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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest mooness

It's really sad to think that Jay can't even talk about it because JYPE has gauged his mouth through the contract. 1:59 was obviously an album to test if the fans would still support the group if Jay went, and since it did reasonably well, they think that after a few months, everyone's going to just forget about this.

It's an absolute disgrace, JYP, the only way they'll get the message is if the album sales dips and they're forced to bring back Jay. I for one, definitely won't be buying a new album til he comes back

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does anyone know if jay is doing okay right now? i just want to know that he's all right. since there seem to be quite a few people who know him here, or have mutual friends

and it's crazy but everything SILENCE457 said is coming true.

not only did she warn us about jay's official w/drawal, she said that wooyoung would leave ssjg in a month, and at this point, it seems kinda likely. and also what would happen next, but i won't mention it.

sigh, i didn't really think this day would come. i didn't think it would actually happen.

it's so unfair, so undeserved, so unjust. how they can just rob someone of his career, dreams, and now public image. i can only pray that time will do its healing

this whole incident is surely something that's gonna be in the history books of kpop. i really do feel bad for the other boys, i'm sure they are hurting just as much, if not more. i wish, fans wouldn't lash out at them, cause we all know they didn't agree to let him go.

and like many others have stated already, i'm about ready to quit

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Guest voxtae13

I have officially become Jay's fan, not 2PM anymore.




I'm not Anti 2PM, too. Just not to be a Hottest since now.

I was crying like crazy when i read the news regarding Jay, and at that time i made up my mind, give up 2PM with 6 members. I only change my mind if JYPE make Jay returns.

I don't hate the other members, just not supporting 2PM if only have 6. Because i am in the habit of watching 7 not 6.

I will support Woo, Chan, Taek, Jun brothers, Khun again if they begin a solo career.

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Guest avchuck

Something else IHottests could do aside from sending in e-mails to the NYC-based JYP/E via fan@JYPE.com. Hottests are currently tweeting 재범 둘아와 WE WANT JAEBUM BACK.

So how about showing your support? ;)

How perfect that I would be listening to Mariah Carey's "Ribbon," 'cause I want Jay Park "wrapped up, packed up, ribbon with a bow on it." :wub:

Oddly enough, I don't feel like this is the end for some reason...

Is that sad?

EDIT: Just realized I topped the page, well it's not a 2PM pic or even a pic spam, but here's a screen shot of the tweet-party when it was at the 3rd slot. I reached my limit for tweeting so I had to stop. We're currently at the fourth slot.


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Guest youngeunn123

all these rumors that jyp is telling is just making fans angrier.

i love 2pm with all my heart but i dont know if i can move on without jay.

since september i have been constantly waiting and when jyp said that jay would be coming back soon

it gave me motivation and a light at the end of this tunnel.

when i heard the news that jay wont be coming back, i am just confused.

i just want to know the truth! not rumors, and these lies that jyp has been telling the public to keep fans from boycotting

and to promote his company, is just making us more impatient.

jyp is destroying jay's image. fans just want to know the truth, and he has led us on with these empty promises of jay returning, just to promote his business. D:

now that we all know he wont be, no one should be surprised by the way fans are acting.

we are all outraged. especially those that have walked with jay from the beginning, since hot blood/trainee days.

i personally feel terrible for doing this to the other 6 members of 2pm.

but i am hoping for the best that 2pm will be a whole again

not 6 but 7<3

i am afraid of what will happen next. but i want to stay postive and supportive.

i am hurt so bad and i really have no other words...without jay it will always be 1:59 pm.

i just hope we get a statement or something from jay himself..

i really need clarification and i really need the truth, or sadly, im going to have to say good bye to jype.

until then, i will always be waiting.

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Guest xxxxxxx

I've been pretty silent about the while issue. I was shaken at first but remained calm. I feel disappointed in JYPE because I always gave them the benefit of the doubt and while people bashed JYP, I urged them to also give JYP a chance because he's human and has many things on his hands.

