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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest runawayu

To be completely honest,I rather the past to remain as past

If Jay really did something really bad, and he comes back and the public finds out. The whole reaction will be like 2times or even more times the reaction he had gotten during the Myspace comments. And Jay and other 2PM members doesn't deserve to go through the whole thing again. Being hurt or backlash by antis comments.


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Guest summer_night

(Remember this is just a rumor, not verified)

A fan asked (I assume they were angry) the boys whether the mistake Jay made (during AAA promotions) actually affected THEM....

as in, if it didnt even affect you directly or personally, why is it such a big problem...

Sorry, it makes more sense in korean... but basically they were angry at 2pm for abandoning Jay


Seriously, what could he have possibly done that is so bad that

-2pm members hated him at first

-is still a BIG problem 6 months after it happened

- capable of being 'found out' by the public later if he came back

first, thanks for explaining it to me, eventhough its just a rumor

second, i always wonder why netziens havent found out this "problem" yet. usually they find out scandals and those things within hours, but why not jays problem? it shouldnt be a problem if its something that could be found out if he came back.


I really hope like other fallen stars of JYPE, other companies will back Jay up and carve him a career.

No way on Earth do I want him to be part of JYPE anymore.

They just lost a gem out of sheer stupidity and pride.

we should write a letter to rain/J.Tune Entertainment

he could sign up jay

but i dont know if i could see jay without the other boys...

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Guest mojojoba

i always been a silent reader all this time.this is my first(i guess) n last post here.

thanks 2pm for all the joy,laughter n tears u have gave me.

i joined kpop n all this crazy fandom thing because of 2pm.

i never knew that i can be a really crazy fan.

i'm quitting this fandom n promise myself not to crazily support any group like how i used to support 2pm coz i dont wanna get hurt anymore.

i might slowly quitting kpop too n back to my western music.

btw,best of luck to the new 2pm n jype n just remember that what goes around comes around.

edit:i wish i could change my profile name :(

you have perfectly said what i felt ever since that announcement was out. thank you

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Guest JayrielzZ

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there will be more & more versions of the conference coming out (as i mentioned in my previous post).

take everything with a pinch of salt especially when emotions are involved.

even after this conference,

we don't know the truth,

we don't know what is the so-called "mistake",

we don't know what the company told the other boys,

we don't know what Jay told his dongsaengs (don't even know whether he had a chance).

we don't know what the other boys are thinking.

there are possibilities that there are lies between all the "facts".

someone may twist the truth, even just a little, everything will change.

but from the account that the ppl above posted,

about the boys cried, had pissed off look or voice with sarcastic tone.

don't you realize that the boys have emotions too?

just like they used to be...

there's this little piece of scene that came into my mind,

(just my personal thought)

Scenario 1

what if, Jay was told to lie (to everyone in cluding his brothers) about his "mistake"?

and the stakes are his debts and his brother's future.

i think he will repeat what he did on Sept 8.

he will choose to go to protect his brothers and totally forgetting about protecting himself.

Scenario 2

what if, the other boys was told to lie about being angry at Jay and allowing him to leave 2PM?

and the stakes are Jay's debts & freedom.

i believe they will follow the script and this is the way they choose to sacrifice for Jay.

they are willing to take the hate from all their fans and protect Jay.

TO 2PM (Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho & Chansung),

no matter what happened or will be happening,

do not believe others but each other.

remember and trust the person that you love and know all these years.

All the best in future to each and everyone of you.

i believe in the love you have for each other.

i hope the readers here can understand what i want to convey.

Love & Respect

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If netizens could hack into his myspace accounts or whatever accounts, put viruses on JYPE website, do you not think the 'mistake' would have been caught especially since its the AAA promotions period in April/May. Thats almost 8 months ago that Jay's grave mistake occurred.

Only one thing I can think of : Jay fathered a love child to be born anytime soon so if he returns to promote then wham... he's slapped with paternity suit and the scandal happens again

Drugs? not likely. Why? cos if its a problem last year and he's already confessed to it, he should be even doubly careful not to dabble when he returns.

