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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I just listened to the whole conference.

It was heartbreaking to hear this and I keep getting the shivers.

How did 2PM become like this?

This was the first group I did not have a favorite member because I thought like seriously from the bottom of my heart that each and every member makes up the GROUP 2PM.

I know Jay is hurting right now but then again the fact that the other 6 members had to go through this conference with the fans attacking them with questions is so sad. BUT THEN I seriously think Jay should've been treated with more respect.

ahhh I don't know what to do. I am just confused.

It is not like I don't like the other members. I want 2PM to do well because they worked hard for it.

I wish the fans can come together somehow...

I sorta feel what Junho is saying T.T

I really don't know what to do.. I think I will keep supporting 2PM but it just won't be with the passion and love I had for them before. T.T

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As a fan of 2PM since their debut, and a full supporter of jay comming back i'd like to say...

Why is everyone turning on the members?

Why is everyone hating on JYPE?

Why when he's officially left the group do you do this?

YES this is a sad matter. YES you're pissed because you don't want him to leave.


JYPE has NO control over what jay did.

So why the hate?

The members have NO control over what jay did.

So why the mean comments?

Are they saints? hell no. Face the fact that jae did do something wrong and is paying for it.

JYPE is terminating his contract so u blame jype right away. 'HELL NO' jae could never do wrong.

Yes it's sad. but don't deny it; he's not perfect.

Just because of this you can't turn to JYPE as the evil one. Nor is it right to say JYPE is making the members say these things.




are you serious?

When jay left, were u promised he would come back? no; but you act as if you were and now that that 'promise' was broken all hell breaks loose.'

Ask yourself, now who left korea on his own?

who made the mistake?

Who has to face all the hate from the fans? jype

JYPE even took the time to have this conference, to speak in honesty! but of course.. people have to turn that against them too

When is this going to stop?

How can you call yourself a fan when you're hurting them?

Stop overreacting and accept what happend. Yes we can all be sad. But what's all this bickering and hating going to do? NOTHING.

breaking news: Jae is not the only member!

I just feel really bad for the boys now. People are calling them names and saying they shouldnt be in the group anymore.

Stop thinking of yourselves and think of them. You seemed to think of Jae's feelings but now that you didnt get your way u think nothing of the members feelings. What crap.

True hottest support 6 member 2PM to the end. Hate me or not. At least i'm getting my message across. I tried to stay out of it but it breaks my heart how fans are reacting.

Please let's just move on and support 2PM, they need us right now.

"Stop the bias and look at the facts."

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Guest dbsk_gal

What i really want to know is how that girl started this whole thing feels?

The one who dug up the myspace comments?

The one who emailed them to the newspaper?

how much guilt can one person take? or is she sadistic and enjoying this?

more answer we'll never get


why is fandom so stressful, why

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Guest cheezychunnie


They were probably more devoted fans than you who JUST NOW Bought their CD. They probably had the whole collection and bought their digital singles.

They just feel Hurt and Betrayed by what the Other 6 Said and are in State of Shock.

Yes, Jay isn't all of 2PM. There's still the other 6.

Well, ARE YOU ALL OF YOUR FAMILY? If someone kicked you out of the Family for a Wrongful Reason, and then your whole Family got Together and Talked Smack To All Your Closest Friends, Will Life Just Resume as Normal???? Still Support them because There's more of them than You, Right?? AND Anyone that Supports You and Are Against What Your Family did Cuz It's Wrong Are H8terz??

*Jay isn't my favorite member but I still have to stand up for what's Right.

agreed!!i promise myself not to post anymore but here i am reading all the posts...and replying..

I AM NOT JAY-BIASED...if u are regular here u know how obsessed i am with Taec n Chansung..

i am one of those that back-up Taec when everyone is saying that he's changed into a cocky-man..

im prolly one of the their earlier fans than most of u here....i started to like them during only you promotion..

dont worry too much about the support on the rest of the boys..they will gain new fans..most of my friends

become their fans during heartbeat promotion coz they saw how handsome they are esp

Taec and Woo..and they dont really care about what happen to Jay and they keep saying poor Taec or poor woo

and leave me speechless...i believe there are thousands of fans like my friends so can we at least have fans like me and

theblazenazn we are minority that's for sure...i can see the rest of the boys future are bright coz

this scandal will gain sympathy to the boys becoz they are 'victim' of this situation...

they only lose old fan like me so no significant at all...they will be appearing in thousands of shows

new fans will always be there plus old fans whose keep supporting these boys...

what im worried is Jay's future...i guess working part-time at starbucks sounds okay with him having no

education qualification or maybe he can b-boy as khun's suggested <_< ah...life can never be fair so Jay like ur company said u have to be responsible for your own personal actions...so,please dont call us antis or haters or whatever we are bunch of dissapointed fans...if this is happening to Jay it will happen to any of the boys...

please take care of you guys health and dont wasted so much time on this..i think its time to move on..we can now choose a path that we want and move on...i know i already made my choice...

