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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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5 hours ago, Smiling_Dolphin said:

                                             Star Talk

To all Rain fans, today(8 Dec) will be broadcast his interview "Star Talk" on TVB Entertainment News.



Hi Smiling_Dolphin, so NICE to see you in RAIN's thread. Thanks for sharing this info - I didn't know about this. :P




Rain says he suffers arthritis



Singer-actor Rain said he has arthritis and suffers from chronic back pain on Monday during SBS radio show “Cultwo,” hosted by a Korean comedy duo of the same name.

Rain, 33, said, “I had to dance a lot and use a lot of muscles while appearing in several action movies. It is also because I am getting old.”

One of the show’s hosts half-jokingly mentioned that a superstar suffering from arthritis is something new and somewhat funny.

Rain is set to hold exclusive concerts Dec. 11-13 at Olympic Park in Seoul.

By Lee Hye-won (hyewonlee@heraldcorp.com)



Rain Laughs at Plastic Surgery Rumors

Rain Laughs at Plastic Surgery Rumors


Solo artist Rain has addressed rumors about his more defined facial features being the result of cosmetic surgery.

The star was a guest on the December 7 broadcast of SBS PowerFM’s “Two O’Clock Escape Cultwo Show.”

During the show, Rain revealed, “People have been asking me if I got work done after losing weight.”

“If my face was like this after getting plastic surgery, then why would I have gotten anything done?” he laughed at the rumors of him going under the knife.

Being modest about his looks, he added, “I’m okay. Compared to other celebrities, I’m slightly below average. My rank is not that bad.”

When asked about the reason behind his mission to get back in shape again, Rain explained, “It’s always about ripping, tearing, and taking stuff off when I go on stage, and in order to do that, I must get in shape. If my body is not ripped when I go on stage, people might say that I haven’t been taking care of myself. Like a pro athlete, I have to build my body before putting on a show.”


Meanwhile, Rain will be holding three solo concerts from December 11 to 13 at the Jamsil Handball Stadium in Seoul.


Source (1) (2) / soompi news




15-12-07 Rain @ Twitter

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


V live!!! Let's coming over my show!! 이제 시작합니다 8pm https://www.instagram.com/p/-_KTljJSmz/ 





***I noticed that RAIN’s favourite stylist for his hair & make-up is always MJ. Elle HK issue where he’s the cover features about his singing & acting careers. It also talks about his family, his Mom & Dad. He mentioned here that he would like to play in a comedy role in the future. He’s asked if what he prefers, being a singer or an actor & he answered here both – he says that it’s like asking him who does he like- his Dad or his Mom. He mentioned about having a bipolar personality. Rain admits, since his debut in 2002, he has experienced a variety of ups and downs. He keeps in mind that his family is the most important. The magazine is coming out this month, December. :P


[HQ Pic] 15-12-01 Rain @ ELLE MEN Hong Kong Magazine 

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

Source http://www.elle.com.hk/celebrity/elle_star/rain-elle-men-cover-2015


ELLE MEN封面: 男神之始 Rain


當今韓流之盛,已不用筆墨細訴。無數後起之秀,一代男神又勝舊人,江山代有人才出。但說到起始之人,你應該不會忘記這位封面人物─Rain (鄭智薰)。當年單眼皮男生,可愛模樣卻一身強勁肌肉,2002年一出道便瞬間走紅,今天的韓風勢頭,大可回溯到他的起始說起。

他 出道13年來,雖不至於一帆風順,可是那份優秀「成績表」有多厚,也不用逐項細列。曾經獲得無數音樂獎項,又曾經成為亞洲第一位兩度獲選美國《時代周刊》 全球最具影響力100人的藝人。這位韓流中的首代舞台王者,在歌影視三棲都獨當一面,退伍後他在默默重整旗鼓,將自己的事業履歷表重新翻開,寫上一個個新 經歷。

今期特別為《ELLE MEN》拍攝這個獨家封面故事,同時分享自己所失所得,也道出過去人生態度。

styling & direction: Samuel Lee / stylist: Park Hye Jung / hair: MJ / makeup: Son Hee Suk / assistant: Perpetua Ip, Hana Choi, Lee Jae Hee



