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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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wow, there is way too much speculation going on re Jay and JYPE. so if i hacked into an online account and wrote that the boys and a 'spy' are credible sources you'd believe me? because trust me, i know people who can hack into university ips in freakin LONDON and still get away with it. petitions, sending emails, and to an extent, boycotting (can i use that word if i'm being neutral with the use of it?) etc can be construed was valiant attempts at protesting civilly as a mature and rational adult but once you start being rash (seriously, throwing mayo/ketchup is vandalism, and petitioning to burn down a building? oh please, get a grip on reality), how can you expect to be taken seriously. if JYPE had any sense, they'd hold their conference in a bullet proof room where the fans can't get to them since if a fan can retaliate in such a violent manner, who is stopping them from going to extremes. Actually, who in their right mind would want to even hold the conference.

Btw, do you really think the remaining 6 members will be immune to the backlash about how the group will fail w/out the leader? Why would you diminish their credibility and talent in such a severe way? It's insulting to even voice the sentiment that Jay is the be all and end all of the group...it's OK if he is your favorite member, but it takes more than one member to make a group. Each member is chosen for their talent, but also their appeal for what audience they'd attract. It really is OK to have your interest in the group wane because your fave is gone or your ideal group isn't so ideal anymore, but then just do that peacefully! The remaining 6 still deserve support and acknowledgement of their accomplishments.

No one will ever know how the involved parties truly feel or who was truly to blame, but don't castrate the ent. group (JYP) nor throw Jay on a pedestal. Bad choices, bad PR, bad management, everyone involved played a part in it. It isn't a secret how these ent. companies work the idols to the ground - so why should you be surprised when an idol isn't receiving 5 star treatment. Korean pop culture is so intense and scary sometimes. O.o


@ abcdana: I didn't want to flood the forum w/ my postings so that's why I'm going back to edit this one instead as a direct response to yours. by reading your posting, I can tell that you are a rational fan too, there aren't any absurd bashings or responses to answer mine..and I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, I was merely trying to make a point that everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt. That ANYTHING is truly possible when it comes to account hackings, false info...and w/ the amount of info that really is floating around the net, we really should just be more cautious. Your reaction wasn't over the top like a few other I've read which is why I can understand that if you choose to believe some of what is posted, then sure, go ahead! I just meant that for those who overreacte and fully commit to everything they read online, they should probably take a step back. I wouldn't wish Jay's situation on anyone either :(

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7. No advertising of any kind.

PLEASE poeple.

No more "you should read this"


This has already been posted as a source.

And Edward please, could you say me what do you mean "do not bash other artists"?

Because here, mister Park Jin Young is not considered as an artist but as a buisisness man. It's like bashing the CEO of SME in DBSK thread. (though I didn't read the thread)

So poeple are not bashing the artist but the representative of JYPE agancy. And that's the same for JYPE.

Or I may have misunderstood.

Anyway that's my last post for today.

Hotetsts you. need. to. STOP. focusing. on bashing each other.


Didn't you learn during these 6 months??? Didn't you learn how you lost your time by fighting agains other hottests instead of trying everything to make your voice heard the loudest as possible to avoid all that?

Stop focusing on bashing each oher. Seriously. Try AT LEAST to understand the other Hottests and their reasons. It seems that the first topic is that "hottests do this.. tehy shoudln't do that.. blablabla" and right now OUR BOYS are completly in ... pain! And YES more than EVERYONE ELSE Jay. Stop saying always and sometimes even before mentioning that Jay may feel qsldhujioj "and you should think abut the 6 boys blablabla you hottesst blablabla"

Let's focus on our boys.

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Guest Special Ed

A 2PM fan project for people who will be attending the KMF. Please click my sig and join if you're serious.

However ...

This project will not gloom over the ensuing controversies. We will not be chanting and/or jeering for Jay's return. We will not be lashing out about 6PM. We will not be middle fingering JYPE.

We are showing our love and support for ALL of the boys. We will be giving the 2PM members encouragement for their performance. We will be giving Jay encouragement for the future.

We just want to give them something positive in the heap of all these issues.