I'm very disappointed in the reactions after the announcement was released -- throwing Mayo, eggs, and ketchup at the JYPE building, Requesting Taecyeon & Wooyoung to stop their variety show duties, and blaming the boys for "betraying" Jay. A lot of you guys are not supporting the six guys. I understand its a tough situation because we all want Jay but we need to show that 6 members is not enough. To be honest, I was confused on what side to take too but I realized that we can't turn our backs on the six guys. They already have a heavy burden on their shoulder, they lost a brother, a leader, and friend. Right now, they have fans against them and they're being blamed as well. They need our support. We shouldn't turn our backs on them like what JYPE did to Jay. If we were Jay, what would he want for the boys? He doesn't want them hurt.

I know this is lame but WWJD? lolol What Would Jay Do? :P

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Guest Idemandacookie

Oddly enough, I don't feel like this is the end for some reason...

Is that sad?

I feel the same and I don't think having hope is sad at all.

My failed attempt to cheer some people up D:


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Guest tikamicizia

This is regarding about what happened at the JYPE building.

I am writing this because I have been reading news about door smashing and us throwing rubbish all over the floor.

As you can see in the pictures, we cleaned up after ourselves and we did not throw any eggs at the building...

That is so far from the truth that it's funny.

I will post up pictures to prove that there was no door smashing and egg throwing.

And also, the news journalists may know about this too,

A broadcasting company requested to have an interview and when they said no,

and they kept saying, if you don't does that mean you are supporting JYP's decision? Does that mean you agree to Jaebum's withdrawal? Stuff like that.

I don't know if they ended up doing an interview or not, but I don't think they did (This is TvN's presumption)

And also there was a journalist wearing green that kept taking pictures,

and we told them not to and that it's abusing human rights,

but the person said it's none of our business ^^

After that pictures that did not have the HOTTESTs faces blurred out were posted, and it said that we said we were going to report the journalist in green to the police (I only heard about this, I don't know if it's true)

All we did was innocently put up post its on the building, this is so unfair ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Although we did lay down the chrysanthemums....

We did not throw any eggs....

The people who gathered together last night may have thrown eggs...

But the people who gathered up today didn't do anything of the sort ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

This is so unfair ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Please spread this...

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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JYPE must be out to destroy 2PM's career. Releasing the "the rest of the boys have agreed that they cannot work with Jay anymore after what he's done"-statement was such a huge mistake that I can't even try to understand why they would do that. A lot of people would be understanding and eventually come to accept Jay's permanent leave had JYPE handled things differently, but OBVIOUSLY Hottest are going to FREAK OUT after reading such a statement about the 6 boys. They're known as the 7 brothers, a strong FAMILY, even more now after the MySpace-fiasco happened, so for them to say something like that ... it's like they're basically turning their backs on Jay and tossing him away.

Korean Hottest are in such panic that they're directing a lot of rage towards the rest of the boys but it will surely cease once they calm down and get their sanity back to realize that it may not be true that the boys said such a thing. So I hope there won't be too much bashing on (k)Hottest, I think there's just a lot of feelings of betrayal now after the whole 1:59-concept which got everybody's hopes up. Hottest loves all of the 2PM-boys but some people are so devastated that they aren't thinking clearly. Now that their "brothers/family"-image is ruined and wondering whether they've really said such a thing about Jay, doesn't it feel a little like those 6 boys are strangers? I feel like without that image, everything has completely changed.

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Guest youngeunn123







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Guest uh-ohxev

I haven't caught up to all the pages, but I'm relieved that I can post again!

I have so much to say about this situation. I'm not even sure where I can begin.

First and foremost, I still believe this is a lie fabricated by JYPE. Speaking to some K-Hottests, they "warned" me that there's a possibility of many rumors coming out about what Jay "did" (though, right now, we're almost 100% sure he did nothing!). So prepare yourselves for that, Hottests. If you love and care about Jaebum and 2PM - you will ignore any of the very cruel rumors which may or may not come out within the next couple of weeks. Do not think about those rumors, and move on and continue to fight for the injustice. Just a heads up in case it does happen! No, this is not an ~insider~ report. It's just speculation amongst K-Hottests, going by the previous JYPE artists who left JYPE.

