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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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[info]The 2nd Headquarters for Military Operations' military concert for Daegu citizens to mark the 62nd anniversary of the end of the Korean War.

Posted by ratoka on September 6, 2012 at memo-rain



[info]The 2nd Headquarters for Military Operations' military concert for Daegu citizens to mark the 62nd anniversary of the end of the Korean War.


Period : 18 September 2012~18 September 2012
Show time : 7:00pm
Ticket : Admission free.
The time required : 120 minutes.
Sponsor : The 2nd Headquarters for Military Operations' military band.
Inquiry : 750-6830
Location : 팔공홀 (Palgong Hall)

● Accompanied performance : Tenor "Lee Hyun" (a professor at Youngnam University), soprano "Kim Hye Kyung" (working as the Kyungbuk province opera representative), "Yun Seok Woo" (a member of the military symphony orchestra)
soprano "Ha Kyung Mi" (a professor at Myungji University), PR soldiers (Rain, KCM), Daegu Municipal Choir.

● Date : at 7:00pm on 18 September 2012
● Location : Palgong Hall, Daegu Culture & Arts Cente
● Admission to the concert : complimentary tickets for the concert will separately be distributed from the authority.
● Inquiry : 053-

● Program :

○ Part 1 : Military Wind Orchestra (he 2nd Headquarters for Military Operations' military band)
Festive Overture.
Rise of the Firebird.
Nessun Dorma - tenor "Lee Hyun"
Missing Geumgangsan - soprano "Kim Hye Kyung"
Brindish - tenor "Lee Hyun" & soprano "Kim Hye Kyung"
The Song At That Time (The Korean War Military Song)- Daegu Municipal Choir.



○ Part 2: Military Symphony Orchestra (belonging to Ministry of National Defense)
Verdi's La Forza del Destino prelude.
Bruch's Kol Nidrei - Cellist "Yun Seok Woo"
Tchaikovsky's Symphony no. 4.
New Arirang - soprano "Ha Kyung Mi"
PR soldiers - Rain (Jung Ji Hooon), KCM (Kang Chang Mo)
Korea Fantasy - Daegu Municipal Choir.


※ This date, location, program etc. may be changed without prior notice. Admission will be 8 years old.

source :http://artcenter.daegu.go.kr/arthall/stage/stage01_01.html?bmod=vie...
English Translation By 화니






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CJ Ent. sold the rights or better copies of R2B to many countries outside of South Korea. In US the movie came out already. I wonder what about the other countries, will they release the movie in the theater or just release it on DVD? Regarding Rain's ability of acting, I know that nowadays young singers are quite ambitious and really take acting seriously (just take for example Park Yoo-chun in SScandal, it was his first drama and he was really good). But in the beginning of 2000's, it was not very well received when singers suddenly turned actors and they weren't that successful. And at that time Rain decided to act in a drama and he did it although many adviced him not to do, to jump into acting only 1 year after his debut. But as usual Rain listened to his heart and proved everybody wrong. Doing Sang-doo in 2003 was the best decision as he proved from the hour 0 that he has a god-given talent and an awesome actor! And I am not saying that because I am his fan, it is a FACT! A friend of mine just recently watched Fugitive and she said although she didn't like the drama that much (she was honest and I respect her opinion), she was amazed by Rain's acting ability and already asked me what other projects he acted in ;-), so I would say our Rain convinces and wins them all!!!

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12-09-06 Rainyent Tweet - Rain September schedule

Posted by ratoka on September 6, 2012 atmemo-rain


source : rainyent twitter

[정지훈 상병 9월 일정] 구름 커뮤니티 스케줄 -> http://www.rain-cloud.co.kr/schedule.asp






Date : 4 sep 2012 위문열차 / 해병대 1사단 (공개)

Date : 13 sep 2012 위문열차 / 공군38전투비행단

Date : 15 sep 2012 제9회 전우마라톤 대회

Date : 17 sep 2012 위문열차 / 27사단

Date : 18 sep 2012 6.25 62주년 대구시민을 위한 제2작전사 군악연주회

Date : 20 se 2012 홍천군인의 날 / 11사단

Date : 24 sep 2012 국군방송 대(對)장병 오디션 ‘비 더 스타(Be the star) 결선 축하공연

Date : 25 sep 2012 군가경영대회 (10/1 국군의날) 축하공연



[부여] 가수 비, 백제문화제 뜬다

축제기간 '국군방송 위문열차' 녹화차 부여 방문

by CUCCI@rain-cloud.co.kr

“가수 비(본명 정지훈)와 함께 백제문화제를 즐겨보세요.”
제58회 백제문화제에 가수 비가 뜬다.
지난 4일 부여를 찾은 육군 제32사단 관계자는 백제문화제 기간 중에 국군위문방송인 ‘국군방송 위문열차’ 녹화방송을 부여 백마강 둔치에서 민·관·군이 함께하는 가운데 방송한다고 밝혔다.

이번 ‘국군방송 위문열차’ 녹화방송은 김근태 국회의원(부여·청양)의 마당발이 큰 역할을 했다. 
위문열차 녹화방송에는 가수 비와 휘성을 비롯한 연예병사와 아이돌 걸 그룹 등 다양한 연예인이 출현하는 것으로 알려져 축제 관계자와 지역주민들의 자못 기대하는 바가 크다.
특히, 국방홍보지원대원인 월드스타 가수 비의 출연은 잇단 태풍으로 몸과 마음이 지친 지역주민들은 물론 백제문화제를 찾은 관광객들과 함께 호흡하며 젊음과 흥겨움, 열기를 선사할 것으로 기대된다.

군 (軍) 관계자는 “잇단 태풍으로 멍든 농심과 마치 자기 일처럼 피해복구에 전념해온 장병들에게 몸과 마음에 위로가 될 수 있는 좋은 기회”라며 “이번 기회에 민·관·군이 교류의 폭을 넓히고 관광객들에게는 최상의 공연을 선사함으로써 백제문화 선양의 기회가 되기를 희망한다”고 말했다. 
한편, 대중스타들이 대거 출연하는 ‘위문열차’는 1961년 10월 처음 출발해 반세기 동안 이어지고 있는 국군방송의 최장수 프로그램이다.

