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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Please read this:

Don't listen to the antis. I will stay a fan of 2PM and support them.

Agree 100% I stand by my 2pm boys also FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Guest kinghtcat

PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why people always trust about 2OD that is..... fan

Please read this comment and think carefully

Topic Nearly thirty fansites close after Jaebeom conference

CREDIT : hyobang @ www.allkpop.com (comment 722) February 28, 2010 at 3:29 AM


The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…

The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning. All 6 boys had been waiting for so long until he could return and at the moment their hopes came crashing down they couldn’t help but hate him a little bit.

When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom, they could not speak of to the fans, and that they want to protect Jaebeom forever. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—all seven of them—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die (the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, trust me—it’s a more common expression in Korean than English). They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. No matter what anyone says, we promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [As a personal note, it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.

There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom. But

Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is true:

All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can say I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep i mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best.

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Guest avchuck



@gigamasterhammer84 and kinghtcat Sorry, but that's just one account compared to the handful that have been saying otherwise. On top of that, the person wasn't at the Conference either, so... Maybe if there were more than just that one, it would be more convincing.

Also, the person below remarks on some parts of that post that wasn't mentioned:

I've heard a bit of the audio clip as well and some things I can respond to. The fans were not being rude when requesting that they should be allowed to record. Basically, they were saying if JYPE gets to record then they should too.

As for fans scoffing or laughing at Chansung, when he says that he misses Jay and should still be allowed to say that in the future. What he said before that is not mentioned. Before he says that he says "even robbers have close friends. and because jay's mistake has not been revealed to the public. we can too still say he's a good hyung" blah blah. don't remember the exact wording, but it's something like that. the clip is on youtube and it's been posted here too. first of all, fans were angered by him using the term "robber" and second, he's really not making any sense and is contradicting himself. you have to hear the clip in order to understand.

and as for other things that weren't mentioned, at one or two points during the conference, taec gets a bit of argumentative or shall i say has a smart alec tone. and there was this one part that just really made me laugh, but wooyoung says something really funky like "we are all different creatures, different beings,different ethnicities, come from different countries. and even tho we forgive jay for his mistake, those people can't" something like that. but it's just really funny, cause it's like "what the hell is this boy smoking??"

anyway, i see what people are saying when they say, there are two sides of the story, and we should listen to both. but as someone stated before, what more proof do you need? why do you think all these fans are now turning their backs on the group? i think if they had been more eloquent and perhaps better mannered, it could've alleviated some of the hate they are receiving. but, the truth is they acted in such a way that was PROVOKING and REPULSIVE ENOUGH, for fans to turn against them. even to the fans who stuck by them through everything and was anti-boycott. even enough for their official fancafe admins to resign and now hate them too. that says a lot, these are official fancafe admins who stuck through all the crap with them!!

honestly, i think jype's tactic was to really convince fans that jay made such an unspeakable mistake, because they knew that fans weren't buying it, by having the boys act this way. but, i really think their plan backfired. i wouldn't be surprised if they're actually pissing in their pants, scared of what the future holds. did they really think this would fly?

i really wonder if 6PM is either scared of the bad fate that their future holds, or if they really think that they're gonna be able to put this behind them, succeed and reach greater heights? i wonder what they're thinking. but if i were them i'd be really scared. and sure their fame may continue and maybe they will reach new heights of popularity. but remember, fame is only temporary, and their downfall will come. as it does for most celebrities who have achieved great fame. and when they do come crashing down, that's when they'll maybe realize and regret what they've done and how much they've hurt someone.

i don't blame them for putting their careers and themselves first, we are humans, and by nature we are selfish. but to go about it in the manner they did, it wasn't necessary, they didn't have to. the damage is done and is obviously irreversible. and truthfully, they really aren't gonna last very long. who's to say that if something like this were to happen again, that these same members wouldn't turn on each other?

what started out as a response to a post, turned it a really long rant. sorry, but i have to get this off my chest. and my friends don't really care, haha. and i'm sure people are going to disagree with me. but from this moment on i do not support 6PM, sorry i can't even call them 2PM anymore. we'll see how long they last if their way of getting to the top is by turning, betraying, and inflicting pain on someone who they once called their family. even family members do not turn their backs on their own family, if anything, they are the ones that stick by them, even when the world is against them. that is what family is. i believe in karma and what goes around will definitely come around.