No it does not mean we are ignoring the problems. I believe that even in times of richard simmons, everyone needs a little pat on the shoulder. It won't solve the problem, but just that little gesture can be a lift.

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Guest abcdana

@janers "It's insulting to even voice the sentiment that Jay is the be all and end all of the group...it's OK if he is your favorite member, but it takes more than one member to make a group." (I'm sorry, i don't know how to cut out that section to reply back to it)

for some of us who support the you-know-what, we KNOW it takes more than 1 member to make a group- it takes 7! and because it takes 7 to make 2pm, we support events, protests, emails, post its whatever to bring it back to all 7. it's THIS family of 7 who i admire, listen to, and laugh with. If there are 6, it's not 2pm for me. It's a group who's dynamic, stage presence and sense of brotherhood has changed.

if you remain neutral, then that's great! maybe some posts can convince you to fight for all 7 with us. If not, then at least you can still enjoy whatever is left of the group that used to be 2pm.

I know few rash fans did vandalize the buildings and other ridiculous petitions but please know that there are many peaceful and respectful protests being done at this moment. I hope that those peaceful adn respectful protests will overshadow the rash actions of a few rash and angry fans.

and while you may not be convinced of the authenticity of some "insider" information, I choose to believe some of it. So it would be nice to refrain from sarcasm like "i know people who can hack into university ips in freakin LONDON and still get away with it." Because it defeats the purpose of trying to gain insight (some logic, some gossip, and some possibly REAL information) for those of us who are faced with JYPE which has been silent for months (with reassurances that Jae was coming back) then the sudden announcement of Jae's departure from 2pm/JYPE.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with this tirade. Let's try to remain civil.

Edit: Oops, sorry, didn't mean to fight with each other. I hope there are good solutions but i'm still waiting to hear from the conference.

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Guest shaghayegh_song

have you noticed that you are fighting each other?

the only thing that gathers us here now is the fact that we all want Jay back ,so stop reminding each other.ok?

try to find solutions and post the articles you think might help to calm everybody or come to a solution.


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Guest ms.incredible

OMG U Guys! please read this!


Now everything Make sense!


I'm sorry, but that seems to be a lot of irrational finger pointing. like if they sent the message to Jay to take the comments down but he was too busy to check....how do they figure someone at the company wasn't too busy to get those messages? How do they know someone there actually read those messages and could have prevented this but chose not to? And Even if they did get the message, the response probably would be along the lines of someone calling Jay and telling him to take the comments down.....and since he was too busy to check his inbox, he probaly wasn't be able to do so for hours maybe days. there's no way they could have anticipated this (below) to happen next:

Then, the neitzens spread the screenshots of Jay’s Myspace and Xanga comments out to the Internet.

The netizens are the ones that spread those pages like wildfire across the net(after they hacked them) with bad translations. They were the perpetrators of this fiasco, not the concerned citizen. How is this JYP's fault? I know folks are angry right now, but it seems misplaced. Had these netizens minded their own business none of this would have happened.

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for tainting JAEBEOM'S reputation, dignity, and name.

If Jaebeom really did do something so terrible. Isn't it HIS OWN business? The company has NO RIGHT to PUBLICIZE this!

I know for a fact that if he did do something so terrible, the company would try to HIDE this instead of ANNOUNCING IT.

And therefore we don't just assume this information is false, we KNOW it is false!

Forgive me for being a spazz, but I am UTTERLY disgusted by how this company is dealing with the whole situation. Not only are they shooting down Jaebeom, but they're doing the exact same thing to the rest of our boys!!!

TAECYEON who helped Jaebeom with Korean translations. You can clearly see their bond in variety shows. You just KNOW these two are close!

NICHKHUN who says out of all the 2PM members, he looks up to Jaebeom the most. The two both share the same awkward Korean!!! They're english-bros :P

WOOYOUNG is like Jay's baby. During Hot Blood days it even shows Jaebeom helping him out. Even during 2PM days, Jae was always by his side. Offering english help.

JUNHO and Jae are bboys 4 life. The two make the perfect duo in their performances.