「雖 然努力的想要避開,還是能感受到我的rainism, I make it rainism the rainism, 你現在完全的陷入了……」(《Rainism》歌詞)於香港很多Rain迷來說,鄭智薰的第一印象就是《浪漫滿屋》中的李英宰。演員的形象非常鮮明,可是 從一出道開始,Rain就運用他的舞者風範,先為亞洲演藝圈捲起一股王者舞台風。即使已經過了快14個年頭,我們今天仍舊記住那年那天在舞台上為他尖叫着 的Rain。



演技 鬥魂


從 一個歌手變身演員,尚道這個角色帶領着歌手Rain轉型為演員鄭智薰。從Rain的舞台換成了各個角色人物的舞台,自此深深吸引着身為演員的鄭智薰。「甚 麼樣的人生都能活一下,有時候會變成殺人犯、有時會是有錢人、有時候可以是律師,可以演活一下別人人生的感覺,這不是演戲的魅力是甚麼?」


角 色演過這麼多,Rain認為,每次演戲都會在每個角色流露一點自己本來的面貌,每個角色都有一點點相像。的確,「《尚道呀,我們上學去》當中尚道的重親 情、《浪漫滿屋》當中李英宰的可愛淘氣、《這該死的愛》當中江福玖的深情,《逃亡者Plan B》當中智宇的冷靜機智,《對我而言可愛的她》當中的李賢旭對音樂的熱誠」,有看過他演出的讀者,不難發現,每一個角色都流露着一點點鄭智薰本人的面貌。 當然,也包括了「印象最深刻的作品,怎麼都是《浪漫滿屋》吧。」



Rain 笑言他一點都不挑,韓國人也好、中國人也好、外國人也好,只要是好演員都想合作。反而對於想要挑戰怎樣的角色、想要成為怎樣的演員,Rain比較有自己的 想法:「很想演特別搞笑的角色。日後很想成為一個很深刻、擁有很有強烈色彩角色的演員,是甚麼類型角色都能勝任的演員。」




Rain 坦承,自2002年出道以來,13年間經歷過各種高低起伏:「最傷心時候,就是盡過全力、準備了很久,可是出來的結果卻未如所料,然後還被批判。」他續 說,「每次努力不被認同,就會覺得特別傷心,內心是感到很可惜。」幸好這男神有強大的正面力量,每次他都「自我安慰」,「無論經歷甚麼,有一點永不變,就 是一直向上的意志,只要我想到家人,即使受多大創傷都會一直忍耐,面對多大困難,都不懼怕。家人,在我心目中是最重要的。」

別 家的男兒是三十而立,但Rain的「而立之年」,早在18歲母親去世、父親出國賺錢維持生計,由他肩負起照料全家時開始。那陣子,他早知道自己要肩負重 責,上天要賜他一個寬廣肩膀,或者就是要承擔得夠多。「我覺得要好好保護身邊的家人,才算是真男人,身上充滿愛人的力量,才算是成功。」


專訪詳盡內容,請參閱《ELLE MEN》十二月號。






















15-12-07 Rain @ SBS Power FM Cultwo Show

Credit  hyebin_a https://www.instagram.com/p/--xFkYhVzU/ / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





15-12-07 Rain V-Live - 비의 연습실(Rain's Practice Room)

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

watch video here







[V] RAIN - 태양을 피하는 방법 Rain's Practice Room

credit V Live TV




*** On December 31 – Jan 1 we know that RAIN will be part of the DC Countdown 2016 in BKK. This will be in Oasis Outdoor Arena. Also, he’s invited by the Tourism Authority of Thailand or TAT to Phuket to promote Thailand after his concert. :P

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Rain, "Cosmetic surgery? This face? That's a problem"



Singer Rain said he doesn't think about cosmetic surgery.

Rain appeared in the Naver V App "Rain's Practice Room".

He appeared to be different. Netizens asked if he had gotten plastic surgery and he said, "If this was a surgically operated face that would be a problem. I lost a lot of weight".

"I didn't go on a diet, but I just worked out a lot".

Meanwhile, Rain's Seoul concert is being held from the 11th of December to the 3rd of January at the Olympic Stadium.


Source : www.osen.co.kr/articl...

Translation : Hancinema


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11 minutes ago, KERROPPIE said:

Hi everyone? Is it true about Rain comeback drama? How come there are various insiders said he'll be doing Oh my Precious? Just curious..


