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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest susie2006

I really don't know what to do.I hate JYPE but I do feel sorry for the other 6 members.I really want to support them but I don't know how cause in any case JYPE is taking benefit of our support

any idea guys?

It's how I feel too. But I am pretty sure that they are also sad as we are. I believe in them and know that they have nothing to do with it...as for now, we should make our best to make people know that JYPE lied and that we still support Jay! Who knows we still have a chance? We can't not give up, if the things aren't right, it's because it has not ended yet!

Hope Jay is ok...how he is feeling really worries me!

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Guest dawnded

^ (susie 2006)



Jay has his FAMILY and FRIENDS.

Jay has GOD.

Jay has a GOOD HEART.

Jay has TALENT.

And what does JYPE have?????? S H I T and maybe some MONEY.

I believe in Good over Evil, so I believe Jay, Hottests and 2PM will win.


Jay goes to CHURCH.

Jay loves his BROTHERS & his FAMILY.

I believe Jay WILL NEVER commit any of the doings as rumoured.

Because he has the BIGGEST & KINDEST HEART of all.

Remember how there was a photograph and account circulating that he saved a little child from traffic?

Jay has always been so CAREFUL, he doesn't even talk about specific 'ideal type'

Jay has always been CAREFUL to AVOID RUMOURS.

Why would Jay do something so careless and put himself in trouble in the midst of promos when he knows very well that he needs to WORK HARD FOR HIS FAMILY.


"If you love Jay, do not believe in any of the rumours."

And I believe it's important to keep reminding everyone, the public and those who do not know Jay about what kind of good person Jay is.

People really need to know who is CLEAN and who is the DIRTY ONE.

The biggest joke of all is having the dirtest and lowest party of all (i.e.) JYPE throwing dirty accusations at someone.

I'm not even questioning whether the rumours are true or speculating what he did so wrong.

I know he did nothing.

And he was punished for not doing anything wrong.


(Well, I don't know what we are gonna win, but we will win something..LOL. Jay's reputation most importantly. JYPE is gonna get hurt real bad....)


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jaebeom and sunmi got kicked out because of sex tape.All that is fake more news more money thats the illuminati greedy make more weopons of mass distructions trying to control , as hell ,and folks get sucked in it , its sad isant it that they still wanna make money from Jaebums name , we should egnore it , the music industry and the entertainment industries all messed up , Jaebum was too clever , he new all along about the industry he ran so fast as he didnt want to be apart of it ..korea has become apart of the illuminati thats why ,the whole of the music industry has ,if you love Jaebum then let him be happy in what he doing and not mess up his life ,all tne media and all the hipes are lies ,i know its sounds crazy but its the truth , its all on youtube about the Illuminati and what they are about .................and its not only JYPE its all of them the entertainment industry world wide they dont care about no one only about money they are the worst...............as long as we buy their products they will keep on slandering them ,so we have to stop,we have to.............Peace !

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Guest Shaneira

From a Cassie,

Everybody's just so worked up now which is completely understandable, and I think no words of comfort could calm you down...

But, just giving my piece of support to you dear Hottests. Stay strong and DO NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO THESE BOYS YOU LOVE SO MUCH. They need you.

Whatever the truth is, whatever outcome this whole issue will have, whoever is wrong or right, never forget that you had one great journey with 2pm.

You'll make it through!

Good luck and all the best to you guys!!! <3

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Guest thu_trang

it will really be my last post but i need to get this out

JYPE IS JUST EFFING UNBELIEVABLY DISGUSTING right now , rumors flying left n right , they really just cant be bothered anymore dont they ???

now not only dragging Jay down the road , they just had to bring Sunmi into this fiasco some more , as if the girl is already not suffering enough , as if she is not already mentally n maybe physically exhausted with her own dramas ??

they stabbed Jay in the back twice , 1st is Jay the traitor, the ungrateful ,the unpatriotic doode n now what , the drug user , the womanizer ?? do they plan to destroy Jay completely ??

i feel sorry cuz Jay do have a family he needs to support , what kind of feeling he is going through right now i dont want to start imagine about it

i'm out of this k-pop thing for good , it's not just sad anymore , it's effing disgusting n inhumane , how one day they can treat u like brothers , like family n the next day , out the road u go !!!

i still love n care for the members , but as long as they r in that crazy richard simmons company , i'm not going to be able to support them in anything

i'm kind of glad Jay is out for good , cuz the day JYPE goes down is coming very soon , i can see it

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Guest everybodyshout

I just hope that all 7 of them will get better soon, even though that's not possible, considering how horrible they must be feeling right now. The worst of feelings, the world on their shoulders, isn't it too much to take?

