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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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***Always so wonderful to see anything about RAIN. :lol:


Rain Snaps Photo with Fellow Celebrity Soldiers in Vietnam

by: thunderstix on Mar 29, 2012


Recently, Rain shared a photo taken with his fellow celebrity soldiers, including Park Hyo Shin, Kim Ji Hoon, KCM, Epik High’s Mithra Jin, and comedian Lee Jin Ho. The photo was taken on March 21 in Hanoi following the “2012 Korea-Vietnam Friendship Concert,” where Rain and the rest of the group gave a special performance.

The concert was held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Vietnam. In the photo, Rain is standing in the middle, looking to have slimmed down a bit, with the rest of the soldiers surrounding him.

Rain joined the Korean army last October and has served as a trainee at the bootcamp until recently when he transferred as a PR soldier. On March 26, Rain participated in the “2012 Seoul Peace Music Festival,” returning on stage for the first time since his enlistment.


Credit : soompi news


Rain in Military picture

Credit as tagged / ratoka - rain-cloud.co.kr/


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[link] Ninja Assassin review by Punch In The Neck.

Credit : Stephe - rain-cloud.co.kr/



... Because there haven't been any really GREAT Ninja movies of this calibre lately...

Or have there???

(Yeah... everyone loves a classic

Ninja joke)

This week we're going to cover some serious geographical ground from Japan to New York to Berlin in order to cover the story of Raizo, the young Ninja gone rogue, fighting his way to justice and payback on his adoptive clan. Yes... we're talking about the most recent epic Ninja film, "Ninja Assassin". This is a 2009 release directed by James McTeigue (Matrix, Dark City, Street Fighter, Episode II-Attack of the Clones, etc) and written by Matthew Sand and J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Thor, Underworld: Awakening, etc), and starring the South Korean pop star Jung JiHoon, Naomi Harris (28 Days Later, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc) as an American FBI agent, and Ninja film legend Sho Kosugi (The Godfather II, Enter the Ninja, UltraMan Series, etc). The entirety of this film is built around the myth and mystery of the Ninja... and that my friends is entirely AWESOME!

Is the acting great? Not always. Are the Ninja CG and special effects entirely believable? Not really. Is the story good, filled with high action sequences and superhuman, mystical Ninja skills? YOU BET YOUR YEN IT IS! (And no, we are NOT referring to Donnie Yen. But if he'd been in the film, it would have exceeded all human expectations and thus caused the universe to fold in on itself. For realz.)


Now, before we get too far, it is worth noting that much of what we in the West know as "Ninja" (guys running around in incredibly comfortable black footie pajamas, scaling walls, flying over rooftops, throwing various metal things and causing massive bloodshed) is entirely a Hollywood invention. According to my handy-dandy Ninja field guide, "Ninja Attack!", Ninja were really no different than any guerrilla warrior anywhere else in the world. They were mountain farmers that got entirely tired of the crap being pulled by the Shogun (A military dictator by birthright), and ended up developing highly specialized, technologically advanced forms of espionage, covert attack, and utterly disabling forms of battle involving hand-to-hand martial arts fighting, weapons, explosives, but wore average, everyday clothing in order to "blend in". They formed into clans according to family and region, and eventually became independently contracted consultants and hit men. They were however largely wiped out in the 16th century by Oda Nobunaga, the "Ninja Destroyer"...


(OK OK OK... I'll quit with the lame Ninja joke)

SO, our story starts in the hangout of a small Yakuza clan branch. Due to the entire lack of accent, we have to presume they are from Brooklyn... though that doesn't make any sense at all. But, this is the movies and anything is possible.

Our lead Yakuza man, Hollywood, is getting a GNARLY old school tattoo on his back by an older gentleman who knows a thing or two about tattoos. As Hollywood winces in pain, the Tattoo Master gives him a lesson in the real meaning of tattoo. Just then, a poorly folded letter with a wax seal is delivered. When opened, it reveals black sand. (DUH DUH DUH) It is here that our tattoo master goes into a story about how he encountered this very thing a long time ago. How the darkness surrounded them, and all of the men were snuffed out.

But wait... how did he survive??? His only reason for survival was that his heart is located on the opposite side of his body cavity, thus his heart could not be pierced easily. The Yakuza gangsters start mocking him (bad idea), followed by the whole Yakuza group mocking him (SUPER bad idea). And then, just 4:07 into the film, the massive blood letting begins. And BOY, did they ever have a big blood budget on this one!

I mean, this is really saying something too because, in all of the Donnie Yen brutality films we've watched, he has never... And we mean NEVER, caused it to rain body parts.

Well played Ninja. Well played.