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Guest yellow submarine

hey Happy Birthday

where are you guys hearing the audio of the press con?

it's not that i would be able to understand it but i'm kinda curious about what you said about their tone of voice.

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Guest Eltoshen

Taec is far from cocky. Don't know where people even get that idea. He doesn't brag. At all. I've never seen it happen.

This whole thing is just too much for most people to handle. Will I still be supporting 2PM? Yeah, of course. Will it be the same with this whole issue? No, not even. But I will not abandon a group just because of one mistake. Both Jay and the other 2PM members still communicate. They still support each other. They're friends. And that's what should matter.

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Guest lychee_ice

D: what was he "severe mistake"? was it that severe that it could prevent him to be a celebrity? many artists have had DUI's, fights, sex scandals and they're still in the industry.. his "severe mistake" sounds like JYP's bullsht to me = =

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Guest J.Lvs.Me

I was obviously going to support 6PM and continue to cheer them.

BUT the way they talk in the conference has shattered me to pieces.

EVEN when EVERYTHING was scripted, they hurted alot of fans.

And those scars won’t heal easily.

I wasn't literally on Jay side coz he was not my biased in 2PM,

but I really think he wasn’t belong in korea at first place.

I think he’s far happier in his hometown with his family,

doing what he like best which is dancing.

AND I’m sure he has A REALLY BRIGHT future ahead…

EVEN If he does comeback to korea,

I can tell that he’s going to get hurt again in the future with the harsh netizens and media.

And EVERYONE will try to dig and find out his “BIG” mistake, IF he does have one -_-

And for the 6 members, good luck~



but for now, the way I see you 6, kind of change.

I cringe when I saw your faces, remembering everything u said in the conference.

But maybe it's just a temporary effect, the effect I got from the shock.

Honestly I’m still going to download your next album n listen to it,

watch all your variety shows or whatever,


I'm not an anti, but more to like a casual fan now,

I don't quit the fandom 100% but it just get decreased by number.

So maybe in my eyes now, 2PM are just the same like other boybands who I randomly checked on.

peace :)

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Tbh, when the news (about termination of contract), I was worrying for the boys a while. Would they be able to take it? Would they cry a lot because of that? They must have felt sad that their Leadja is not coming back anymore.

But the conference just made me feel so disappointed with them. I love 2PM, I really do. I'm supposedly a pro-boycotter but I still watched some of 2PM's shows after Jaebeom left (but I resisted buying their 1:59PM so.. :/). And then, they disappointed me so much with their words. I heard they went to celebrate after the conference zzz.

I don't know if I want to support them anymore, my impression of them just got x10000 worse D: Sigh.

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Guest lychee_ice

please don't attack the 6 other members D: how can you expect them to just all leave with jay? first, they all have contracts, they would have to ALL pay ALOT of money to terminate their contracts. second, they've all worked so hard to become what they are now. all the training, working through the debut and rookie days. how can you expect them to give this all up? third, what would all 6 members live on after? all the money they've earned would probably used to pay the contract termination fee...

singing and becoming a idol was their DREAM. please dont bash on the other members and try to understand why they chose to do this.

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Guest lisa_hh

plsss.. u guys..

lets just continue support our boys kay?/

after reading the Q&A on allkpop..

and knowing that junho said how much he hated jaebeom from doing the mistake and how much the other boys were clearing up saying in the public they can not appear sad..

all of it is tru.. it makes sense..

now is just 6 of them and it still is 2PM...

JaeBeom will continue on being their brothers just not by their sides, but i'm sure he'll always be in their minds..

pls.. do not question the boys loyalty to JaeBeom..

it's 1 against 6..

ofcourse 6 will wil..

i wish the best for jaebeom & i will always be a hottest!


stay strong! aja aja finghting..

we'll always be here for u,

Malaysian Hottest MyHottest.

