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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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i just watched comeback of 2pm at inkigayo..

yeah..yeah..i know im late..but..

i want to know why fanscheer (chant) during comeback at inkigayo and fanscheer at comeback at M!countdown r different??

why did the hottest change the chant during inkigayo's comeback??

can anybody explain??

then..can anybody post it here?? both of the chant..pls..

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Guest foreverasian3

The cuts on Starking was hilarious!

Khun was so cute and whoah Taec calm

down there buddy. Just dancing wildly

with that little girl. xD

Khunnie speaking chinese with that lady

was so funny, she makes like the funniest

facial expressions.~

I love Jay and Khun Mcing on Music core along

with Teukie and Kangin. It seems Suju and 2PM are

friends. I like that. It was def. a nice perf from them


Ooh and the backstage pics cracked me up. Wooyoung, look out,

Jay is out to get you. It seems everything I watched of them

is funny in some sense. (Chansung's back is soo long ^^)

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Guest enoerauqs

--> order of names chanted for both: Park Jaebum, Kim Junsu, Nickhun, OckTaecyeon, Jang Wooyoung, Lee Junho, Hwang Chansung

Which reminds me - all Hottests should know this chant by heart (with the other chants in the song) so that if 2PM comes for another concert in America or another country and performs this, we can all shout together and give them as much love as the Korean fans do! : )

Don't they say something else at the end of the chants too? Or did I just read/hear wrong? I remember reading somewhere about the chants and there were some other things they chanted too. :huh: Anyways, yes I agree we should all remember the chant so we can show 2PM mad love when they come back to America!

Khun cuts on Quiz to Change the World were loveeeeeeee. I was so excited that he spoke mandarin because I could understand!! <3 His chinese isn't bad either, it totally made me melt. :)

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It's because not every stage includes the 'whole' song. Some cut the ending waiting part which was meant to be there for the chants (which is what happened for the majority or half of 2PM's comeback stages, so there were no name chants that could be heard).

Some still include it at times, but fans don't want to risk their fan chants being cut out of the program again (because the broadcasters could care less).

By including it in the beginning of the song (which will always get played), the fans ensure their chants are heard : )

First comeback stage was the only one I heard their chant in the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY1kI3lMRrw...feature=related (credits: yanaftw@youtube)

Modified chants can be heard in every single one of their post-comeback performances now. Just look it up on Youtube i.e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B71ld2gjM6s...feature=channel (credits: yanaftw@youtube)


--> order of names chanted for both: Park Jaebum, Kim Junsu, Nickhun, OckTaecyeon, Jang Wooyoung, Lee Junho, Hwang Chansung

Which reminds me - all Hottests should know this chant by heart (with the other chants in the song) so that if 2PM comes for another concert in America or another country and performs this, we can all shout together and give them as much love as the Korean fans do! : )

yeah..thats why im asking...because as a fans i want to do something like this, this is one of my responsibilty...

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Guest sylviya

First time on 2PM thread but seriously, they are <3.

Wooyoung and Jaebum never fail to crack me up and 2PM are such dorks LOL.

You wouldn't really think so because they look so gangster o_o

Everytime I think of Chansung + Stocking, I crack up so hard. Man that was hilarious. EPIC MOMENT.

Anyway, I don't really anything to share but yeah (:

Those backstage pictures are adorable.

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Guest badtzmarujung

Today I found This Vids. Enjoy :D

Credit : Slumberyume

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [1/ 3]

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [2/3]

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [3/3]

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Guest 2pmlove

2PM, 첫 1위…팬들의 '독특한' 축하메시지 '눈길'


데뷔 후 첫 1위를 달성한 남성그룹 2PM에게 독특한 팬들의 축하가 이어져 눈길을 끌고 있다.

2PM의 팬들이 활동하는 한 온라인 게시판에 지난 주 7일, 2PM이 Mnet '엠카운트다운' 1위를 한 이후부터 일명 '2PM 1위 인증글'이 계속에서 올라오고 있다.

팬들의 게시물은 2PM의 'Again & again'안무를 똑같이 재현한 영상(Double.K)을 비롯해, 유럽에서 거주중인 해외팬은 콜로세움 앞에서 2PM의 댄스를 추는 모습을 찍은 사진(러비)을 올렸다.

또, '손오권'이라는 이름으로 활동하는 팬은 2PM 1위 기념으로 밤새서 공부를, '복근과평안'이라는 팬은 익명 팬 게시판에 자신의 전신사진을 공개, '아엠핫티'라는 이름을 사용하는 팬은 자신의 집 창에 1위 축하 플랜카드를 걸기도 한 것.

이러한 특별한 축하는 온라인 게시판 등에서 지난주부터 2PM의 1위를 바라던 팬들이 온라인상에서 서로에게 한 약속이다.

팬들의 특별한 축하를 받은 2PM은 “우리의 퍼포먼스만큼이나 독특한 축하를 받아서 너무 감사한 한편 신기하다”며, “팬분들의 넘쳐나는 사랑에 보답하기 위해 언제나 최선을 다하고 노력하는 2PM이 되겠다”고 다짐을 전했다.

한편, 2PM은 타이틀곡 'Again & again'으로 폭발적인 인기를 누리며 활동을 이어가고 있다.

사진출처: Mnet

김수연 기자/www.reviewstar.net

신선한 뉴스 리뷰스타 ┃무단전재 및 재배포 금지

not sure whether the translator translates the news correctly but i think this is about fans congratulatingour boys for their 1st winning by putting up congratulatory message banner on the fan's house...

quite unique but it's a bit funny though...

anyway our boys are up for take 7 today!

i hope they will win it!!!

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Guest steppery

Today I found This Vids. Enjoy :D

Credit : Slumberyume

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [1/ 3]

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [2/3]

Hot blood EP7 Eng Sub [3/3]

thanks so much for sharing! : ) been waiting for it to be subbed

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Guest 2pmlove

i think this pic is unseen...

our boys graduation picture...

they really didnt change that much...

big love to leader jay! he looks like a good kid...


credits to: oneday 1st

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Guest jeehyun.kim

OK IM too lazy to check if thse have been posted.. so look at them again (:




haha 2pm with big and little heads:)

why we love 2pm.. maybe i'll translate later.. but agian.. im tired... i think this person is a bit taec biased(:



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cant wait for inkigayo today !! they re in TAKE 7 !!!!


congrat. for mobile ranking at inkigayo "Again and Again got 1st"

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Guest i.said.hi

here's a trick.

whoever performs last = mutizen song winner :)

UNLESS the winner of the mutizen award does not perform on inkigayo that day

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