And... now we're launched at top speed over the ocean to the Europol offices in Berlin into the office of the young sleuthfoot researcher, Mika, and her Europol boss, Ryan Maslow. She is presently researching an assassin case, which she believes has a strong Ninja connection. Through the presentation of compelling evidence, Maslow agrees to let her research this Ninja connection further.


OK. Hold on now, because now we're going to jump forward to a laundromat, presumably in Berlin. We find our now grown up Raizo doing his laundry. And HERE is the real secret of Ninja. Even when he is in the middle of washing his darks, he is still COMPLETELY in disguise via his street wear... which is entirely consistent with the Ninja M.O.

Now, you see a lovely Asian woman across from him in the Laundromat. She gently approaches him and asks for help with folding her bed sheets. Odd... OF COURSE!!! Raizo immediately knows she's a Ninja, and in two swipes of the blade she is promptly shoved into a washing machine in bits and pieces.


That red is going to

stain those whites!!!

Now, there's more history within the history of the history you're learning about. There's the "making of Raizo" history, the KGB research of Ninja assassination plots resulting in the death of the researcher, the ACTUAL assassination plots of the Ninja, and the most exciting non fighting Bond-esqueRaizo.

You quickly find out that Raizo is an "orphan" (likely kidnapped from his village), and has been adopted into the Ozunu clan. He spent many years training and being brutalized by his "father" in order to masterfully hone his Ninja craft. But where/how/why did this Ninja training happen??? Now, if I refer back to my Ninja field guide, this COULD mean that he was raised on the island Izu-Oshima in the Hando-san Dojo, believed to be the site where the infamous En no Ozunu lived in exile some time in late 600 A.D. This is significant to note as Ozuno's followers eventually taught their warfare and alpine survivalist techniques to the earliest Ninja. They thus in turn venerated En no Ozunu, a bad-richard simmons non clan affiliate, as a patron saint. SO... is it possible that, though there isn't officially an Ozunu clan in Ninja history, there is/was an Ozunu Dojo that created hardened individuals that could survive everything and be Ninja??? Me-thinks YES! And besides, it makes for a great story.


So the training! We spend a good portion of the first half of the film watching flashbacks of Raizo grow up from about 8 years old with a group of other 'orphans'. We come to find that Raizo has been identified as a high potential student, taking to this Ninja thing like a duck to water, beating, stabbing, slicing and dicing. There are a couple of pretty brutal scenes here, feet being sliced open and such, children beating children, general ickiness. But as we watch Raizo grow he also develops a relationship with pretty Ninja trainee Kiriko. Kiriko seems to know that this Ninja thing is not for her though, and receives a gash across her face as punishment from her master when she refuses to cut a brother she has defeated. We swoon for a moment over pretty girl Kiriko teaching monster boy Raizo that he does in fact have a heart before things start to get really ugly.

Many of Raizo's training fights are with older 'brother' Takeshi (just to get it out of the way so it doesn't bug you for half the movie like it did me, yes, Takeshi is played by smokin' hot Rick Yune, Johnny Tran from The Fast and the Furious. Yum.) who seems to be taking this Ninja business very seriously. To teach Raizo to 'see with his ears', his master blindfolds him and pits him against a sword-wielding Takeshi. It's like that scene in Star Wars where Luke learns about the force and how to use a light saber, but way more deadly, with far less whining, and a whole lot of Ninja. Score. But anyway, there's this rivalry thing going on with Takeshi that is obviously going to blow up someday.


Deciding that she just could not bring herself to carry out the duties of a Ninja Assassin, Kiriko decides to blow the proverbial popsicle stand by climbing the high outer wall. When Raizo catches up with her in her escape attempt she tries to convince him to go with her, but he insists that his place is with his Ninja family. There's a super cute goodbye kiss (it's the only one in the movie ladies, enjoy it while it lasts), and then she's up and over the wall.


And now, flash forward to the current day to find Raizo busy doing bad-richard simmons things like push-ups on nails bigger than my fingers and slinging around a kyoketsu-shoge like it's a yo yo. Feel free to use that pause button to allow yourself time to pick your jaw up off the floor and mop up the drool as this is one of the most amazing NON-fighting scenes you will ever be privy to watch.

And, we're back with the Ninja-youth flashbacks... Now you didn't think Kiriko would get away, did you? Because how else would we end up with angsty rebellious Ninja boy and another hour of high action film?? SO... Kiriko is quickly caught and sentenced to death at the hands of none other than... (DUH DUH duuuuuuuuuuh) Raizo's long-time rival Takeshi!! So sad with the heart stabbing (a theme in this film, must be a Ninja thing).