Hi KERROPPIE, welcome to RAIN's thread. He's offered a drama, Hello My Most Precious Person’ or Goodbye My Love (working title) but, he has not confirmed this yet if he's taking the role. But, he mentioned during Halloween FM last Oct 30 that on  February or March 2016 he'll be doing either a movie or drama. Wait & see.............. I hope he'll do a K-drama again. Or even a K-movie is fine - :P 




December 8, 2015


[V Report] Take a look at ‘Rain’s Practice Room’


Broadcast Date: Dec. 7
Starring: High4, Lee Jung-shin from CNBLUE, Rain, No Reply





Titled, “Rain’s Practice Room,” Rain made an appearance on V, starting his show by singing one of his hits, “Ways to Avoid the Sun” with a dance performance.

After the song, he sat down and chatted with his fans watching the show.

One of the fans asked Rain how much money he has in his bank account.

Rain replied, “I don’t really know,” smiling.

Rain also showed off his hoodie and towel with his logo on it.

When asked to sing a song, “Three Bears,” he said, “It has been so long since I sang that song in the TV drama, “Full House.” Maybe later.”

Rain (Naver V)

Rain sang several other songs, amusing fans with much energy and charm.

In between the songs, he asked his fans to continuously search for his upcoming concert online.

His hourlong talk and singing entertained and brought joy for his beloved fans waited long for his appearance on V.


credit : By Lee Hye-won (hyewonlee@heraldcorp.com)

Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.naver.vapp
Apple App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1019447011?mt=8


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RAIN tells that he is suffering from arthritis


RAIN told that he is suffering from arthritis.

On December 7th, RAIN appeared on SBS Power FM 'Cultwo Show' as a special guest.

RAIN talked about his upcoming solo concerts, and said, "I have failed to get any special guest for my upcoming solo concerts. Doing a full concert alone is a hard job, but I should be able to get through."

Cultwo members said, "We run out of our breath sometimes," and RAIN replied, "I am suffering from arthritis due to too much dancing."

Meanwhile, RAIN told that his management agency ordered him to never smile on TV when he first debuted.

RAIN tells that he is suffering from arthritis


/Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com

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*** Release of this movie is on December 16..............:P




15-12-08 Rain @ 'The Tiger' VIP Movie Premiere

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/














2015-2016 The squall goods, Limited Edition 

credit officialjfcompany FB / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/



2015-2016 The squall MD(goods), Limited Edition,
Begin sale!!! 11-13,DEC,2015 
at OlympicPark Handball Stadium Official goods sales booth in SEOUL,KOREA














15-12-08 SHOWDC countdown to 2016 in Thailand Poster

credit @MYEntOfficial   Twitter / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

#SHOWDCcountdown2016 #RAIN @29rain #BEAST @jiyong1212 @djschedule1 @DJ_NUI #AmazingThailand OASISOutdoorArena 31Dec








151208 on.cc_Rain interview in Hong Kong for "The Squall" Tour in Hong Kong

credit: on.cc / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/














15-12-07 Rain @ SBS Power FM Cultwo Show

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

source http://blog.naver.com/pjunghun/220562117910









[Fancam]151208 Rain at "대호(The Tiger)" VIP Premiere in Gangnam
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/
D ace

[S영상] 김준수 비 류준열 임시완 등 '대호를 응원하는 수 많은 스타들' (대호VIP시사회)

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/








credit DC ENTERTAINMENT OFFICIAL / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/




[Vid]151208 on.cc_下月香港個唱 Rain最愛美食減壓
Rain interview in Hong Kong for "The Squall" Tour in Hong Kong
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/
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*** Since RAIN was also offered this drama but no confirmation yet on his part, I want to share this here : :P




Lee Min Jung to possibly take on 'Hello My Precious Person' as her first drama after hiatus


Is actress Lee Min Jung making her comeback into the drama industry? She's been on hiatus after having a baby, but it looks like she might be coming back soon!


Several news outlets reported that she is to be starring in upcoming SBS drama 'Hello My Precious Person' (literal title). But alas, it's not official yet.


A rep from SBS told OSEN, "We are discussing creating the drama 'Hello My Precious Person'. There is nothing confirmed about Lee Min Jung acting in it."

Her agency's rep also stated, "Lee Min Jung has received the offer for 'Hello My Precious Person' and is currently reviewing it."

