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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest rawkstar p i n k

NO MORE FAUX HAWKS! YAY! Well minus Jay, but that's okay because he's allowed. The others just didn't really suit them. =( Plus Chan Sung is so much more appealing un-hawked.

Can't wait to see the actual performances for IHY! dances*

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Guest keegoz

those comparisons are pretty funny..and in a way true...Shinee's very careful and cute...hehe 2PM is sooo manly lol...

So I hope everyone's voting..!!! ^^ I just voted again and we're sooo close..well by 600..but its still good!!!...

Cant wait for I hate you!! ^^

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Guest widdy

wow K-Hottest are really awesome. so dedicated..I still remember when fans brought Junho LOADS of snacks during radio show? not sure but I was amazed..love 2PM and Hottest =)

Magnae looks so cute with his new hair<3 'I hate you' tomorrow!

I didn't get what these pics were all about at first until I saw the caption said 'Ballet' lol... u know who



Khun Chan endorsing brands









cr: bestiz

edit: O etoile the comparisons are funny and true! lol I really like the hose, fishnets, and samgyupsal haha thank you for sharing

sorry guys for asking this stupid question but can anyone pls tell me where and how to register gmail? hotmail doesn't work for me and I wanna vote for our boys :)

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Guest stalkingfraud

ANGee<3, hahaa [: We agree a lot don't we? :P

Yepp.. sometimes it feels like Khun's tired of being cute... SOMETIMES.. hahhah.

But, I like Khun the way he is (guyish..cute..innocent..etc) [:

Thanks for those who posted pictures and updated!

I don't really care if Khun cuts his hair or not.. I think I'm one of those FEW that like his hair o_o

I like his hair!! :P

I'm the type of girl that likes "different" stuff.. so Khun.. I'm ready for whatever your going to show us next [;

Is today the It's Time interview?

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Guest cheezychunnie

ANGee<3, hahaa [: We agree a lot don't we? :P

Is today the It's Time interview?

yeah,its taecyeon...

he's soooooooo cute yet macho at the same time!

someone already posted the links at this thread...


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Guest she-smiles

khunnie isn't back yet? :(

Junho shall not be underrated anymore ! YES !

Just wait until he takes off is shirt, then you'll really be like "HOT DAMN!"

I guarantee it, ;)

junho was never underrated in my world. :P

i shall wait for the day he takes off his shirt too.

before the end of this year, he said. <33


HOTTEST, please vote for the boys on mnet countdown!

we are soooooo freakin' close!

our boys deserve to win! WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!! 2PM ftw!!!!

please? :)

i am bumping up cheezychunnie's post again.


please log on to http://muizism.wordpress.com/

she tells u the details on how to vote.

the mnet thingy is in korean so if u guys are korean illiterate(like me)

this detail instruction will help us...


i'm not sure if this has been shared, but i just found this on allkpop.

it's probably my favorite cover of again & again.


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Guest WonSuAh

etoile, thanks for translating, I can easily distinguish different charms between them. I like this, really <3 Love the way korean fans made this <3

Thanks you guys for updates :D

Uh oh while I was seeing how Junsu kissed her check. I saw his violent side.. Aw. I love his violent side more than anything XD Err~ Too weird huh? And awww at adorable magnae <3 He's cute as always <3 LOL at Jay's acting skills :3

^How can I love this too much gyahhh? >_<

There're only few hours to go. I HATE YOU's perfomance <3 I'm dying I'm dying now ;___;


Just come to share my newest fanarts teehee.

Andre Kim's Fashion show. Khun & Ong <3



Movie Week Magazine. Taec & Ong <3 ( I'll finish coloring soon)


Credit to Wonsuah♥ | 원수아.


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comparison of shinee and 2pm by a 2pm fan. i thought this was hilarious and i translated it so..


credz daum.

lol personally my fav is lace and fishnets. haha.

I loved the lace and fishnets too! Personally, I can't stand men and skinny jeans! It just doesn't look right to me. I love it when men wear sweats and sneaks. I guess I'm just more into the more tough and rugged look, the manlier look :P .

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thanks so much etoile for sharing that! the back alleyway part really cracked me up!

Seriously, each time I come here, I've got lots to backtrack ;D

So the boys did have a hairchange, and I was wondering why until I realised they're performing IHY this week <3

090610 Music Show - 2PM - 10 Points

090610 Music Show - 2PM - Again & Again

oh btw, any schedule that is bolded and italics on the front page are the newer ones JYP updated [:

OMG what happened to their DINOSAUR hair?!?!?! aaaahhhh the beast's hair isn't beastly anymore T_____T *sighs* i'll get used to it....but seriously i have such a fetish for nicely spiked hair

Edit: so i just watched Beastie's interview and he really is a very happy boy....i'd love to be around him all the time just to feel his euphoric aura haha

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Guest she-smiles

MBC “Introducing star’s friend” will have a new format begin from June 20th. They will have a “survival meeting”. Every week there will be 5 male celebrities and 4 female star-wannabes. They will be set up in a meeting. Every week one person from male team will be eliminated depending on female team’s opinion and another male star will replace him next week.