As a result of everything that went down with Kiriko, Raizo is feeling a little unsure when he gets his first assignment, but that doesn't stop him from making a giant bloody mess. Things don't go as well as it could, but I would say Raizo does pretty well for his first time out, and the crazy blood-spooting mess and busted up bathroom fixtures all over the clean white men's room is a high contrast of violence red and sharp white porcelain not soon forgotten. BUT, Raizo kills his target (understatement of the century, right there), steals his watch, and heads up to the roof to meet up with his Gang'o'Ninja, where his master decides that now is an opportune time for him to kill a newly discovered traitor who had tried to run away, much like his Kiriko.

nable to bring himself to kill another person that night, and reminded of his murdered love, Raizo completely snaps and unleashes that kyoketsu-shoge he's so good at on Master Ozunu's face (surely your short term memory is such that the irony is not lost!). Ozunu, complete with spooting blood face, orders death and burning to be rained down on Raizo. Again with the slicing and dicing through all of his buddies, Raizo manages to escape. And by 'escape' we mean he performs a stunt akin to the clown-jumping-from-ladder-into-kiddie-pool trick.. except off of a skyscraper in the River Thames.

You know what that means, right? Yes? Do we really have to tell you? OK, we'll tell you. ROGUE NINJA!! Deadly shuriken (throwing-stars) and other sharp shiny thing toting sneaky dudes on the loose! But that's ok, Raizo is actually a good guy now, running around the world thwarting assassination attempts by his previous family and generally putting a really big kink in their Ninja business.


"... But why did you save me?"

Uuuh.. Cause he's a rogue Ninja with a score to settle

and you're his biggest argument pawn E-V-A-R!?!!?!

This brings us back to the current date and time where Mika has discovered way too much about the family of trained assassins and their willingness to bump off political figures at 100 pounds of gold a pop. Knowing this is naturally bad and when Ninja's descend on her apartment, Raizo shows up to protect her, and then explain what a ridiculous hole she has dug herself into, and whisk her away into the night... to a really cheap hotel.

And on a side note...

I want to be whisked by a Ninja. Maybe not to a cheap motel, but I'll take what I can get.

So, post-whisking, Mika and Raizo are chilling in said cheap motel when she gets the brilliant idea that boss Maslow, touting himself now as a firm believer in the pajama-clad killers, could help them. The brilliancy of her plan is questioned though when they meet up with him and Raizo is promptly arrested by an entire team of dudes in SWAT gear. They haul him off to their secret FBI lair (it's scary to think that these things exist...) and chain him up in a room with cameras, because Ninja can be sneaky like that.

Maslow, in some attempt at what can only be described as "strategery", pulls Mika aside to try to convince her that he hasn't betrayed her and that he's still on her side. I think we're supposed to believe him, but the performance leaves something lacking. ANYWAY, he gives her a tracking device so he can know where she is at all times, and it makes perfect sense for her to accept it because he's never betrayed her before. Insert slapping of the forehead.

Knowing that the Ozuno Ninja clan is on their way to claim Raizo, Mika tries to urge the Europol/FBI/Various other agents who are standing around gawking at Raizo to get a move on and save themselves. They of course laugh at the fictitious pajama brigade. But then the Ninja electrician shows up and all hell breaks loose. And then with the flying and the stabbing and the punching and the spooting of the bloody bits and the billions upon billions of Shuriken...



I hope your insurance coverage has a rider for Ninja attacks!!!

If not, this sucker's totaled.

I'm just sayin'.


After perhaps one of the most Ninja-est, flying-est, death defying-est scenes EVER in the history of Ninja films, we soon discover that Raizo has taken a shuriken to the gut. Yes, OUCH is the appropriate response here. (shudder) Mika uses her newly found NASCAR/stunt skills to peel out of the center of Berlin to... a cheap motel. (I guess that after getting such a huge blood budget, they needed to "trim the fat" somewhere else in the film) She gets Raizo into bed so that he can rest, having refused to be taken to the hospital and stitched back together.

There is some talking, some apologizing, and then some Ninja descending. By the time Watson and his agents of various agentry (???) arrive on the scene, Mika is fine, but Raizo has been captured and taken back to the Dojo for execution.




(Pshhhh... seriously? We're just 2/3 the way into this 99 minute film.)

SO, Raizo rides in a steel coffin back to Japan, all the while conducting healing exercises to close the gaping hole in his abdomen. Upon arrival, they strap him up on the whipping post in the Dojo's courtyard and start a candlelit ceremony OF DOOOOOOOOM!!! Master Ozunu pulls out the magic Japanese fist of gut re-arranging and goes to town on defensless Raizo. (bastards!) But wait... what... what is this little thingie that Raizo has coughed up, all covered in blood and slime????



The explosions are loud, but the Ninja fall silently...

as expected.

Splosions and ninja and tanks.... wait, wha? Tanks? Where did the tanks comes from??? See, Raizo coughed up the tracking device that Watson gave to Mika, and now the Marines have descended upon the mountain top Dojo to save Raizo and show the Ninja that guns, or bazooka for that matter, aren't useless after all.


