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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I've heard a bit of the audio clip as well and some things I can respond to. The fans were not being rude when requesting that they should be allowed to record. Basically, they were saying if JYPE gets to record then they should too.

As for fans scoffing or laughing at Chansung, when he says that he misses Jay and should still be allowed to say that in the future. What he said before that is not mentioned. Before he says that he says "even robbers have close friends. and because jay's mistake has not been revealed to the public. we can too still say he's a good hyung" blah blah. don't remember the exact wording, but it's something like that. the clip is on youtube and it's been posted here too. first of all, fans were angered by him using the term "robber" and second, he's really not making any sense and is contradicting himself. you have to hear the clip in order to understand.

and as for other things that weren't mentioned, at one or two points during the conference, taec gets a bit of argumentative or shall i say has a smart alec tone. and there was this one part that just really made me laugh, but wooyoung says something really funky like "we are all different creatures, different beings,different ethnicities, come from different countries. and even tho we forgive jay for his mistake, those people can't" something like that. but it's just really funny, cause it's like "what the hell is this boy smoking??"

anyway, i see what people are saying when they say, there are two sides of the story, and we should listen to both. but as someone stated before, what more proof do you need? why do you think all these fans are now turning their backs on the group? i think if they had been more eloquent and perhaps better mannered, it could've alleviated some of the hate they are receiving. but, the truth is they acted in such a way that was PROVOKING and REPULSIVE ENOUGH, for fans to turn against them. even to the fans who stuck by them through everything and was anti-boycott. even enough for their official fancafe admins to resign and now hate them too. that says a lot, these are official fancafe admins who stuck through all the crap with them!!

honestly, i think jype's tactic was to really convince fans that jay made such an unspeakable mistake, because they knew that fans weren't buying it, by having the boys act this way. but, i really think their plan backfired. i wouldn't be surprised if they're actually pissing in their pants, scared of what the future holds. did they really think this would fly?

i really wonder if 6PM is either scared of the bad fate that their future holds, or if they really think that they're gonna be able to put this behind them, succeed and reach greater heights? i wonder what they're thinking. but if i were them i'd be really scared. and sure their fame may continue and maybe they will reach new heights of popularity. but remember, fame is only temporary, and their downfall will come. as it does for most celebrities who have achieved great fame. and when they do come crashing down, that's when they'll maybe realize and regret what they've done and how much they've hurt someone.

i don't blame them for putting their careers and themselves first, we are humans, and by nature we are selfish. but to go about it in the manner they did, it wasn't necessary, they didn't have to. the damage is done and is obviously irreversible. and truthfully, they really aren't gonna last very long. who's to say that if something like this were to happen again, that these same members wouldn't turn on each other?

what started out as a response to a post, turned it a really long rant. sorry, but i have to get this off my chest. and my friends don't really care, haha. and i'm sure people are going to disagree with me. but from this moment on i do not support 6PM, sorry i can't even call them 2PM anymore. we'll see how long they last if their way of getting to the top is by turning, betraying, and inflicting pain on someone who they once called their family. even family members do not turn their backs on their own family, if anything, they are the ones that stick by them, even when the world is against them. that is what family is. i believe in karma and what goes around will definitely come around.

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@mrspalmers: I agree with you x 1000000000000000!!

So many of you guys are forgetting that these people are infact HUMAN as well. They're not perfect, we're not perfect, the world is not perfect so go cry a river and swim in it. Better yet, build a bridge and get over it.

It amuses me at how close minded some of you guys are. Believing EVERYTHING you read.

There are always 2 sides of a story and so far we've been presented with one of those sides ( Besides the point of view given here.)

The account given on fortyninepointfivebananas makes most sense to me.

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I just find it absolute ridiculous how fans who used to love 2PM are suddenly turning against each other and bashing one another by calling one ' not a true fan'. No one really has the right to say what a true fan is,because with each person becoming a fan of the same group, all have different reasons to why they started liking them in the first place. What ever happened to "united we stand, divided we fall" ?

Sure before when 2PM was whole with Jaebeom, fans stood side by side, again with a certain preference to a member, but all in all , liking the whole overall group. Now that Jay's contract is terminated, it's quite evident that as 'divided', Hottest, fans and Antifans are slowly falling apart.