부여=김인수 기자 kiss@ggilbo.com



[brief translation]

by 화니   2012.09.06 @rain-cloud.co.kr
According to the 32nd Division side, Consolatory Train concert featuring Rain, etc. will be recorded for later broadcast during the 58th Baekje Cultural Festival. (29 September 2012~7 October 2012)

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[sep-07-2012] Rain commissioned to be a member of the judging panel for 'Be The Star'.



Rain serving in the Defense Media Agency, was invited to be a member of the judging panel for the final preliminary round of military audition program 'Be The Star' held at KT&G Center in Kanghwa-do on September 6th.


Unlike Sergeant "Park Hyo Shin and Pfc "Kang Chang Mo", this was the first time for Rain to be a member of the judging panel for 'Be The Star' which started in January. Sergeant "Park Hyo Shin and Pfc "Kang Chang Mo" were also members of the judging panel on this day.


As a coach and mentor, Rain gave sincere advice to soldiers who advanced to the final preliminary round.

Rain said, "I want to stress three things. 'The look in the eyes', 'the fullness of self-confidence', and 'Trying it whatever the outcome'. I'll vote for qualifiers of many talents rather than qualifiers who sing well."


In particular, Rain ranked Sergeant "Park Joon Woo"s singing abilities very high, saying, "He sang so well that even a professional teuroteu singer would have been put to shame. I think he should probably be set on taking over the enka markets in Japan by releasing a teuroteu album after his discharge."


Ten of a total of 39 teams survived to the finals on the 6th, and the winner will be picked on the 24th.


Credit to SSTVPRESS http://sstv.hankyung.com/index.html?page=news/flypage&nid=151402&cid=16

Brief translation by 화니


class="title" Rain R2B calendar wallpaper for September.

by Cloud USA on September 6, 2012.

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[sep-07-2012]Rain's reasonable scathing remark during an audition to 'Be The Star'.





The final qualifying competition of military audition program "Be The Star" was held at KT&G Center in Kanghwa-do last 6th.


Rain who was invited to be a member of the judging panel for military audition program 'Be The Star' for the first time, gave outspoken comments, which made every performer tense.


Rain expressed his opinions "How you seek your own style is crucial. I am inclined to hate imitating the voice of somebody."

Also, he gave tips to Pfc "Yang Ji Hoon" who sang his hit song "How To Avoid The Sun", "Basically, there is nothing "Ji Hoon" can't do. Please don't take my color from my voice. You probably should have performed by concentrating on signing rather than dancing."



Credit to Hankyung News http://sstv.hankyung.com/index.html?page=news/flypage&cid=16&nid=151504

Brief translation by 화니

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12-09-08 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ

credit : ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr





English Translation

by 화니  @rain-cloud.co.kr


[Rain] : We've missed you so much. Let us start the day healthily and energetically!

[KMC] : Listener 'Kang Choon Ho', "I'm a soldier serving in Daegwallyeong.
Many soldiers are waiting in line for the phone even though they are about to receive guerrilla training. They are anxious about their family's safety due to the typhoon damage, and they've been volunteering at the damaged site caused by the typhoon."

[Rain] : We've already received guerrilla training. I hope 'Kang Choon Ho' will do his best to fulfill his military duty until his discharge.

[Rain] : Listener 'Roger That', "I almost got into a car accident today, and the driver swore at me harshly. I'm still trembling!"
It's all water under the bridge.

[KMC] : Listener '#7870', "How nice to hear you two's voices again."
[Rain] : Listener 'Large', "It's so good to hear both of your voices again."
[KMC] : Listener 'Lee Dae Woo', "As the autumn draws near, we have cooler mornings and evenings now."

[Rain] : Listener 'Poomi', "Our largest appetites occur in autumn."
[KMC] : Listener 'Only Yiljin', "Working every weekend, I couldn't listen to the radio. But I'll tune to it today."

[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "Last week, 'Jung Joon Yil' told us to do something different instead of listening to the radio on the weekend." (laughs)
That's out of question. He can't have it so. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#3462', "I'm alone in the house on the weekend, but it's good because I don't feel lonely any more, thanks to you two."

[KMC] : Listener '#5024', "Welcoming the coming season of fall, my husband, my daughter, and I are getting ready to go out for a walk."
[Rain] ; Autumn is a great season to date with somebody.
[KMC] : I think you have a lot of experiences in love affair.
[Rain] ; I think there were quite a number of women who asked out me for a date. (laughs)

[KMC] : Listener '#7244', "Next Monday is my 14-year-old son's birthday."
Happy birthday!
[Rain] : Happy birthday!

[KMC] : Listener 'Eye', "I miss somebody in autumn."
[Rain] : Please try to ask out somebody you like for a date, giving him a book.

[Rain] : Listener 'Newt Rain', "I felt that I had been unjustly treated for the past week, but I tried to be positive."
We see a great deal in our long life. I hope you'll try to look on the bright side.

[KMC] : Listener 'Son Su O', "The old music introduced on the radio show last week, evoked memories of my early days. I'd like to make a special and memorable moment while listening to the show."

[Rain] : 'Son Su O' has sent letters and books to me. Thank her for her consideration, and I want to thank all those who have supported me both physically and spiritually.
'Son Su O' has a very unusual name, so it's easy to remember.
I think if she runs a restaurant, she can use her name for the restaurant. (laughs)

-Talk with 'Pyo Ju Yeol' about music-

[Rain] : 'Pyo Ju Yeol', thank you for joining us and giving us the time today.
[KCM] : This is typical autumn weather. 'Pyo Ju Yeol', do you like autumn?
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : When autumn comes, I often go fishing, so I like autumn very much.
[Rain] :When autumn comes, it brings back old memories.
In my middle-school years, I always wondered what my mother would bring home. (laughs)
[KCM] : I think you wondered if it was something to eat?
[Rain] : That's right. (laughs)

(1) Singer 'Kim Won Joon's Crazy.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Kim Won Joon' was very popular in the 1990s, but he is quickly making his way up once again. His song 'Crazy', the theme song to the drama 'I Got A Windfall', is being a big hit in the country. He used to have a "pretty boy" image.
[Rain] : 'Shin Sung Woo', 'Kim Won Joon', 'Kim Min Jong', and 'Son Ji Chang' also
used to have a "pretty boys" at that time.

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener '#8922', "'Kim Won Joon' sings with a captivating voice."
[Rain] : Listener '#7820', "I like to hear him sing."

