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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest ultaeja

It's a turn off for me, unless I love the guy like crazy (*ahem-Minwoo), but it's still a turn off. Like, I used to like this guy and everything, he was great & nice, etc. but afterwards, I learned that he was like a total alcoholic&bigtime smoker, I just kinda... Didn't like him anymore.

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Guest Terazu

My brother smokes, and I always hate it so much.

Usually when we're in his tiny little mustang. I try to refrain from sticking

my head out the window every single time he pulls one out.

>< mostly cause i get such a bad cough and stuff after that XD;;

If the smoke didnt come near me, i dont think i would mind it. but otherwise

no. i really dislike it, and prefer non smokers over smokers.

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Guest Mercedes_slk350

i think it's absolutely fine, however that's because i smoke also. i rather have a boyfriend who smokes, that way he can not be a hypocrite and tell me not to smoke, and i have company when i smoke.

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Guest yoroshiku90

a bit of a turnoff, kissing some guy after they smoked tastes really bitter imo

i used to smoke but now i quit so i can say its a turn off =D

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Guest `faded

don't like smoking..huge turn off..I hate the smell @_@..aiy.........so ya o_o I wouldn't go for guys who smoked..even if they look hot HAHAHA >.> aiy..I get headaches if I smell smoke @_@

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Guest V-ni@star

i dont really like guy that smoke.

but if he smoke, it is okay for me.

as long as he doesnt smoke when he near with me...

just dont come close

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Guest KawaiiHoney

turn off!!

but maybe i wud not mind if he did not smoke infront of me..

and if he quit that would be splendid! i can not stand the smell of smoke

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i don't have a general opinion on smokers. it depends on the guy.

this guy at my work smoked and he was so disgusting. he was 23 and already had premature wrinkles, repulsive skin, etc.

now this gorgeous guy in my tute at uni smokes. i could only tell because he smelt like he just smoked a cigarette when he came in (and sat next to me, muahaha). but he has perfect skin, perfectly white teeth, no wrinkles, etc. and he's a 4th year student, so roughly the same age as Repulsive Work Guy.

so the point of the comparison ...

i don't know. it just depends on the guy.

anyway if i was a guy i wouldn't give a s*it what girls thought. girls are so annoying.

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Guest rain_drops

at the moment i dont mind cause im a smoker.

it sucks though cause he's trying to make me quit,

and yet he smokes in front of me -__-;

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Guest hysteric0312

i don't mind.

me&my bf smokes.

i enjoy the company&the fact we are enjoying 1 together

esp @night looking out into the city

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Guest emceej

guys that smoke?

what a hugee turnoff .

its like kissing an ashtray.


personally i dont like how they smell and the teeth part and lips, ewwww..


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