Like it's been pointed out - 1 person could save 6 people, then why can't 6 people save one person.

I just wish that people would remember ' United we Stand and Divided We Fall" cause from the looks of everything, everyone's judgement is slowly being clouded by the emotions we feel after reading article after article, with nothing but bad news.

These are just my two cents. I'm not saying I'm not pissed at what's happening, just take the time to look at the whole overview. What's really happening? All it is is chaos as of right now. I'm just tired of seeing fans ripping other fans apart because of what they choose to support.


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I think a vast majority of people here are not korean or didn't understand korean. But the way things are going now, many are jumping to conclusions, claiming this & that. Were anything lost in translation during the conference?? Don't forget that they are speaking to a bunch of angry, worked-up fans who had armed themselves fully with ammunitions to attack the boys with intent of fighting for Jay. Sometimes, when someone speak to me in a aggressive manner, i will retaliate by speaking in snide way in response. like-wise, One might be saying something but when heard in the ears of the other party, it turned out to be of a different meaning due to pre-formed perceptions. Or worse, an angry person will be negative to whatever the other party has to say and the real content become twisted.

To be honest, i am not defending the 6. I am just giving them benefit of a doubt. Just like i am giving Jay benefit of a doubt over the so-called "serious / worse personal mistake".

If you detest them so much, just stop supporting them. But i think it is morally incorrect to be bashing & blaming them, like they are the scum of the earth, some even trying to kill off the group for good. And don't say that this is to avenge Jay, This is NOT an excuse/reason.

I think if the boys really did wrong, only Jay has the right to fire off at them. He is the one who knew what exactly he did or did not do at all.

again, i want to reiterate that i am not defending the 6 boys. Reason: I don't know the real truth behind all these. I only know as much as majority of you people here on this forum. We do not know the whole truth/ or never will.. Please think before spreading/writing hateful comments. Thank you.

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Guest hannieoon

Hmm... wow... people are at each others throats arguing what "true" Hottests are.... is this really necessary?

I'm more mad at JYPE more than anything else.

I don't think people who have left the fandom are only Jay's fans as lushful has stated. I wasn't Jay's fan (Khun all the way! ^_^) but I'm not liking what I read from the boy's responses at the press conference. It's amazing to see the change in the boy's attitudes to another one of their members as well as their fans. For some reason, I think if this had happened to any other member than Jay it would have been the same exact situation 1:59PM is in now because JYPE public relations (staff, JYP etc) team is SO bad. Anyways, had the boys acted in a more respectful attitude and had been more serious, they wouldn't be getting as much backlash they're facing right now. The rest of the members would have had their dignity intact and be able to continue to do their activities with adoring fans as well as kept Jay leaving the group with dignity as well. A win-win situation for everyone. Of course, things are now getting more twisted and being mistranslated that I don't know who to believe with how things actually went at the press conference.

I honestly don't think fans are so upset with Jay not coming back anymore but the fact that JYPE has done such a crappy job handling the situation. I mean... it made it seem that JYP had made a plan for Jae to comeback as the leader. I mean... I saw a performance video of them at one of the awards shows and they had this "tribute" for Jay in the song Again and Again by leaving a spotlight to represent him. It felt like the company and the boys still cared about him and were just waiting for his return. Misleading, no? I'm sure many people knew when Jay left the group he wouldn't be returning but JYPE gave a lot of people that glimmer of hope that they were considering bringing him back. They should have said from the very beginning that he wasn't returning for good.

Meh.... I still like their music. Hopefully JYP doesn't f*** it up with 2AM.

P.S. I like reading people's responses that are well thought out. It's like sitting in on a debate class only with a super interesting topic of course!

Edit:: I am blown away with how the translation at sites such as allkpop etc gave me an impression that the boys were disrespectful etc and with what actually happened while listening to the audio files. I feel bad for these boys with having to deal with such a rough crowd.