The film ends with an EPIC fiery dojo battle galore with punching, kicking, weapons, fire, blood, swords, blood, guns, blood, Kusari-gama knife like thingie, and the Marines decimating the thousands of years old temple complex. Because it really is faaaaaar to epic to describe, you're just going to have to rent the movie because no one on YouTube would allow us to embed the video clip here.

Sorry folks. :(

HOWEVER, you can easily rent this movie anywhere for a couple of bucks. iTunes has it for $2.99, Amazon.com has it for $3.99, and I'm SURE that Video Universe in good old Robbinsdale, MN has it for around $3.25 for three nights of rental... because YOU WILL want to watch this one a couple of times. Or, at least pause, rewind, play, pause, etc often.


Totally, utterly, amazingly impressive... is it not???

Now, before we close this episode of PiTN entirely, it seems right to mention that Raizo, played by Korean Pop star "Rain"(Born Jung Jihoon), spent MANY months training for this film. Here is a photo montage of his transformation over 6 months, working out 10 hours a day, and eating nothing but boiled meat, vegg, and few carbs. We aspire to his greatness, adore his amazing abs, and wish for 10% of his bicep awesomeness. (insert image of the mavens cramming dark chocolate brownies in their mouths and rinsing it all down with delicious double Mojitos)

Posted by K. Sadler at 1:54 PM

Credit : Punch in the Neck

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120320 Rain @ 하노이한국국제학교


Credit : hanoischool/ shelley@rain-cloud.co.kr

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

anjjo, I'm sure you noticed here that some of the soldiers had an eyewear, almost similar from one another - You see, there are cases where military provide eyewear to soldiers if worn but no contact lenses. My post is based on second-hand stories from the Korean’s friends who did serve, plus a little bit of independent research before. And what I know is those soldiers who have eyewear are usually not an "active-duty-soldier, they're assigned as a "Public Service Personnel" - The reason maybe why we seem to see more of them there in DEMA specifically at the PR Dept. :lol:


Fanmade - Rain April's Calendar


Credit By ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

credit : rain fanart blogspot

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Who wouldn't love this man huh? It's perfectly understandable. He is just the perfect mix of everything! Everyone wants a piece of RAIN – hehehe. He gives off such manly vibes. RAIN is hot! He's just too irresistible. :sweatingbullets:

***So sad & bad that we haven't heard anything now about "Soar: Into the Sun". The last report I read about this movie was mentioning that it would be 1st quarter release this year. But, we're almost ending the 1st quarter & what happened now? I prefer & hoping that they release this movie once RAIN is discharge next year so he could fully promote his film. :mellow:

***RAIN will soon be celebrating his 10th year anniversary in showbiz! In April 24 he’ll mark his 10 years! Just amazing – he’s still going strong until this time. :lol:


***This is where Rainy Entertainment holding an office right now. :D

[Mar-30-2012]Rain'll alter a building owned by him in Cheongdam-dong into Boutique Hotel.

Credit to Daily Economy http://news.nate.com/view/20120330n01957

English translation by 화니 - rain-cloud.co.kr/


It has been confirmed on the 29th that world star Rain is in the process of starting building

a hotel called Boutique which has a small performing arts hall attached to it.

Boutique Hotel is small but custom-built, and is also called 'Concept Hotel' or 'Designers


It belatedly turned out that Rain planning to build a hotel called Boutique in a complex

owned by him in Seoul's Cheongdam-dong, presented his design change document to

Gangnam-gu office the first half of last year in order to approve the design changes

before construction can proceed.

According to Gangnam-gu office, the building (Building Rainy) Rain owns has six floors

above ground and three underground, the total area of this place is 3794.64㎡ (total land

area, 1024.8㎡), and it is composed of Neighborhood Unit Facilities (the first floor~

the third floor and two underground) and Office Facilities (the fourth floor~the sixth floor)

Gangnam-gu office officials expressed, "The singer Rain side hopes to build a hotel

called Boutique which has a small performing arts hall attached to it by altering the zoning

of the property. The side presented the design change document to Gangnam-gu office

last year, and the plan is now under consideration by the office."

But, it is said that the issue of how wide that road located along his building is may be

precisely the ones choking the changeover to Boutique Hotel.

The officials said, "There are few roads measuring more than 12m in width due to the

nature of roads to villages in this area.

If the government and Gangnam-gu office agree to lift restrictions on the width of the

road (12m->8m) and grasp the concept of Boutique Hotel differentiated from other

hotels, big profits could be made at the national level. We have to solve the problem


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***This is where Rainy Entertainment holding an office right now. :D

[Mar-30-2012]Rain'll alter a building owned by him in Cheongdam-dong into Boutique Hotel.