All this smell like a huge conspiracy theiry to me. But you know what... I shouldn't be surprised. I've worked with entertainers all my life. Its a vain and selfish industry. I thought 2PM is different but now I know that even a cynical industry perosn like myself can sometimes buy into clever advertsing.

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I'm scared. I'm really scared right now. :( Not to say I don't trust Jay, but there are many things that I refused to believe and it became true. Having lived in the US for a long time, I'm really open-minded to many things that could raise issues in Asian countries. Just to let you guys know, everything Jay Park might do or already did will NEVER ever affect my opinion and my love for him. Even though my bias are someone else, but Jay is the one who made me a 2PM fan. I will not forget the vdo of him introducing NichKhun to me. Everyone deserves the 2nd chance. I hope all hell not gonna break lose and cost him a career in his mother homeland. Part of me want to ask Hottests to just stop here and don't pressue JYPE any further. I'm scared the reality gonna crush us and leave a scar in our face. May god save Park Jaebeom.

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i'm guessing this "big" problem is JYPe!

he talked s**t about him and start doing "yo momma"

bang his wifey and did drugs, raped wondegirls, insulted

his career, called him ghey and them bam! JYP got so Angry

and mini cooper like that so he decided to terminate Jae's contract.

yeah right, Jae would never do such thing.. if it's something "BIG",

fans whose looking out for him since he step foot in Korea

would know every single route he took..

i feel bad for Jae's family..

if it's something soooo bad, why does he look happy bboy-ing and working

hard for his family.

the something sooooooo bad should engrave in his memory and cry himself a river nae??

but no his out there active and about.

JYP/E quit feeding the people (who gives you moolah to make who you are today) lies.

if the "big" problem is about the contract slavery then you better change that,

no one wants to be in your company now.


i think the 6 boys are trying to protect Jae,

holy crap some Mafia is ought to get Jae..

JYPE mafia for revealing the contract slavery..

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Guest dawnded

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there will be more & more versions of the conference coming out (as i mentioned in my previous post).

take everything with a pinch of salt especially when emotions are involved.


there are possibilities that there are lies between all the "facts".

someone may twist the truth, even just a little, everything will change.

but from the account that the ppl above posted,

about the boys cried, had pissed off look or voice with sarcastic tone.

don't you realize that the boys have emotions too?

just like they used to be...


Scenario 1

what if, Jay was told to lie (to everyone in cluding his brothers) about his "mistake"?

and the stakes are his debts and his brother's future.

i think he will repeat what he did on Sept 8.

he will choose to go to protect his brothers and totally forgetting about protecting himself.

[u]Scenario 2

what if, the other boys was told to lie about being angry at Jay and allowing him to leave 2PM?

and the stakes are Jay's debts & freedom.

i believe they will follow the script and this is the way they choose to sacrifice for Jay.

they are willing to take the hate from all their fans and protect Jay.

I agree.

And I don't know know what else we can do. Or rather what else or what more I can do. I do think the real truth will not come out of this, I also hope that JYPE will get into deep S H I T. I hope for KARMA.

I don't know what else I can do but I know that when Jay Park finally speaks up one day..when he finally appears in front of us. I will give him 20 over times support than I do now (hopefully I won't be too old by then lol).

And I cannot support the 6 others' careers (because their career inevitably also means JYPE's profits), but I will support them as people by believing that they did not betray their hyung.


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Guest chopper!

man its like war, hottests to jype.

i have no clue where the members stand, cus honestly, whatever they said at the conference feels fake. a fake front. are they with us or with them?

to the point where the members actually hated jay cause of that problem? it better be something huge, or else i can't even look at the members in the face again. i feel for them tho, probably frustrated and crying in their dorm rooms.

but the fact of them going in shows with those fake smiles and laughter just pisses me off.

jype, you american obsessed backstabbers. come to america and i swear you'll never have a career here, ever!

company is so screwed in the head. could've avoided all of this man.

i know and accepted that jay will not return, but the way they send him off sickens me. to save their own face, own pride, own image.

family?? psh. family would accept their children in open arms despite their flaws and troubles. no matter what they do, they would protect them in their arms and send off the bad people. i see no family, but slave to owner. family, huh?

i just wonder what the future holds for our 6 boys...wonder if the fanchants would even include jaebum's name...or if they even will have fanchants...

i wonder how many fans would be left for them...i feel as though they will still be popular...

wish the 6 luck, cause i can't bear to be supporting those rats called jype. you guys were my group i ever loved dearly, but, man, i don't want this mess. guess i'll be heading to my next new love. hope to see you all again 2pm...all 7 of you.

