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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest thebestofga

The sum up's already posted in 2pmalways

I'll make it short. 6 boys really love Jay but Jay's personal problem is very big and serious so they agreed with the agent and thought that the withdraw is the good way to stop exposing his personal problem.

If fans really love him, please stop finding what his person problem is and they will keep this secret. Jay knew and accepted the agent and 6pm's decision. (ohhh my hand's shaking) JYP rep said that he needed to write "personal problem" because they dont want fans angry on other 6 boys.

Sorry for quoting your post!

Really if they think withdraw is the way to stop exposing Jay's issue (it's not that i believe it's true), then JYPE should not talk abt it in the first place! Why did they have to bring that up in the annoucement and now acted like angel and said thing like they will keep it as a sceret to protect Jay. LMAO! JYPE sure is the most ridiculous thing ever in the world!!

Up to this point, I really don't have any hope that Jay might be back. (JYPE and even 2PM don't deserve any piece of him). I don't care abt the future of 6pm. All the thing that I look forward and want to see is that how this rubbish company gonna pay the price and disappear for real!

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Guest sissy_style

If fans really love him, please stop finding what his person problem is and they will keep this secret.

I'm sorry to tell you that if JYP(E) really didn't want people to know the "big issu", they wouldn't bring it on in the first place.

I'm a true fan of 2PM, and if Jaebum trully didn't want to come back i would understand, suport his decision and stay a stronghottest to the 6 remaining members.

The way i see it is that it's definitively not Jaebum decision cause if it was, JYP(E) would made out a conference with Jaebum saying himself that he didn't want to come back ...

Now that there's no hope left to us, we hottest, PRO 1 ANTI BOYCOTT, should unite to be sure that :

1) Jaebum's debt to JYP(E) will be erased

2) he is not under contrat so he can start -if he wants- a new carreer in USA or anywhere else

And to be clear again, since JYP(E) talked about the "big issu", even if fans don't try to find out what it is, all the media will try for sure.

And for the futur arrassement, Jaebum will live, you can thanks "his great friend" JYP(E)

PS: sorry for my english, i'm french and so angry that i can't take care of grammar right now ;)

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I edited my last post, so re-post here. Please keep in mind this is just the summary.

The sum up's already posted in 2pmalways

I'll make it short. 6 boys really love Jay but Jay's personal problem is very big and serious so they agreed with the agent and thought that the withdraw is the good way to stop exposing his personal problem.

If fans really love him, please stop finding what his person problem is and they will keep this secret. Jay knew and accepted the agent and 6pm's decision. (ohhh my hand's shaking) JYP rep said that he needed to write "personal problem" because they dont want fans angry on other 6 boys. Jay knew and accepted this word in the announcement.

Like below, Jay's contract was ended 26 Feb with no fine.

End of sum up. End of me.

Call me Jay's fan


JYPE representative said "Questions regarding all rumors of Jaebeom on the internet, we have answered them all truthfully. We could reveal only the part that we are able to as much as possible. Since we are not Jaebeom's representative anymore, we cannot disclose any personal details about him." [source: Newsen] cr: 2pmalways

EDIT: I think I re-translate this phrase again word by word. "JYP rep said that he needed to write "personal problem" because they dont want fans angry on other 6 boys. JYP rep also said " What Jay did is fault. It's not fair if other boys will be a target instead. So he chose to reveal this"

Re-translate... Help ???? No... ummm

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Guest tikamicizia

if they truly love and care about jaebom they wouldn't tell the whole world jay made a much bigger mistake back then. family protect each other, family don't spread his flaw to the mass. do they think we are that stupid?? we know it's all lies

if u truly a family u will hide his mistake until death. forgive him and looking for the resolution. for god's sake even GOD forgives our sin!!!

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Guest Panic_Panic

Of course it´s extremely sad and devastating that Jay´s not coming back but how can you say bad things about the rest of the boys. Ofc we, fans, are angry and whatnot but we have no idea what must Wooyoung, Junho, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Junsu and Chansung feel.

How can you say that you are a fan of 2PM if you repudiate them when they need us the most. I´m 110% sure it wasn´t easy for the boys to let go of Jay. But if Jay really wanted to leave then what else can they do??? Keep him in cage? Be real.