Knowing that people are believing and actually going as far as SPECULATING, what Jay did, breaks my heart. Especially, the accusations of getting a girl pregnant and doing drugs? What on Earth! Does anyone really think of Jay like that? Now, Jay is no angel. He's a typical guy. Pervy, cusses, etc. But, he's not that kind of person either. Jaebums body is so important to him! :lol: He wouldn't be doing drugs that would harm his health and appearance.

And, where and with who, would he get/do drugs from/with? Jaebums friends in Korea are ONEDAY, and maybe a couple of school friends. That's about it. And if he were buying drugs from someone, that person would surely rat it to the media that they had a celebrity buying drugs from them. If that person wanted to save themselves from trouble, they'd say they SAW Jaebum buying from someone. And, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days someone comes out and says that - probably paid by JYPE, to come out with something like that. Again, I won't believe it. Why would someone come out now? It'd be more proof to JYPEs B.S. I have trust in Jaebum, and he's not that kind of kid. And about getting a girl pregnant? Really? Where would he find the time to do all these things? They hardly had time to sleep during the A&A promotions. The boys were always together. Really, all of these accusations just make me believe more and more that JYPE is bs'ing hard in that letter.

For JYPE, to bring up that Jaebum has an even bigger scandal? Are you kidding me? So, if you haven't put him through enough crap - you're dragging his name into dirt, once again? I'm disgusted beyond words. I thought they are suppose to protect their artists? (Or in this case ex-artists...) You don't pull someone down, in order to pick yourself up.

If Jaebum, really did have a scandal. (Which I'm almost positive, this is nothing but a lie! Just look @ all past JYPE artists who left.) Why would JYPE have to come out and tell the media about it? If it happened during the A&A days, wouldn't a fan find out eventually? Something would've surely came up. And since nobody found out, JYPE could take Jaebums confession and sweep it under the rug, and continue with his comeback. Nobody would've ever found out. But, again - the whole "scandal" thing doesn't add up with Jaebums schedule then. So, I'm 99.9% sure, that it's a lie fabricated by this wonderful (sarcasm) company, JYPE. They're trying to make their image better, but they must've not realized that this is only hurting their image, Jaebums image, and 2PMs image.

I hope Jaebum takes legal action for defamation. TOTALLY NOT OK, of JYPE.

I'm going to stop this post here, because I wrote more - but, it's way too long! So, I will post later as a part 2 to what I said here (about the boys [which I'm upset that fans are bashing them] and JYPE)

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Guest xRyuusei

I'm pretty shocked at what happened. There was always a part of me saying that he might not come back but I wanted to stay positive so I believed with all my heart that he would return one day. JYPE sure threw a curveball at us but unfortunately for them, their statement seems to be loaded with lies. I used to be a person who tried to look at things from both perspectives and not be so easily influenced by rumors but after seeing the inconsistencies in JYPE's statement, I'm so sure they're lying. I wish that this whole thing was made up to confuse everyone and that they'll say April fools when that month comes around and secretly bring Jay back to surprise everyone. There were just one too many things that did not add up in their letter. They must be really stupid to think that they could trick everyone. And Jay's comeback would have been a hit for sure. This is a huge loss for JYPE, if they can't see that, then they're extremely blind.

I wonder how the boys are feeling though, probably pretty crappy. If the rumors about them not knowing about Jay's withdrawal is true (I'm thinking it is), then all this flak they're getting is just wrong :/ They lost someone so important but some people are just completely disregarding their feelings. I don't really know what to think of 2PM anymore. I guess I'll support the boys (not JYPE) because they're probably hurting more than we are and need all the support they can get.

We can make it through this everyone! I get the feeling this is far from over.

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Guest mooness

It's nearly down to 5 digits on naver =(


I don't understand why JYP would try do something like this, why are they destroying the group? They're experts in this field and have professional PR agents around. They obviously knew that the fans would be outraged and they'll be massive backlash, yet they still went ahead. Hope the members are okay :(

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Guest mika.16

Apparently the boys & managers had no idea of the announcement.