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Guest Shira_DBSJ

from 2pmalways.com.

The main content of the meeting is about the declaration on the members’ consensus with JYPE to let Jaebeom go. All members said that thery really love him but his fault is too serious so they all agreed with the decision. If fans do love Jaebeom they should not dig into the reason why he permanently withdraws from the group since they do this to protect him. They begged the fans that it should not be revealed. Jaebeom himself agreed with decision.

Jungwook stated that Jaebeom did something wrong and the members are victims of the situation, Therefore, if he did not write "the private life problem", people will attack rest of the boys. Jaebeom felt sorry for JYPE, 2pm boys and fans so he agreed with Jungwook to write the word. No penalty for Jaebeom for breaching of the contract since jay never shoots any advertising. In addition, the contract ended yesterday.

Our rep said that Jungwook and the six members replied sincerely to every question, their words and tone are really strong and their face stoic.

These are answers from Nichkhun to questions asked today:

1. He said that while he was in Phuket, he really missed Jay. So his answer about Jay is sincere. He also accepted that what Jay did was wrong.

2. Nichkhun texted Jay yesterday asked if he was alright. Jay apologized and he was too ashamed to face fans, he really felt sorry.

3. Some questioned why he and Teacyoen did not hold Jay back when the controversy blew out. Khun answered that he thought it would be the best for Jay to be with his family.

4.A fan asked about Jay's future plan. Khun said that Jay would continue his b-boy activities and go back to study.

None of the six boys cried, they were all calm and very confident. They said they felt sorry and they thought Jay is still very good hyung but thy cannot go with Jay. If the truth is to be revealed later, it is more harm to Jay.


they hated him when the myspace issue exploded..."something so bad, we can't put it on our lips".

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Guest mika.16

If netizens could hack into his myspace accounts or whatever accounts, put viruses on JYPE website, do you not think the 'mistake' would have been caught especially since its the AAA promotions period in April/May. Thats almost 8 months ago that Jay's grave mistake occurred.

Only one thing I can think of : Jay fathered a love child to be born anytime soon so if he returns to promote then wham... he's slapped with paternity suit and the scandal happens again

Honestly, thats the first thing I thought of too...

But whatever, its been done, Jay left 2pm,

theres no use in trying to dig up something which may or may not exist.

Its stupid they mentioned the mistake, because now (if it really did happen) the mistake will be uncovered by netizens, they are crazy diggers =S


the boys were asked "how would you feel if Jay made a comeback in Korea (not as 2pm)?"

They answered "Honestly, it would be best for Jay not to return to Korea, but if he does, we will support him".

JYPE also said that they cant decide/discuss Jay's future as he is no longer under their company, and they will no longer be protecting him, for the same reason.

Jay agreed to the contract ending.

Jay agreed to what was written in the press release.

I dont expect Jay to return at all (he would never do anything which may compromise the position of his 6 brothers, he is a GREATLY protective person and wouldnt damage their reputation as betrayers or liars)

I just hope he makes a great future for himself.

Hes already 23, its definitely still a young age but compared to other 23 years olds in 'the real world' he is a bit behind...

I hope AOM makes it big, I hope he becomes a pro dancer, or dance teacher or choreographer or SOMETHING to do with what he loves.

I hope he does something to do with business, like he wanted and becomes financially stable, and supports his family like he always wanted.

I just hope he doesnt end up in a normal 9-5 job because that is a LOT of talent wasted...

And most of all, I hope he can learn to accept this horrible part of his life, take it in his stride, and become a good & HAPPY person.


Jay Park is not a celebrity anymore.

Can we still talk about him in this thread??

Can we make him a separate thread??

What happens...


