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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

Alot of you people dont even know what you're talking about. Smokers dont always smell like smoke, it depends on how much they smoke and the brand. Also smoking ciggerrettes isnt always 100% early death. Some people will die early while some people can smoke for years and years and never get cancer.

Start being more open minded. Smoking doesnt make a person less than a non smoker.

I hate anti smoking nazis, yes we know smoking is bad for you.

Oh and by the way second hand smoke is my happy poopoo. There is no evidence that second hand smoke has ever killed one pesron. Just accept the fact that some people like to smoke while some people like to drink coffee and eat big macs at mcdonalds

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Guest flyxme.

hot guys that smoke are really hot XDD

but of course its bad :[

if my boyfriend smoke...bye bye love

cause he proomised not to smoke or do drugs.

Alot of you people dont even know what you're talking about. Smokers dont always smell like smoke, it depends on how much they smoke and the brand. Also smoking ciggerrettes isnt always 100% early death. Some people will die early while some people can smoke for years and years and never get cancer.

Start being more open minded. Smoking doesnt make a person less than a non smoker.

I hate anti smoking nazis, yes we know smoking is bad for you.

Oh and by the way second hand smoke is my happy poopoo. There is no evidence that second hand smoke has ever killed one pesron. Just accept the fact that some people like to smoke while some people like to drink coffee and eat big macs at mcdonalds

have you ever had health class? ever gone through the alcohol and drugs unit?

do you smoke? if you do you most likely cant smell the odor.

my cousin smokes and you can smell a faint scent sometimes, but if he come in right after he smokes he smells HORRIBLE.

whatever about the brand, its still a cigarette. -__-

of course its not 100% early death. some people are just lucky.

but either way your lung looks freaking gross as he.ll and your body suffers from the toxins&chemicals.

"There is no evidence that second hand smoke has ever killed one person"

there are high chances that a person can get lung cancer from second hand smoke and they can die or die early from that.

andd that is considered getting killed from second hand smoke, buddy. :rolleyes:

i want a big mac now T-T

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

hot guys that smoke are really hot XDD

but of course its bad :[

if my boyfriend smoke...bye bye love

cause he proomised not to smoke or do drugs.

have you ever had health class? ever gone through the alcohol and drugs unit?

do you smoke? if you do you most likely cant smell the odor.

my cousin smokes and you can smell a faint scent sometimes, but if he come in right after he smokes he smells HORRIBLE.

whatever about the brand, its still a cigarette. -__-

of course its not 100% early death. some people are just lucky.

but either way your lung looks freaking gross as he.ll and your body suffers from the toxins&chemicals.

"There is no evidence that second hand smoke has ever killed one person"

there are high chances that a person can get lung cancer from second hand smoke and they can die or die early from that.

andd that is considered getting killed from second hand smoke, buddy. :rolleyes:

i want a big mac now T-T

Theres been many studies done that show that second hand smoke is a fabricated lie. not to long ago there was a big study by the germans on passive smoking, cancer and cardiovascular disease and the result was no connection. This study covers 37 years of research.

Also the EP report done in 1993 is a fradulent report

Aw the art of fabricating lies to justify another agenda is great.

Stop spreading lies in order to justify your cravings for forcing others to abide by your likes and dislikes. Elitists like yourself are annoying. :rolleyes:

And by the way even though a stog is a stog theres different strengths of smell and the buzz. Don't act like you know everything about something you have no clue about then what you've been told in "health class"

And also youre like 10 im not your buddy. Dont think youre too smart my young grasshoppa

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

I don't like smokers. No offense a few of my friends smoke and all

but they know well enough not to do it around me or do it before and come talk to me.

What irony tho, a few guys I've dated smoked after we broke up I don't KNOW WHY.

Smoking doesn't do anything but kill you. Just proves you don't have a strong WILL to overcome the "addiction"

But hah the guy i "like" is smoking cause of me.. whatever.

Sad, sad truth. I'd rid all smokers if it was possible...... >:| dashdjda.

"It couldn't be possible that smokers smoke to make themselves feel better, to concentrate better, or to combat depression?" It's not always about the "addiction"

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Guest ~jayjay

I don't like smokers. No offense a few of my friends smoke and all

but they know well enough not to do it around me or do it before and come talk to me.

What irony tho, a few guys I've dated smoked after we broke up I don't KNOW WHY.

Smoking doesn't do anything but kill you. Just proves you don't have a strong WILL to overcome the "addiction"

But hah the guy i "like" is smoking cause of me.. whatever.

Sad, sad truth. I'd rid all smokers if it was possible...... >:| dashdjda.

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Guest Yuna N.

^ It weakens your immune system, therefore lowering your age span. Causing you to die earlier, when you could`ve lived pass 100.

It doesn`t only weaken your own, it weakens OTHERS too.

Do you kill of the people around you when you have coffee breath or eat off of mickeyd`s?

Over 37 years of studies? Really? That`s news. You smoke? Is this why you know? Otherwise, prove it.

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Guest ~jayjay

"It couldn't be possible that smokers smoke to make themselves feel better, to concentrate better, or to combat depression?" It's not always about the "addiction"

True I agree, but thing is once a person start they don't stop for good, UNLESS

My father was a smoker and he had the will strong enough to stop once my mother had me.

But there are also others way to "make themselves feel better, to concentrate better or to combat depression?" Right?

There are endless possibilities out there not just smoking.

I agree with you though, I just think there's a better alternative if a person is willing to look for it.

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

^ It weakens your immune system, therefore lowering your age span. Causing you to die earlier, when you could`ve lived pass 100.

It doesn`t only weaken your own, it weakens OTHERS too.

Do you kill of the people around you when you have coffee breath or eat off of mickeyd`s?