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener '#2930', "Every single word of the song rang so true to me."
[Rain] : I like to be direct in the lyrics of my song.
[KCM] : I like singing the lyrics of my song in an abstract way.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : I like such lyrics full of poetic expressions.
[Rain] : Pooh! The score is two to one in your favor. (laughs)
It was just kidding. (laughs)

(2) Singer and gagman UV's 'I'll Live With Her'.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Singer 'Yun Do Hyun' participated in this album as a chorus singer.
UV's funny music videos have garnered a lot of attention.

[Rain] : There is something attractive about UV. I like the group because they are not pretentious. I also try not to be pretentious like them or singer Psy, etc.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : In that sense, I think Rain will be loved by many people.
[Rain] : On the other hand, there is a man who acts pretentiously in front of people to leave a good impression. He has a place next to me here. (laughs)
[KMC] : Please tell me who he is. (laughs)
[Rain] : You know as well as I do. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I've heard corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) will work with UV."
My collaboration with UV is currently in preparation. Please look forward to it.

[KMC] : Listener '#3864', "I prefer listening to funny songs. I hope Rain will sing duet with KCM after you two's discharge."
[Rain] : KCM is far above me in singing, so I don't think it's possible.
[KMC] : Come on, you don't need to flatter me.
[Rain] : Please don't overrate yourself. (laughs) It was just a joke.
I think KCM's charismatic features make me so attractive onstage.
[KMC] : As you know, my mother is now listening to this show. (laughs)
[Rain] : I know, of course. KCM on stage reminds me of that famous singer, Jo Yong Pil. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please don't make me blush. (laughs)
[Rain] : But, KCM's expression on his face when he sings on stage is quite a sight. (laughs) KCM would be a good singer if he would not just warble his way through the song. (laughs)
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : But, KCM is already a good singer. (laughs)

[KMC] : Listener '#7554', "Singer and gagman 'Park Myung Soo' also sang funny songs."

(3) Taylor Swif's 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together'.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : She is a hot country singer and accomplished musician who has won many prizes. Also, she has exceptional beauty.

[Rain] : Listener 'Small Eyes', "She is good at singing, and there is gossip about her being involved in several scandals."

[KMC] : Listener '#4922', "Her singing skills are great."
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : The song hits number one on the Billboard charts.

[KMC] : Listener '#8332', "She has an attractive voice."

(4) R.Kelly's Lady Sunday.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : It's safe to say that R.Kelly is the king of R&B soul.
He has released smash solo albums since his debut in 1992.
He is an outstanding musician as there's no need to explain any more.

[Rain] : No one matches R.Kelly in R&B soul music, but he had been living on the street off before his debut. His place in music history is secure even though he has been embroiled in several scandals.
'Pyo Ju Yeol', thank you very much for coming in today.
See you next week.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Thank you. I'll see you next week.

[KCM] : Listener 'PC', "I watched a 4DX movie with my friend. During the movie, my chair was intermittently rocking back and forth and almost spilt a cup of pop corn on the floor."
I've never watched a 4DX movie.
[Rain] : When you get a chance, please try to watch it.

[Rain] : Listener '#9632', "I want to learn how to swim well."
Once you're determined to reach a goal, please keep going with staying power. Fighting!

[KCM] : Listener 'The Heels Of Another'. "When I found my funny old letter to my parents while cleaning the house, I burst into uncontrollable laughter."

[Rain] : Listener '#8798', "Today is my birthday, but I have to work and so can't get myself to relax."
[Rain] &[KCM] : (The two sang "Happy Birthday" to her)
Happy birthday!!

[Rain] : Listener 'O Se Wun', "I'm a soldier serving in Gangwondo's Cheolwon region. Yesterday was my close senior soldier's birthday, but I was too busy to have his birthday party. I'd like to give a small party for him later today."

-Miss A vs Mr. B-

[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung', thank you for being on the show.
I think I haven't seen you for a while.
[Kim So Jung] : Long time no see.
[Rain] : I heard something bad happened to you.
[Kim So Jung] : Since my ear mike suddenly fell on the floor, there was an incident where the program was almost stopped during the live broadcast, but luckily I was able to conclude my comeback onstage in safety.
[KCM] : I know 'Kim So Jung' can sing and dance well. Which do you prefer, singing or dancing?
[Kim So Jung] : I like both of them.
[Rain] : KCM, please stop talking nonsense, and just do your work. (laughs)

-Story 1-
[Rain] : Listener 'My Heart', "It has been a year since I've broken up with my ex-girlfriend. Yesterday I received a short text message believed to be sent from her a year after I broke up with her, but my cellphone screen wasn't numbered. I thought it must be her message. I don't know her true intention, but on the other hand, I find my heart keeps wavering."
It means still she cannot give him up.

[KCM] : I think she just wanted to tell him how much she cherishes the memories of those old days and miss him.
[Kim So Jung] : So do I.
[Rain] : I think he does not really need to restore relations with her, but he can reach her with a light heart. That way, the reunion between the two may be cooler.
[KCM] : I think it might have been a wrong number. (laughs)
[Rain] : Yeah, it could happen. (laughs) In that case, I guess he will not have to show any particular response. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'I Miss Rain', "Please just let her go."

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#7638', "As a matter of courtesy, she did so."
[Rain] :But I think he can't put her out of his mind.

[KCM] : Listener '#3021', "Please don't dwell on it. Just forget about it."
[Rain] : Listener '#8686', "He is managing his women." (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#7554', "Her message reminds of me the fox and the grapes." (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#1030', "It feels like he's going to reach her."

-Story 2-
[KCM] : Listener 'Shrimp Cookie', "I've dated with my girlfriend since I ran into her in Busan a few years ago, but I'll be joining the army in December. She told me she would live freely during my military service, but I know that she says that in a jovial manner. However, I'm constantly worried that she would leave me during my military service."

[Rain] : I think he has to do his best to stop her from leaving him.
[KCM] : They should probably act on their desires.
[Kim So Jung] : I think they'll feel more comfortable if they just become friends after his enlistment.
[Rain] : That couple already belongs together, so it is impossible for them to become friends. The situation I hate the worst is neither fish, flesh nor fowl. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#3462', "I think love affairs are beyond man's control."
If he just goes with the flow, he may get a clue to the problem.
[Rain] : But, only people who do their best get the chance to make their dreams come true.