I´ve been reading all these comments and keeping quiet and i´m really hurt by these comments. It´s really a mystery how can someone say that they are HOTTEST and at the same time say "2PM is nothing without Jay." 2PM sure as hell isn´t the same without Jay but they are still 2PM. It´s just... i don´t know. I just don´t understand how people can be so arrogant and mean. "Fans" are hurting 2PMs other members. It´s unfair.


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Guest haiphuong

I'm really disappointed. I'm not going to put all my hates on the 6 members because they have no power here. I'm just upset about how JYPE treat their artists. A serious mistake that only him and JYPE knew? That's so funny. Unless Jay or Jung Wook say it out, who knows? Respect his private life by not digging this? That's even more funny. Who said it at the 1st place?

I still love the boys so much but I can't see them by the same eyes like before. How can I happy watching their shows when I know that they are just the puppets controlled by their company? Before the conference, I had a crazy hope that they would rebel and said the truth out loud, but nothing happened. We don't need to hear "I'm sorry", the person who deserves to receive that words is Jay.

Thanks JYPE. a lot for damaging Jay's image, making the 6 boys as the worst brothers ever. You not only "killed" Jay but also you "killed" all of 7 members. The very young boys with dreams will live with guilty hearts forever. Thank you so much, JYPE.

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Guest ArtemisRider

Its amazing that some people can say that we must not hate the other memebers when they are obviously showing direspect to the fans. Then again, those who cant respect themselves dont deserve respect.

I personally dont hate them. They just left the radar if you know what i mean.

Its great that the korean netizens have a brain enough not to listen to whatever the media/JYP says.....and i'm glad they picked up on the whole attitude from Taec....

Aneong, Sayonara, Bye Bye....2PM.......lets hope for good.

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Guest mika.16

Have any official recounts come up yet? (other than 2pmalways)

I would like to read one in Korean, for accuracy.

There are heaps of rumored recounts online right now,

some are very brief,

others have fans reacting with shock about the other '6pm' members, saying they are disappointed by them etc.

Some say junho & chansung cried... while talking about THEMSELVES, didnt mention J...

Just a heads up on the rumors.

I would like to read an official one.

the fancafe numbers have gone up about 1000,

but i expect it will drop dramatically once people have had access & read the daum Hottest's official recount. Should be up already, or any minute now.

*some more rumored accounts (none of these have been verified, just letting you all know the situation amongst khottest)

-Khun tried to oppose to the end, he tried to delay his 'agreement' to the termination until the last moment

-wy said if u love jay, dont try to dig up his scars, let him gain some freedom

-CS said "Do we have to come out on tv and ask Park Jaebum to return?" (ie. sarcastic tone, called him parkjaebum NOT hyung)

-A fan asked "Did jay's 'personal life' actually even affect you personally?" and taec looked really pissed off.

i hope these are rumors!

Most of the recounts coming up (NONE verified, again) ALOT of them are saying they are particularly disappointed with taec & chansung...

They are saying 2pm are not beast-idols but just beasts,

they come across as very 'fake' now.

Alot are turning their backs on them...

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Guest dorisawq

firstly, im kinda disappointed at 6pm for nt defending jay during the conference. but i know that they werent allowed to say things like,"hey, we want jay back but jype dont allow us to do so blah blah..." so i guessed 6pm themselves are in a difficult position too.. but if rumours stating tt wooyoung wanting to leave 2pm and khun and taecyeon arguing w jyp rep over jay's issue is true, i dont see why they dont have the courage to rebel during the conference. i meant, fans would support them right? and moreover they are 6 of them.. 87 fans + 6pm >>> 1 jyp rep right? but this is just my naive point of view... i never expect such scenario to happen anw though i prayed hard tt it will actually happen :(

im supporting jay and i want him back. 2pm is so empty without him. but it seems that it hard for him to return back to 2pm alrdy.. but i truly hope he is okay.. mentally, emotionally, physically alright and healthy. i prayed hard for him to be happy again but i know its rly hard. he've been receiving so much pressure from the public..

one thing i want to see: JAY HIMSELF TALKING TO THE FANS ABT HOW HE REALLY FEELS.i want to hear what he wants to say actually, nt jype, nt even 2pm..

cos i believe jay will be the one telling the truth. i hope he is nt being manipulated or smthg.

in my opinion, JYPE is SCREWED. badly SCREWED!