Rain is also said to be considering the drama as well. 'Hello My Precious Person' will be based on the Japanese novel 'Mr. Tsubakiyama's Seven Days'. This drama is planning to be aired after 'Remember' in February.

If Lee Min Jung takes on this project, this will be her comeback production in one and a half years. Stay tuned for updates!


source : allkpop



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Rain responds to plastic surgery accusations


Rain's "30Sexy" MV


In response to recent plastic surgery accusations, singer and actor Rain responded by hilariously insulting his own appearance. 

Almost every major celebrity has been accused of plastic surgery at one point or another due to their unbelievably good looks. However, when responding to accusations of plastic surgery, Rain revealed that he doesn’t find himself handsome at all. The singer laughed off the allegation, saying “Plastic surgery? It would be a big problem if I still looked like this after receiving cosmetic surgery.” Netizens responded to his reaction by praising the singer for his charming personality, with many agreeing that his looks are natural, but disagreeing with his opinion of his looks.

Find out what Netizens had to say about this article below!


Koreaboo has collected reactions from Netizens who commented on the original article from our Korean source. The below comments are the most popular comments at the time of this article being published.

[+ 5276, – 291] He looks natural. Whether or not he’s classically good looking doesn’t matter, he’s very attractive if he had done surgery he might have become less attractive.

[+ 5846, – 77] His face is considered extremely attractive these days

[+ 4288, – 230] Come on you can tell he didnt’.

[+ 4592, – 433] He gets better and better looking


Source: OSEN / koreaboo

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32 minutes ago, Smiling_Dolphin said:

Last night i watched his interview. I really appreciate him since 2004. Are you okay? Are you angry at me?:cold_sweat:


Hi Smiling_Dolphin, oh, really?.............I only watched it via videos. NICE. I'm good.....I hope you are, too! Angry? Why should I? Ahhh....stay safe & c u around soompi, huh? :P

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On December 8, 2015 at 4:45 PM, willenette said:


Hi KERROPPIE, welcome to RAIN's thread. He's offered a drama, Hello My Most Precious Person’ or Goodbye My Love (working title) but, he has not confirmed this yet if he's taking the role. But, he mentioned during Halloween FM last Oct 30 that on  February or March 2016 he'll be doing either a movie or drama. Wait & see.............. I hope he'll do a K-drama again. Or even a K-movie is fine - :P 




December 8, 2015


[V Report] Take a look at ‘Rain’s Practice Room’


Broadcast Date: Dec. 7
Starring: High4, Lee Jung-shin from CNBLUE, Rain, No Reply





Titled, “Rain’s Practice Room,” Rain made an appearance on V, starting his show by singing one of his hits, “Ways to Avoid the Sun” with a dance performance.

After the song, he sat down and chatted with his fans watching the show.

One of the fans asked Rain how much money he has in his bank account.

Rain replied, “I don’t really know,” smiling.

Rain also showed off his hoodie and towel with his logo on it.

When asked to sing a song, “Three Bears,” he said, “It has been so long since I sang that song in the TV drama, “Full House.” Maybe later.”

Rain (Naver V)

Rain sang several other songs, amusing fans with much energy and charm.

In between the songs, he asked his fans to continuously search for his upcoming concert online.

His hourlong talk and singing entertained and brought joy for his beloved fans waited long for his appearance on V.


credit : By Lee Hye-won (hyewonlee@heraldcorp.com)

Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.naver.vapp
Apple App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1019447011?mt=8


Thank you chinguu

I want him also to do the goodbye my beloved looks like story line is good.. :)

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15 hours ago, KERROPPIE said:

Thank you chinguu

I want him also to do the goodbye my beloved looks like story line is good.. :)


Hi KERROPPIE, whatever................I want him to do anything in Korea this time, be it a drama or movie. So, I do agree with you. :P




151204 Rain @ 中環(Central) in Hong Kong

Credit: hkshiningcloud / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/









[Fancams]Rain @ Hong Kong Int'l Airport Dparture

Credit: hkshiningcloud / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/













*** Naver’s real-time broadcasting app V allows fans to interact with their favorite K-pop stars through live broadcasts. The app is available for Android and iOS. For more information, visit www.vlive.tv. :P

15-12-09 Rain V-Live - ♡비쇼♡ 몸만들기~

credit V Live TV / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





watch video here





[RAIN's Official Channel]15-12-09 NAVER_V RAIN Vehind

credit  RAIN's Official Channel / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