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Rubber Shoes', "I'm sure she can wait."
[Rain] : Listener '#5698', "I think she's constantly in love." (laughs)
I don't think so. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'My Love Boku', "I think he should just relax and let things flow. I hope he'll let go of his worries and obsessions."

[KCM] : Listener 'Because Of You', "If they truly love each other, their temporary separation shouldn't really matter."
[Rain] : It's important to do his best however the result turns out.

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Eye', "I hope he'll be in touch with his current emotions."
[KCM] : Listener '#8972', "She shouldn't have said such things in his hearing."

[Rain] : Listener 'Green Tea Ice Cream', "Frankly, out of sight is out of mind."
And to conclude, by December he has to do his best to stop her from leaving him. (laughs)
[KCM] : Anyway, I hope he and she hook up together.

-Story 3-
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Military Rubber Shoes', "There is a man with a lot of charm I've known for a very long time, but we've not yet formed a relationship. We used to be in regular communication by letter or date with each other whenever he got a vacation during his military service, but he suddenly dropped correspondence with me as soon as he left the army. We are not lovers, but I feel betrayed by his defection even though I don't have any feelings left for him."

[KCM] : He is such a bad hat!
[Rain] : I feel like he used her.
[KCM] : I think she should pay him for his insults by causing his trouble.
[Rain] : How? (laughs)
[KCM] : Let's try to think what to do. (laughs)
[Rain] : Is it really necessary to do that? I think she should cooly let him go.
[Kim So Jung] : I think the quicker she lets him go the better as far as I'm concerned.
[KCM] : Such a man looks for her only when he needs something. When he reaches her, she can get revenge on him by behaving coldly toward him.
That's exactly what it is...managing men. (laughs)
[Rain] : Incidentally, KCM has a wide circle of female acquaintance impliedly. (laughs) KCM often makes a long-distance collect call to somebody believed to be a woman for three hours after work. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain's statement is at variance with the truth. (laughs)
[Rain] : I meant it for a joke. KCM is such a romanticist and he often makes a telephone call to somebody believed to be a woman over two hours, but I don't know who she is. (laughs)
Anyway, thank you for coming in today, 'Kim So Jung'.
[Kim So Jung] : Thank you.

[KCM] : Listener '#4537', "My eldest son has come to get a vacation for the first time since he was enlisted. I can see him three days from now."
[Rain] : Her son might be anxious for time to move on unlike her.
[KCM] : Rain's each and every word touches my heart with such intensity.

[Rain] : Listener '#7704', "I hope I'll surely be accepted by the university through nonscheduled admission."
We hope to see good results.
[KCM] : Fighting!

[KCM] : Listener '#5114', "I wish I had a younger brother."
[Rain] : Listener '#0988', "My father will be buying a laptop computer for me today. I can't wait to have one."

[KCM] : Listener '#5644', "I was so tired that I fell asleep quickly without washing myself last night, and I even overslept. But knowing that today is Saturday takes a load off my mind."

[Rain] : Listener '#7638', "I performed services for our community yesterday. But more help is needed."
In the wake of one of the deadliest typhoons to ever strike the nation last time, we also try to volunteer.

[KCM] : Listener '#5909', "It comes the Gizzard Shad season. I'll cook for myself."
[Rain] : I just have water in my mouth. Are you licking your lips, KCM? (laughs)
Please stop it. (laughs)
The most important thing for us, is to be good to our parents while they are here, regardless of the weather.
[KCM] : I'm in full agreement with you.

[Rain] : KCM, how are you today?
[KCM] : I'm really in a good mood today.
[Rain] : The weather is just right to go for a walk. I hope all the listeners will have a great weekend.
[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for listener 'Military Rubber Shoes', 'Son Su O', and 'O Se Wun'.
[Rain] : This has been Rain.
[KCM] : This has been KCM.
[Rain] &[KCM]: See you tomorrow! Thank you.

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12-09-09 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ


credit : ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr


English Translation

by 화니@rain-cloud.co.kr

[Rain] : It can be an instinctive reaction - if it's noon on the weekend you tune in to The Desire To Speed. Please have a good time again today by staying tuned to The Desire To Speed!

[Rain] : Personally, I like pop group 'Asoto Union'. (after their song)
[KCM] : Me too.
[Rain] : Are you able to guess who they are? (laughs)
[KCM] : Of course, I am. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#8908', "I'll tune in to The Desire To Speed!"
[Rain] : New soldiers have recently been transferred to the Defense Media Agency.
A PR soldier named 'Gyun Woo' has a knack of impersonating other singers. He's so good at doing imitations. Others can't hold a candle to him.

[Rain] : Listener 'The Scent of Chrysanthemum', "I've colored my hair by using coffee, but consequently, my hair has been seriously damaged."
You'd rather apply the dye on your hair, instead of coffee.

[KCM] : Listener 'Have Courage', "I think I'm addicted to cellphone games. I want to get out of this mess."

[Rain] : Listener '#5575', "Autumn is the best season for reading, but I don't have time for books these days."
I want to recommend a book, Carnegie's 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living', to you.
[KCM] : I want to recommend comic books to you. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, but you don't read any book recently. (laughs)
Except for working, you slept all day long. (laughs)
[KCM] : I've been too busy working to read books.

[Rain] : Listener 'Magnet On The Refrigerator', "I went mountaineering with my family during my vacation. Climbing the mountain was too much like hard work."
Actually, I've become accustomed to a busy lifestyle in the city so far, so I really like the lifestyle.

[KCM] : Listener 'Look At Me', "My toe skin is wrongly burnt after wearing flat shoes this summer, so I'm a little worried and afraid to go outside."
[Rain] : Comfort is the most important thing when it comes to shoes.

[Rain] : Listener '#5687', "My friend has opened a clothes shop on an online shopping mall, but the pieces are so high that I can not think of buying them."
[KCM] : Long time ago. my friend overcharged me, so I was incensed.
[Rain] : KCM, you were taken in, trusting that guy.

[Rain] : Listener 'Sundae Soup', "I'm really envious of my friend who has had a boyfriend. The couple has even exchanged rings."
[KCM] : But the couple may sell the rings to others after spilling up. (laughs)
[Rain] : How is that possible? (laughs) The rings deserve to be kept in evergreen remembrance no matter how they separate with each other.