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Guest anjz_95

sad. :(

2PM is the very first idol group i ever followed addictively. they gave me so much laughter.

and it all came down to this...

everything tastes so bitter i want to puke

but even at my age i know that you never ever ever turn your back on your best friend or family...you stay by their side and lend your shoulder especially when they are so down or when they are sick or when they are having personal problems.

i guess this is a lesson for me to not always believe what i see with my eyes.

not everything is what it seems to be...

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Guest summer_night

2ONEDAYs summary is up.

i have to say, congrats to the JYPE PR stuff. if i would not know whats going on backstage, i would totally believe it.

but there is one sentence which makes me totally angry. the sentence that they didn't want to be liars.

obviously they are liars right now.


-A fan asked "Did jay's 'personal life' actually even affect you personally?" and taec looked really pissed off.

i hope these are rumors!

Most of the recounts coming up (NONE verified, again) ALOT of them are saying they are particularly disappointed with taec & chansung...

They are saying 2pm are not beast-idols but just beasts,

they come across as very 'fake' now.

Alot are turning their backs on them...

sorry for cutting your post, but i dont get this "did jays personal life[..]" thing and why taec looked really pissed off.

could you explain it to me?

and of course 2PM are "fake" now

they have to say what the company wants.

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Guest uh-ohxev

EDIT: I think I re-translate this phrase again word by word. "JYP rep said that he needed to write "personal problem" because they dont want fans angry on other 6 boys. JYP rep also said " What Jay did is fault. It's not fair if other boys will be a target instead. So he chose to reveal this"

Really? You never stop, do you, JYPE? Even when he's not under contract AND you know how many people are furious at your claims, you keep emphasizing that it's his fault? Well, guess what? I DON'T BELIEVE ANY OF THE WORDS THAT COME OUT OF ANYONES MOUTH, IN YOUR FILTHY COMPANY. I may not know Jay personally, but I have been following these boys since debut - and I can tell you, that the accusations that are being made about Jay are things that Jaebum would not be capable of doing. It saddens me that JYPE, is now using 2PM as their puppets.

2PMs image is to be real. Honest. Funny. Beastly. Do you think they will sincerely be that, after this mess? NO. Because JYPE, is going to monitor them even more now. Watching their every move, and telling them what to say. They are going to fit in with the rest of k-pop groups. I fell in love with 2PM because they were different. They were themselves. They had nothing to hide. No lies. But, now they will just be another puppet in the industry.

It just upsets me off that our boys just HAD to be in this disgusting company. I wish they would've been in YG or some place like J-Tunes. JYPE, is horrible. I don't hate many things or people, but I can tell you that I hate JYPE, for what they have done to these 7 boys and their dreams. They completely beat SM in terms of douches. At least, SM covers for their artists scandals. What does JYPE do? They put their artists into more problems.

Bashing the boys is not the route we as fans should take. Point your spears at JYPE. They are the ones that are doing everything. I hope the boys will leave JYPE. Yes. You read right. I hope the boys get together in their dorms, and make a plan to leave this company TOGETHER. JYPE does not deserve them. JYPE, doesn't deserve any of their artists. If this happened to Jaebum, this will happen to anyone else in the group. After this, I don't see 2PM lasting long. I have a hunch that they are going to disband soon, which angers me more. AGAIN - JYPEs fault. This is so unfair! They just crushed the dreams of these 7 innocent boys who worked so hard. For what? WHAT IS YOUR REASON, JYPE? Can you live with yourself, knowing how much hurt you are putting into the lives of these boys? STOP IT. And I ask everyone to NOT bash the boys. That is the last thing I want to hear from anyone.

I'm so angry. The boys don't deserve this! And I wish they would all leave JYPE, and join another company together. I can't take this! I already see them disbanding... I just don't see how this is going to work. Especially, if they return in April. Nobody is going to believe the boys, people are going to call them liars, etc. It doesn't matter this time. This isn't like 1:59PM promotions anymore. Just like I said earlier, before this news came out - I find it hard that they'll last very long without Jaebum. And it kills me, because these boys also put years of hard work for this. Good going, JYPE...good going. Are you satisfied?

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honesty they really think we're stupid

The truth is the boys are the victim.

Jay was TOO BUSY to do anything else,we all know that,they're only time for leisure was on aired on wild bunny,and if he had done something,his brothers woulve known.