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fans don’t want to believe in what jype is saying so they create conspiracy theories to feel in the void that they believe aren’t true. these conspiracy theories can be seen logical and it can make sense but it can also be flawed. take the 9/11 and JFK assasination conspiracies as example.

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Guest churvaness

No one has the right to call anyone as a "TRUE FAN" or not a "TRUE FAN"....We know what it's like to be a fan, what acts should a fan do...BUT. We all have DIFFERENT ways of EXECUTING those acts...

Stop saying things about other fans here....This is a FORUM, in the 1st place....

This situation is a CRISIS for the 2PM and for the fans themselves so it is EXPECTED that opposing ideas and opinions will emerge...

It is expected that most fans will feel "betrayed" and some fans will "understand". But, whatever stand anyone makes, EVERYONE must RESPECT it.

I cannot blame fans who has left the fandom. Their response maybe due to the fact that they expected Junsu, Khun, Taecyeon, Woo, Junho and Chansung to stand up for Jay since from the very start, they seemed like the group that'll go in front to protect ANY of their members. 2PM is a group that had shown such a STRONG image of BROTHERHOOD that statements made by other 6 regarding JAEBEOM SHOCKED the fans to their bones....

So please, STOP accusing each other as ANTI's...ALL of these are just due to hardcore DISAPPOINTMENT....

Please, let us understand each other...

I love those 7 guys who worked so hard to achieve where they are right now...

Those 6 Members are hurting as well as Jaebeom...They are ALL SHARING the PAIN..


AGAIN...I accept JAEBEOM leaving 2PM...Jay does not deserve JYPE and vice versa...BUT...I will not accept JAY leaving with such a TARNISHED REPUTATION....

I'll help him revive his DIGNITY...

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Guest diya074

it there anyone in here from malaysia? i just want to ask, where i can buy 2pm, 1:59pm album? coz i already search it in many record store and even popular bookstore, what i can found only the old one. i need to bought this album. b4 this i just download their song, now i want the full album. just in case if 2pm will disband after this, at least i have my own copy to be keep as memory..

i'm from Malaysia, there is a lot of store sell 1.59pm..u cn search at mid valley for exmple...n i dont think they will disband cuz 2pm still 2pm whther its 6 or 7..

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Wow, daum, yahoo and other portals have already taken down Jay's name from the member list. I'm pretty sure up until a few weeks ago Jay's name was still there. So the company has already taken action and told all the sites to take Jay's name out. Wow, how quickly you turn your backs. I can't support this fake group, it's not because Jay's not in it but because of the kind of people I know they are now. People that would choose money and fame that will never last more than 5 years over a lifetime of friendship.

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Guest joyableme

Well I've been a silent fan all this time.

But I gotta say, for all those fans that are turning against 2PM...it's a shame.

How can you just automatically believe in an article that may not even be translated right.

For all those who don't speak korean, you wouldn't know what they truly said and how

they said it. And celebrating afterwards? You actually believe in such a rumour?

This is sad.

Jay's decision, not the group's. Just because Jay chose to leave, everyone's deciding to

bring the whole group down with him? If fans were really fans then they should show respect

towards the decisions made. But I guess people who believe in rumours that JYP ruined 2PM

or forced Jay out are really backfiring on themselves for believing false rumours in the first place.

Nothing can describe my dissappointment towards fans who doubts 2PM on something they have no control over.

If as a fan you only believe in what the media or what other people tell you then that's just sad...sad how

as a fan your trust for them aren't even strong enough to believe in them and that that's all you can give.

Don't people realize that the members can't stop Jay from leaving if it's his choice, this just goes to show

how much they respect their leader, so how can people expect the boys to do something about it? Give up

all their hard work? Jay wouldn't want that, because he knows just how hard those boys worked. And if they did

give up their careers for Jay, where would that lead them? Who the hell would help them then, when they've return to their normal life trying to make a living? You? NO, I don't think so. The truth is no one is able to help them when they

go down, or will be willing to. So what do people expect from them? To go down on their knees and beg? Beg for

someone who had already made his decision to leave the group? Didn't they already? Didn't they pray and let out

messages for him to come back? Didn't they stand up for him all this time? So it's not their fault when Jay made the last call to leave, even knowing that his members still wanted him. They've tried, and Jay still chose to go.

You can't expect them to stop dead in their tracks and wait for Jay, who already has plans of his own and who

already has another life in Seattle. So while they're waiting forever for Jay to come back, they'll just waste away a life

that they've worked so hard to get in the first place?

