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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Hellen_th



Jaebum! Come back, everyone's going crazy!!!

(Is this how various threads typically are?!)

Lol your comment made me laugh.

This is why I don't wanna go share my opinion in any fanforum. People take it differently but I guess we have one thing in common. That is we all love 2PM. I wish we can discuss things sensibly.

I also wish Jay will come back soon. We all miss you and fans will reunite once again. :D

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Guest tikamicizia

As a fan, I'm expected to praise and fangirl and swoon over these boys.

But let's be honest. With 2010 already here, it's vital for these boys to improve in order to stay at the top. No longer can anyone say: "they're rookies" , because they aren't. They've won so many awards and have been in the playing field for more than a year.

People who are new to 2PM often have the view that they're a bunch of boys who rip off their shirts and dance well. Many comment on how they lack the singing and rapping talent to really be number one.

I know that they're marketed as an "entertainment" group, but I want 2PM to improve themselves so that they can keep their title, and won't be mocked by others for being "shallow".

I agree with you.. completely,, actually all of us wish for the best to our boys,, maybe just they way we express ourselves is different,, dats why sometimes we have arguments.. I think it shows us how 2pm fans are more mature,, they're not completely blind by just their appearances but we wish our boys can be awesome in all aspects.. we wish for it,,, not force it. coz I just upset when ppl belittled 2pm. said that they can't sing bla bla bla. we know they're not perfect but they have what it takes to be perfect and they can improve in the future, that's why we love him. we're not criticize them as an anti, we never blame them when their perf isn't good as usual,, we're aware of their flaws, and we're here to tell you all that we're 100% sure their flaws can be improved in the future coz they work really hard on that... for example chansung,, he improves so much,, and we can see how much he's willing to learn to sing *duh, u can see in his expression,, he's singing with all of his heart. heheheeh love u bear chansung*,, junho's voice is soo powerful and wooyoung improves so muchh he becomes one of the main singer, yeah this is one of the good side that we can take from jay's case, the other boys can shine more..

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Guest 2PMisone

Hello~ 2PM hottests!

I am quite new to posting to this thread, but I've been watching for some time now.

I would just like to address something important. More like an opinion.

I think we've all forgotten something. It's the crucial fact that 2PM are not just singers, idols, or any of the above. They are human, like us. They do what they can, and they are trained to do even better, but we have to consider the fact that 2PM cannot exceed such potential overnight. As exposed, popularized, as they may be currently, we forget constantly that they are mere people living lives that they want to pursue. All of us can understand that, correct? As fans, we should not criticize, nor state their flaws. We should support them, instead of pointing out every frailty existing. If we are to continually judge them for being less than who we think they should be, we are being hypocrites.

Just like now, some (netizens) may be criticizing our boys. But we should not go after those people, because what we all do on a daily basis, consists of the same actions that netizens carry out. The boys are working hard and trying their best for their new promotion on "Tired of Waiting". We should respect how the boys are handling this situation, and every other situation from the past. We all can agree they have worked hard, yes? With all that effort and work, we should be supportive of them. Each and every member.

Park Jaebeom being gone, of course saddens the many of us, and we consider that the group cannot make it without their leader. But that is where we are very, very wrong. Park Jaebeom, just as us, or any of the 2PM members, is only a person. What we drive people to do, as fans, crosses any fine line that exists. I think we all need to think about the fact that if we were in their position, how we would handle everything. All the publicity, all the fans, what would we be dealing with? Park Jaebeom knows where he stands, and he will always be the leader of 2PM. But for now, we shouldn't push that fact further than it needs to be.

With that being said. I think sometimes that even we take things too far. The whole fandom does.

Yet even as much as we argue, or banter about one situation, we can only depend on 2PM to be able to carry out their own decisions. We cannot fathom as a fan, the perspective of being a celebrity.

So, I ask that all hottests, stay strong and support 2PM. However many members there are (or lacking thereof). Remember? 2PM is not seven. We are one.

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Some things we need to bear in mind:

1. The 2PM Soompi thread does not represent the entire population of 2PM fans. Just remember that this is just one group of community of online 2PM fans and even non-fans. The opinions of posters here is NOT representative of the whole fanbase. So, while it may seems that people here are dissatisfied with 2PM, does not mean that the whole fanbase feels the same way. It's just that the people here are more vocal, and are more open to sharing their thoughts.