Jay, with his comments years ago discovered by some prune who could have made an intelligent, human and sensible choice to overlook it (but you know how extreme these people get, if this guy's not the one who reveals it, there are many other netizens who are willing to bring this poor kid down), overwhelmed with guilt that he shouldn't have done that in the first place. He must be feeling so painful and blaming himself for the damage done to his brothers, when most of it isn't his fault.

The ones who've got more attention recently - Taec and Woo... To be attacked by netizens again who never learn - what good does it do blaming on the ones who are innocent and powerless? Did they want to be in the spotlight or did JYPE push them to do this and say "Hey, Jay's gone, you step up"? It is hard to say because we do not know their intentions and how easily they are swayed by the attention showered all over them. On the other hand, they may be hating the spotlight because it seems to be pushing Jay away farther away, even though they may still keep in close contact with Jay and hold on to him very dearly. (Did JYPE allow them to communicate? We do not know.)

How about the rest of the 2pm boys who tried so hard to get to where they stand now? To see it all crumble, with fans leaving, seeing pictures of destroyed 2pm CDs and posters... JYPE, you did anticipate this right? So why do this?

The baseline is that we do not know. We don't know what's going on. Where's JYPE and their transparency? Why the shadiness which will only create more hoo-ha? Why the fear of "changing public opinion?" You do know that the fans' love for 2pm will never change, so JYPE, why do you doubt that? Are you listening to us? Do you hear the international community? Our foreheads have been bloody screaming for a 7-2PM since last Sept.

I'm not Jay but just trying out possibilities. One reason I can come up with is that Jay decided to bear everything (even his reputation) because he felt that what he did was wrong and hurt his brothers. He knows that in a matter of time, the public will accept his withdrawal no matter how much they don't want to.

But it doesn't make sense. Does he know that in the long term if 2pm is successful with him, he can earn more money for his family and pay off his mum's debt? Maybe he can't wait until then, because his financial problems are way too urgent? That's why he might have accepted the fee that JYPE might've given him after his withdrawal? My mind's in a whirl. I can't think straight. Situation's too complicated for my pea-brain.

What JYPE doesn't know is how this announcement of Jay's official withdrawal will hurt 2pm on an even greater level. He was their backbone. I myself am losing interested in 2pm without Jay because it just isn't 2pm without him. Do I have to force myself to watch them then?

Oh dear sorry I just rambled on with my thoughts which pretty much... has no solid basis so ignore me.

Just a ranter.

Whatever, every one of you boys, I just hope you'll be happy wherever you are. In a matter of time.

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Guest micisice

I really cant believe the lies and rumors I see spreading in this forum. This used to be a nice forum for 2pm music now because one person is gone people dont want to support the remaining members of a group. Thats not very fan like at all. I myself and lots of other international fans are going to continue to support 2pm. I hope people can look past the lies spread and continue to support them as well. People seem to be with you as long as you're up but once something bad happens you find out who your real friends/fans are I suppose. And people trying to find a place to put the blame thats very childish. Lets not make assumptions of things we may not even have full facts about.

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Guest soralee


"Guys, I want to clarify something because it's irritating me: Wooyoung is innocent. He was one of the members that cried like hell when the boys found out Jay was not coming back, and he was one of the members that stuck with Jay throughout the entire six months. I know this myself, and if you don't want to believe me, then there's nothing I can do. Him being placed on Win-Win is not his fault, and is not his decision. JYPE is just trying to make him convert to their side by promoting him more and more.

It breaks my heart to see such a sweet boy being attacked no matter what the hell he does (like when he had the chorusline during Heartbeat, people bashed him like crazy as if he had a choice in that).

Please guys. Don't blame Wooyoung.

Note: I am only defending Wooyoung here because he's the one that's being attacked and publicized like hell. Just because I'm only talking about Wooyoung here doesn't mean the other members couldn't be the same. Don't jump to conclusions based on this about other members. Just know that Wooyoung doesn't deserve the crap he's getting right now."

credit: insider2pm

i think that these people don't give a crap about 2pm anymore. since one member is "officially" gone, and since 2pm is essentially nothing, they don't care if the group fails or whatnot.

i wish they'd stop hurting the boys. i wish they'd stop bashing them cause they don't deserve it.

but who can stop these kinds of people? they think what they want, say what they want, do what they want.

jype, have you thought about the consequences? the aftermath? the people who you affect greatly?

sigh... what if...

praying for all seven.

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Guest susie2006

for me i feel very bad for the others, because i love all of them. i dont like to see people attacking them because i am sure that they are as sad as we are.

about supporting 2pm from now, i think its up to each of us to decide and we shouldn't fight for it, its a personal choice. its not time to fight with someone because he/she decided to stop supporting 2pm. i think its time to get together and fight until the end to try to make something for Jay. let's fight for the seven!!