I hope AOM goes for ABDC, that would be awesome to see.

oh no last post :(

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Guest haiphuong

Last post...

there will be more & more versions of the conference coming out (as i mentioned in my previous post).

take everything with a pinch of salt especially when emotions are involved.

even after this conference,

we don't know the truth,

we don't know what is the so-called "mistake",

we don't know what the company told the other boys,

we don't know what Jay told his dongsaengs (don't even know whether he had a chance).

we don't know what the other boys are thinking.

there are possibilities that there are lies between all the "facts".

someone may twist the truth, even just a little, everything will change.

but from the account that the ppl above posted,

about the boys cried, had pissed off look or voice with sarcastic tone.

don't you realize that the boys have emotions too?

just like they used to be...

there's this little piece of scene that came into my mind,

(just my personal thought)

Scenario 1

what if, Jay was told to lie (to everyone in cluding his brothers) about his "mistake"?

and the stakes are his debts and his brother's future.

i think he will repeat what he did on Sept 8.

he will choose to go to protect his brothers and totally forgetting about protecting himself.

Scenario 2

what if, the other boys was told to lie about being angry at Jay and allowing him to leave 2PM?

and the stakes are Jay's debts & freedom.

i believe they will follow the script and this is the way they choose to sacrifice for Jay.

they are willing to take the hate from all their fans and protect Jay.

TO 2PM (Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho & Chansung),

no matter what happened or will be happening,

do not believe others but each other.

remember and trust the person that you love and know all these years.

All the best in future to each and everyone of you.

i believe in the love you have for each other.

i hope the readers here can understand what i want to convey.

Love & Respect

I think your scenarios are reasonable. All we heard were scripted and never know what happened BTS. I never doubt the love between the members. I think 2PM do want to help Jay but they couldn't do anything much. JYPE knows their weak point is Jay so they might told them to lie to exchange for Jay's freedom. I think if that is true, then it's the last present of 2PM for Jay.

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Guest justblaqcloud

we should write a letter to rain/J.Tune Entertainment

he could sign up jay

but i dont know if i could see jay without the other boys...

sorry to cut ur post..if Jay want to move to J.Tune, i know Rain will accept him & treat him better than JYPE, coz Rain really care & respect him, i know Jay really respect Rain too, but if Rain want to save all the 2PM members idk he can do it or not, coz he must pay a big of money to JYPE for termination the contract, & the rights for 2PM name..but if Hottest want to try to write a letter or petition to J.Tune or Rain personally, just try it, we don't know maybe there'll be some miracle happen for 2PM boys..

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Felt strange, just removed myself from 2pm fanclub.

Does 6pm + JYP know the meaning of family?

Does 6pm + JYP know the meaning of Love?

Does 6pm + JYP know the meaning of brotherhood?

Does 6pm + JYP know the meaning of forgiveness?

So called mistake that nobody could find out even after the announcement, would it have been that hard to hide it? If your own flesh and blood had committed the mistake even if you hated when you first found out, but would you not forgive him and give him a chance for redemption?

But instead you felt if the public found out it would damage 2pm so it would be better for all of you if Jay was gone. FOREVER.

His career? GONE

His reputation? GONE

His dreams? GONE

His friendship? GONE

But 6pm, even-though you look happy playing, romancing, laughing and dancing and shooting commercials. I somehow cannot bear to see you anymore. I am sure lot of others however will so don't worry. You will probably get what you wanted. Just remember the person you sacrificed to get there. At least maybe once in a while.

And to JYP all I say to you is sooner and later everybody has a judgement day.

And to any person who thinks that all I care about is Jay, you know what? I would have said and done the very samething if it was N, C, T, Juns, Jun, W. The way I feel is not because I have a Jay bias (which I don't) but because I am a human being.


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I don't get why they (JYPE and 2PM) kept emphasizing on what a terrible and serious sin Jay has committed, something that made the boys HATE him, "something so bad, we can't put it on our lips" etc. Saying things like that to the fans and the media, is it helping the situation? No. It's making things ten times worse since it's only fueling people to find out the truth, and it's making all of the 7 boys look bad. They should just STOP talking about that damn mistake if they're not going to tell the truth or, of course, turn back time and not have said anything about the mistake at all which could have prevented all this chaos.