Over 37 years of studies? Really? That`s news. You smoke? Is this why you know? Otherwise, prove it.

Do you have evidence that passive smoking lowers other peoples immune systems? Please share if you do.

heres the study,with 37 years of data by the way.


Dont make me laugh little soompi asian teeny bopper. it's a lost fight arguing with you little kids who will just bring up some stupid EPA report, claming it's true to justify your socialistic ideologies.

And why would i want to live past 100?

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Guest DiMpLeZ_X3

^Agreed... (although I wouldn't be so harsh in how I would put it...)

Smoking for me is a minus, but not THE ULTIMATE deciding factor.

I would prefer a guy who doesn't smoke, for the sheer reason that I don't do it myself... but it's not the end of the world if he does.

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

Laugh away, sir.

Call me all you want because you know how it is.

When you got a strong opinion, defend it as strong as you believe in it.

Take a look at yourself.


Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.

I do not mean to dishearten long-term smokers. Once, you`re in, you`re hooked. I understand.

"But after years of exposure to the damaging effects of tobacco, quitting smokers must realize that they have to be realistic in their expectations of recouping their health."

Quoted from a research. http://www.acsh.org/publications/pubID.377/pub_detail.asp

Did anyone ever say that smoking wasnt harmful?? I admitt smoking is bad for you besides the fact that i dont smoke a pack a day. But all the diseases and illness that comes with smoking can come without smoking too.

And you say to defend my opinion strongly. how about you figure out what you're trying to defend first.

You should just stop now while you arent too behind. And of course you bring in the EPA reports as i predicted.


I can sit here and argue all night and it wont convince any of you because to you guys im just another stupid smoker. And dont forget that anti smoking is a big business.They want higher taxes, huge legal fees, higher insurance premiums, and higher medical fees. They want your money

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Guest Yuna N.

^ I`m defending the fact that humanity would be better off, and longer lasting, with one less problem to deal with.

You`re right, it doesn`t phase me. So why are you still trying?

Laugh away, sir.

Call me all you want because you know how it is.

When you got a strong opinion, defend it as strong as you believe in it.

Take a look at yourself.


Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.

I do not mean to dishearten long-term smokers. Once, you`re in, you`re hooked. I understand.

"But after years of exposure to the damaging effects of tobacco, quitting smokers must realize that they have to be realistic in their expectations of recouping their health."

Quoted from a research. http://www.acsh.org/publications/pubID.377/pub_detail.asp

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Guest Gellybeanx3

My bf smokes and its not like I'm going to break up with him because of it, just cuz he smokes doesn't mean he's any different of a person.

I smoke, not a lot...I cut down and I'd prefer it if me and him both didn't smoke...but even when I wasn't smoking, I wouldn't completely ignore someone just for the fact that he did.

The way I see it...if the guy is willing to respect that you don't like, not do it around you n stuff...then it's fine.

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Guest 발ㅋ!ㄹ!

Alot of you people dont even know what you're talking about. Smokers dont always smell like smoke, it depends on how much they smoke and the brand. Also smoking ciggerrettes isnt always 100% early death. Some people will die early while some people can smoke for years and years and never get cancer.

Start being more open minded. Smoking doesnt make a person less than a non smoker.

I hate anti smoking nazis, yes we know smoking is bad for you.

Oh and by the way second hand smoke is my happy poopoo. There is no evidence that second hand smoke has ever killed one pesron. Just accept the fact that some people like to smoke while some people like to drink coffee and eat big macs at mcdonalds

i agree with you...Though smoking is bad but overall it is vague.

There is even a recent article i read...they found a lung cancer in a 42 year old mother of 2 son (same symptom / cause a smoker would get) she grew up with anti-smoking parents, siblings, and living with non-smoking husband as well. She mentioned how she was rarely in the same room as a smoker in her entire life. Now she is suffering from a lung cancer no different from a smoker. She announced that studies and research should be augmented in lung cancer...

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Guest minie_k89

it's ok if he smokes once in a while...

but if he's the hard-core smoker then it can't be help...

cos' i myself find smokers annoying but i'm trying to tolerate with it...

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Guest Rhapsodyy

Well i'd prefer the person I date to not be a smoker. Because I don't like the smell of the smoke at all.. and I don't know. I just wouldrather they didn't. But the guy I like I just yesterday found out he smokes.. aand at first it was disappointing, but really- it's not a deciding factor for me whether or not i'd date him. The fact of it is, even though he smokes, if he ever asked me to date him, I wouldn't say no because of it. Plus he doesn't smell an extreme amount like smoke either so that's good haha. I did notice it a little bit yesterday when he stood close beside me, but it's not an overpowering smell, so it's fine.

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well,, my bf smokes now and all i can say is that its DISGUSTING everytime he does!~

to all the comments previously who are like "smoking isn't as bad as it sounds" and all that crap because well frankly it is!!

he smells bad and well when i kiss him...even worse! like im eating a cigerette :wacko: soo gross but he's quitting now THANK GOD

but a couple of my friends smoke aswell and smoking doesn't necessairly make you a bad person but yeahh i worry aout my friends who smoke. everytime they go out to smoke i give them the evil eye :)

but basically...smoking is never good and never alright^^

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eh my bf smokes when he's stressed

i do it too sometimes, so i don't really mind

he looks hot when he smokes. heh

i actually like the smell..

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Guest ninasaurus

it's a turn off to see people smoking

but I'm not going to stop anyone

from doing it *shrugs*

I would just prefer they not blow

their smoke around me because

that stuff stinks >__<

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Guest ashchronicles

hate smokers..my dad and guy siblings dont smoke as well..

but if the guy wants to stop and juz have like...1 a day..datz fine by me..but i doubt a smoker can smoke one cig a day...

i hope my future husband is not a smoker...lol~XD

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