[Rain] : Listener '#3355', "My younger cousin who is ten years younger than I am, is about as tall as I, so I've decided to drink more milk." (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#6987', "I want lean muscle, no flabby skin, so I try to learn how to take care of my skin."
[Rain] : KCM, please read well!
[KCM] : Because my glasses are smeared.
[Rain] : Your glasses are clean. (laughs)
[KCM] : I think I should wear contacts. (laughs)
[Rain] : Please don't do that! (laughs). It will be an ugly spectacle without your glasses. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Pomegranate Juice Mania', "When I accidentally spilled pomegranate juice on the floor at a shop, I thought the shopkeeper would give free refills to me, but she charged double prices after giving me another one."
[KCM] : The shopkeeper is a very cold-hearted person.

[KCM] : Listener 'High In The Sky', "My grandma and I had a good time, posing for our photographs."
That's a rare sight these days.
[Rain] : I hope they will live happily.

[KCM] : Listener 'Whale's Sound', "I got an old-fashioned cellphone for free from a man who is a complete stranger to me. It was very thoughtful of him to give it to me."
[Rain] : A man of his kind is rarely to be met with.

[Rain] : Listener 'Shopping Bag Man', "A man who is connected with our firm, has a very unique name. He makes me just break up."
[KCM] :A woman I knew for a long time, also has a very unique name.
[Rain] : KCM seems to be involved with too many women. (laughs)
[KCM] : Not like that! (laughs)
[Rain] : Anyway, you need to tell the truth. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Toby', "I suffered vile abuse at a restaurant. The owner was really making me angry, but I bit my tongue."
Whatever you do, please don't go there again.

[KCM] : Listener 'Water Sprinkler', "The commute from my house to my office is too long, so I want to get a house near my office to make it easier to get to and from work. I'm a 29-year-old woman and want to become independent of my parents, but they are in serious denial about it. Should I marry to become independent of them?"
[Rain] : I think you can be independent of your parents. If so, you can ask for or accept help from the police in advance when you need it.

[KCM] : Listener 'Heart', "I secretly love a man working out at a health club, but I don't know how to get the message across."
[Rain] : The way is simple. Please wear something sexy. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#9968', "The sole of my sneaker suddenly fell off while climbing Mt. Sorak with my friend. I managed to come down the mountain."
You need to demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.

[KCM] : Listener 'Curiosity', "My hobby is collecting sticker photos. but the hobby doesn't seem right to me somehow."
Everyone should have something they like to do in their leisure time.

[Rain]: Listener 'Sunsundaero', "I had my wisdom tooth pulled and don't want to go out until the swelling goes down."
[KCM] : When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, the effect of the anesthetic wore off earlier than expected and I felt severe pain in my chin. I know what she means.
[Rain] : Are you talking with your mouth full? (laughs)
[KCM] : What are you talking about?
[Rain] : Please don't swallow your words! (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Black-And-White Photo', "There is a sick bed within the enclosure of our school. I had a head injury while playing with my friends, so I had to go to the paramedic and have me checked out. I was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt. I felt better after taking a rest."
I had done myself a willful injury to leave early in my school days. (laughs)
[Rain] : The thought never entered my head because our school nurse was very strict to us.

[Rain]: Listener ཌྷ-Year-Old Girl', "My elder sister have just given birth to another child, her third. Hope they will grow up healthy!"
I wish I would have a daughter, fraternal twins, and a son (laughs)
[KCM] : I wish I would have a son and a daughter.

-"Twist" segment (Digging a little into his or her past and seeing what you find.)-

[Rain] : Welcome, 'Jung Joon Yil'.
[KMC]: 'Jung Joon Yil', thank you for hosting this show for us last week.
If there is one quality your fans love about you, what do you think it is?
[Jung Joon Yil]: I think they like the way I'm really normal.
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil's attractiveness is partly due to his tendency to view the world through hypersexual eyes. (laughs)
Actually, once you get to know him, you'll see that 'Jung Joon Yil' is a genuine person and is very popular among women for his good manners. (laughs)

[Rain] : Who is the star of the day?
[Jung Joon Yil]: I'll try to introduce singer Psy who is currently popular all over the world.
Psy's real name is 'Park Jae Sang' and was born on December 31, 1977.
He has B blood type and belongs to YG Entertainment.
His unique and highly individual style of singing and dancing are loved by numerous
people around the world. Recently, his concert was on air through MBC TV, and the TV program won popular acclaim and high ratings (7%)
[Rain] : My concert scored around 12% in audience ratings.
[KMC]&[Jung Joon Yil]: Wow! (laughs)

[Rain] : Psy's concert always has a lot to see, and he has played over a lot of concerts. However, I'm confident no one matches me in performance. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil]: Psy can play the drum and clarinet, not to speak of singing.
Psy is confident he is so sexy. (laughs) When he performs, they say it is an ugly spectacle. (laughs)
[Rain] : I agree with you. (laughs)
[Jung Joon Yil] : Psy has a lot of lard around his waistline even though he is a singer. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM looks exactly the same as Psy does. (laughs) Just look at the rolls of fat on KCM's belly. (laughs)
[KMC]; I know Rain has gained weight recently. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM is wrong about me. I've had gained some weight, but I don't think it's that serious. If my fans bring me food, please give me food to help my diet. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : Psy had topped a survey of the star most university women would like to date with. (laughs)
[Rain] : He deserves a reward for going through many hardships in his life.

[Jung Joon Yil] : Psy has the potential to become a top star as he has tried many different musical genres.
[Rain] : Not only does his new song 'Gangnam Style reach number 1 on nearly all the music charts in Korea, but it is also popular all over the world.
[Jung Joon Yil] : Recently Psy even performed at the MTV Video Music Awards.
[Rain] : I attended the MTV Video Music Awards in 2005, but I think he has enjoyed remarkable success.
[Jung Joon Yil] : Psy has also formed a partnership with a huge agency in USA.
[Rain] : This calls for a definite celebration.
It's time to wrap it up. 'Jung Joon Yil' won't appear on this show due to his vacation next week, so somebody will come here on 'Jung Joon Yil's behalf.
'Jung Joon Yil', let’s meet the week after next.
[Jung Joon Yil] : I'll see you then.
[KCM] : Thank you, Jung Joon Yil.