The male team of the 1st week will be actor Lee Kyuhan, SuJu Leeteuk & Eunhyuk, 2PM’s Jaebeom & Chansung, the leader of the male team will be Boom and the leader of female team will be Eun Jiwon. 2PM’s Nichkhun will be the replacement of the one who gets eliminated on the 1st week.

The 1st episode of “Introducing Star’s Friend” new format will be filmed on June 14th and will be aired on June 20th.

source: kpop jjang & newsen

Sooooo it sounds like this new concept pretty much defeats the whole purpose of "Introducing Star's Friend"...... But whatever, I'm just excited cause my boys get to kick off the new concept. :)

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Guest bright.crystalx3

I can't wait for the sub or translation =)

Oh, and of course their performance for I Hate You. Haha.

Such a strong title.

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Guest tikamicizia

hi, sorry If i'm annoying asking about subs...

is someone gonna sub these vids --> 090506 MΤV Mοst Wαnted - 2PM Junho & Wooyoung

junho&wooyoung are my fave, and they talked a lottt in here. So curious, esp. coz wooyoung seems so quiet these days.. I miss dorky wooyoung so muuchhh!!

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Guest Crazedphase.


Yeah, all guys do watch porn?

Ahha, and huh? What do you mean by clams?

I don't get that haha.

Clams, I think means a


What can I say.??
most guys probably watch porn.

comparison of shinee and 2pm by a 2pm fan. i thought this was hilarious and i translated it so..

credz daum.

personally my fav is lace and fishnets. haha.

Lol.. I'd seen that somewhere before but I had no idea what it was on about!!

Thank you so much for translating it.

It was hilarious!!

Thanks for those gifs.

I liked the last one the best!!

Jay's retarded eyes.

I loved those cute Taec pictures. He's so goodlooking.
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Guest hyerimii

I have been debating on whether I want to share this.

The perverted side of Nichkhun.

HAHAHAHA. No reason for everyone to be surprised. He's a guy in his twenties and my friends who are only like 15 are always talking about sex and whatnot -.-"

comparison of shinee and 2pm by a 2pm fan. i thought this was hilarious and i translated it so..

Yum yum, put a couple of those together and we get a naughty image in our head xD

HAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding, I'll keep it G. ^o^

NO MORE FAUX HAWKS! YAY! Well minus Jay, but that's okay because he's allowed. The others just didn't really suit them. =( Plus Chan Sung is so much more appealing un-hawked.

Pshh, I disagree. They all look hott with that style. One thing that did bother me though was I'd get confused sometimes on who was who since they have similar hair styles. Chansung was really cute during the Mnet Hot Blood days because he had the best hair <3 And then he had that long hair -.- Haha.

Symbelmyns put this up not too long ago. There's only the first part at the moment.

Seo Kyungsuk Music Show P1/7

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Guest eu`NICE

Im really happy to see the updates round here,but this thread is FAST. (:

Lol, about the Khun & the clan incident.

I just think that its pretty cute.

Cos with khun's image, its a lil hard to think of him like a man.

but ohwell..

Guys will always be guys,so its pretty normal.

Im just happy that Khun's a man. xD

some fans are just over-reacting. -_-

And pretty boys generation was awesome.

Esp the cuts of junsu,jay & maknae!

-Maknae will be such a dorky boyfriend, esp with the spinning round and round thing. it's a classic. rofl

-Junsu will make a romantic boyfriend (if excluding the mannequin) , with his singing. (:

-Jay will be the type of boyfriend that you cant stop loving but at times, you feel like knocking his head.

Cos he's too adorable and silly plus those lousy lies he says of. LOL.

Gosh, what happened to the boys hair?

I said i wanted changes but not such a big change! O_O

But I must say that maknae's new haircut is good. (:

The others are also pretty nice too, but just Taec!

Taec's hair looks really flat, i want his hawk/fro-hawk back! TT__TT

He looks like some honest guy in 2PM with that hair.

Like any of you guys, I am so excited for I HATE YOU performance.

Thanks etoile for the translation! (:

I love the SHINee & 2PM differences.

My personal faves will be the hose,big dogs,pant & pantyhose.

lols. it's the pretty boys VS the hot guys/man.

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