JUNSU and Jay both share terrible driving skills :lol: as well as their WONDERFUL vocal skills. These two oldies harmonize so greatly together. And they both uplift one another

CHANSUNG who shows his crazy, wild side whenever around Jaebeom. These two weirdos go hand-in-hand <3

until this whole thing settles down. The only thing we can do for our boys is to give them our never-ending hope, love and support. They need it now more than ever. This is what Jay would want.

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Guest clueless_pig

i'm trying to analytical here. things still don't add up even after reading everything from 2oneday and wordpress.

jype seriously didn't compare the damage of "letting the world know of slave-contract" vs "ruining the image of jaebum and the remaining 6 members".

i have a few questions to speculators, maybe Silence can help shed light onto this?

- JYPE did plan for an April comeback with Jay, why the sudden change? I understand that there were board meetings about jay's return. what's their justification? when they planned for Jay's comeback, shouldn't they already know about how popular and what a huge comeback 7PM will be? If they've already acknowledged that potential, why is it suddenly dropped?

(We all know that the official JYPE answer of "confessing a person mistake" wasn't true. IF JYP accused Jay of revealing to outsiders about the slave contract, could that be the "personal mistake"? I just dont understand the motive behind dropping him altogether.)

- is slave contract anything new in the industry? why is it such a big deal? the slave contract was offered 4-5 years ago, and JYPE only came up with the "zero slave contract advertisement" late october of 2009. . They could have easily said, "that was then, this is now. we'll implement things from now on, etc.


what are you guys planning to do?

1. write to fan@jype.com?

2. post on jyp's youtube page?

3. sign petitions?

i think ranting it out logically and persuasively to fan@jype.com is the most effective. i just hope i dont end up in the junkmail. i plan to email them after i plan out my thoughts.

if anyone can shed some light about this conspiracy and my 2 questions, please let me know =D


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Guest flowerpedals

It really hurts for people to tell us we are not fans. It gets tiring after hearing them bashing at us. Who is going to support jay? He has no money no education and he can't even speak to the public. He is the victim here. For example people are telling us to move on without jay and that he's gone already, well we are his only hope now. Who else can he rely on except hottests? his passion is dancing andmaking money for his mother to spend. the public enjoys seeing him dance and sing so what is so wrong to bring back his dreams alive that he worked so hard for. We will always support the other 6 membes but jay is in a crisis right now he needs our help. If you don't agree with me it's fine I don't want to argue with anyone.

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I need to rant, but this? But this mistake is so much worse than the problem that led to him leaving last September, and this mistake could also lead to a more serious societal problem

really enrages me. the implications are so beyond belief. let's think of some potential "serious societal problems"

-He killed someone. Unlikely, unless he's a kind of genius who could get away with it. Not likely.

-Sex tape. That no one has seen? Ok, sure.

-Drugs. Possibility. But let's consider the Again and Again period. Jay was and is so body concious. And on top of that, he was really dedicated to doing well not only for himself but for his family and his group. That he would put everything he worked at to, what? Shoot up in a back alley? Absolutely ridiculous.

-He got someone pregnant. Possible. But I doubt his members would ditch him over that kind of issue. And the girl either would be pregnant and no one knew about it (so if they hadn't found out by December, why would they ever have) or she would be no longer pregant. A non-issue

and the only other thing that I can think of that would be a "societal issue" in Korea...

-Gay. Like he would broadcast that anyway.

Please, give me ideas as to what else he could have possibly done to warrant this kind of treatment. I can't think of anything that seems remotely logical.

And yet, everyone will now negatively associate those kind of things with Jay. He can't come back to a country that thinks of him like that. I don't even care for him to come back to JYPE, if that's going to be how they treat him. But I am so sickened that this is how they decide to treat him. I want his name to be cleared of those ridiculous associations. Jay, stand up for yourself. I'll stand with you.

And as for the rest of 2PM, I doubt they ever sat down and decided they didn't want to work with him anymore. It's a shame they won't be able to clearly show their true feelings. I don't hate any of them, I feel bad for them. That their dreams come at such a cost. But I feel worse for Jay. That someone could treat someone else like that, someone they knew, someone who gave and gave and gave...only to ultimately treat them like this. As if they are worthy of nothing. It is disgusting.

