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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest DaeTang

well im cantonese and people, or restaurant workers would think im vietnamese.

sometimes they start taking my order is vietnamese, and i would be confused and then they talk in cantonese or fob english after.

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Guest SushiToaster

I have been told I looked Japanese because I had crazy hair and glasses. ._____. They like, glowed blue apparently. But it was actually cause of a layer of blue on top of black that showed everytime the blue wasn't directly on top... haha that doesn't make any sense. =____=

Buuuut not anymore. Haha, I chopped off my almost shoulder length hair for a semi-pixie cut, and then I dyed it brown. :] I don't know what I look like anymore.

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Guest cfcong

I got mistaken for Korean so many times @_@

However, I'm Chinese hahaha but I guess people make that conclusion is because I like the Korean culture hahaha

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Guest Kakakaii

People keep telling me I look viet when I'm chinese o.0 even a real viet person thought I was viet! one of my friends couldn't even tell what kind of asian I was because of my wavy hair. :mellow:

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Guest sujudbskmike

Ahaha people think I have asian blood mixed in myself because my eyes are wide and a "tailed" at the same time.

Plus, I'm extremely short.

They say that every fifth person in the word is chinese and our family has 5 members and I'm the youngest.

So that's why one of my nicknames is " Chinese girl " .

It's getting annoying, haha~~

I have no asian blood in me, I swear!

Not that it wouldn't be awesome to have some... * pouts *

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Guest Sushitea

When people first see me and guess what I am they all start off with Chinese. I say no then they move on to Japanese then Korean. I can say can pass off lookin Chinese, but not Korean or Japanese. Im Filipino and even my parents are surprised that I look more chinese than filipino. Even my cousins agree that I dont look Filipino. Heck even the chinese think Im chinese then when they talk to me in mandorin or cantonese I just give them a blank face then tell them im filipino.

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Guest dancenurundies

I have been mistaken for everything, during high school I didn't cut my hair for like 4 years so it was 3 feet long so a girl asked me if I was Native American. Filipino people think I am Filipino. Some people saw my senior portrait and thought I was Mexican. When I first started college, everyone thought I was Korean. The Korean lady who does my eyebrows thought I was Japanese... I am confused how any one person could look like all these different races, and I guess I am a little hard to guess. I am mixed asian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Chinese and apparently I am never confused for one of those races hehehe.

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Guest はんなり豆腐

wooo yes. I'm chinese but people mistake me for japanese or korean because I'm pale? I have lot of korean friends so that probably affects it too lol.

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Guest Chrissy08

lol yes definitely.

I get mistaken to be anything BUT Korean - usually some mixture of Asian + have your pick.

I've heard filipino, Vietnamese, Japanese, part Japanese, Chinese, half Mexican, half Chicano, Native American, half Caucasian, etc.

It was worse when I was tanned. ><

I thought it was only cuz I was in the States, but it turns out even in Korea, translating in fluent Korean for your white friend for 30 minutes isn't enough to convince people that you're Korean. Not a good sign if they question what ethnicity your great grandparents were just to see if I'm not full Korean. lol

Not even Koreans think I'm Korean. They usually blame my eyes - too big. Or they accuse me of getting plastic surgery on my eyes. lol

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Guest PopoCh3n

I'm Chinese and quarter Filipino. When i was younger i was mistaken for Korean quite a bit. and then around middle school and high school it was Cambodian, Laos, and Vietnamese. Probably because those were the main Asians around here. Its only been a few times that people actually asked me if i was Chinese. and I guess people could tell I part Filipino too. but that's only cause they were Filipino too. LOL they could probably smell the adobo on me.

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im japanese chinese hawaiian and german

i get mistakened for korean easily.

its kinda funny cuz im like a huge korean fan and people think since i like korean stuff.

like they always say "YOUR NOT KOREAN?!?!?! u sure?" lol

but yah its cool. cuz cute korean boys at my school will like me ;) lol

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Guest yoroshiku90

yes whenever I'm in Korea people try to speak Japanese to me

I think I'm mistake for a white mix too <- :D I just wish I had naturally Blue or Green eyes!

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Guest OrangeE

haha recently.. a friend of mine confessed to me that she really thought i was korean XD.. and wondered how did i became so fluent in both filipino and english.. i was like.. O_o wth I'm filipino... in addition to the mistaken identity.. whenever they see me write in hangeul and sometimes i say korean expression... their expression would most likely be "i knew you're korean!"

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Guest foreverxlove


Everyone thinks I'm chinese (well some part of me is :sweatingbullets: ) but I'm viet (:

But it's cool. I don't mind much, plus it's usally the white/hispanic ppl who mistake me.

And... those ppl think all ASIANS look alike, so who cares? -_-

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