JYPE purposely made THEM look bad (turning their back on their brother)

& suddenly announced the news when all the boys were busy with personal schedules.

JYPE is a dirty business,

theyre tarnishing Jay's name...

and also the other 6 boys too.

This is definitely not the end,

I dont think Hottest (or even PDs, staff) will stop until the truth comes out

or Jay speaks up himself...

OH and isnt it great timing that they release the news a day before Kim Yuna's performance??????

To bury the news up quickly jesus.

At first I thought MAYBE JYPE was telling the truth this time,

but no more..

i dont trust them... i dontthink anyone does.

Their media play has gone too far.

HOTTEST are down to 277 061,

thats 12, 242 LOST since i first checked 24 hours ago...

HWANSANG (Prob the 2nd largest fancafe)

is down to 102 108.

I dont have the original number, but its def decreased from my memory.

Anyone have original numbers?

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Guest stardope

finally calmed down...err...lil bit... but...

I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing they do is to disband the boys...

really...right after the boys said something bout jay... giving hopes to the fans...

and BAM... the boys agreed to let jay go or in other words....kicked out!!

puh-leeaseee!!! seriously... WTH????

and I don't believe that celebrities do not have bad records... all humans have...

they said it will create another big social controversy?

how come they say that when the problem's not even known yet... they could try to protect it from leaking out FIRST

and the k-hottest...yup... they hv the right to be angry bout this...

of course they're mad to other members who were said 'betrayed' their ledja...

it came from a reliable source... who wouldn't be mad??

and of course I feel sorry to the other boys... they maybe tell them not to say anything about jay...

but they kept saying his name all the time... I guess the boys really are innocent bout this...

well... I don't know what to believe anymore...

I don't even believe that junsu was having rhinitis surgery...lol

and taec's and junsu's cyworld thinggy...why would he closed his cyworld?? especially when he's known as OKtizen...Junsu's in bed rest bcos of the surgery right?? how he get online??? they forced them to do that???probably... it's like all happened just when the boys are too busy to do something bout it... yeahhh..the timing is sooo damn right...

what would u feel if u were told that u betrayed someone who is dear to u???

what would u feel if u were told that u made a HUGE mistake and all people u care turned ur backs against u and destroy ur dream???

and do u want to stay at a place that they said was a family,,, but in the end make u do or say things that make ur brothers and urself hurt for the sake of fame and fortune????

yuppp it's a hard decission when ur dreams are on stake,,, and yeahhh... the ones that make u to choose is who they called FAMILY...

yeah.... I guess I was fooled from the beginning to think that they really are one family... but I guess business is just business right??

Just like I said before...I do love them very very much... but if they still under that kind of company... I just feel sorry for them... deeply sorry... I hope they still hv their good souls... may God be with them... and I hope they hv all the supports from their loved ones...

sorry it's kinda long... I just hv to let it out this time... again...lol

and I'm very curious bout what happens tmmrw at the press conference thing... I hope it'll clear everything...

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Damn, I feel really bad for the 6 members. They must be thinking, "Did we only have fans because of jay? Were we only popular because of him?" They probably feel really hopeless right now.

And to those who believe that the other members really "turned their backs" on jay, you must be really stupid.

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Guest jae90ful

this is hot issue....

behalf of cassies.....i want PARK JAE BUM back!!!plzzz bring him back...

anyway i saw a placard of jaebum at the end of mubank live today...yeh some hottest make move


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Guest avchuck


^@nubby: Nah, the boys are prolly thinking "Why the HELL did I sign a contract with this company?" Since it's JYP/E that placed the blame on them along with Jay in their statement in an attempt to clean their image. However, they only ended up making themselves look like completely incompetent liars.

^@jae90ful: Here's the cap:


cr. twooneday (twitter) http://twitpic.com/15erlw

It says "We're sorry, Jaebum leadja. We are."

Check this too: http://twitpic.com/15et0l

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