[Rain] :The temperature is fluctuating a lot recently, so I'm suffering from allergic rhinitis symptom. Please be careful not to catch a cold.
[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for listener 'High In The Sky', 'Shopping Bag Man', and 'Water Sprinkler'.
[Rain] : This has been Rain, and..
[KCM] : This has been KCM. Thank you!
[Rain] : Thank you!

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I think this is in Singapore.

12-07-09 xin.msn - R2B: Return to Base teaser(新加坡10/25上映)






視頻連結  link

http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/v ... repermalink-twitter,dest_en-sg&cpkey=c42885ed-4fe9-4193-ab62-07f615b656a7||||

Soar Into The Sun (Trailer)

[iN CINEMAS 25 OCTOBER] This is the remake of director Shin Sang-ok’s ‘The Red Muffler’ (1964). This movie is about the soldiers’ friendship and lives through one guy, who becomes true soldier after joining the Air Force. South Korean Elite Black Eagles Air Force pilot Tae-hun finds himself transferred to a combat flying unit after a cocky, unplanned, and dangerous air show demonstration. On the first day of his transfer to F15K, he meets Cheol-hui, the unit’s own top gun. Tae-hun is free spirited, whereas Cheol-hui plays by the rules, and the two come into conflict almost immediately. However, Tae-hun quickly befriends his other colleagues: Dae-seo, Yu-jin and Seok-hyeon. He also falls in love with Se-yeong, who is in charge of maintenance. Tae-hun continues his free-spirited ways and his antics get him suspended from duty. Then one day, a reconnaissance mission turns into an unexpected incident, ending in Dae-seo’s untimely death and Seok-hyeon’s disappearance. Initially blaming Cheol-hui for the tragedy, he and Tae-hun eventually come to an emotional understanding. Now the F15K make preparations to rescue their missing comrade. [iN CINEMAS 25 OCTOBER]

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anjjo said: I think this is in Singapore.

12-07-09 xin.msn - R2B: Return to Base teaser(新加坡10/25上映)





視頻連結  link

http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/v ... repermalink-twitter,dest_en-sg&cpkey=c42885ed-4fe9-4193-ab62-07f615b656a7||||

Soar Into The Sun (Trailer)

[iN CINEMAS 25 OCTOBER] This is the remake of director Shin Sang-ok’s ‘The Red Muffler’ (1964). This movie is about the soldiers’ friendship and lives through one guy, who becomes true soldier after joining the Air Force. South Korean Elite Black Eagles Air Force pilot Tae-hun finds himself transferred to a combat flying unit after a cocky, unplanned, and dangerous air show demonstration. On the first day of his transfer to F15K, he meets Cheol-hui, the unit’s own top gun. Tae-hun is free spirited, whereas Cheol-hui plays by the rules, and the two come into conflict almost immediately. However, Tae-hun quickly befriends his other colleagues: Dae-seo, Yu-jin and Seok-hyeon. He also falls in love with Se-yeong, who is in charge of maintenance. Tae-hun continues his free-spirited ways and his antics get him suspended from duty. Then one day, a reconnaissance mission turns into an unexpected incident, ending in Dae-seo’s untimely death and Seok-hyeon’s disappearance. Initially blaming Cheol-hui for the tragedy, he and Tae-hun eventually come to an emotional understanding. Now the F15K make preparations to rescue their missing comrade. [iN CINEMAS 25 OCTOBER]

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class="title"[Cloud USA] R2B Return to Base account: A Tale of Three Ajummas.

— Written by Stephe Thornton, Managing Editor@Cloud USA on September 11, 2012.


R2B Return to Base account: A Tale of the Three Ajummas (September 6, 2012)

Like Rain, R2B: Return to Base brings people together who would usually never meet or speak with each other.

I’ve been to see Rain’s Korean summer blockbuster, R2B: Return to Base, five times now here in Atlanta. Yes, five. So far.

The first time was just to get it out of my system. We have anticipated this film since early fall of 2010, when he was filming KBS TV drama The Fugitive: Plan B with the Media asking, Will Rain put on that Red Scarf? Will Rain star in a new Red Muffler remake? (It’s been nearly two years to the day that those rumors started.) We’ve waited since the announcement came from CJ E&M that yes, he would. And since early 2011, when he began R2B filming and behind the scene glimpses came filtering out. Summer 2011, when R2B filming wrapped. October 11, 2011, when Rain walked into army boot camp, snagged for two years by the R.O.K. military. After a full two years of waiting for R2B to finally drop in Korea, and then having it not only come to the U.S. a mere week after that but to the ATLANTA METROPOLITAN AREA with ENGLISH SUBTITLES, it was either be there on opening day or bust.

It really didn’t matter where I had to go. It could have been hours away at the other end of Georgia, or across the border into another state. Terri and I drove to NYC last fall for SM Town at Madison Square Garden. You think we’re not going to drive to RAIN?

The second viewing was for my review of the film (which I’m in the process of writing now, please stay tuned). The third and fourth times were to gauge audience reactions (also a part of my review) and for fun. The fifth time (and any hereafter, R2B is in the third week of its limited release here) was totally for my personal enjoyment (again, fun). Rain being larger than life in his latest project, on a movie screen that I can drive to, is an amazing occurrence that I never thought would ever happen. His talent shines like new money in this movie, as do his cast mates’, and R2B itself is a romp of doggone good entertainment. You laugh, you cry, and you laugh again. Heheh.


You know, it would have probably helped English-speaking moviegoers to know that R2B was Korean WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Fail. :(

When I arrived at the AMC Colonial 18 in Lawrenceville last week on September 6 for what I thought was the final showing of R2B, I certainly didn’t expect anyone else to be there. It was a weekday, early evening, barely past rush-hour traffic, and most people (who weren’t still stuck on the roads or on the job) would be at home feeding their kids and trying to unwind from another hard work day. But as I walked into the theater, I heard loud talking. Loud talking, in Korean. I froze at the stairs when I saw the two ajummas (아 줌마) sitting in the middle of the theater in the semi-darkness. They quieted, and stared back. I stared at them. They stared at me, probably thinking I had wandered in the wrong door. After all, I’m a large Black woman and R2B is straight-up Korean, kind of a strange combination when you think about it. I stared at them. They stared at me. I stared at them. They stared at me. Finally, I snapped out of it, went up the stairs past them, and found a seat where I had a great panorama of the screen.