Tell me JYP. How am I supposed to look at your company again with anything akin to respect? Fix your lies, and I'll forget every hateful action you've taken and forgive you. But if not...

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Guest tohru19

Anyone know when the conference today gonna start ?

I am so nervous and frustrated. Rumors saying there will be a video of Jay. Only Hottests can save Jay

God, please save him. I'm begging you. He often goes to church and yet he doesn't have the bless from God. This is not fair.

Just because he was talking about the slave contracts with his friends doesn't mean he should give up his dream of being a singer.

I pray that the 6 members in today's meeting will save Jay. I believe in them and Hottests. I hope for a positive outcome.

I will support 7 members together, forever!

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Guest yaoming11


I've been thinking that the worse thing he could have done was steal money from the company....

but that's about it he's not capable of doing anything THAT bad...

Of course most likely JYP ent just made it up. I still don't know why they would do that though, Jaebum was gonna come back and make them lots of money. Why would they just drop him?

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Guest koukie09


for tainting JAEBEOM'S reputation, dignity, and name.

If Jaebeom really did do something so terrible. Isn't it HIS OWN business? The company has NO RIGHT to PUBLICIZE this!

I know for a fact that if he did do something so terrible, the company would try to HIDE this instead of ANNOUNCING IT.

And therefore we don't just assume this information is false, we KNOW it is false!

Forgive me for being a spazz, but I am UTTERLY disgusted by how this company is dealing with the whole situation. Not only are they shooting down Jaebeom, but they're doing the exact same thing to the rest of our boys!!!

TAECYEON who helped Jaebeom with Korean translations. You can clearly see their bond in variety shows. You just KNOW these two are close!

NICHKHUN who says out of all the 2PM members, he looks up to Jaebeom the most. The two both share the same awkward Korean!!! They're english-bros :P

WOOYOUNG is like Jay's baby. During Hot Blood days it even shows Jaebeom helping him out. Even during 2PM days, Jae was always by his side. Offering english help.

JUNHO and Jae are bboys 4 life. The two make the perfect duo in their performances.

JUNSU and Jay both share terrible driving skills :lol: as well as their WONDERFUL vocal skills. These two oldies harmonize so greatly together. And they both uplift one another

CHANSUNG who shows his crazy, wild side whenever around Jaebeom. These two weirdos go hand-in-hand <3

until this whole thing settles down. The only thing we can do for our boys is to give them our never-ending hope, love and support. They need it now more than ever. This is what Jay would want.


I really hope JYPE come crashing down!

Lies after lies after lies. It's building up.

Sooner or later all those lies are going to bury him DEAD!

He's definitely digging his own grave!

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Guest dawnjelly

the people who lash out at the other boys and bash them are no better than JYP/E.

it's the duty of JYP/E to protect their artists (like how YG has done for GD), but they have not done so. instead they place blame on jay and make it look like they are innocent -- like it is all jay's fault, jay's mistakes, and that the other boys helped to decide to let him go. JYP/E should be PROTECTING these boys and taking the fall for them, NOT placing blame on them.

people who bash the boys are the same as JYP/E. we should be PROTECTING them. that is what fans do. everyone wants to protect jay and fight for him but what about the rest of 2pm? it's not fair to abandon them now. we should be standing up for jay, and we should be standing up for the other boys just as much. none of this is their fault. they deserve love and respect too. jay would not want to see them get hurt, it will only make him feel guilty!

it is our duty as fans to protect ALL members of 2pm. 7=1 so protect ALL SEVEN. do not abandon them, bash them or look down upon them!! bashing wooyoung or taec is the same as bashing jay!! if you bash one of them or abandon one of them, you are bashing and abandoning ALL SEVEN!!

i'm not directing this at anyone in particular. i'm just upset by what i've read & seen. i have sent an email to JYPE. what JYP/E needs to do right now is take responsibility for what they've done. they need to quit playing the blame game and step up and admit what they've done is wrong. but i will still not believe anything until JYP/E clears everything up with their voice, not typed words on their website. i want to see these words come out of someone's face. i wish i could be at that conference. it is only 8am in korea as i write this. i can hardly stand to wait for reports of what's said at the conference. i haven't been able to sleep the last two nights. i hope JYP/E plans on fixing this mess today at the conference.