Anyhow, I also agree with the rest that was stated above.

The word disappointment does not even come close to what Ive witnessed about these boys in the last two days. I should just return to my cynical self about this industry. Nothing is ever real and not not even 2PM who I was sold hook line and sinker for a long long time ago.

Yeh, I'm not exactly happy either. It really sucks. It's as if the past year was truly the beginnings of a true Legendary Idol group, but instead it's a Legendary ending. I don't know too much about the KPop scene, but I've read comments remarking on how something like this has never happened before in Kpop history. Amazing...

Mmkays, well, this may be my last post in 2PM's official thread, just wanted to thank Kabler for sharing your perspective and wise words these past few months. It seriously helped me keep on hoping when I really needed it. Even though this is how 2PM is going down in the end. It's okay. As a Jay-fan, I'm glad he was able to escape this hell. And, I'm both angry and sad for the remaining members. I hope Khunnie can get out too, though. Anyhow, the 2PM I came to know and love were truly quite something. It feels like everything was just a dream and now you have to wake up to reality.

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Guest loikyish.

I never thought people could go this low. I'm ashamed to call myself a fan if that's what a fan is supposed to do. Spreading those pictures doesn't help anyone at all. Not Jay. Not 6. Not JYPE. I'm sorry but I just feel disappointed. I could take all those rumors saying they're disrespectful or not but spreading this? NOW? AT THIS KIND OF MOMENT?

Everything is getting out of hand. It's best not to take things seriously, especially translated materials from the conference. The fact that it's translated and only being relayed couldn't be trusted at all. It's like a rollercoaster ride for me. One time I am reading that the members are being disrespectful then the next the fans actually were the ones being road. SIGH. I don't know what to believe anymore. I still want to be updated though. XD.

I'm sorry but I had to vent. Keeping silent is no longer helping me.

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Guest Kangnie

I'm usually a lurker here, but after the recent conference and seeing the arguments/bashing among members here, I feel that I have to post something, even though I don't really know what to post because I'm still confused from everything. Too much had happened in so short a time.

I admit that I'm disappointed by the boys' reactions and replies at the conference, and that I'm more on the disappointed-with-6PM side. I don't deny that, like many of you, all the information I got about the conference were from 2OD's accounts, fan accounts, audio clips and whatever accounts that's circulating around the net right now. You probably say that I wasn't there in person at the conference, so what whatever I'm getting from the internet, the fan accounts are all unreliable. But that's the best I can get because it's a fact that I wasn't at the conference.

Despite leaning more to one side, I tried to as two-sided as I can with all the information, I believe that the boys were maybe rude at some point or another, but I don't deny that after hearing parts of the audio clip, I've to say that some of the Korean fans were rude and sarcastic as well. Why not put ourselves in the boys' shoes? If someone was really rude to you, do you think you can continue sitting there and smiling as if nothing has happened? Most of us can't, the boys probably can't either. So for this, I would say that the boys and the fans were both at fault. And perhaps Chansung should have thought carefully before answering, instead of likening Jay to a 'thief'. I don't understand Korean that well, but I believe he didn't meant it literally, probably like an idiom or a figure of speech.

That being said, I'm still disappointed with the conference. But I had thought, 'what if everything the boys said in the conference was scripted and that they were being manipulated by the company?' Wouldn't they be really hurt by everyone saying that they had betrayed Jay?

This post is pretty useless, I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this. As I typed, I kind of lost track of what I wanted to convey. Anyway, I hope that members who post here will try to be as two-sided as possible, I know it's not easy when you're hurt and shocked by what had happened. If you can't be two-sided, at least try not to attack another member who has a different view from you. If you do not like what that member has posted, just skip it and go onto the next post. Don't try to bash another member in hope of converting him to your view or don't force your opinions upon others, if they don't agree with your view, it's highly unlikely that they would after just a post.

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Guest yellow submarine

This has been posted like at least 5 times now.