While waiting for the movie to start, I got comfy-cozy, had some snacks, and listened to the ajummas talk. Loudly. :)  Only a few words that drifted up to me made sense, seeing as I’m a mere grammar student at this point. “괜찮아” (gwaenchanh-a, it’s okay)… “네맞아요” (nemaj-ayo, yeah that’s right)… “우리차” (uli-cha, our car)…” 저쪽 이상” (jeojjog isang, over there, over yonder)… I thought I caught a couple of 비s up in the mix too, but they were talking so fast…

R2B started and I was a happy camper, even more so because I realized that, with the ajummas being loud, I could catch some their reactions. They were quiet when Rain came on screen for the first time, but chuckled and laughed at his antics and those of his cast mates’ throughout the film. They guffawed at the whole glider scene, chattered excitedly over aerial combat, cracked up at his reaction when he finally got a date, and seemed properly somber during the suspenseful parts. They got really quiet when I laughed at Rain with the Korean cartoon tears on his face (I think an American finding that funny probably freaked them out).

All too soon, the movie was over and singer Heo Gyu was crooning the ending theme “Closer To the Sun.”

I looked down below me. I didn’t see anyone. The ajummas had been so quiet the last half-hour, I assumed they had snuck out close to the end, so I checked my phone, grabbed my tote and stood up to leave. Turns out they were just really short women, because that was when they popped up out of their seats, turned around, and stared up at me.

I stared at them. They stared at me. I stared at them. They stared at me. It was like déjà vu, man, and it was starting to get weird, so I tried the first thing that came to me. I waved. And they waved back.

That was my cue to not leave the way I’d come in, but to cross the theater and leave with them.

Their first question was, “You like Korean film?” Me: “Oh, yes, for a long time.” Ajumma #1 was digging frantically in her purse, I wasn’t sure why. Ajumma #2: “This film has famous singer, you know?” Ajumma #1: “Yeah, famous singer from Korea. L-l-l-ain.” Ajumma #2: “Bi. You know Bi?” Me (Ajumma #3) (with a chuckle): “Ooooh, yes. I know Rain, all right.” Hahaha! Hilarious, right? Picture me so tickled, I was grinning like this at that question:


They were all too happy to prime me on Rain as we strolled out into the carpeted corridor. “This is his film, yeah.” “He’s in the Army now, yeah. In the Army.” They seemed quite proud of him. “He’s a good singer. Really good.” “Oh, so handsome! Real cute, yeah.” “Actor, he does everything.” “He’s the best dancer. The best. Real sexy. Like this here…”

That’s when Ajumma #1 (who also could have been a Halmeoni)(할머니) proceeded to bust a move right there in the AMC that looked something like minute marker: 0:37:

Ajumma #2 cracked up at her. I just lost it when she tried to do an abbreviated “Hip Song” grind. :D Talk about awesomeness.

They were very surprised when I told them I’d been a Rain fan for nigh on seven years and considered him a real talent.

After we hit the Ladies Room, we talked about the new CJ Entertainment film coming to the AMC in September, Masquerade (starring Lee ByungHun), and how I became interested in Asian culture as a child, how my Air Force vet father adored Seoul when he served there and sent us home everything from clothing to furniture to dolls in hanbok, and how much both ladies had enjoyed R2B.


Out in the parking lot, as we separated to go to our cars, Ajumma #1 finally found what she’d been searching for in her purse and gave it to me—a pack of Orion Gosomi premium biscuits. “For you. They’re really good.” Talk about making my heart happy! I love how eager the Koreans I’ve met have been to share of themselves, their culture, and simply help me out, even if they could barely speak English. That’s what life’s all about, folks. (She was right. Those crackers were delicious.)

Like Rain, R2B: Return to Base brings people together who would usually never meet or speak with each other.

This has been a tale of three ajummas and one Korean film. And how, when anyone steps outside of the norm with a smile and a wave, they can help make the world better.



class="title"[GIF][images] Rain check.

Rain About Town: R2B Mini Cooper! Haha. (Source credit: the official R2B movie Facebook)


byStephe @ Cloud USA on September 11, 2012.
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anjjo said: class="title"[Cloud USA] R2B Return to Base account: A Tale of Three Ajummas.

— Written by Stephe Thornton, Managing Editor@Cloud USA on September 11, 2012.

R2B Return to Base account: A Tale of the Three Ajummas (September 6, 2012)

Like Rain, R2B: Return to Base brings people together who would usually never meet or speak with each other.

I’ve been to see Rain’s Korean summer blockbuster, R2B: Return to Base, five times now here in Atlanta. Yes, five. So far.

The first time was just to get it out of my system. We have anticipated this film since early fall of 2010, when he was filming KBS TV drama The Fugitive: Plan B with the Media asking, Will Rain put on that Red Scarf? Will Rain star in a new Red Muffler remake? (It’s been nearly two years to the day that those rumors started.) We’ve waited since the announcement came from CJ E&M that yes, he would. And since early 2011, when he began R2B filming and behind the scene glimpses came filtering out. Summer 2011, when R2B filming wrapped. October 11, 2011, when Rain walked into army boot camp, snagged for two years by the R.O.K. military. After a full two years of waiting for R2B to finally drop in Korea, and then having it not only come to the U.S. a mere week after that but to the ATLANTA METROPOLITAN AREA with ENGLISH SUBTITLES, it was either be there on opening day or bust.

It really didn’t matter where I had to go. It could have been hours away at the other end of Georgia, or across the border into another state. Terri and I drove to NYC last fall for SM Town at Madison Square Garden. You think we’re not going to drive to RAIN?

The second viewing was for my review of the film (which I’m in the process of writing now, please stay tuned). The third and fourth times were to gauge audience reactions (also a part of my review) and for fun. The fifth time (and any hereafter, R2B is in the third week of its limited release here) was totally for my personal enjoyment (again, fun). Rain being larger than life in his latest project, on a movie screen that I can drive to, is an amazing occurrence that I never thought would ever happen. His talent shines like new money in this movie, as do his cast mates’, and R2B itself is a romp of doggone good entertainment. You laugh, you cry, and you laugh again. Heheh.