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Guest snookie831

I think that JYPE’s PR department didn’t do a very good job in that press release. They should have learned from last year’s disaster (ti.e. he MySpace issue) and they should have been more in tune with the fans’ general feeling about Jaebum returning/not returning — just so they could have an idea how to handle “the aftermath.”

They could have handled it better and not try to wash their hands clean by adding the statement “he did something worse than the MySpace issue” which opened the contract termination into massive (often ridiculous) speculations.

They could have just said that they wish to respect Jaebum’s personal decision to leave the group and both parties have decided to end their contractual relationship. I mean, that statement is still very open to speculation, but at least drug use/pregnancy wouldn’t be the first thing that would come to mind.

Also, why couldn’t they wait for the conference before releasing this statement? That would have been a better venue for the contract termination news.

BTW, going to court = worst. idea. ever.

I agree with you, JYPE's PR did do a terrible job. You would think they would wait until tomorrow. huh

As like many of you, I grew tired of reading all this pandemonium but after hearing that JYPE was the ones that make terms of the termination, I had to speak out. I feel that this is unjustifiable and low.

Alot of people are blaming JYP but in my opinion it's JYPE fault. JYP is just listening to them thinking it's the best option for his entertainment company.

JYPE is making it sound as if Jay did something wrong to cause this termination of contract. Thinking that this will make them seem a bit better but it's only causing more speculation. They are trying to salvage their company image and name.

As mentioned before, Jay says this is what he lives for, being an entertainer. It's his dream. Why would he give it up so easy.? If he did gave that up, why would he still be actively in AOM?! Wouldn't he want to get away from it all.? JYPE make it seems as though he doesn't want to be in the spot light and so "Jay" decided to go home from it all. I think they are to one to sent him back and not letting him have a press conference or not being able to speak about the whole situation.

I think that JYPE are the ones that dropped him as an artist. I think JYPE didn't notify the other member before because they wanted to keep other members spirits up. It's seems like the other members are bit off guard to the whole situation. That's why their cywolds are now just closed. 2PM believes that their company will do whatever it takes to get Jay back but all they recieved is a stab in the back.

It might be true that they already know somewhat of what's going on but not the whole situation. At least this is what I hope. With hints of what I thought, might be for Jay coming back. From their little comments made on show or their thanks on their album.

Some people are now starting to blame Jay as well. Saying "Why is everyone blaming the Ent. and not Jay." And "Why haven't he done anything or say anything about all this?" There's a saying that goes "It takes two to tango, right." Well how I see it is, he couldn't say or do anything. That's why he was sent back home. Basically shut off until they (JYPE) could figure what to do or say.

Sure what he said before on his Myspace page wasn't right but that was the past. He didn't literally mean that Korea was really gay! He was probably very stressed and not to mentioned he was talking to his friends. If I was in the same situation, I would probably done the same thing but of course deleted later. He would probably have done that too but probably forgot about it because it's his past. Who knew a little mistake could come back and block both of your eyes. His vision of being an entertainer is nolonger clear. He was a teenager then and now grown to be a man.

What Jay had done wrong was when he was young, in the past but what JYPE is doing now is wrong in the present and for the future.

I know it is true that his contract is terminated since January. That's the only truth JYPE has given us, HOTTEST. Beside that, all they've done is lead us on to believe them. JYPE has said that due to some "Personal issues." And Jay didn't want to come back, that's all bull. I know for a fact that he did wanted to go back. (All I have to say is I'm from Seattle and lets leave it at that.) Believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

Going to court isn't the best idea but if it could save one's name, respect and dignity - then go for it! But at the same, money and time is needed. But then again, if you don't fight now-later, if this is what you want to be (entertainer) it would be harder. His past will always be brought up. (Of what that wasn't corrected.) This is really conflicting. I don't want -because of what JYPE has done to affects his future. (Too late for that huh.)

If we don't fight for what we believe in and are dreams, what else do we do?! I'm thinking what am I suppose to do to make it all better? As a noona, watching this all crumble is afflicting. We have to keep hope and stay strong!