2. I find this 2PM thread very engaging, as this is the first thread where there exist a vast and diverse views of 2PM that you can see. Plus, people here are more open to discussions, regardless whether they agree or not. And believe it or not, the discussions are becoming more mature....which shows that the 2PM fanbase here on Soompi are just not those mindless fangirls who worships and adore anything that 2pm does, even their flaws.

3. Let's refrain from comparing the 2pm thread against the threads of other artists. And stop comparing fans. Different fanbase would clearly have different fans which come with different behaviors. The more you compare, the more you'll be dissatisfied. You must realize that not everyone who comes into the 2PM soompi thread are necessarily full fledged ardent 2PM fans. There would definitely be people who just wanted to join in the discussions since they are KPop fans and even non-2PM fans who are just interested in talking about 2PM.

If you want to come to a forum where there's lesser differing of viewpoints, you can always join a specific full 2PM forum like 2OD, where only true dedicated fans of the band would congregate in....and there's definitely lesser heated debates on their performances.

And just because there are some criticisms or dissatisfactions, regardless whether they are positive or not, we should not immediately slap the "Anti-fan" label on them, just because they have a differing perspective.

"An anti-fan is a person who ‘hates’ a particular celebrity or icon. Anti-fanclubs, also known as virtual communities of disregard, hate listings and diss-share sites are groupings of such anti-fans.”

We don't hate 2PM. Heck, we LOVE them so much, that we really want to see them succeed and grow into even better artists and beat out the other competitions. But that doesn't mean we can't be disappointed sometimes if their performances did not meet our expectations.

I guess it just boils down to the fans' TOO-HIGH expectations of 2PM which is causing all these dissatisfactions. People place too much HYPE on 2PM these days, that even fans really expect a MIND-BLOWING PERFORMANCE from them every time. I think we should lower down our expectations a bit and just enjoy them as they come. Even if there's only six now, at least you can still see them on stage. :)

So peace everyone from the seven bois.


It's only the third day of the New Year and everyone's all riled up. Lol.

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Guest runawayu

The reason they are 7 members in 2PM is so that everyone of them can help each other to cover their flaws with their strengths. The reason 2PM are loved by every single of us here is because we accept their flaws and we see that they are working very hard to improve themselves, for themselves and for the Hottests. If every single of them can rap/sing/ dance flawlessly, they are not the 2PM we know anymore.

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Guest entermuriel

i think us Hottest are just too diverse lol i'm pretty sure that within Hottest that come in this thread we can find fans of many different ages. [being that 2PM is one of the groups with the largest number of nuna fans]

some might be older than the other, and vice versa. also... maybe because of that there's different points of views about the guys and whatnot and different ways to express it. [well... not rly just cause of the age, it's more complex than just that]

some people have their own way to support their idol. not because you're a fan does it mean that you'll be blinded enough to not see when your idol isn't doing exactly as great as they used to.

but that also doesn't mean that you'll be watching closely for every single thing that they do wrong right? there's always a balance to it.

whatever we say is for the best of the guys, i'm sure that Hottest don't say something to bring the member of 2PM down on purpose.

now, i'm pretty sure that every single Hottest will not agree with each other all the time, after all, we're all entitled to our own opinion.

calling someone a less of a fan because of their way they show their support isn't fair either. so yeah.

and it bothers me that some people are saying "say whatever you want, it's not like JYPE will read this" or whatever they say. it's obvious that we know that, but not because of that does it mean that we can't have a discussion about it, among Hottest.

what we write in here is not for JYPE to read, if for Hottest to know what other Hottest have in mind and whatnot and give your opinion about 2PM, whether everyone will like it or not.

and whoever gave the idea that there should be a 6PM thread separately... seriously... just wow at you... that's all i can say. as much as there's so many different opinion in this thread, putting up a 6PM thread is just... pointless. to me there's only 2PM with its seven members, even if one of them is not there... YET. to me, such a thing as 6PM does not exist, cause all seven are still part of this.

with that said... i'm off to watch their latest performance. deuces.

pretty much agreed with everything you said.
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Guest avchuck

The reason they are 7 members in 2PM is so that everyone of them can help each other to cover their flaws with their strengths. The reason 2PM are loved by every single of us here is because we accept their flaws and we see that they are working very hard to improve themselves, for themselves and for the Hottests. If every single of them can rap/sing/ dance flawlessly, they are not the 2PM we know anymore.

Wow, very well said! In full agreement because that IS why we all love them! Not one of them is perfect. They all have their various flaws and they all complement/complete each other--together as 7.

Lol your comment made me laugh.