Please look up or backtrack a few pgs before posting.

notice how they're new members too...could they be JYP spies :ph34r:

i'm so suspicious and skeptical about everything now. the 49.5bananas post sounded reasonable but i believe in the kHottests. they're not stupid and they were at the conference.

edit: i agree with Kabler about fully believing that 2PM was real. it's sad isn't it? maybe it was real at one point, but a little bit of fame already destroyed it.

that video of Nichkhun being ignored just shows how fickle friendships can be. if i were Khun, i would go back to Thailand. he doesn't even get to speak anymore in "2PM" interviews. and i thought better of Wooyoung. i really thought that he had one of the biggest hearts in 2PM but i'm not sure anymore.

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Guest jonah14

Clearly, the conference backfired.

If the 2PM members and JYP thought that they would clear things up with the fans, they were so wrong.

What they did was despicable.

I was hoping that they would act with humility but in the end, they ditched Jay to save themselves.

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I think a picture paints a 1000 words. This is just ???


I don"t think the purpose of the video was meant to expose anything but to me, its definitely a hint that things are not rosy with the group. Whats heartbreaking is the way they all got up and left without even looking at him... its in the body language, the eye contact, the way the whole scene was captured. I think in that last few seconds of the video, I found one word to sum up what I just saw... ostracism...

This is the time I actually wished that the rumor for a next withdrawal is true and i hope that its Khun.I cant even imagine the reaction of what Thailand fans would do if they watched one of their own being left out like that. They would probably say Khun come home.

The word disappointment does not even come close to what Ive witnessed about these boys in the last two days. I should just return to my cynical self about this industry. Nothing is ever real and not not even 2PM who I was sold hook line and sinker for a long long time ago.

^_^ I'm thai, and yes, after Jay's incident happened, a lot of Khun's fans in thai want him to come home LOL

about 2pm 6 members, i really don have any words left to say bt them, just pray for them all happiness

maybe God knows, Jay will be happier with Aom...and 2pm 6 members will be more successful? haha

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Guest pinkPABOsings

this needs to be reposted again EVERYWHERE...so that "fans" can actually think clearly...there are ALWAYS two side to the story...and stop listening and following just one side.



I agree...there need to be more people....more importantly NON 2PM FANS that can speak and understand Korean enough to translate the WHOLE press conference. This is the FIRST RATIONAL thing I've heard in three days. I will not lie the translation fortyninepointfivebananas posted does seem a little biased even to me(which is why we need outside eyes that translate from point a to point b and that's it. No Translator Notes. Just straight up who said what)...But everything that she/he posted not only calmed me but made more since to me then everything I have been hearing as of late. The things that I have been hearing about the boys from fans is enough to make a person depressed.

I wonder what will await me tomorrow. I wonder if the Sasaeng fans will have more information or pictures. I wonder if JYPE will have another statement. I wonder and fear that I'll wake up on Monday morning and find that 2PM has disbanded.

I will say those of you who have made the statements

2PM has gained nothing

JYPE will still gain everything

I totally agree with you. 2PM has gained nothing in fact they've lost more then they've gained. They've lost their fans and everything that comes with it. More importantly they've lost their credibility(except Khun). Their images have officially been ruined and for what...nothing. JYPE on the other hand will continue on. Dreamers who are the least bit concerned about this issue will still try out for JYPE....JYPE still has trainees. JYPE still has WG. JYPE will continue to prosper. While everyone and everything else will crumble around 2PM. With that being said, if the boys really did act arrogantly,if they really did laugh at the fans and disrespect themselves AND Jay, then go off to a noraebang place to sing songs and be merry after the conference...I think it's safe to say the those six men already know the outcome of their careers. That's the only thing that makes since to me. If 2PM really did have internal issues with each other. If they really did treat Jay like crap for that first year...if they really do all the stuff Sasaeng fans have said and this whole year and a half has been nothing but a lie....I'm not surprised that they finally decided to show their true colors. What's the point in continuing an act with the performance is already over??