No matter what, I'll alway support the other members. (But I'm not sure with the name 2PM though.) I understand they all went through alot of hardships before and still on going. This is why, no matter what I will always love and support them.

To me the group name "2PM" will always belong to a 7 member group.

Sure, 7-1=0 doesn't sum up right but a group without it's leader doesn't run smoothly. A group without a member wouldn't function right. Being in a group, one needs to lead and others needs to follow. So we're saying without 1 there's none.

If the name Park Jaebum is nolonger with JYPE, then the group name 2PM should disappear too. As well as Hottest known for us!

If JYPE is trying to have a fresh start and put and end to this chaos then they should change everything. Group name would be a nice start.

Can we really trust JYPE with Nickhun, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Junho, Junsu and Chansung? Given this utter confusion and lies, I think not!!

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Guest lec8504

what 2pm really is...

This whole matter has made 2pm fans split up mainly into two groups- those who want 2pm to be the original 2pm with a seven member group and those who wants to just let jaebeom be and continue on as a 6 member group. Some think the Hottests are being irrational by boycotting- destroying the current 2pm’s publicity and placing JYP as the direct figurehead, responsible for all this controversy and pain while others believe that what the Hottests are doing is the only way we can hear the truth. Perhaps JYP isn’t the main cause and perhaps he is, we will never know. But this isn’t just about JYP or JYPE as much as it is about the remaining members and jaebeom. JYPE sent a letter explaining the situation, but it is void of feelings because in the end the one who feels jaebeom’s departure the most is 2pm. Without 2pm’s “real” <not scripted, not planned, not media pressured> intake on this, how can we expect the Hottests fans to back down. We do not want to ruin 2pm because of jaebeom, but how can the rest of 2pm live knowing that they are idols and living a fame-led life while jaebeom is only bboying in competitions and returning to his part time job-changing tires. People say to wish jaebeom happiness and respect his decision. But I wonder is he really happy? Jaebeom gave up a good portion of his youth to become a 2pm member. All that learnt skills and vocal lessons, where is he going to use it? “Dance in front of his mom?” How long can he continue bboying, until he’s 30? 40? Youth has a limit. Is he going to continue to change tires for the rest of his life? Is it alright to throw away his years of practice and let it go to waste. Can he really forget about his fans because his fans can forget about him. Watching the 2pm without him win awards, and perform, of course he is happy for them but knowing that they already moved on and forgot about him, I wonder how much it would hurt. To know that your fans and friends can just let you go and choose to forget—was the bond never strong enough? Even if he comes out and say that it’s alright, is it really alright? A regular person can’t just let go of memories that easily- especially memories of a new found family and fame. 2pm once said that would like to be like shinhwa and teamwork was the most important thing [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reSn1LeWy9s]

Shinhwa once said "We're friends who rely on each other no matter what”. Minwoo said, “When Shinhwa contract with SM was up, they only wanted to re-sign some members only not all of us. We felt that we couldn’t give up Shinhwa and thus decided to leave SM Entertainment as a group instead.

This is a test for 2pm, to see if teamwork is really the most important thing to them, because the team does not consist of 6 members, it’s 7. Even if jaebeom left, he is a member and things can never be the same. Things just can’t go back to the way they were because the bonds have already been made. Even if fans do forget him, and the world too, I’m sure jaebeom will always think of his fans and the times back in korea. And I know even if 2pm does not show it, they too can not forget jaebeom. Even when a person can be forgotten, the memories can’t. I’m not saying to not support 2pm, but before you do so please watch idol show and wild bunny again and picture it without jaebeom before coming to a conclusion. Compare the interviews with jaebeom there and him gone and see how it’s different. Is this what you really want? With jaebeom out of the picture, it may be better for everyone- more income, more spotlight, more fame, however 2pm members will realize that fame and material money will never win over the abstract feeling of being a “family” and brotherhood. Family will always be the most important, because a real family will never turn their backs on a family member. They will always be there, always constant. I am not saying the new 2pm group won’t be able do good without jaebeom, but if they can move on from this and rebirth as a 6 member group, then they can not be like shinhwa, because the team is incomplete.