You know, it would have probably helped English-speaking moviegoers to know that R2B was Korean WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Fail. :(

When I arrived at the AMC Colonial 18 in Lawrenceville last week on September 6 for what I thought was the final showing of R2B, I certainly didn’t expect anyone else to be there. It was a weekday, early evening, barely past rush-hour traffic, and most people (who weren’t still stuck on the roads or on the job) would be at home feeding their kids and trying to unwind from another hard work day. But as I walked into the theater, I heard loud talking. Loud talking, in Korean. I froze at the stairs when I saw the two ajummas (아 줌마) sitting in the middle of the theater in the semi-darkness. They quieted, and stared back. I stared at them. They stared at me, probably thinking I had wandered in the wrong door. After all, I’m a large Black woman and R2B is straight-up Korean, kind of a strange combination when you think about it. I stared at them. They stared at me. I stared at them. They stared at me. Finally, I snapped out of it, went up the stairs past them, and found a seat where I had a great panorama of the screen.

While waiting for the movie to start, I got comfy-cozy, had some snacks, and listened to the ajummas talk. Loudly. :)  Only a few words that drifted up to me made sense, seeing as I’m a mere grammar student at this point. “괜찮아” (gwaenchanh-a, it’s okay)… “네맞아요” (nemaj-ayo, yeah that’s right)… “우리차” (uli-cha, our car)…” 저쪽 이상” (jeojjog isang, over there, over yonder)… I thought I caught a couple of 비s up in the mix too, but they were talking so fast…

R2B started and I was a happy camper, even more so because I realized that, with the ajummas being loud, I could catch some their reactions. They were quiet when Rain came on screen for the first time, but chuckled and laughed at his antics and those of his cast mates’ throughout the film. They guffawed at the whole glider scene, chattered excitedly over aerial combat, cracked up at his reaction when he finally got a date, and seemed properly somber during the suspenseful parts. They got really quiet when I laughed at Rain with the Korean cartoon tears on his face (I think an American finding that funny probably freaked them out).

All too soon, the movie was over and singer Heo Gyu was crooning the ending theme “Closer To the Sun.”

I looked down below me. I didn’t see anyone. The ajummas had been so quiet the last half-hour, I assumed they had snuck out close to the end, so I checked my phone, grabbed my tote and stood up to leave. Turns out they were just really short women, because that was when they popped up out of their seats, turned around, and stared up at me.

I stared at them. They stared at me. I stared at them. They stared at me. It was like déjà vu, man, and it was starting to get weird, so I tried the first thing that came to me. I waved. And they waved back.

That was my cue to not leave the way I’d come in, but to cross the theater and leave with them.

Their first question was, “You like Korean film?” Me: “Oh, yes, for a long time.” Ajumma #1 was digging frantically in her purse, I wasn’t sure why. Ajumma #2: “This film has famous singer, you know?” Ajumma #1: “Yeah, famous singer from Korea. L-l-l-ain.” Ajumma #2: “Bi. You know Bi?” Me (Ajumma #3) (with a chuckle): “Ooooh, yes. I know Rain, all right.” Hahaha! Hilarious, right? Picture me so tickled, I was grinning like this at that question:

They were all too happy to prime me on Rain as we strolled out into the carpeted corridor. “This is his film, yeah.” “He’s in the Army now, yeah. In the Army.” They seemed quite proud of him. “He’s a good singer. Really good.” “Oh, so handsome! Real cute, yeah.” “Actor, he does everything.” “He’s the best dancer. The best. Real sexy. Like this here…”

That’s when Ajumma #1 (who also could have been a Halmeoni)(할머니) proceeded to bust a move right there in the AMC that looked something like minute marker: 0:37:

Ajumma #2 cracked up at her. I just lost it when she tried to do an abbreviated “Hip Song” grind. :D Talk about awesomeness.

They were very surprised when I told them I’d been a Rain fan for nigh on seven years and considered him a real talent.

After we hit the Ladies Room, we talked about the new CJ Entertainment film coming to the AMC in September, Masquerade (starring Lee ByungHun), and how I became interested in Asian culture as a child, how my Air Force vet father adored Seoul when he served there and sent us home everything from clothing to furniture to dolls in hanbok, and how much both ladies had enjoyed R2B.

Out in the parking lot, as we separated to go to our cars, Ajumma #1 finally found what she’d been searching for in her purse and gave it to me—a pack of Orion Gosomi premium biscuits. “For you. They’re really good.” Talk about making my heart happy! I love how eager the Koreans I’ve met have been to share of themselves, their culture, and simply help me out, even if they could barely speak English. That’s what life’s all about, folks. (She was right. Those crackers were delicious.)

Like Rain, R2B: Return to Base brings people together who would usually never meet or speak with each other.

This has been a tale of three ajummas and one Korean film. And how, when anyone steps outside of the norm with a smile and a wave, they can help make the world better.

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Rain will take to the stand again to explain his version of how the allegations made by the entrepreneur damaged his public image. He’ll testify in his defamation suit against an entrepreneur who falsely claimed he swindled his company. I wonder why he didn't attend this, huh? He could have just asked permission from DEMA & for sure he'll be permitted.


Rain Misses Summons to Testify in Embezzlement Rumor Trial

Rain was asked to testify at the trial for the man who spread rumors about his embezzlement, but did not attend.


In the hearing held on July 31, the justice department chose Rain as a witness for prosecution, but Rain did not attend the trial held on September 11.

The prosecution said, "Even at the time the charges were pressed, we didn′t see the need to call Rain as a witness. We′ll summon him one more time."

It then added that it had delivered Rain′s summons to a representative.

Judge Park Sun Kwan said, "Because [Rain] did not appear today, another hearing will be held on October 16."

The defense counsel showed discomfort about Rain′s absence, saying, "It doesn′t make sense that they delivered the summons for Rain to a representative."

In the end the hearing was postponed, and Rain was sent another summons.

In 2010, a Mr. Lee was charged without detention for telling a reporter that Rain embezzled money together with the head of the clothing brand ′J′, of which Rain was the biggest shareholder, and having it printed in the news. In 2011 Rain won in a case against two reporters regarding the incident and received 50 million won in compensation.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan / enewsworld

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[Fanmade] Rain Fanart

credit : tierrang twitter/ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr




[Eng Trns]12-09-12 kfn_train tweet

Posted by ratoka on September 12, 2012 at memo-rain



[09-13] Rain in military picture


source : http://via.me/-5093pvy

credit:ratoka@Rain Legend


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