This is why I don't wanna go share my opinion in any fanforum. People take it differently but I guess we have one thing in common. That is we all love 2PM. I wish we can discuss things sensibly.

I also wish Jay will come back soon. We all miss you and fans will reunite once again. :D

I'm glad my efforts weren't wasted ^^v kekeke. Here's to a new and probably crazier year for our boys! Sincerely wishing and hoping for that reunion to be soon, too.

PEACE and LOVE and RESPECT everyone!

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Guest yellow submarine

^agree with missyera and entermuriel

just because a couple of fans went a bit overboard, 2PM fans are now "the most pretentious Kpop fans ever"?

and some people like the shirt stripping and others don't. i personally don't really care for the stripping, but i have to admit they're doing it too often lately. i don't want 2PM to be known as the guys who rip their shirts off at any chance they get. but other fans might like all that stripping...that doesn't mean that i can't express an opinion about it.

fans just have a different way of talking about their idols. some only point out the good and others point out both the good and bad. i personally can't stand fans who only have positive things to say about their idols and like everything that idol does. 2PM fans have a lot of love to give and pointing out flaws is just part of the discussion. it's a way that we connect and get to know each other as fellow 2PM fans. i'm sure if someone started criticizing one 2PM member too harshly, others would quickly step up and put an end to it.

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Guest sascha_park

Am I the only one that loves the Tired of Waiting promotions? Lol, I mean I've seen a couple (...lots...-_-) of comments about how some people don't like it. I mean they do have to improve on some things but they've just started.

Eh...Anyways, anyone else still thinking it's Jaebummie singing in Tired of Waiting? Or am I just crazy?

tired of waiting is the original song that want they promoted before jaebum departure..

eventhough wooyoung covered jay's part.. but we can still hear clearly jay's voice after 6 boys doing wave's dance

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Guest theblazenazn

Let's Just Drop This Before the Thread Get Closed Again, The Mods Will Think We're Starting Arguments Again.

I would just like to point out, while there are some here for "constructive criticism" and are also clearly some hidden Trolls from other fandoms here just instigating arguments. Don't feed them by agreeing or disagreeing with them. Realize that 2PM probably gained 1 Anti for just about every 25 Fans they gain due to their success and they lurk here. SO JUST STOP!

And if you still feel 2PM is not good enough for you, simple, just idolize another group that is or send an Email to JYPE & drop this discussion from this thread.


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Guest babiluxx

First of all...i would like to say that I am a huge 2PM fan.

everything that i've said in here is my opinion. I agree no artists are perfect...and they are not just singers but entertainers. Its just good to post our thoughts. I think as long as we are not being unreasonable its ok.

I think some people are just a little sensitive when it comes to things like this. I love a lot of things about 2PM but just like all artists there are things that they come improve on.

I like to come on this forum and read the different opinions posted by fans. Though we might not all agree on the same things its nice to see the different point of view from the hottests. I totally think its ok.

and silence457--I always address to you. I think your posts are sometimes a little harsh. you have to understand what other fans are coming from and understand that we all do not think alike. And lets stop trying to bring other artists in this thread. If you feel the need to address other artists please post it in their own thread. thank you.

and honestly...i do not think we should make a separate forum--I believe that Jay will come back and he will always be apart of 2PM. 2PM is one...this is temporary. Our 6 boys are always bringing jay up whether it is in blogs or in the speeches that they make when they win an award. so if they havent forgotten about him then we shouldn't either.

and entermuriel totally agreed with everything you just said! :)

<3 and Respect!

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Guest beebz_x

People don't forget that these boys are under JYP, who himself said that talent and looks aren't as important as being a hard worker.

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what were hottests chanting towards the end of tired of waiting???

They were chanting the full 7 members name plus 2PM...in order of Park Jaebum, Kim Junsu, Nickhun, OK Taekyeon, Jang Wooyoung, Lee Junho, Hwang Chansung, 2PM.

The only bad thing about TOW is that the ending is short, so, it doesn't leave much time for the KHottests to chant out their names. Plus, the intro to the song is also short, just a few beats and Junho starts, so, compared to the other songs, this song doesn't leave much room for fanchants.

I personally feel that the fanchants really give the performances more power and energy and vigour while watching the boys perform. It's riveting hearing a unified solid chant echoing in the audience.

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Guest silence457

First of all...i would like to say that I am a huge 2PM fan.

everything that i've said in here is my opinion. I agree no artists are perfect...and they are not just singers but entertainers. Its just good to post our thoughts. I think as long as we are not being unreasonable its ok.