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Guest Redwarrior

Having been through turmoils for both Jae's issue in september and the TVXQ issue, I suggest that the international fans calm down and remain skeptical, not take sides so fast. As we all know, there's not use if we rant and complain and possibly regret things later. In the later half of 2009, I have learned that it's better to let things play out and get more information from it than to lash out during the heat of things. -Without us doing anything, the KHottests will still be on the case and I have to say, it's the reactions of the korean fans that count so it would save us all from the headache and frustrations to stay calm and take things with a grain of salt for now.

In addition, I do not know too much of the fan accounts since I seem to have lost my password for my account and the email I registered it under has been deleted. >.>... so no comment on this issue for me about the things that are revealed by the fans.

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Guest pinkchocolate

I just feel sorry for khun. There are soo many rumours about him purposely being made into the odd one out or a loner bc he was the only one who was against jay being kicked out. Someone associated w/ jype (anonymous of course) stated that he garnered hatred (well maybe not hatred but certainly not love) from the higher ups because of his stance in the situation where every other member wanted jay gone. Hence, he was sent out of korea for "international promotions" and doesnt have a lot of spotlight time in both programs and performances.

subbed video of khun being left out: http://video.nate.com/211002229

there was also another rumour of junho dissing jay...something about his closet space and hours later, a video popped up to prove it but it's not subbed and i forgot the context of the issue. but its really surprising how some of these rumours really are true...

Sheets..... I just watched that video you posted and really, i dont know but i feel that the other 2PM members are kinda horrible to an extent.... No one bothered about Khun ): You can see that Khun is being left out and so helpless..... and imagine all he has in Korea is his 2PM brothers.. I cant imagine how helpless he felt at that time.. Just because he was against Jay being kicked out, he is the odd one out. He loved Jay like a brother.. He was the most loyal one..

I remembered back in September when Jay left, almost majority of the videos, you could see that Nichkhun was the quietest and being casted aside.. Really horrible ): sigh.... I really hate to see this..

Anyway, my opinions/feelings about the situation now.. When i heard about what Taec, Chan, Junho, Wooyoung said when asnwering the fans qns at the Conference, i was furious, angry. But now that i've calmed down, I know I dont hate 2PM.. I dont hate the members.. I'm telling myself to forgive them for all that they have done.. I still wanna listen to their music. I probably wont leave them..yet. But my feelings for 2PM just isnt the same anymore for me.. which is really sad.. I dont love/like them the same.. But i hope in time to come, they would prove me wrong.. sigh... BUT Khun must NEVER leave 2PM for God sake >< He is what keeps 2PM real. If even Khun goes, i dont know what 2PM will become, really. (well, this is my own opinion)

As for Jaebum, I would support him and watch his videos. PLEASE JOIN ABDC ^^ I hope he would become successful with AOM. Go Jaebum <3 Go AOM!

Where's the 2PM I once knew!?


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Guest xLostLoLx

how i wish that time could turn back to the boys we all once knew.

i guess it's time for jay to step up and tell us his side of story.

this issue would definitely not solve if we are always hearing one-sided story.

the longer this issue take to solve, the deeper the boys will get hurt.

but one thing we now for now is that jype can't do well in doing PR

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Guest dreamstar

dont know if you guys have read this, it might be a double post since i couldnt follow how fast this thread is going, but i really think is a worthy read.

full credits to: http://fortyninepointfivebananas.tumblr.com

The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…


* The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

* Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning.

* When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

* When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, that they think of him still as a best friend, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

* One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom and their desire to protect him, they could not speak of to the fans. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—“all seven of us”—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die [the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, fyi—it’s a more commonly used expression in Korean than English]. They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

* There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom.” He goes on to say that despite the fact that they have forgiven him, and though they will always love him as a brother, the mistake he made was too serious to reveal to the fans, and that they, too, would feel as shocked and speechless as the 2pm boys did if they knew what it was. He apologized for having to say that.

* Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. We promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

* There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

* When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.


Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is TRUE:

* All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

* One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

* The JYP rep did say “To put it as a metaphor, the six members, and our company, are like the victims in this situation, and Jaebeom is the attacker.” The quotation itself was part of an explanation as to why they were honest in revealing that Jaebeom had made a big mistake in his private life, and why the company was trying to protect the other six members of 2pm. I personally don’t think it was as awful as other fans seem to think, although it isn’t pleasant to hear that Jaebeom was “the attacker,” but it’s up to you as to how you want to interpret it.

