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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I’ve been following this thread even before the chaos, but I seldom post. Now here’s my two cents on what’s happening between us.

I definitely agree with skelly that all of us are hurting and want to know what’s behind the curtains, it’s just that we deal with life differently. The phrase ‘Love and Respect’ might be over used but this is what we really need between us. Yes this fan base is divided but if we only learn to keep an open mind and not argue about one’s opinion, we can work this out. No need to separate the fans, it’ll provoke more differences and hatred between us.

And on the issue about Jay’s friends, while I understand that these fans might want a direct response from him or something else to elaborate his answers. I hope that these people considered respecting him. Jay’s situation is a very sensitive one, and we don’t want any of his friends get in trouble because of answering these questions. Some of the members of his crew and friends opened a window for us to peek into Jay’s life and we’re thankful for that. But looks like some fans want a “bigger window” instead. Let’s not test their patience; they might close this “window” again.

I’m not pointing fingers on anyone, but I think mentioning the friend’s name, posting a print screen of his reply, and doing things related to this are waaaay out of line. Even if the account is public, you guys know that fans can get crazy and throw questions on him. Treat him as “reliable source” just like how other people have “insider information”. I can’t really explain but I hope some got my point. Besides what’s the difference of the ‘sources’ or ‘insiders’ some are protecting from Jay’s friend? If we truly want to protect Jay, we also have to protect Jay’s friends.

Respect everyone, remember this.

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Guest abcdana

i dont think its too far off to say that there will be many fans leaving and continuing to boycott if jaebum doesn't come back for this album. and i dont know how much i put into rumors but... if it is true that 2pm started recording without jaebum already, then is there really no hope for his return before april?

does jype have to see that 2pm wont do very well with this next album (because of all the controversy, fans leaving, and all the competition from other groups and solo artists) before they bring him back? i..reallly reallly hope not.

oh geez. i want to erase all of this entry but it is weighing on my mind... and where else can i vent except on a 2pm forum? right?

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Guest kimmytnguyen

i love wooyong in the music drama. he looks really hot. too bad he wasnt on scene as much as the other guys. =/

^^love the epic moment. =)

he's my favorite member now.

i still believe in the boys even with all these drama going on. i think all of them have talent and to go against them just because of what jyp is doing, isnt right. 2pm all the way.<3

oh can someone have wooyoung spam? i need his picture for my new desktop. hehe

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Guest binbon_lonton

okie, if Jay never returns, i think "HOTTEST" (7 letters) should be changed to "HOTTER" (6 letters)...

and of course, I'm a HOTTEST!!! never change~

So, we (who love 2PM-7) must fight to keep the word "HOTTEST" forever~...

Hwaittin' HOTTEST! :x

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Guest lady_bug


2PM Jaebum's Performance at a B-Boy Competition Exposes His Longing for the Fans

It has become a hot topic after people belatedly found out that 2PM’s Jaebum showed how much he misses the Korean fans at a b-boy competition in Seattle.

On the January 31st, Jaebum participated in a b-boy competition hosted in Seattle with his crew AOM. Because AOM won at “Winter Night," a competition held in December, they got to enter this highly competitive contest. Jaebum changed clothes three times and wore many different articles of clothing including a white t-shirt, a black t-shirt, and a jacket.

The clothes he wore that night were presents sent to Jaebum by the Korean fans. Through 2PM’s fancafe and Youtube, the fans that saw Jaebum b-boying showed particular interest and said, “Jaebum is using this performance to show the fans how much he misses them and how grateful he is for them.” Recently, an AOM member wrote on his twitter, “I think Jaebum wants to go back to Korea. What is the situation like in Korea?” catching the attention of fans.

Hottests, 2PM’s fanclub, are planning to strongly demand for Jaebum’s return to JYP Entertainment. They are going to turn in an official inquiry insisting on Jaebum’s return and depending on JYPE’s response, Hottests are planning on b******ing everything involving 2PM. They are also considering returning the albums that they have bought. One Hottest said, “We are gathering questions for the official inquiry to turn in to JYP on the 12th. There will be questions regarding Jaebum’s return and there will also be questions regarding JYP’s insensitive attitude towards Jaebum after he left.”

In response to this, a JYP representative said, “We were able to communicate with the [Wonder Girls’] fanclub after Sunmi’s decision to halt her activities and resolved the misunderstanding. We are planning on doing our best to sincerely answer the 2PM fanclub’s inquiry.” He also said, “There are many things that the fans have misunderstood. A direct example would be the rumor that the company told Jaebum not to participate in the b-boy competition in America,” and added, “Through the inquiry and [our] reply, this will be an opportunity to communicate peacefully.”

Reporter Lee Donghyun [kulkuri7@joongang.co.kr]

Take out with full credits. There shouldn't be any removal or addition to the credits.



HOTTEST, We need UNITY to fight for our leadja. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS CAUSE. I finally have hope that this matter will get resolve if we follow through. This reporter and the translator is KING WANG JJANG.

Sorry I had to edit one word because we can't use it here.