I think some people are just a little sensitive when it comes to things like this. I love a lot of things about 2PM but just like all artists there are things that they come improve on.

I like to come on this forum and read the different opinions posted by fans. Though we might not all agree on the same things its nice to see the different point of view from the hottests. I totally think its ok.

and silence457--I always address to you. I think your posts are sometimes a little harsh. you have to understand what other fans are coming from and understand that we all do not think alike. And lets stop trying to bring other artists in this thread. If you feel the need to address other artists please post it in their own thread. thank you.

and honestly...i do not think we should make a separate forum--I believe that Jay will come back and he will always be apart of 2PM. 2PM is one...this is temporary. Our 6 boys are always bringing jay up whether it is in blogs or in the speeches that they make when they win an award. so if they havent forgotten about then we shouldn't.

and entermuriel totally agreed with everything you just said! :)

<3 and Respect!

without me being harsh people are just gonna keep repeating their complaints and criticisms and whatnot. I may be banned for my aggressive attitude but someone has to risk being banned so that the thread can move on or we will get stuck with these ridiculous whinings. I get it, you guys are not satisfied with the boys' performance. Saying it once is ok, repeating it is NOT ok. I get irritated reading 3 whole pages of endless criticism towards 2PM in 2PM's thread, especially at a time where fans should celebrate 2PM's Song of the year award and soompi awards. Can you guys tone it down a little, for the sake of the new fans who might get discouraged from going to this thread?

On the other hand, I'm done with being aggressive. Back to lurking mode.

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Guest kalliy*10

what were hottests chanting towards the end of tired of waiting???

if i'm watching the same one, then they are chanting there names. all of there names (all seven!)

edit: whoa whoa what happened on this thread? i feel like its a war zone here now : (

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i think us Hottest are just too diverse lol i'm pretty sure that within Hottest that come in this thread we can find fans of many different ages. [being that 2PM is one of the groups with the largest number of nuna fans]

some might be older than the other, and vice versa. also... maybe because of that there's different points of views about the guys and whatnot and different ways to express it. [well... not rly just cause of the age, it's more complex than just that]

some people have their own way to support their idol. not because you're a fan does it mean that you'll be blinded enough to not see when your idol isn't doing exactly as great as they used to.

but that also doesn't mean that you'll be watching closely for every single thing that they do wrong right? there's always a balance to it.

whatever we say is for the best of the guys, i'm sure that Hottest don't say something to bring the member of 2PM down on purpose.

now, i'm pretty sure that every single Hottest will not agree with each other all the time, after all, we're all entitled to our own opinion.

calling someone a less of a fan because of their way they show their support isn't fair either. so yeah.

and it bothers me that some people are saying "say whatever you want, it's not like JYPE will read this" or whatever they say. it's obvious that we know that, but not because of that does it mean that we can't have a discussion about it, among Hottest.

what we write in here is not for JYPE to read, if for Hottest to know what other Hottest have in mind and whatnot and give your opinion about 2PM, whether everyone will like it or not.

and whoever gave the idea that there should be a 6PM thread separately... seriously... just wow at you... that's all i can say. as much as there's so many different opinion in this thread, putting up a 6PM thread is just... pointless. to me there's only 2PM with its seven members, even if one of them is not there... YET. to me, such a thing as 6PM does not exist, cause all seven are still part of this.

with that said... i'm off to watch their latest performance. deuces.

I agree with you and Missyera!

I think it is ridiculous to expect all fans to think the same when we are all different! And I think if some of the fans here can not even take criticism that is not even about them, then I do not know how you will fair in the real world when it will be about you! It is not cupcakes and rainbows!

Another thing, I want to say just because someone says that a performance would be better with Jay... well it would! That is not hating on the other boys! Nobody every said that other boys do not have talent.

2PM is 7 members until there is an official statement saying otherwise!

The boys have improving to do period and yes all 7! Even if Jay was there and the boys still performed the same way, people still would feel the same way!

The fact of the matter is that the boys cannot last on stripping and theatrics alone. Yeah it is nice for show presentation, but it will do nothing for them in the future.

As a Hottest, would you want the boys to only be known for the stripping and flips or for their musical talents?

On a sadder note, think of the backlash. Some people already are disappointed at the attention they get because of the stripping and what not.

The boys deserve better and are better than that!

And I also want to address those few of you that want Jay to disappear... well he will not!

You can be over him all you want, but how dare you request others to stop talking about him or forget him! You are doing too much! One minute you love him and now you do not.. did you ever love him to begin with?