* The JYP rep also said (as part of the above comment) that the six members are “just as important as one member.” He never said that the six were “more” important than the one.

* Someone (I can’t tell who—I believe it was the JYP rep) answered “Yes” when asked if Jay’s private mistake was serious enough that even if the Myspace controversy had never happened, Jay would still have had to leave the group. I’ve seen accounts that all the members also said yes, but on the audio file I hear only one voice. Maybe they nodded; I don’t know.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can confirm I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep in mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best. I trust our 2pm boys, and I believe in them.

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Guest lec8504

last post for tonight...I needed to get this off my chest because I've been seeing this everywhere.

The quote "1 saved 6 but why can't 6 save 1" or something like that. I'm sorry but, how did Jay save the 6 of them? Jay left for numerous of reasons (and yes, one of them could be that JYP force him to leave) but he did leave because of his own actions/words. IT WAS HIS WORDS ON MYSPACE. HE DID LEAVE TO NOT BRING DRAMA TO THE BOYS...THAT'S HONORABLE. BUT THE BOYS DO NOT OWE HIM ANYTHING. He left because he essentially did do something wrong...the boys are just innocent bystanders at that moment. He didn't "save" them. He left the group because of a mistake that he made. Period.

I don't understand why people are making it out to be that the boys owe Jay something and that they need to give up their own lively hood and dreams to save Jay? Yes, it would be nice if they did that, but it is also almost impossible. They're humans too, they need to place their own needs and their families need above everyone else, including the fans.

In the end....all of the ex-Hottest...try to think of the last 1.8 years that they have given you and all of the laughter they have given you...and if you want to leave..then leave quietly. But please don't attack the boys on your way out.

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Guest esthiSipil

Wooowwww.....a lot of things happen here.... :o :o (and mostly....is BAD...)

Just wanna say that we should chill and you know what ......take a deep breath people.... :D :D

We should see the positive side of this whole incident....

1.IF (i just say IF) the news that says the 6PM behaviour during press conference was bad and disrespect towards fans and mostly towards Jay when they talk about him....then it is an aye opener to us, HOTTEST, about who they really are...

And honestly i kinda relieve to know that Jay is not there anymore (in JYPE or 2PM), the fake family and brothers...(what's the point stay in a place like that..right?? It's just gonna crash your dream soon or later)

2. IF (again i say IF) they forced to do so by JYPE, again all i can say is....POOR THEM because they couldn't defend them self from evil JYPE, not like Jay who sacrifice his own dream to protect the other. And again it is an aye opener to us about who they really are (bunch of people that don't have any courage to protect the person that they called "brother" or "leader"

3. IF (once again i say IF) 6PM will continue their activity like this, then let this be... I guess the best thing that we can do for them is wish the best for them...and see what happen in the furute... Who knows if they will succeeds with their new activity, meanwhile Jay also succeed with his Bboying things back in Seattle. Again we will never knew bout future right???

4. People who want to keep on support 6PM (i won't... :D) , just keep support them and stay with them till the end (just like HOTTEST support 7=1 till the end, and done a lot of magnificent thing to brings our leader back...You guys have my salute for that ;) )

5. And for people who won't support the remaining 6 (i guess i'm one of them), let's leave this thread peacefully and quietly...Just like we used to do when this thread open .... :D , we enter quietly and peacefully...hehehe....

I'm sorry for my bad english...and i'm really apologize if any of my words hurt your feeling...Trust me i didn't mean it, cuz i just wanna share my opinion...^^

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Guest mika.16

The thing is,

I think everyone here realizes that there is a CHANCE that Jay did do something wrong which prevented him from returning.

What fans are unhappy with is the way his official departure was handled.

Jay gave up his dream, and all his hard work, potential success & fame in order to PROTECT his brothers (and this was over a MYSPACE comment).

Then why can't his brothers do the same?

I dont mean that they should quit 2pm and stand up to jype and threaten to leave.

