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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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i know it's late but congrats to our boys! man i wish leadja watched the show on youtube...so that he see his dongsaengs again..

aww..i miss woodongs smile and dorkiness... T____T

anyway, can't wait for their perf in music core..

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Guest theblazenazn

i know it's late but congrats to our boys! man i wish leadja watched the show on youtube...so that he see his dongsaengs again..

aww..i miss woodongs smile and dorkiness... T____T

anyway, can't wait for their perf in music core..

They just perform on Music Core. Junho did like a double flip, it was really cool and looked smooth, not painful.

You can say they won Music Core since they have no award system but Music Core lets the most important and top artists perform Last as the Finale and that's the indication of their ranking. They were the Finale again for like the 3rd week in a row even though it is SS501's Goodbye Stage. That's Status for ya lol.

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Guest chich_sj2pm

hello ::">

My name is Chich . I'm 13 years old . I'm Vietnamese Hottest

I'm going to creat a forum for 2PM and Vietnamese Hottest in Vietnam . I want to introduce 2pm to everyone . But i don't know about photoshop or designer.....

My forum is Hottestvn but it's not perfect because i don't have any banner , wall , icons , skin ,........

Somebody help me..... i really want to introduce 2pm to everyone in VN ..... If you have any banner or skin of forum , please share me or join my forum and help me ......

Thanks everyone :X

P/s : my english very poor .... i'm sorry because i'm young :">

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Guest cheezychunnie

here is a pic of little jaebeom :)


cr:yahoo korea

okay..im doing a lil research on Jalen and found out that he once

appeared in the Ellen show...

what interest me is he said that he likes to look fresh

then Ellen ask how to look fresh and he answered

by wearing the same colour of shirt and shoes...


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091128 ★ |{1|\|g 2PM Jaebeom's Mini Fan B-Boy Jalen From Seattle


he is awesome and loves jay ... what more can we ask for?

except for jay to come back soon

That kid mentioned "Jay is Legendary in Seattle". :) But i am not too convinced cos sometimes many things were hyped up & scripted in Starking.. Of cos i will be over the moon if what that kid said is true!

To be honest, I know nuts about BBoy matters at all. Am an idiot in this field. So can someone who knows tell me HONESTLY, is Jay a well-known bboy in seattle?

Please don't say yes just coz you love 2PM & is fangirling! Ok, haha!

I want Honest comment from those who know. So is Jay well-know as a BBOY in Seattle?

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Guest thefirstmoment777

091128 ★ |{1|\|g 2PM Jaebeom's Mini Fan B-Boy Jalen From Seattle


he is awesome and loves jay ... what more can we ask for?

except for jay to come back soon

firstly, thank you for the clip :X:X:X

Jalen said that "Because Jay is legendary in Seatle". Oh what can I say now ? :X:X:X

Jay is so famous in Seatle, and a lot of youngsters consider him as legenday, even a little boy.

Hope he will be back soon.

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Guest christineseow

haha hottests! go vote for 2pm for the melon music awards!

they are not even first for any category :'(

haha but actually do you know you can vote more then one time?

haha here's how you do it.

if after you vote for 2009 current steam and there appear a stream of korean words, meaning that you cant vote anymore for the day. but if you go back to the home page and click vote again, you can actually vote again!

haha so go vote mutiple times!!!

& haha keep it to hottests only :DDD

for those who dont know how to vote, here's how to http://aa-chan.net/blog/2009/11/26/how-to-...awards-2009/#tb

so quick go vote and push them up! there's only 17 days left!

haha im voting so many times its tiring :/ haha maybe it even reach up to hundred?

but they still need many more. so go vote now! :D

and haha i didnt know 2pm performed i hate you too when performing heartbeat! <3

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Guest christineseow

i will be away for like 2 weeks so i got to vote as many times as i can today!!!! ;/

so you guys got to help me to and vote like mad!

2pm is in 2nd position, 3rd position, 2 position & 7th position in the different categories.

cant remember which category though.

go vote for melon awards here http://www.melon.com/svc/awards/index.jsp

if you dont know how to, go read from here http://aa-chan.net/blog/2009/11/26/how-to-...awards-2009/#tb

oh there's another like online thing too.

go vote for the yahoo buzz music award for 2pm too!

its at http://kr.buzz.promotion.yahoo.com/asiabuz.../buzzVote/male/

for this 2pm is in 12th position :'(

haha come on lets vote vote vote! <3

btw if you still didnt know, you can vote more than once! :D hehe

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haha hottests! go vote for 2pm for the melon music awards!

they are not even first for any category :'(

haha but actually do you know you can vote more then one time?

haha here's how you do it.

if after you vote for 2009 current steam and there appear a stream of korean words, meaning that you cant vote anymore for the day. but if you go back to the home page and click vote again, you can actually vote again!

haha so go vote mutiple times!!!

& haha keep it to hottests only :DDD

for those who dont know how to vote, here's how to http://aa-chan.net/blog/2009/11/26/how-to-...awards-2009/#tb

so quick go vote and push them up! there's only 17 days left!

haha im voting so many times its tiring :/ haha maybe it even reach up to hundred?

but they still need many more. so go vote now! :D

and haha i didnt know 2pm performed i hate you too when performing heartbeat! <3

I AGREE WITH U!! They are not #1 in any categories..and I really hope the boys will get at least one...HOTTEST UNITE!!! Vote Vote Vote!!

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omo...2pm's heartbeat perf at music core was daebak, especially at the ending when junho did the flip..aigoo..i must say that it didn't look that painful compared to the other ending flips...and junho's chest pump before "dying" was nice~ ^___^

anyway congrats again and woodong please smile...i wanna see them "poisonous" cheeks again..^__^

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Guest christineseow

I AGREE WITH U!! They are not #1 in any categories..and I really hope the boys will get at least one...HOTTEST UNITE!!! Vote Vote Vote!!


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Guest happylove00

2PM schedule


SBS Ingigayo

KBS Golden Bell Challenge

credits: 2pm-online.com

i thought JYPE forbid the boys to go on variety show???

golden bell challenge is a variety show right???

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Guest mojojoba

2PM schedule


SBS Ingigayo

KBS Golden Bell Challenge

credits: 2pm-online.com

i thought JYPE forbid the boys to go on variety show???

golden bell challenge is a variety show right???

i was shocked to see this too...hmmm..weird. why the sudden participation in this show? guess we have to wait and see...

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That kid mentioned "Jay is Legendary in Seattle". :) But i am not too convinced cos sometimes many things were hyped up & scripted in Starking.. Of cos i will be over the moon if what that kid said is true!

To be honest, I know nuts about BBoy matters at all. Am an idiot in this field. So can someone who knows tell me HONESTLY, is Jay a well-known bboy in seattle?

Please don't say yes just coz you love 2PM & is fangirling! Ok, haha!

I want Honest comment from those who know. So is Jay well-know as a BBOY in Seattle?

I agree, i love Jay and all but to call him the bboy legend is way too .....

there are many famous bboy crews in seattle like Massive Monkeys, them team and Mash All?

iono, im sure Jalen was reading script...cuz he was on Ellen's show and he said his inspiration was jabbawockeez.

Woah, Jay might feel weird watching this show on youtube...and sorry for my broken english kk

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