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1 Thing U Really Really Want

Guest Chavez

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Guest dorkyxninja

For her to not annoy me so much and always giving me an urge to talk back but I have to control myself or else we'll end up in an argument. Goodness, I'm too tired to fight.

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Guest .La.Dolce.Vita.

To be fluent in at least 5 languages hahaha.

Okay but more realistically or at least in the short term....

the perfect summer espadrilles I've been searching for. Maybe Pierre Hardy for Gap wedges.

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Guest lawlipopx3

For now, its just to pass geometry so i dont have to go to summer school.

i really dont wanna spend my entire 2months vacation in summerschool UGH

i realize i have no chance of passing anyways :(

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Guest pinkproposal

For my family to suddenly win the lottery or something. Or for me and Son Dong Woon to get married and have an amajing life.

Either that, or one more year in school. Waah. D: Imma be depressed about this for weeks.


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Guest AsianMusic4Ever

I Want To Have Trip To Japan

So I can Do...these things

My Yaoi Spree

My Entertainment Spree

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

Material-wise: New pair of jean shorts cuz i just broke mine =.=', a phone, a new scent to smell like duh sexiiness, Matcha green tea powder, fresh cherries, a device that curls your hair in less than two hours (- .- gawd)

Other~ I want a sexy asian man to call my lover. Okay, i came out and said it!!! >___<

(My friend: We already know that.) (Me: SHUT UP!)

Damn, i hate living in small towns...

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Guest Mcflurries

i want my skills to be better, but what i really wish right now is school and exams to hurry up and finish because im sick of bio...

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Guest Cloudy1430268312

what i really really want right now is to be in KOREA

and be at a HUGE korean music festival T_T

thats what i want SO badly right now

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Guest MR. LEE'S

i want to many things. but for now, i guess i want to have more money. teeeheee, then i can do whatever i want!

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