Jay is an important part of 2PM and has done alot for the group, company and Hottest. Do not dismiss him and devalue his hard work just because he is not here!

That is disrespect to not only Hottest who love and care for him, but also to his 10 brothers, the rest of OneDay!

Also a separate forum..what.. Silence, I really do wonder about you when you make your post. The fanclub is split enough and you want to do it more.

I mean really...

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Guest Labacookie

missyera: Thanks very much for your post! *hugs*

Fans with critical opinions aren't asking for 2PM members to be "perfect"; We're simply hoping that they don't rest on their laurels, and continue to work and improve. As others have said, the observations aren't made with the expectation that 2PM browses Soompi, but fans stating their wishes and opinions and yes, criticisms. And as I've said, repeatedly, no group gets better without improvement, and I want them to grow as artists. I'm not asking they be perfect; I want to see them do their best, and this does not come without genuine hard-work, and no doubt they want that for themselves, regardless of whether or not some fans are satisfied while others are not.

But since it was brought up, being human doesn't mean being lax; if you are a professional, your instinct should be to strive for perfection, yes, even if it is unachievable. Because it means you aren't satisfied with where you are, and are always moving towards making yourself better. Again...how is this bad?

And for the people who keep bringing up mods, edward peaked in here the other day (and I think that we were much more heated), and I think so long as no one breaks the rules, we're okay. There's nothing in the rules that say we have to be nice and chipper all the time and agree on any and everything. So long as we are respectful to one another, and civil, we can disagree until the cows come home.

As for "troll" accusations. I've been watching this thread for a bit, and I haven't seen any trolls. Understand, not everyone shares the same opinion in regards to 2PM, where they are, and where they are headed, regardless of how Jay figures into that scenario. This is a diverse thread, with varying opinions and intensity, and you can't just assume that someone who says something you don't like is a troll. And so you can't command everyone to just shut up because we happen to be passionately debating something that you don't agree with. Really, better to scroll past comments, or even wait and come back later. :)

I say let's talk it out. Get it out in the open. For MONTHS now I've been sitting on my feelings, because I didn't want conflict. I think I even discouraged conflict. But that's not healthy in any fandom. Everyone should be able to say what they feel about the boys and as long as everyone is classy and respectful, I don't see a problem.

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Thanks coned for the link! It's very helpful :)

Tika, thank you for understanding what I meant to say! As fans of a group with rising popularity, I think that it's normal for us to get antsy about their future. I just don't want them to be thought lowly of by others.

I love the hair for TOW... Recently their hairdressers have been into the half-cornrow thing, huh? I think it was Nich first, then Woo and now Taec too. Not a bad look at all!

And I think I'm starting to have a thing for Junho, because I really really want to touch his perfectly tousled hair. :ph34r:

Random question. Does anyone know how tall he is?

Um. I don't want to sound harsh, but there was one particular post that was just a little ridiculous.

While this is a discussion thread for you to channel your opinions and comments, it was plain rude of you to degrade other fans in the process ("antis", "haters"...). If you want to be taken seriously, be a little more open-minded to different perspectives and write with a conciliatory tone. There's no need for you to create such a tense atmosphere with your sarcasm and negativity.Please view my posts completely before jumping to conclusions and reacting so explosively.

It's true that discussing their flaws doesn't get us anywhere... But we are just projecting our hope for 2PM to remain at the top. Perhaps we do so in different ways, but please remember to respect everyone. Why be so hostile? We're in the same boat.


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Guest theblazenazn

I agree with you and Missyera!

As a Hottest, would you want the boys to only be known for the stripping and flips or for their musical talents?

On a sadder note, think of the backlash. Some people already are disappointed at the attention they get because of the stripping and what not.

The boys deserve better and are better than that!

I have not heard any backlash anywhere from them "stripping". They only showed the top of their backs at the KBS Gay Daejun and that was the only time it happened at the Gayos.

PLUS, they are not the only ones. Taeyang performs in stage shirtless all the time, Joon & AJ from MBLAQ/BEAST show off their abs and pecks all the time (Almost very performance from their Debut single to be exact). Before them, DBSK also showed skin during their Mirotic promotions. Jaebum did it before as well. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL!


Edit: I topped the page, here's a delicious gif I used for an avatar. Hopefully Wooyoung's Nipples can stop all this. Fingers Crossed.


Please put out the fire that's burning in this thread!

Some more spam...


this is fun...



keep refreshing the page, i'll never stop lol...


GIANT GIF on Omona:



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