And I don't see how this is betrayal, it's not betrayal when it's a decision made. They did not abandon Jay, Jay CHOSE to leave. And by letting their leader chose his own life is betrayal? They love their leader so much that they trust that

he knows what he's doing and they are willing to give him the freedom to do so.

2PM: No matter what others may say or think, just shrug it off. Because realistically, if they were trully fans, they would

understand and accept. No matter how hard it may be, they would still support you guys no matter what. They would have enough trust in you guys and in Jay to know what the situation is, and not be wavered by false rumours or the media.


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No one has the right to call anyone as a "TRUE FAN" or not a "TRUE FAN"....We know what it's like to be a fan, what acts should a fan do...BUT. We all have DIFFERENT ways of EXECUTING those acts...

Stop saying things about other fans here....This is a FORUM, in the 1st place....

This situation is a CRISIS for the 2PM and for the fans themselves so it is EXPECTED that opposing ideas and opinions will emerge...

It is expected that most fans will feel "betrayed" and some fans will "understand". But, whatever stand anyone makes, EVERYONE must RESPECT it.

I cannot blame fans who has left the fandom. Their response maybe due to the fact that they expected Junsu, Khun, Taecyeon, Woo, Junho and Chansung to stand up for Jay since from the very start, they seemed like the group that'll go in front to protect ANY of their members. 2PM is a group that had shown such a STRONG image of BROTHERHOOD that statements made by other 6 regarding JAEBEOM SHOCKED the fans to their bones....

So please, STOP accusing each other as ANTI's...ALL of these are just due to hardcore DISAPPOINTMENT....

Please, let us understand each other...

I love those 7 guys who worked so hard to achieve where they are right now...

Those 6 Members are hurting as well as Jaebeom...They are ALL SHARING the PAIN..


AGAIN...I accept JAEBEOM leaving 2PM...Jay does not deserve JYPE and vice versa...BUT...I will not accept JAY leaving with such a TARNISHED REPUTATION....

I'll help him revive his DIGNITY...

Thank you. Thank you for this. I love your siggy too haha.

Really, thanks a lot.

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Guest onedaymaniac

i swear to not come here again but i know i need to do something.

to JAY this is my wish for you.it's actually the lyrics from rascal flatts,my wish:

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow

And each road leads you where you want to go

And if you're faced with the choice and you have to choose

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you

And if one door opens to another door closed

I hope you keep on walkin' ?til you find the window

If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile

But more than anything, more than anything

My wish for you

Is that this life becomes all that you want it to

Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small

You never need to carry more than you can hold

And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to

I hope you know somebody loves you

And wants the same things too

Yeah, this is my wish

I hope you never look back but you never forget

All the ones who love you and the place you left

I hope you always forgive and you never regret

And you help somebody every chance you get

Oh, you'd find God's grace in every mistake

And always give more than you take

But more than anything, yeah more than anything

My wish for you

Is that this life becomes all that you want it to

Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small

You never need to carry more than you can hold

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Hey everyone

I don't really post here usually, but I just wanted to say something.

First, I'm still waiting for Jae. There is so much potential in that guy, I know it's not the end for him. Also, I'm waiting for him to express himself directly, in person or smth, without the twitching and possible lies of the company and the members, without any chance of bias or a msg written by someone else etc. (edit: I say that, because Jae is free of contract, so obviously he can say what he wants now... and I'm waiting for this).

Maybe that wont happen. oh well.. if not, we will never know what Jae feels like, and i'll never be able to make up my mind.

Second, I don't think a disbandment is such a bad idea. Actually, it would probably end some drama and problems in those poor guys' lives. I think they could go on with their talent, because they all got potential. And it would take off most of the stress they have to go through right now in those hard times. I know they worked hard to get where they are now, but it would not be an end in itself. They could be even more if they still keep on working hard. So, if ever they do disband, it will be a smaller shock for me if I think like that now at least... It will hurt less probably.

I didn't read everything about the conference, but I understood that they ruined Jae's career. maybe even his life, I don't know. you know what? we don't have to know about his "personal mistake". I support artists for their art, their music. Not for their personal lives. I guess JYP doesn't.

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Ahhh Chacha is gonna have Jay Featured on his ALBUM



Hahah (x

good things to come forr Jay. <33

Now hes free from Hell. & from his "friends"

Overr it . Start a Jay thread bc I'm not liking "2PM" or w/e they are called anymore.

They've changed O:

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