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Guest pinkchocolate

Read this people... http://www.2oneday.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16136

Jay, is really too kind for his own good. WHY. JYPE, do you have to lie to Jay and everyone else?!

Cant you just get Jay back?

We all just want Jay back to 2PM!!


For SM, even KangIn picked up a fight in a club, drink n drive, hit n run.. still they didn't come out to put all the blame on KangIn or kick him out either. And look at what JYP do to Jay and the boys? I keep asking myself WTF is his problem with Jay?

Yes, SERIOUSLY?! Whats up with JYPE for always putting Jay down and wanting him OUT?! gosh.....

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Guest JayrielzZ

I got a surprise went I came home last night. I spend the whole night reading 2OD, soompi, insider2pm etc… I decided to post something that I have wanted to say. Nothing about the “news”, just a penny of my thought.

I know Hottest are angry, sad and frustrated. It is understandable, these 6 months is not easy. Rumors are everywhere, Leadja is not on stage anymore and people questioning the loyalty of Hottest. Part of the hottest follow the boys since the hotblood days. Hottest see them cry, laugh, play and support each other. We believe in the bond and brotherhood between them. Please, don’t forsake the belief now.

I believe Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung are feeling the same pain. They play, work and practically together every single minute since their trainee days. Now they are apart, they can only see the shadow of Leadja dancing in the studio and can only hear the echo of Leadja laughter around them. They must always hang a smile and work professionally. I believe they have been working hard for Jay and 2PM’s dream.

Leadja Jay is feeling the pain too. The years spent with them became past memories. Although, there will be no more hectic schedules or endless training, but there will be no one to goof around with and teasing him about this level 2 korean. All this while I believe the main reason Jay left, was to protect his family, his brothers and their dreams.

We all love Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. Right?

Please believe in Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung that you know and love all this while. Don’t doubt the love they have for each other. Please believe them and not the “news” that are set to tear us apart. Let’s unite and protect them (all 7) with love & respect.

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Guest dawnded

I really cant believe the lies and rumors I see spreading in this forum. This used to be a nice forum for 2pm music now because one person is gone people dont want to support the remaining members of a group. Thats not very fan like at all. I myself and lots of other international fans are going to continue to support 2pm. I hope people can look past the lies spread and continue to support them as well. People seem to be with you as long as you're up but once something bad happens you find out who your real friends/fans are I suppose. And people trying to find a place to put the blame thats very childish. Lets not make assumptions of things we may not even have full facts about.

I'm sorry to cut your post. Pls don't take what I have to say personally. I'm not trying to argue. i'm directing my comments at the general consesus towards people who are leaving.

I agree with you that we should sop spreading rumours. But I just need to say...if you go back the couple of pages, WE HAVE BEEN HERE AND TALKED ABOUT THIS MANY TIMES. So can I just plead with you and all who are putting out the term "not fan-like" to put that term away. Let me stress again, I'm not trying to start an argument. Instead, I am pleading that people stop saying such things..or if you must vent, to put it more tactfully. PLEASE.

You say this used to be a nice forum. Well that's cause things used to be awesome before the incident. But things are not dandy now, so things will not be nice as before however you wish it to be. Sorry.

You say "just because one person is gone". Park Jaebum is not "just one person". He was the poor boy who never got to speak up for himself. As are the other members. But I shan't read too much into this.

You say "Lets not make assumptions of things we may not even have full facts about." Let me ask, how much do you need to know to make a stand? Chances are, you will never know facts because with JYPE, there are no such things as facts.

I am not directing what I say to you because many other have said it too. I don't want to blame. I just really hope that we let the other people be...people who are leaving. They left quietly, without questioning "why are you guys still staying". Nor did they ask you to leave. So what gives any of us any authority to direct criticisms at leaving fans.

I thought I'd be leacving this fandom. But for some reason I just can't let go. And if I leave, it is not because I'm against the 6 other boys. It is because I don't want to be naive. I also think it is hypocritical (for myself) if I curse JYPE and then stay and feed them what they need. I won't wish for anything bad to happen to the 6 other boys of course, I wish they will do well. But I will never be able to support them wholeheartedly knowing how the company they have been affiliated have treated Jay. In fact I can't even bear to watch a single 2pm video now, with or without jay in it. Should I force myself to keep watching and keep supporting them? I think this may also be the sentiments of many around.

Even if you say there are no facts that JYPE has done anything to hurt Jay. But the fact that they DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM is enough to warrant them a bad name.