151208 J2_娛樂新聞報道_Star Talk - Rain Interview in Hong kong

Credit: biblueberry11 / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






[Fancams]151204 Rain @ 中環(Central) in Hong Kong

Credit: hkshiningcloud / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





[Fancams]151205 Rain @ Hong Kong Int'l Airport Dparture

Credit: hkshiningcloud / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






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***I guess Kang Sora is already out here - it’s a shame because I like her. But, Honey Lee is fine, too. I also like her and hope she’ll continue to improve. She is quite a versatile actress. I haven’t watched any Lee Min-jung’s work yet. So, no comment for her. I would be excited about this drama if RAIN is in it but up to now no official word from RAIN yet. If this drama is going to air in February SBS should announce and confirm the cast already soon…The novel seems more family-oriented than romance. I would assume this would have more comical side rather than dramatic anyway. In case RAIN will take this drama, ahhh.......always a pleasure to watch him act. What I don’t like is that it is a middle aged man who is given a second chance through a younger woman’s body. I would’ve preferred it if it was middle aged man who is given a second chance through a younger male (Rain) body. We will see. :P




Goodbye, My Beloved courts Lee Min-jung, Honey Lee, Choi Won-young




We have a whole slew of potential cast additions to the upcoming SBS drama Goodbye, My Beloved, a fantasy-afterlife drama about a man who dies, then is allowed to return to the land of the living in a different body to complete some unfinished business. It sounds like a cross between 49 Days and Who Are You (the 2008 series), called a comedy full of tears, where I’m assuming that those tears will come in addition to the laughter, rather than being tears of laughter.

Goodbye, My Beloved is a remake of the Japanese novel Mr. Tsubakiyama’s Seven Days, and early on cast Rain (She’s So Lovable) to headline, though he won’t be the newly dead and body-hopping ajusshi; that role will be played by Kim Su-ro (A Gentleman’s Dignity). The middle-aged main character is given the opportunity to possess a young woman’s body, and Rain’s character then falls for her. Er, him? Er, it’ll probably be really confusing in a comical way.

Goodbye, My Beloved follows Remember as a Wednesday-Thursday drama on SBS, premiering in Feebruary.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Via DongA, IS Plus, Sports Seoul, My Daily / allkpop

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Singer Rain, releases his concert practicing room for the first time




Singer Rain released his concert practicing room for the first time.

He released his concert practicing room through Naver V app broadcasted live from December 7th 8 pm.

He performed 'How to Get Away From Sun' live with choreography, and he showed his unchanging singing talent and dance to V-app watchers.

The V-app broadcast was done for about 2 hours, and he performed various songs like 'How to Get Away From Sun,' 'Love Story,' his self-written song 'I Love You,' 'Song to Get You,' 'Bad Guy' and more and talked about his concert.

Especially, he said that he is going to have an event taking photo on the stage together with 100 people chosen through lottery at the concert being held for 3 days.

Meantime, singer Rain's concert will be held at Olympic Park SK handball stadium from December 11th to 13th. [Photo=Naver V App Live]


source : Innolife.co.kr


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Lee Min Jung in Talks for Second Female Lead for Hello My Precious with Rain and Kang Sora


Time off to get married and have a baby is a hard break for any entertainer’s career, but when it comes to Lee Min Jung there is an added hurdle for her to overcome in coming back. She’s married to one of the most famous Korean stars in Lee Byung Hun, but his fame has been tinted with scandal since last year when he was implicated in a blackmail scheme by two starlets that revealed his womanizing ways despite being married to Lee Min Jung already.

She forgave him and they are now the parents to a baby boy born earlier this year in April. Six months isn’t too long a time to take a hiatus from acting but Lee Min Jung has been laying low since she got married so it’s been been nearly two years since her drama Sly and Single Again in early 2014. She was the leading lady there but now she’s in talks to play the second female lead in Rain‘s upcoming drama Hello My Precious (formerly called Goodbye My Beloved One), which is close to or has already signed Kang Sora to be the leading lady.





(skipped unrelated.....)


source : http://koalasplayground.com/2015/12/08/lee-min-jung-in-talks-for-second-female-lead-for-hello-my-precious-with-rain-and-kang-sora/

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