When I say 6pm should have protected Jay, I mean that they should have worked up the courage to continue with Jay in 2pm, even with knowing the possibility that his 'big mistake' might be revealed,

OR they could have atleast respected his last dignity & said he left due to personal reasons OR a desire to stay with his family OR desire to continue education... they could have come up with anything.

IF the press released had never mentioned a 'huge personal mistake', sex/drug/pregnancy rumors would never had occurred.

If it really was something that other people are involved in (like Jung Wook said in the conference), then that means netizens would have eventually dug it up anyway. There was NO REASON to have to mention it at all.

They said they didnt want to lie to the public in the press conference.

They didnt have to LIE to bring back Jay, they could have stayed SILENT.


I totally empathize with the boys, IF jay had committed a wrong, then I would understand that they would find it hard to continue a band with him... BUT they could have risked it (Like Jay did for them) and protected him through SILENCE.

Many are asking... how can you turn your backs on the 6 other boys? Are they not 2pm too?

YES they are 2pm, and we love them, we love jay & the 6 boys equally.

But they were part of the tarnishing of Jay's name... whether or not they intended to.

Of course Jay is probably hating everything that is happening right now,

but as FANS, WE were the ones who brought them popularity & success, WE were the ones who gave them great viewing rates on TV, WE were the ones who bought their albums & endorsed products, WE were the ones who celebrated every birthday & anniversary, showered them with gifts & love & support, WE were the ones who blindly defended them no matter what people said

... and essentially WE are the ones who have every right to express anger or disappointment towards them.

Dont blame fans for acting irrationally. trust me when I say that for many Korean fans (KHottest), 2pm was their be all & end all.

Anyway, my point is,

Fans have been at 2pm's side since the BEGINNING, even BEFORE 10points, BEFORE hotblood... since their trainee days.

THese fans have been protecting ALL SORTS of rumors and have been preventing all sorts of photos, fan accounts etc from being leaked which may tarnish 2pm's image. Korean fans are reknowned for being super-obsessive, super protective, unbelievably biased when it comes to protecting & supporting their idols.

When these fans agree that they no longer deserve their protection & support, it means something has gone wrong.

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Guest JayrielzZ

after reading translated fan accounts of what happened, i still choose to remain neutral. i have no idea what is your stance to this matter neither am i going to ask you to take my stand. if you don't mind, read this little thought of mine.

if Leadja was forced to leave, let the name "2PM" live.

if they really "betrayed" their Leadja, let the name "2PM" haunt them forever because they can never leave the name.

this will the word they have to repeat over millions of times and remind them of what they have done.

if Leadja leaving have nothing to with the other boys, let the name "2PM" live too.

2PM is the gift that Leadja gave Hottest and the remaining boys. it contains the precious memories.

2PM is their hardwork - each and everyone of them, 7 of them no one more no one less.

i know many of you are upset after reading the fan accounts especially towards the attitude of the members. think for a moment. we do not know what is the expression or body language of the fans too. there will only be reaction when there is action and there will always be two sides of a story.

you can choose to turn around and walk away if you no longer can support them. don't say hurtful words to the one that left or to the one that remains. we do not have to step to the same level as the people that drive Jay away.

when you believe in a lie, it will become truth to you.

if you doubt the truth, then it will only be a lie to you.

lastly, there are easier way out for these matter. yet, they choose the harder path. why?

i guess, i can never know the answer because this may be the secret that they have to keep with them for the rest of their life.

Love & Respect

All the best Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho & Chansung.

i shall let my memories of you all remain from 4th Sept 2008 to 4th Sept 2009.