2PM's situation can't be compared with Shinhwa. Shinhwa's contract with SM ended, so they were free to move on. All of 2PM are still under JYPE's contract..most likely for years to come....so they can't just walk away from JYPE like what most fans "think" they should do.

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Guest mika.16

The 6 members cant just leave & speakout. it would DEFINITELY result in their contract being terminated... or atleast something shady behind-the-scenes...

the ONLY reason G.o.d could have a press conference was because they were being managed by Sidus h.q while jyp was their producer...

For Shinhwa, ALL their contracts had expired. they had a choice... they were super popular, they had earned quite a bit of money by then (they were doing businesses & whatnot) and a company OFFERED them all a contract...

2pm is NOT in an 'easier' position like them. JYPE controls ALL aspects of their career.

THeyre still on a contract, theyve only JUST started earning some money, Other companies are probably too scared or dont have enough money to pay for their contract termination.

Personally, I think the only way to bring back Jay is to show jypE that 2pm wont succeed without him.

I know that temporarily turning your backs on 6pm is a really hard thing to do, but what else can be done?

Hottest can yell, scream, calmly email etc etc... in the end, JYPE makes the decisions and its been done.

The thing that i worry about is 'would Jay WANT to come back after jype has tarnished his name'?

I BEG that he comes back to 2pm, but I dont want him to be hurt again :(

OMG, YG!!! Yang Hyun Suk!!!!

Sign up Jay, and pay for the other 6 boys' contracts to be terminated!!!!!

Sign all 7 of them!! PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!

(I know its unrealistic... just hoping lol)

14, 279 Hottest have left the official fancafe

(Since 2 days ago)

This number is excluding hwansang & other smaller fancafes.

We need this number to drop DRAMATICALLY to see some effect.

JYPE will definitely be watching.

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Guest onnetwothreefour

2PM's situation can't be compared with Shinhwa. Shinhwa's contract with SM ended, so they were free to move on. All of 2PM are still under JYPE's contract..most likely for years to come....so they can't just walk away from JYPE like what most fans "think" they should do.

thank you! someone who is thinking straight instead of letting all of this get to them. i feel bad for the other boys for what is happening to them. you haven't even heard from their own mouths if they were the ones that don't want jaebeom back or not or even if they can do anything and leave JYPE like Shinhwa... what now? They will be a six or seven with no company wanting to sign them, no company wants to bring on all of the bad press 2pm has with them now.

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Dear Moderators,

I understand your vigilance in warning and blocking offenders, but don't you think this is an exceptional scenario? If people do not get an opportunity to speak out now then when? This is not Jay leaving temporarily, this is him being kicked out for life. The whole foundation of 2pm has been shaken and in tatters. If people are trying to make sense of it all, how can you ban them? Sure rules are rules, but every rule should be modified when applicable. I am not saying you should allow cursing or threats against people in this thread but for god's sake please allow fans to pour out the mixture of anger, hate, mistrust and utter sheer sorrow that they are feeling right now. At the very least, this forum should allow fans to lessen the pain by sharing their frustrations with others who feel the same way. Why are you asking people to stop discussing controversial topics when the most controversial of all topics is Jay himself? Are you saying that now that Jay is no longer officially a member of 2pm he is considered "other artist" and should not be discussed in this thread?

I am not trying to break the forum rules, all I am saying is that this is a special circumstance, so let people vent. It will be therapeutic for them and better for all the silent readers who agree with the poster, you can always go back to being strict after a few days when the storm has died down. Hope you can rethink your approach.

Rule reminders:

1. Each member is only allowed to post 3 times a day (in 24 hours). Don't waste your posts and edit your previous one.

2. No spamming (that includes no one line spam and no double posting).

3. No bashing towards other members or artists.

4. No discussions of artists other than 2PM in this thread.

5. No image quoting.

6. No swearing.

7. No advertising of any kind.

8. Since the topic of boycott is a sensitive and controversial topic, to avoid unnecessary arguments between members, no discussions about boycotts in whatever forms are allowed here in this thread.

First time violators will be warned and suspended for 1 week. Repeated offenders will be warned again and suspended for 2 weeks.


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