Now's not the time to criticize each other. Because it won't help make anything better.

Now's the time to protect and help Jay, and perhaps even the 6 other boys.

Edit: Yes, one guy from 2pm is gone. Yes, the 6 others have to move on. Yes, he's not gonna come back. It is impossible to bring him back anymore. BUT SHOULDN'T WE AT LEAST FIGHT FOR HIS REPUTATION. Jay did not do anything wrong. Just a thought...leaving the fandom for Jay does not mean it is unfair for the 6 other boys. The will have many new fans going after them. But who's gonna help Jay clear his name???

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I really cant believe the lies and rumors I see spreading in this forum. This used to be a nice forum for 2pm music now because one person is gone people dont want to support the remaining members of a group. Thats not very fan like at all. I myself and lots of other international fans are going to continue to support 2pm. I hope people can look past the lies spread and continue to support them as well. People seem to be with you as long as you're up but once something bad happens you find out who your real friends/fans are I suppose. And people trying to find a place to put the blame thats very childish. Lets not make assumptions of things we may not even have full facts about.

LOL don't you think Jay is thinking the EXACT SAME THING?

"people are with you as long as you're up..." When every TOP FEMALE CELEB (and I'm not talking about teen idols I'm talking about the true sexy queens ie. ChaeYeon, Hyori) was saying that they wanted a piece of Jaebum, JYPE was repping him like crazy. oh yeah, he's the pride of JYP. 2PM was repping him like crazy, "oh yeah, he's our great leadja."

And the minute that he shows a crack, JYPE starts kicking him in his bruised ribs, ready to leave him behind, and 2PM act like a bunch of scared little boys, who are afraid to help their FAMILY because they don't want the bully (ie. the contract, JYPE management) to come after them as well.

So we'd be fanlike if we allow ridiculous rumors to spread about Jay Park and SunMi?

So We'd be more fan like if we sit in blissful ignorance and keep telling ourselves that yes, the boys have agreed, everyone is okay with this, this is the right thing to let smear campaign continue!

We'd be more fan like if we say, let's just support the remaining 6 so that they have more reason to continue on with this Massive charade of LIES and keep their conscience shut in a pandora's box so that they are abiding with their contracts.

I've never asked anyone who say they're going to support 6 to stop their support for Jay. But I can no longer stand by and read people write about how fans who don't support the 6 are "leaving" them in their time of need.

Think about it this way, does a true friend let you just stand by and do what's WRONG? does a true friend just watch as you go out and act against your conscience? No, a true friend doesn't.

People who truly love you will speak up, even when we know what we have to say won't be easy to take.

People who truly love you look out for your best interests even when you're not doing it yourself.

People who truly love you will make sure that even if we are the ones that are hurt, you will take the right path.

We are no less a fan than you are. We simply cannot shut our eyes to the injustice that's being done to ALL 7 members of the group.

LeadJa is LeadJa forever.

Love and Respect.

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Guest dollychelle
:huh: 1000 members have let daum fansite in half and hour and its still going down fast (275,759)( 275,217 now ) will keep updating so u can see how fast its going down.
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Guest churvaness

People have their own minds....Do not enforce what you feel/think is right to others...

No one has the right to call whoever as "true fan" and not "true fan" because even if we have the same criterias of how a "true" fan should act,

we have DIFFERENT ways of executing it...

Do your thing. Say your thing. Let others speak what they feel and what they like.

We are all 2PM fans here. Whether it's Jay or it's Junsu, Khun, Taec, Woo, Junho, Chansung we are talking about. One thing's the reason why we all comment and read this thread and that's because those 7 guys are who 2PM is.

anyway....please read this...



I can accept Jaebeom leaving . I know he deserves better than JYPE.

BUT. I will not accept him leaving with such a TARNISHED REPUTATION.

Jaebeom's dignity is all he has left. I will help him fight for it. That's the least I can do.

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I only have a few things to say:

1. Hottests! Please don't give up. Fight until the end!

2. The remaining 6 are most likely innocent bystanders. We should not believe what JYPE said. A lot of the fans have provided evidence to show that JYPE lied.

3. We have seen the interactions between the boys and I truly believe their bond is genuine and their love for each other is true and unbreakable.

4. We've seen the way Jay behaves and acts, does it sound right that he did something so incredibly terrible and unethical that his brothers would turn their backs on him? Are all the lovely comments and supporting messages left by staff and other people in the industry for Jay fake? I think not.

My message to JYPE:

JYPE, were you people drunk when you made that announcement? Why on earth would you do something so incredibly unintelligent so that it'll affect not only you but the lives of so many young talented people? It's not just Jay, it's not just 2PM, it's the WHOLE company that will suffer. Stupid business move JYPE. I gave you too much credit for being a smart company. Oh how wrong I was.