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Guest jserenity

everyone please take into account that rumours are rumours.

please realise that the people at the conference were FANS; and yes - fans are people too !

they have the ability to over react, get angry or sad. they have the ability to twist words

because of their emotions.

so what you read is what you have only READ; not what YOU saw with your own eyes .

these things are spread from ear to ear, word to word, but please remember - these are tainted people each and everyones emotions and different thoughts. peoples disappointment, anger and pain. surprise surprise, the fans might be OVERREACTING !

lets set things straight - we don't know the story.

we don't know jackpoop about probably HALF of the REAL situation.

we don't know the eff jype is thinking and trying to do; we don't now how the members feel; we don't know how jay feels; we don't know what the hell he has done ! WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING ! so for us to tell each other to do this and that, leave the fandom because of only the mere surface of the situation, is stupid . we should all calm down and let things work out for themselves.

yes, jay is in pain. you why? because of the public, the netizens, the fans.

and yes, taecyeon, junsu, junho, nickhun, wooyoung and chansung are in pain - you know why?

because of the public, the netizens and the fans.

its US ! so calm down and lets not turn this situation into a huge blob of mini cooperake mushrooms than it already is.

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I think a picture paints a 1000 words. This is just ???


I don"t think the purpose of the video was meant to expose anything but to me, its definitely a hint that things are not rosy with the group. Whats heartbreaking is the way they all got up and left without even looking at him... its in the body language, the eye contact, the way the whole scene was captured. I think in that last few seconds of the video, I found one word to sum up what I just saw... ostracism...

This is the time I actually wished that the rumor for a next withdrawal is true and i hope that its Khun.I cant even imagine the reaction of what Thailand fans would do if they watched one of their own being left out like that. They would probably say Khun come home.

The word disappointment does not even come close to what Ive witnessed about these boys in the last two days. I should just return to my cynical self about this industry. Nothing is ever real and not not even 2PM who I was sold hook line and sinker for a long long time ago.

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Guest CryzChangmin

I've heard a bit of the audio clip as well and some things I can respond to. The fans were not being rude when requesting that they should be allowed to record. Basically, they were saying if JYPE gets to record then they should too.

As for fans scoffing or laughing at Chansung, when he says that he misses Jay and should still be allowed to say that in the future. What he said before that is not mentioned. Before he says that he says "even robbers have close friends. and because jay's mistake has not been revealed to the public. we can too still say he's a good hyung" blah blah. don't remember the exact wording, but it's something like that. the clip is on youtube and it's been posted here too. first of all, fans were angered by him using the term "robber" and second, he's really not making any sense and is contradicting himself. you have to hear the clip in order to understand.

I was not going to post here because of the chaos unfolding but I just want to point out that the audio clip posted in Youtube about Chansung stuttering because fans were laughing at him was taken out of context just like starla pointed out. I heard random parts of the audio and from the live stream yesterday, and when I heard Chan use the word thief i was like WTF did I heard right? Because my korean is very average I wasn't sure I heard properly that's why I didn't dared to comment on this issue. Fans scoffed at him because before he said that he still loved him/missed him he made that thief analogy thing so I mean what else was to be expected if the poor boy was contradicitng his words every 5 seconds.

Also i lol´d at the Wooyoung part you mentioned, I was like I don't get what he's saying! but apparently he didn't said much did he? ^^;;;

I hope someone is willing to sub the audio video so international fans who can't understand korean and don't trust those who make random comments about the conference can have a clear, straight opinion about their answers and the way they replied, to be able to make up their mind on their own.

I hope fans can chill out a bit and just remember everyone has a different view on this and a different way to vent out.

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Guest aqua212

I don't know why people always trust about 2OD that is..... fan

Please read this comment and think carefully

Topic Nearly thirty fansites close after Jaebeom conference

CREDIT : hyobang @ www.allkpop.com (comment 722) February 28, 2010 at 3:29 AM


The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…

The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning. All 6 boys had been waiting for so long until he could return and at the moment their hopes came crashing down they couldn’t help but hate him a little bit.

When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom, they could not speak of to the fans, and that they want to protect Jaebeom forever. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—all seven of them—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die (the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, trust me—it’s a more common expression in Korean than English). They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. No matter what anyone says, we promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [As a personal note, it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.

There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom. But

Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is true:

All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can say I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep i mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best.


For the person who try to find fault with other comments. Don't worry the 4 hours audio from your site were spread around on the internet. The truth will expose in someday.

This is another translation that i found. I want you guys to read a different source data of the conference and decide to support or not support 2pm. It's upon to your decision.

I still support 2pm that have the one person that I know and trust him almost 3 years.