@ Kabler You should watch it again because Chansung DID stop right at the end. He stopped, looked Khun dead in the face then began talking to Wooyoung....Another thing...the video stops a couple of seconds later and we don't know if Wooyoung, the only other person left in the room since Chansung was heading out of the door, stopped to talk to him as well. Assumptions are the last things that need to be made right now. What I see int the video is that Khun's upset while boys are talking to a video camera about Jo Kwon. I don't know what happened before hand. I don't know if something was said to him....or done to him....or what....WHAT I SEE is someone who is upset about something.

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Please read this comment and think carefully

Topic Nearly thirty fansites close after Jaebeom conference

CREDIT : hyobang @ www.allkpop.com (comment 722) February 28, 2010 at 3:29 AM



it honestly made me cry.

hottests are completely coldest now aren't they?

i became a hottests shortly before the jaebeom incident,

but i still love 2pm.

my heart goes out to the members, jay, and the true

hottests who still love 2pm and understand them.

also, i feel really bad for the coldest when they

realize the hurt they've caused to everyone. /:

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Guest xxxxxxx

@ A-OH Please don't say "shut up" I find it really rude and unwelcoming. Right now, this thread is tense and it might bring more trouble.

I admit that I was disappointed this morning after reading fanaccounts and what not. I kept reading the responses that the boys made, I read the tumblr post about how things were possibly misinterpetated. I read a lot of things hoping to get a clearer understanding. I want to support the boys. It's a tough situation for all of them . " By not revealing what Jay did is protecting him, Why do you think we're not protecting him?" - Taec. I read that several times and i began to feel like the boys were honest. I don't know whats true or not.I don't know if JYPE is lying or if Jay did something horrific. I've been reading about how the boys acted rudely to the people at conference. I was too shocked but I trust the boys. We all have our days where we seem unhappy and grumpy.

I want to support the boys no matter what, but that doesn't mean that I want to totally forget Jay. When I see people say " i support 6PM because its not JayPm." that saddens me because it feels like they're already trying to forget Jay. Jay was a member of 2PM. He worked with them, shared the same pain and helped pave the way for 2pm's success.

I want to stay neutral. it's hard because it could lead to so many bad results. I decided that I will support a six member group but also, Jay Park. I know its not much but I want to continue to love and support all 7 of them even if they're not together. Jay, Taecyeon,Wooyoung, Khun, Junsu, Chansung, Junho... They all need us. Lets not turn our backs on them.

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Guest viviean

i don't know if you guys want to know about thai hottest opinions.

i will tell you about their opinions.

i have thai freinds who is hottest like me. she said... look like most of thai hottests believe that jay really made personal mistake. they belive that 6pm tell the truth in the conference and bash k-hottest too much. (base on what my freind read on popular 2pm's thai board)

they still think that 6pm love each others and jay so much that why 6pm decided to let jay go.

ummm...one thing i really don't like their attitude is they bash/blame k-hottest so much about this situation.

they said k-hottest were rude in the conference while 6pm really patience and didn't do anything wrong.

ummm...it's goot that many hottest still support 6pm but please don't bash k-hottest.

they put so much effort to make 2pm big.

they love 2pm so much.

so please don't bash them. if you want to support 6pm just do it.


sorry foy my poor eng

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Guest Special Ed

My opinions on the matter and hopefully some of you will also take the time to calm down and reflect ...

1.) I do not know the truth. No more no less. JYPE won't tell us. The boys won't tell us. Even Jay himself won't tell us. Whatever's floating around the net as the "truth", is not a truth to me until I hear it come from JYPE's lips, the boys' lips, or Jay's lips. Literally from their mouths. Not a fan account, report, etc. that is extremely biased. But will the truth ever come out? No. They said that to us matter of factly, and its just something we have to accept at some point. I can pray all I want for the truth, but it will NEVER come. Saying that this is unjustified? No its not really. I have deep dark secrets myself (I'm sure we all do) and my friends and family could attack me for the truth. But will I ever tell them? No. Why? Because I don't want them to know. Simple as that. But the stupid part is that I would even let them know I have a deep dark secret.

2.) I do not know them. 99.99.99% of us do not know the boys and Jay when they are NOT celebrities. We THINK we know them just by watching docs, interviews, and variety shows. But we DO NOT. They DO NOT know we exist as individuals. They only know that FANS exist. I have never met them. They will never meet me. I will never get to know them personally and intimately. They will never get to know me personally and intimately. Because of this, I have no right to judge them. Why? I just told you. I don't even know them as a complete human being. So what can I really say against them?