Credit to Daily Economy http://news.nate.com/view/20120330n01957

English translation by 화니 - rain-cloud.co.kr/

*quoted image*

It has been confirmed on the 29th that world star Rain is in the process of starting building

a hotel called Boutique which has a small performing arts hall attached to it.

Boutique Hotel is small but custom-built, and is also called 'Concept Hotel' or 'Designers


It belatedly turned out that Rain planning to build a hotel called Boutique in a complex

owned by him in Seoul's Cheongdam-dong, presented his design change document to

Gangnam-gu office the first half of last year in order to approve the design changes

before construction can proceed.

According to Gangnam-gu office, the building (Building Rainy) Rain owns has six floors

above ground and three underground, the total area of this place is 3794.64㎡ (total land

area, 1024.8㎡), and it is composed of Neighborhood Unit Facilities (the first floor~

the third floor and two underground) and Office Facilities (the fourth floor~the sixth floor)

Gangnam-gu office officials expressed, "The singer Rain side hopes to build a hotel

called Boutique which has a small performing arts hall attached to it by altering the zoning

of the property. The side presented the design change document to Gangnam-gu office

last year, and the plan is now under consideration by the office."

But, it is said that the issue of how wide that road located along his building is may be

precisely the ones choking the changeover to Boutique Hotel.

The officials said, "There are few roads measuring more than 12m in width due to the

nature of roads to villages in this area.

If the government and Gangnam-gu office agree to lift restrictions on the width of the

road (12m->8m) and grasp the concept of Boutique Hotel differentiated from other

hotels, big profits could be made at the national level. We have to solve the problem


Thanks willenette for this good news. I hope Rain will be successful in this endeavor and the problem be solved ASAP.



12-03-22 Rain at hotel in HaNoi,VietNam


Credit: Znuck Viptest@facebook ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr

From: rainvietnam // raincloudhk

From: rainvietnam // raincloudhk






by 화니@rain-cloud.co.kr

Jung Ji Hoon (Rain) is the best.

Welcome to Vietnam.


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12-03-30 Rain Coupang banner


credit : coupang // cap by ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr




12-03-30 Fanmade - Rain cartoon picture

Posted by ratoka on March 31, 2012@memo-rain



source : https://twitter.com/#!/tierrang/status/185725282605477891/photo/1

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Will Jung Seok Won Become the Next CF King?



Translation Credit : Ju Ahn Lee


Jung Seok Won, who is currently starring in the SBS drama Rooftop Prince, has attracted the attention of the public thanks to his increasing popularity with advertising companies.

An official from an advertising company met with enews on March 30 and said, “Jung Seok Won has emerged as a hot star in the CF industry nowadays. Advertising companies are coming to him in droves due to his diverse image from with his various productions.”


skipped . . . . . .

skipped . . . . . .

Currently in Rooftop Prince, Jung appears as Woo Yong Sool, a servant to the crown prince. Although he is a hot head who lets his fists do most of the talking, Jung’s serious character meshes extremely well with the comic and lively drama atmosphere, evoking the laughter from the viewers.

skipped . . . . . .

Meanwhile, Jun will reacquaint himself to audiences later this year with his appearance in the movie Flight: Close to the Sun. The cast will include Rain, who is currently serving in the Korean army, as well as Shin Se Kyung, Kim Sung Soo and Yoo Joon Sang. The film willl also include the stories of South Korea’s greatest fighter pilots.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan

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Sorry guys, due to many issues (many for my taste <_< ), I feel like I neglecting Rain and his soompi sites a lot lately. I appreciate for that reason more how much hard work you put here and I appreciate it soooo much. Although I don't always find the time to be here or to post more regularly.

So a big thank you for all the latest news!

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More April Calendar and Rain Pics

April 2, 2012








[fan cam] Rain’s ad clip that is showing on the wrap-around JumboTron at Lotte’s Star Avenue in Seoul. Awesome. ^@@^ ~ 120325[Lotte]BI Rain @ Star Avenue. (Source credit: hcyang0115 @youku / courtesy of wawa2009100 @YT)




12-04-02 Friends FM - 국방광장_Rain's Interview

Credit : ratoka @ YT@rain-cloud.co.kr


or watch Rain's Interview here



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Will Jung Seok Won Become the Next CF King?



Translation Credit : Ju Ahn Lee


Jung Seok Won, who is currently starring in the SBS drama Rooftop Prince, has attracted the attention of the public thanks to his increasing popularity with advertising companies.

An official from an advertising company met with enews on March 30 and said, “Jung Seok Won has emerged as a hot star in the CF industry nowadays. Advertising companies are coming to him in droves due to his diverse image from with his various productions.”

*quoted image*

skipped . . . . . .

skipped . . . . . .