HE CAME all the way from THE STATES to bring his mum a better life,tolerated years of pain,JYPE's telling us HE RISKED ALL THAT and did something that could ruin his career?

Honestly i think all we have to do is to give awareness on how this whole thing is full of crap and not one single thread of truth.

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" when they first found out, they hated Jay for it, but now they forgive him. They said this is the best solution because, if Jay had came back and didn't tell JYPE, and if people found out, it would hurt 2PM more then it is hurting now."

JYP and 1:59 PM lost all my respect <_<

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Guest dawnded

firstly, im kinda disappointed at 6pm for nt defending jay during the conference. but i know that they werent allowed to say things like,"hey, we want jay back but jype dont allow us to do so blah blah..." so i guessed 6pm themselves are in a difficult position too.. but if rumours stating tt wooyoung wanting to leave 2pm and khun and taecyeon arguing w jyp rep over jay's issue is true, i dont see why they dont have the courage to rebel during the conference. i meant, fans would support them right? and moreover they are 6 of them.. 87 fans + 6pm >>> 1 jyp rep right? but this is just my naive point of view... i never expect such scenario to happen anw though i prayed hard tt it will actually happen :(

im supporting jay and i want him back. 2pm is so empty without him. but it seems that it hard for him to return back to 2pm alrdy.. but i truly hope he is okay.. mentally, emotionally, physically alright and healthy. i prayed hard for him to be happy again but i know its rly hard. he've been receiving so much pressure from the public..

one thing i want to see: JAY HIMSELF TALKING TO THE FANS ABT HOW HE REALLY FEELS.i want to hear what he wants to say actually, nt jype, nt even 2pm..

cos i believe jay will be the one telling the truth. i hope he is nt being manipulated or smthg.

First of all, to: SILENCE. I feel so bad now, calling you a troll and all before. MIANHE. I guess you were the great Oracle everyone thought was mad. Such is the society and essential movie plot characters...lol.

I think JYPE is manipulative enough to to come up with tricks to put all the boys, including Jay at gunpoint. Just for example (pls, by no means true), JYPE could have used Jay against the boys and the boys against Jay..like tell the 6 boys that they can't say anything out of line or they will increase Jay's penalty. THAT'S JUST FOR EXAMPLE. I'm trying to say that as of now there is no reason to be disappointed at the 6 boys YET. Perhaps Taec could have look pissed because he couldn't say what he wanted to say. So let's be rational and put that aside till it gets confirmed....maybe you can say you are disappointed with the other boys when they start tearing down Jay's poster or something I DON'T KNOW OKAY. but for now, chill.

The only person we should be disappointed with now is JYPE. And if the official announcement did anything, it's to really expose their true colours to everyone. I think the majority of fans are doubting JYPE's sincerity now...and that's the reason why we are standing together. Why we are all here expressing our anger at JYPE.

I think it's also been reiterated many times.




The biggest problem with Soompi is that there is no fixed announcements and people don't bother to read others' posts. I'm not say soompi is bad or criticizing others. I'm just saying that that's the nature forum threads and it's inevitable. I wish someine will make things clear once and for all what exactly we should be fighting for.


I used to laugh at people who use CAPS all the time but now I'm UPPERCASING EVERYTHING. DAMMIT. THIS SUCKS.

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i think the conference is bunch of bullcrap.

yeah, they said this now after using JAE's name at every promotion and show they did.

what? they figure out the "big" issue of Jaebeom now that they are saying this?

and nobody even the rest of the boys wanted him back at least a try..

nobody even stopped him? Taec what's wrong w/ you? i thought you guys were close.

i felt like 6pm backstabbed Jae.

i can't believe this is even going on right now.

there is no longer 2PM people.. so what time is it now??????????? IT'S TIME TO FACE THE FACT AND

SAY GOODBYE TO 2PM.. "HOTTEST" has no more meaning!

6pm could continue for all i care, afterall JAE WAS THE REASON AND ALWAYS BE THE REASON


Nichkhun i'll always support you though, i hope you become more successful,

i pity the 5.

i'm mad, frustrated, gahhhhhh!!!!!!!

so that's it!! no more 7! no more Jae! that's it!!!!

this fandom is the worst fandom everrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

and lastly THANK YOU JAEBEOM, at least for a year you made me smile, laugh, and love all over again..

i will miss those days... THANK YOU! i'll support you and your group AOM.. hope you succeed much more than

them.. the one who backstabbed you...

i'm just so angry, sorry guys if i don't make sense but i'm just soooooo gahhh~~~

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My last post for today so I'll keep editing with the next summary just posted in 2pmalways.