3. I will respect their decisions. Though I am disappointed, I can't bring myself to despise them. They all worked SO HARD. No one has the right to say that one worked harder than the other. They all pulled their weight. Their own weight. The group weight. Its not true that the leader works the hardest. Theres gotta be TEAMWORK in a TEAM. The leader may have the strongest presence, but it still takes the WHOLE group to work. A group doesn't work if only one person is working. One person is a soloist.

Overall, I think theres a reason why they won't tell us the truth and that reason isn't the "bigger mistake". Its something more internal, deeper. I think its something so personal and intimate for the boys that it can only be shared amongst themselves. And I think its not that they can't share it with us, its that they don't want to share it with us.

Plus, I think most of us are just curious. And theres a difference between curiosity and truth. But most of all, theres a difference between admiration and understanding.

Just because you admire someone doesn't mean you understand them. In this case, our admiration has gone out of proportion to the invasion of privacy and disrespect. Thats no where near understanding. You can dig for the "truth". But what you'll only see is the exterior. You will never see the interior: their emotions, their thoughts, their lives.

I do want a 7 man 2PM. But I would feel horrible if I was part responsible for the downfall of the very name they worked so hard to create together. People live and die, but the name goes on. And the name 2PM will always be associated with 7 men even if one had died. The name will still be 7 if two had died. 2PM will always be 7 men. One is gone but his presence will linger forever. Its better to have that lingering presence in 2PM, then to have no 2PM for anything at all.

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I don't know why people always trust about 2OD that is..... fan

Please read this comment and think carefully

Topic Nearly thirty fansites close after Jaebeom conference

CREDIT : hyobang @ www.allkpop.com (comment 722) February 28, 2010 at 3:29 AM


The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…

The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning. All 6 boys had been waiting for so long until he could return and at the moment their hopes came crashing down they couldn’t help but hate him a little bit.

When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom, they could not speak of to the fans, and that they want to protect Jaebeom forever. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—all seven of them—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die (the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, trust me—it’s a more common expression in Korean than English). They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. No matter what anyone says, we promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [As a personal note, it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.

There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom. But

Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is true:

All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can say I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep i mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best.

A lot of new poster in this tread (JYPE's spy?) someone from 2OD was there during the conference, they are not lying, this personne wasn't there

one account compared to the handful that have been saying otherwise.

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Guest crazyfrog

Wow, having been following this debacle the past couple of days, I feel very sorry for the rest of the 2PM boys. I just read the transcript and honestly, there were one or two answers that made me go o.O but overall, I thought the boys didn't say anything that was too out of line. From what I've been reading the past couple of months, I don't think the boys have "abandoned" Jaebum but seem to be still friends in private. I think some fans have to understand that the boys obviously stand at a very awkward position right now. I'm sure they care for Jae, but then they can't go against the management as well. If they say something like "actually we want Jaebum back" wouldn't that just confuse and drag the whole situation on even more? I think the management is having such a harsh stance on this because they want to get it over with as soon as possible, like ripping off a bandaid.

I personally don't see how boycotting or hating on the other 6 members will make the situation better. That's not going to bring Jae back (I think they were PRETTY clear about that). All that's going to achieve is break up the band. And if that's what the aim is, then fair enough. But lets be honest, if they DID break up, most of them will fall into obscurity. Most of them don't have enough star power or recognition to stand on their own. They NEED the band.

In a way I think the period between Jae's departure last year and January was like a trial period to see how well 2PM would do without Jae and obviously they did pretty well. So I think that's what put the nail in the coffin, so to speak... But that's just my speculation...

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A lot of new poster in this tread (JYPE's spy?) someone from 2OD was there during the conference, they are not lying, this personne wasn't there

one account compared to the handful that have been saying otherwise.

Get a life girl and move on The member before you said it right : CHANGE THE MOOD GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!2PM gladly is still alive and kicking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2pm love you all !!!!!!!!

I will support my dearest PM members FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!

And I am not a spy of JYPE I leave in the other side of the world LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

My last post for today !!!!!!!

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