Currently in Rooftop Prince, Jung appears as Woo Yong Sool, a servant to the crown prince. Although he is a hot head who lets his fists do most of the talking, Jung’s serious character meshes extremely well with the comic and lively drama atmosphere, evoking the laughter from the viewers.

skipped . . . . . .

Meanwhile, Jun will reacquaint himself to audiences later this year with his appearance in the movie Flight: Close to the Sun. The cast will include Rain, who is currently serving in the Korean army, as well as Shin Se Kyung, Kim Sung Soo and Yoo Joon Sang. The film willl also include the stories of South Korea’s greatest fighter pilots.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan

Hi anjjo, thanks for sharing this. Ohhh...I really want to hear more about this movie............... :mellow:

Sorry guys, due to many issues (many for my taste <_< ), I feel like I neglecting Rain and his soompi sites a lot lately. I appreciate for that reason more how much hard work you put here and I appreciate it soooo much. Although I don't always find the time to be here or to post more regularly.

So a big thank you for all the latest news!

Hi bbly, don't feel sorry, dear at least you're trying your best to be here when your time permits.....Just take it easy & always stay safe..... :D

[fan cam] Rain’s ad clip that is showing on the wrap-around JumboTron at Lotte’s Star Avenue in Seoul. Awesome. ^@@^ ~ 120325[Lotte]BI Rain @ Star Avenue. (Source credit: hcyang0115 @youku / courtesy of wawa2009100 @YT)



anjjo, thanks for posting this video again....................So nice to see & know that this is still showing at Lotte Star Avenue. RAIN is still under Lotte after all. This is so nice & cool since all Lotte shoppers could be able to see & watch this ad clip. :sweatingbullets:

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12-04-02 SBS - Good Morning_Lee Dong Gun Talk about Rain

credit : ratoka - rain-cloud.co.kr/




***Besides, it's a big compliment to make it to the list. So, his case right now is understandable. RAIN was nominated for sixth year in a row since 2006. During 2006 Time magazine chose Rain as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He ranked atop the online poll in 2007 & 2011 and ranked in second place in 2008. In 2011 he once again was selected as one of the World's Most Influential People by Time magazine. Rain has become the first Asian to be twice selected as one of the World's Most Influential People by the Time magazine

RAIN to be excluded in the 2012 list of candidates for Time's 100 Most Influential People


Rain wont be included in the list of candidates for the 100 most influential people of the world poll from Time Magazine this 2012. Although the reason for why he wont be included in the poll is unknown perhaps it was influence by his ongoing hiatus for he is currently serving his 2 year mandatory military service.

The famous South Korean star turned Hollywood actor made it three times at the Poll and twice in the actual magazine's list for the 100 Most Influential People of the world. He first made it in 2006 and in 2007 he also topped the poll but not the actual list and in 2011 he topped the list for 100 Most influential People of the World.

Netizens commented, "This is sad news, But he was already listed twice so I guess that's okay", "Maybe it's because of his ongoing hiatus", "That's okay, he's been in it twice already anyways".

Source : dalykpopnews/ http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201204021125271002&code=100200

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Rain Excluded From This Year’s ‘TIME 100’ Poll

Rain may be away from the spotlight due to his current military service but it looks like there’s another place Rain won’t be seen this year – the TIME 100 voting poll.


The ‘2012 TIME 100’ online voting poll revealed a range of entertainers and celebrities including Adele, Beyoncé, Alec Baldwin and more, but conspicuously absent was Rain.

Rain has been part of the TIME 100 since 2006, winning the poll in 2006, 2007 and 2011, placing second in 2008, thanks mainly to his fervent fans. His multiple appearances on the TIME poll are arguably what Rain is best known for in America, as prominent comedian Stephen Colbert challenged Rain to a dance battle on his hit show, The Colbert Report.

The exclusion served as a minor disappointment to fans, as the singer/actor had even attended the TIME 100 gala in New York.

Credit : enewsworld

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Cute Fan Art

credit:as tagged/cloudusa

*quoted image*

This is really a cute fanart!

Hi anjjo, thanks for sharing this. Ohhh...I really want to hear more about this movie............... :mellow:

Hi bbly, don't feel sorry, dear at least you're trying your best to be here when your time permits.....Just take it easy & always stay safe..... :D

anjjo, thanks for posting this video again....................So nice to see & know that this is still showing at Lotte Star Avenue. RAIN is still under Lotte after all. This is so nice & cool since all Lotte shoppers could be able to see & watch this ad clip. :sweatingbullets:

Thanks dear for the nice words! blush.gif

Rain Excluded From This Year’s ‘TIME 100’ Poll

Rain may be away from the spotlight due to his current military service but it looks like there’s another place Rain won’t be seen this year – the TIME 100 voting poll.