***We always walk together with 2pm***

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Guest f0reveralways

I just feel sorry for khun. There are soo many rumours about him purposely being made into the odd one out or a loner bc he was the only one who was against jay being kicked out. Someone associated w/ jype (anonymous of course) stated that he garnered hatred (well maybe not hatred but certainly not love) from the higher ups because of his stance in the situation where every other member wanted jay gone. Hence, he was sent out of korea for "international promotions" and doesnt have a lot of spotlight time in both programs and performances.

subbed video of khun being left out: http://video.nate.com/211002229

there was also another rumour of junho dissing jay...something about his closet space and hours later, a video popped up to prove it but it's not subbed and i forgot the context of the issue. but its really surprising how some of these rumours really are true...


oh yea, and there was speculation that jyp is using the same tactic that he used when he kicked hyunah out. at first, everyone blamed the wondergirls but then ppl who were still fans of the wondergirls started blaming hyunah for everything. What if in 6 months, everyone starts blaming jay for what happened to 2pm? ppl are saying that this is exactly what jyp wants to happen.


lol and someone just said the brotherhood ended in 3 days? so at the meeting, a fan asked "wasnt 3 days too short?" taec said "after thinking about it for 24 hours, that was enough."

i just watched that video and i wasn't getting a good vibe at all. thanks for posting it. videos are always so much more convincing.

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Guest gigamasterhammer84

Please read this:

full credits to: http://fortyninepointfivebananas.tumblr.com

The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…


* The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

* Junho never said “I honestly hated jaebum hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did jaebum hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated jaebum-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of jaebum was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, jaebum wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate jaebum for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning.

* When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so jaebum hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved jaebum and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after jaebum left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about jaebum throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

* When Chansung said that they still love jaebum hyung, that they think of him still as a best friend, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

* One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing jaebum away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying jaebum (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect jaebum, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for jaebum and their desire to protect him, they could not speak of to the fans. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—“all seven of us”—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die [the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, fyi—it’s a more commonly used expression in Korean than English]. They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

* There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive jaebum. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven jaebum.” He goes on to say that despite the fact that they have forgiven him, and though they will always love him as a brother, the mistake he made was too serious to reveal to the fans, and that they, too, would feel as shocked and speechless as the 2pm boys did if they knew what it was. He apologized for having to say that.

* Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away jaebum hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. We promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

* There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from jaebum’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with jaebum and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

* When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that jaebum could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to jaebum, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.


Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is TRUE:

* All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that jaebum should not return as a part of 2pm.

* One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what jaebum had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

* The JYP rep did say “To put it as a metaphor, the six members, and our company, are like the victims in this situation, and jaebum is the attacker.” The quotation itself was part of an explanation as to why they were honest in revealing that jaebum had made a big mistake in his private life, and why the company was trying to protect the other six members of 2pm. I personally don’t think it was as awful as other fans seem to think, although it isn’t pleasant to hear that jaebum was “the attacker,” but it’s up to you as to how you want to interpret it.

* The JYP rep also said (as part of the above comment) that the six members are “just as important as one member.” He never said that the six were “more” important than the one.

* Someone (I can’t tell who—I believe it was the JYP rep) answered “Yes” when asked if Jay’s private mistake was serious enough that even if the Myspace controversy had never happened, Jay would still have had to leave the group. I’ve seen accounts that all the members also said yes, but on the audio file I hear only one voice. Maybe they nodded; I don’t know.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can confirm I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep in mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best. I trust our 2pm boys, and I believe in them.

Don't listen to the antis. I will stay a fan of 2PM and support them.

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Guest mojojoba

after reading so much, i will just take a neutral stand and wish both sides all the best.

i WAS a 2PM fan, but not now.

still i am not going to bash any of them because i do not really know what is happening behind closed doors.

when all of those fan accounts exploded, i was furious.

but after thinking logically, getting angry over them will not do me any good.

Although i may not support them like i did before, i will still like to wish them all the best in what they do and also not regret in what they do in the past, present(conference) and future.

but in my heart, i WILL always remember the old them(:

i do not hate them, i just cannot look them the same way i looked at them when they were all united like brothers.


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