To Taec (if you ever come here): FIGHT! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. Please take care of each other (including Jay). Stay strong. The fans are right behind you guys.

Ann (A180585) & Amber -

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People have their own minds....Do not enforce what you feel/think is right to others...

No one has the right to call whoever as "true fan" and not "true fan" because even if we have the same criterias of how a "true" fan should act,

we have DIFFERENT ways of executing it...

Do your thing. Say your thing. Let others speak what they feel and what they like.

We are all 2PM fans here. Whether it's Jay or it's Junsu, Khun, Taec, Woo, Junho, Chansung we are talking about. One thing's the reason why we all comment and read this thread and that's because those 7 guys are who 2PM is.

anyway....please read this...



I can accept Jaebeom leaving . I know he deserves better than JYPE.

BUT. I will not accept him leaving with such a TARNISHED REPUTATION.

Jaebeom's dignity is all he has left. I will help him fight for it. That's the least I can do.

I agree wholeheartedly.

And THAT is the main reason why i'm pissed and find it extremely extremely hard to show any ounce of support to this management company anymore and this band that clearly is now just stringed puppets forced to follow whatever the top management wants them to do.

The fact that they have clearly ruined and tarnished Jay's name PLUS robbed him of his dignity, not to mention to do it while he's being officially and permanently terminated from his contract. It's utterly repulsive and i don't think there's any ounce of respect left in me for the management of JYPE.

Let's fight for this injustice. Let's fight so that the other remaining six boys would not have to suffer through this same horrible fate that has befallen their leader.

We're not trying to force to get Jay back. I believe Jay would be better off without JYPE. We should at least help him to regain his dignity and restore his tarnished reputation. Any ideas though?

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this is so sad...don't know what to say anymore....its so sad...all 7 of them must be so sad right row.. this is heartbreaking guys..:-d who's to blame ? For me JYP coz they dont know how to manage and protect their artist ...

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i can't say that i had that much interest in 2pm before this huge ordeal with jaebum leaving korea, but after i saw him on a few shows i went and saw some episodes of wild bunny and idol army, and he seems to be a really good kid, genuine with a good heart. so its really sad that its come to all this.

especially now that jype is dragging his name through the mud. was it really necessary to say that jaebum had supposedly done something bad during their promotions? if its true that he had decided to leave on his own accord, why not leave it at that? why kick someone whilst their down? that's just dirty. people have always being saying sm ent is the worst. is jype really any different?

rather than as a fan, as a person, i feel quite sad for jaebum and the rest of the boys too. and i can't say that i have much respect left for jyp either. to play with peoples feelings like that is just cruel. look at sm and kangin. i'd have to say that what he did was far worse than what jaebum did, but still he's with them. even brian had an issue years back, with netizens calling him out, but he's still in korea too. the behaviour of jype is just unreasonable. if they looked after jaebum properly, handled the situation better than they did, i don't think it would have to come to this. he could have stayed.

i hope all you fans continue to support him, whatever his true decision may be. i'm sure the other guys would want you to support him too. and support the other members too. they've all worked hard to get to where they are. but don't let jype get away with what they've done. i can't really think of a way... life shouldn't be so complicated... but lets put pressure on them. the fans deserve to know the truth. and jaebum doesn't deserve to have his name tarnished by the greed of some company.

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Edit: Yes, one guy from 2pm is gone. Yes, the 6 others have to move on. Yes, he's not gonna come back. It is impossible to bring him back anymore. BUT SHOULDN'T WE AT LEAST FIGHT FOR HIS REPUTATION. Jay did not do anything wrong. Just a thought...leaving the fandom for Jay does not mean it is unfair for the 6 other boys. The will have many new fans going after them. But who's gonna help Jay clear his name???

Yes, I agree to this.

The major problem here is no longer simply about Jay's leaving. It is the way he was made to leave. Anyone who doesn't know 2PM, after reading JYPE's statement, will come to CONCLUSION: Oh that Jay did something far worse than the myspace thing. What could that be: hmm... sex, drugs, violence, breaking the law??? And you cannot blame these people for speculating. Because the way that JYPE's statement is crafted is bound to lead to speculations!

This is just way too sickening & despicable.. Really i do not know how this mess will end up eventually... If it is really something that horribly wrong that Korean Public will be upset with, then why bring it up in the first place??

And how are the other 6 supposed to continue as 2PM with this messy ending? I mean, how will they face the Hottests when they stand on the stage in future? I pity them, it will be a tough road ahead of them.

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