*quoted image*

The ‘2012 TIME 100’ online voting poll revealed a range of entertainers and celebrities including Adele, Beyoncé, Alec Baldwin and more, but conspicuously absent was Rain.

Rain has been part of the TIME 100 since 2006, winning the poll in 2006, 2007 and 2011, placing second in 2008, thanks mainly to his fervent fans. His multiple appearances on the TIME poll are arguably what Rain is best known for in America, as prominent comedian Stephen Colbert challenged Rain to a dance battle on his hit show, The Colbert Report.

The exclusion served as a minor disappointment to fans, as the singer/actor had even attended the TIME 100 gala in New York.

Credit : enewsworld

Hmmm, don't know what to think about it, but we should try and see it not too negatively. He won and was included many times. And maybe it is also showing respect as right now he serves his country.

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[Eng.trans]Rain in an interview with Friends FM-국방광장 (Plaza of

National Defense)

- It was broadcast on April 2nd, 2012 -




MC : There have been series of cultural activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of

diplomatic relations between Vietnam and South Korea.

Korean military symphony orchestra was invited for a performance in Vietnam recently

with PR soldiers attending. Today we have a great program for you, with a guest who is

Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" as a PR soldier attached to Defense Agency for Public Information

Services. Nice to meet you.


Rain : It's a pleasure to meet you.


MC : Meeting you in person in a studio like this makes me feel much better.


Rain : Nice to meet you, too. It has been almost two years since I appeared on a radio



MC : Please greet our listeners?


Rain : All right. Royalty! This is Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" as a PR soldier attached to Defense

Agency for Public Information Services. I'm really glad to see you again after all these



MC : How long have you worked here?


Rain : It's been almost a month since I worked here.


MC : How difficult has it been for you to adjust yourself to a new environment?


Rain : Defense Agency for Public Information Services can be called a representative of

Korean military, and I think there’s a lot to be done. I'm trying to start working harder,

but I believe that a more suitable period to allow me to adapt to changed circumstances

is needed.


MC : Yes, you’re right. You might have been called world star Rain (Bi) before, but now

that you've served in the military, you are called only as Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon".

Could you please tell me the difference between the singer Rain and the soldier "Jung Ji



Rain ; I received much help from those around me when I worked as an entertainer, so

being in such a way was very comforting, but in the military I have to solve problems

myself rather than relying on others while obeying orders. I've realized yet again just how

precious they are after my enlistment.


MC ; I see. What are you doing in the department?


Rain ; As for me, I suppose nothing’s definite yet, but I think I will be a radio DJ at

the military broadcast or I will promote the domestic military cultures abroad in future.


MC : You are expected to do a lot of work as a Publicity Ambassador for the domestic

military cultures. Lately you went to Vietnam for a performance to celebrate the 20th

anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and South Korea. How was your trip

to the country?


Rain ; It was a great experience. Almost 100 soldiers of symphonists, traditional

musicians, and PR soldiers held two performances in Vietnam. I acted as a compere.

Korean culture seemed to be similar to Vietnamese culture.

Actually, I had been in Vietnam to hold a concert 5~6 years before my enlistment, and my

Vietnamese fans welcomed me warmly, which made me great.


MC : You personally put on a show there at that time, while your party was invited for a

performance in Vietnam recently. I think your Vietnamese fans were deeply sorry that you

had just emceed the recent concert.


Rain : I think so, too. Since my performance for the first time in 6~7 months made me feel

burdened, I just emceed the concert, but they enjoyed it all the same.


MC : What did the local people say when the concert was held?


Rain : Their reaction was very good. For them, our concert as a meeting of the

classical and the modern, could be a bit of a culture shock, and it was able to set a good

precedent, so I felt great.


MC : You just emeed the concert as a compere, not as a singer, which probably made it

special. How did you feel?


Rain ; As I said before, it was a great experience, and it was a very special experience for

me. I never thought I would emcee a concert, so that was too much for me. Maybe I

should take the time to do a better job of being a MC in future.


MC : Did you have any trouble emceeing the concert?


Rain ; Because I participated in the concert as one of the representatives of Korea, I

believed I shouldn't act unnaturally, so I made a lot of preparations and had to practice

a lot for this concert before I went there.


MC : I heard the reaction of the local people was very good.

This concert was a good chance to introduce the cultures of Korea and its military to the


I know you served as a teaching assistant in a recruit training center attached to the 5th

Division before your transfer to Defense Agency for Public Information Services.


Rain: Yes, you're right.


MC : You were selected as an ultra warrior at that time, right?


Rain : Yes.


MC : You seemed to start your acting career as an outstanding soldier.

Tell me how you have changed since your enlistment?


Rain : As I said before, it is hardly necessary to say, but my military service makes me

thank my precious ones who were with me in society. And, my military service has

become the impetus that makes me grow up more, and it has been a wonderful

opportunity to look back on my life and think about my future. I think it can be a good

experience to fulfill military duty.