Did the members say "please don't try to dig up the truth because it will hurt Jay" or something? That's kind of funny since JYPE were the ones who brought all netizens' attention to the huge and horrible mistake in the first place and 2PM are going along and emphasizing on how terrible it is. And now they're the ones telling the netizens to not hurt Jay? Do the boys honestly think they're protecting him by not telling the truth? Protecting him would have been to not even announce the mistake at all.

For some reason, after this conference, I was hoping to get an answer to why they announced the mistake to the public. Fine, let him leave 2PM if it's a mutual decision, but what possible "good reason" did they have to damage his reputation in the process? Why was it necessary for the public to know that a terrible mistake had been made?

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I also have thought of the same scenarios as JayrielzZ. There's no free lunch in business industry so I don't think they would easily agree to terminate Jay's contract for nothing in exchange, the company's image perhaps. Unfortunately, the result is on the contrary. I won't blame the boys 'cuz I don't know what really happened behind the closed door and I doubt it will be ever revealed. and JYPE will be the worst Korean entertainment in my list. They completelty ruined Jay's career and reputation by mentioning the big problem, if existed, which they don't want to reveal because it's supposed to be a "secret".

Frankly, I felt calm today while reading the conference info 'cuz it was expected from JYPE, but rather I feel deeply sad for Jay and the boys. It just feels like yesterday when I saw him singing 'Nice and Slow' on Hotblood show.... With Jay's talent, I believe he can be a star anywhere. This is not the end and I hope he really tries out for ABDC with AOM.

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Last post...

there will be more & more versions of the conference coming out (as i mentioned in my previous post).

take everything with a pinch of salt especially when emotions are involved.

even after this conference,

we don't know the truth,

we don't know what is the so-called "mistake",

we don't know what the company told the other boys,

we don't know what Jay told his dongsaengs (don't even know whether he had a chance).

we don't know what the other boys are thinking.

there are possibilities that there are lies between all the "facts".

someone may twist the truth, even just a little, everything will change.

but from the account that the ppl above posted,

about the boys cried, had pissed off look or voice with sarcastic tone.

don't you realize that the boys have emotions too?

just like they used to be...

there's this little piece of scene that came into my mind,

(just my personal thought)

Scenario 1

what if, Jay was told to lie (to everyone in cluding his brothers) about his "mistake"?

and the stakes are his debts and his brother's future.

i think he will repeat what he did on Sept 8.

he will choose to go to protect his brothers and totally forgetting about protecting himself.

Scenario 2

what if, the other boys was told to lie about being angry at Jay and allowing him to leave 2PM?

and the stakes are Jay's debts & freedom.

i believe they will follow the script and this is the way they choose to sacrifice for Jay.

they are willing to take the hate from all their fans and protect Jay.

TO 2PM (Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho & Chansung),

no matter what happened or will be happening,

do not believe others but each other.

remember and trust the person that you love and know all these years.

All the best in future to each and everyone of you.

i believe in the love you have for each other.

i hope the readers here can understand what i want to convey.

Love & Respect

Thank JayrielzZ so much

I'm really in mess right now with tons of questions: "Why did they do that?", "Why?"

I believe in their friendship and brotherhood. Hot Blood days, traning days, smile together, cry together, live together,

it's enough to make a stick 2PM, stick OneDay.

But how can we know the real truth behind this drama? 10 years, 20 years or never? I fell bad for 2PM and their leadja, they don't deserve it, will they have to hold pain till dead?

I always respect the love of Hottest for 2PM, now I'm crying for them, for their efforts...

I love Jae Beom, I love 6 boys, and I love 2PM, I don't know what I should do now, quitting or keep supporting.

Today last long as 1 year

Love & Respect

Wherever you ah, Jae Beom, Woo Young, Chan Sung, Nich Khun, Taek Yeon, Jun Su, Jun Ho, don't forget we had a happy past like that and I'm waiting for one day 6 boys can escape from that evil and come to somewhere better with their leadja, reunite and comeback as 2PM.

I'll wait.

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Guest zhemeban

You know what if the rest want to leave 2PM ... It's not bcuz of Jay's problem but Fanclub's problem which never understand.

Fanclub which never think that they are always there for Jay ... Fanclub which always blame them that they never help out for Jay's problem.

Jay is always with 2PM :-) I will support the rest !!!

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