6 boys looked so serious and concentrated to answer all the questions from fans. Some questions were so harsh, Woo and Taec seemed to scare at the first time they heard but they answered honestly and no one cried.

1. Khun said when he was in Phuket, he really missed Jay so he answered like that eventho he knew Jay was false.

2. Khun texted to Jay last night to ask how he was? Jay said he's sorry and sorry that he really cant face the fans.

3. Q to Taec and Khun - Why they didnt stop Jay go back to US? Khun said going back to family was the best solution at that time.

4 Q. What will Jay do next? Khun said he's b-boy so he might continue b-boying and maybe studying

end for now.

EDIT: Due to no further in 2pmalways so I end my post here. English version will be released soon. I'm so sick of this. I better watch soap opera at least it's happy ending.

Good bye Kpop. Good bye 2pm. Good bye JYPE. You can bash on me coz I say "Khun, please come back home. I dont wanna see you become a puppet in JYPE factory"

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Guest mika.16

sorry for cutting your post, but i dont get this "did jays personal life[..]" thing and why taec looked really pissed off.

could you explain it to me?

and of course 2PM are "fake" now

they have to say what the company wants.

(Remember this is just a rumor, not verified)

A fan asked (I assume they were angry) the boys whether the mistake Jay made (during AAA promotions) actually affected THEM....

as in, if it didnt even affect you directly or personally, why is it such a big problem...

Sorry, it makes more sense in korean... but basically they were angry at 2pm for abandoning Jay

Man, NO official korean conference-accounts are up yet! : (

I know that nothing from it will help get Jay back but i'm extremely curious...

My thought- IF it is true... and Jay DID do something so horribly wrong that they "Cant even bring it to their lips" then what are the chances he will come back to Korea at all (even just as a singer)?

Seriously, what could he have possibly done that is so bad that

-2pm members hated him at first

-is still a BIG problem 6 months after it happened

- capable of being 'found out' by the public later if he came back

I mean, even if he DID something which shocked the members & staff at first....

if noone talks about it, then noone would find out..

Only if this so-called mistake is something which can be discovered by a 3rd party, or was recorded or involved other non-jyp people who might speak out... it couldve been easily buried..

and to say they didnt want to "lie to their fans"????

Who are they kidding? Technically theyve been lying all along.

Or if 'silence' doesnt constitute lying, then what stopped them from being silent about Jay's 'mistake'?

I'm sorry but im just so frustrated.... theres nothing to do now is there...

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Guest onedaymaniac

i always been a silent reader all this time.this is my first(i guess) n last post here.

thanks 2pm for all the joy,laughter n tears u have gave me.

i joined kpop n all this crazy fandom thing because of 2pm.

i never knew that i can be a really crazy fan.

i'm quitting this fandom n promise myself not to crazily support any group like how i used to support 2pm coz i dont wanna get hurt anymore.

i might slowly quitting kpop too n back to my western music.

btw,best of luck to the new 2pm n jype n just remember that what goes around comes around.

edit:i wish i could change my profile name :(

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Like seriously,

it's so clear that whatever's said in the conference are all scripted.

I've never doubted the guys' rapport and brotherly love.

I've never doubted Jay's character.

If we really observe them, they already treated each other as a family.

If we really observe Jay, he is the sort of person who puts family and friends before himself.

So how can this BS from JYPE ever be true??

Why are we doubting Jay and the boys??

Why are we even speculating Jay's 'offense'?

I'm sorry that the boys can't defend Jay because of their slave contracts.

I'm sure they are feeling beyond rotten and frustrated right now for being forced to act as puppets.

I'm trying to be understanding that yes, they'll face heavy penalties should they expose JYPE..

but I'm also freaking pissed that as the Khottests and Ihottests are trying so hard to back them up,

they don't have the guts to take that leap of faith to fight for Jay along with us.

I don't think there's any other word as apt..

but I'm truly and very sorry for Jay. He doesn't deserve this at all.

I really hope like other fallen stars of JYPE, other companies will back Jay up and carve him a career.

No way on Earth do I want him to be part of JYPE anymore.

They just lost a gem out of sheer stupidity and pride.

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