MC: It is said lots of celebrities tend to begin to worry seriously about their future before

their enlistment. How did you respond to the situation?


Rain : I had never been concerned much about whether to serve in the military because

Korean under obligation to protect the country, young men must go to army. The timing

of the decision was just important.

Since I got my foot in the door, I thought I might as well make it big, so I wanted to have a

chance to bloom as an actor in USA. Luckily, I seemed to achieve success by the sweat

of my brow before my enlistment. So I joined the army magnificently. Already becoming a

Pfc, now I feel like I only have a bit more to go till I leave the army.


MC ; You look very nice indeed.


Rain : Thank you.


MC : How do you think you could resolve to become a PR soldier who would go a long

way toward promoting the national defense in different ways?


Rain : I'm always trying to show you positive results, and I could give much thought about

my future even after my military service. This will stay with us as a happy memory, despite

being discharged from the service. And, I'd like to take time out of my busy schedule to

study a lot or to acquire a language during my military service.


MC : I know you speak English fairly well.


Rain : I've mainly used practical English, but now I'm trying to learn business English

rather than doing practical English.


MC : I hope your wishes come true. I would like to thank you for coming today.

I'd like to see you again when you get a chance.

Rain : I will do that with pleasure.

MC : Until now, it was Rain as our guest.

Credit to ratoka @YT

English translation by 화니@rain-cloud.co.kr


12-04-02 Rain Coupang banner

* Posted by memo-rain on April 2, 2012



source : Coupang // cap by ratoka

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Bi's exclusion is outrageous, but then again perhaps he requested it due to his military service. *quoted image*

Hi carling, so nice to see you back posting here in RAIN's thread. For sure all of us find this exclusion not fair but as what I said here yesterday, I understand it. RAIN won't be requesting for this - who wouldn't want to be included in the TIME100 poll, huh? You see, this poll is through casting of votes. BTW, official voting ends on Friday, April 6. The complete TIME 100 lists will be chosen by TIME editors and revealed on TIME.com on Tuesday, April 17, but the winner of the internet poll will be honored as well. The full list is already complete. (?) It's followed by a wide variety of names ranging from Beyonce', Hillary Clinton, Stephen Colbert. :unsure:

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12-04-03 [Rain-Jihoon Notice]Regarding the opening of Rainy Entertainment's official Twitter

Source : http://www.rain-jihoon.com/n2/notice_view.php?page=1&No=358&bSeq=537/ratoka

Translation : 화니 - rain-cloud.co.kr/

Hi, this is Rainy Entertainment.

Rainy Entertainment has opened its official Twitter in order to tell you the news about Rain as soon as possible and to listen carefully to what you have to say.

(The address of Rainy Entertainment's official Twitter)

http://twitter.com/rainyent (@rainyent)

Please give us your interest and support..



[rainyent(레이니엔터테인먼트_Rainy Entertainment Twitter)]

레이니엔터 공식 트위터 오픈^^빠른 소식을 전하고 좀 도 목소리에 귀 기울리겠습니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다

Rainy Entertainment has opened its official Twitter..^^

We are to tell you the news about Rain as soon as possible and to listen carefully to what you have to say. Please give us your interest and support..

Source : http://twtkr.olleh.com/rainyent



120323 Rain @ Incheon Airport back from Vietnam

credit as tagged/ratoka - rain-cloud.co.kr/


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[POLL] The Sexiest Biceps!

Another fun and exciting week!

This week we will decide who among our idols have The Sexiest Biceps!

Choose among the 10 listed below, who will win in this POLL!

Vote now! http://k-popexpress.com/poll-the-sexiest-biceps/#.T3q1RNnDgrA


Source : kpopexpress

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***Hahaha - this is funny. Good that RAIN only likes dogs. Rain and his dog look the same (but this is sooo old..).but what's with that picture of SJS & KHJ with their dogs.... (with red-blond hair?) that picture of Thunder...looks so cute. I can't stop laughing ...looking at all of them. Some really do look alike.too much resemblance! My favourites would have to be Rain, of course...a winner! :lol:


Netizens gather photos of dogs that resemble celebrities


A hilarious list of dogs that resemble different celebrities has caught the attention of netizens.

The photo was first uploaded onto an online community site with the title, “Dogs that look like celebrities“. Some of the celebrities included are MBLAQ‘s Thunder, Rain, Seo In Guk, Kim Gu Ra, So Ji Sub, Kim Hyun Joong, Park Myung Soo, and more.

Upon seeing the photo, netizens commented, “This is hilarious,” “How did they gather these photos?” and “The photo of Kim Gu Ra with Park Myung Soo is hilarious!”

Source: eToday via Nate / allkpop

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