pusan. You came down to film movie here, you dont remember?"

ES:"Huh?! Ahhhh .....i dont know, dunno, i wanna go home, bring me homeeee" then ES falls asleep

Then KSJ smiles/smirks and says "Alright, i'll take you (home)"

then it shows BK watching KSJ taking ES outta the car, in the rear view mirror. Then BK is thinking to himself

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owhh!! tht's it!! tht's the ending???!!

WOW!! this eps is REALLY gud!!

*the scene where BG kissed DJ's scar is really sweet!!

*i can imagine the scene more clearly now!!!

*can't wait for tonite's eps!!

thanx albert for the synopsis!!

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

ALBERT IS THE MAN!!! :D Thank you for that summary!

BG telling DJ not to lose weight... that is SO Bi. :D

I mentioned this before in the Bi thread. Is it just me or the actress who played BG's girlfriend that he gave up for DJ looks a bit like SHK circa Autumn Tale?

edit: Thanks also, msjang for the translation!

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Guest dangdut_asik

ALBERT IS THE MAN!!! :D Thank you for that summary!

BG telling DJ not to lose weight... that is SO Bi. :D

I mentioned this before in the Bi thread. Is it just me or the actress who played BG's girlfriend that he gave up for DJ looks a bit like SHK circa Autumn Tale?

edit: Thanks also, msjang for the translation!

thanks for the summary albert :)

nah.. I dun think the actress who played BG's girlfriend looks like SHG~ she was chubbier back in the endless love days... but I still thought she was beautiful back then. the actress who played BG's gf.. I didn't think she was that pretty.. just average I guess :P

but in episode 5 where BG sees himself walking with his girlfriend back then... was the girl the same actress as the one that came to BG saying that she was gonna get married? cuz I couldn't really see what the girl looks like... :unsure:

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Just wanna clarify something here : did Bokgu at the moment of contemplating letting go his ES's hand said "Hyung, you wanna take her with you?" or did he say " I will take her with me" ? I take it that he meant to kill her by letting go of her hand since he thinks Mingu is dead.

edit : Albert, thanks for the summary !

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