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Guest chocolateanh


and one quote of a boycotting Korean fan for you guys:

" We are not doing this because we hate the six, we are doing this because we love the seven "

2PM= 7..Always and Forever

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Guest entermuriel

oh my god dude... Junho's dance was so good! while i was watching it, i was like this :o

this first thing he did, the flips, and i was immediately blown away...

i was like "holy cow... that was amazing!" and i couldn't stop smiling lmfao

i mean, dayum Junho, i can tell you've been practicing hard!

like some have said already, i can see Jay has made his way in Junho's dancing skills.

in a way i can say Junho is feeling the Jayness lmfao x]

i'm pretty sure that Jay would be proud :D

and his footwork in this part:

man... was that cool or what?! i don't know, i just pay a lot of attention to footwork for some reason.

maybe cause i like looking at shoes... btw, Junho's shoes are nice~ and his pants go well with the shoes... or vice versa lol

Junho is so freaking cool... i have no idea why he's so underrated... he's freaking awesome in my opinion lmao


on another note... i'm not going to talk about how Hottest are divided and blah blah blah. i just want to share my viewpoint and where exactly is it that i stand in this whole thing, maybe there are others who are in the same position, maybe there's none. it's okay if you skip over this ^_^

personally, i've been Jay biased for a long while, way before this whole fiasco happened. did i love Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung? of course! right now, do i love them still the same after all of this happened? not really... i think i love them even more than i did before. [by love i hope people understand that i don't mean love love, but another kind of love... nothing super duper deep... but love nonetheless? understandable? i hope so lol]

i am one of the fans that believe 2PM = 7 = 1. do i believe in 7 - 1 = 0? i do not. is there a difference between those two? trust me... there is. but i won't get into that. my point is, even if one of them leaves [god forbid] they will always be 7 to me. no matter what. i will continue on supporting 2PM until they are no longer part of this world... or at least the kpop world that is.

anyways, continuing with this, although i am one of those "2PM = 7" Hottest, someone earlier mentioned [sorry i don't remember the user name T-T] that most of the Hottest that fall in this "category" are all the same. believe me, we're not. like i said before, i am one of those Hottest who believe is 2PM = 7 = 1... but i wouldn't really say that i act the same way as what most people think these fans act like. while some of them, if not most, are like "if Jay doesn't come back i won't like 2PM anymore", i'm more like "if Jay doesn't come back, i'll be sad, it won't be the same but i'll still support 2PM no matter what" does it mean that i want Jay back any less than them? not all. you guys have no idea how much i want him to be back already. but can i wait more than these five months that already passed and still believe that he might be back and at the same time keep on supporting the rest of 2PM? hell to the yeah. in a way, five months feel like a long time, but i know it isn't and i know that in a way i'm going to be doing a whole lot of waiting still. patience is a virtue ladies and gentlemen. until i don't hear/read anything official or legitimate i will still believe that there's a chance that he will be back. positive thinking brings positive outcomes. JYPE hasn't said anything yet? silence is golden. to me, their silence in a way brings me hope, because they haven't said that he's not coming back at all. bad news (should) travel faster than good news. although, i would also like to have a definite answer, i don't mind their silence and the waiting. now, in the meantime, i'm showing my support to Jay AND Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. doing what? taking part in all the projects that are going on right now. these projects are in most part pretty harmless and peaceful, yet they make their message be heard, through pictures, post-its, letters, etc etc. i think these projects are making more noise that anything else, and it's what JYPE is noticing the most in my opinion. what has been done before didn't really work right? like someone once said in here, why repeat the same tactic that didn't work before? there are other ways that are more peaceful but that send the message just as loud and clear as the past tactic, if not more.

i won't go too deep about what other Hottest are doing. i respect them and anything that they do. if they've already decided they'll leave the fandom if Jay doesn't come back next album, i respect them. in the end, if Jay doesn't come back to this album, he might come back in the next one perhaps? most likely all those fans that are saying are leaving will come back once Jay does it too. i feel sorry for them, but i respect them nonetheless ya know. i sympathize with them, i actually understand where they're coming from and why they're doing this, but it doesn't mean i fully agree with what they're doing. although in a way i am helping them since i've never ever bought anything from JYPE... unintentional help i guess? lol

i think most of us are doing what we can to show our support and that we want Jay back, but we're doing it in different ways. the end justifies the mean the end = Jay coming back | the mean = that, projects, etc.

in order for this fandom to maintain itself, there needs to be RESPECT. i think we've already come to the conclusion that many of us have different opinions. i always read LOVE&RESPECT... but in a way i feel some people don't follow it. fans don't necessarily have to love each other, the love part mostly goes towards the members of 2PM, what we need to have the most is respect among us and the members.

to wrap this up, i don't believe in 6PM [that name has always rubbed me the wrong way, if anything i prefer 1:59PM in way T-T], i don't believe in 7 - 1 = 0. i believe in 2PM and 7 = 1. i hope some people share my thoughts and feelings and realize there's a difference with these names. i'm still letting JYPE know i want Jay back and 2PM to be 7 again.

honestly, i had doubts about posting this. i've read it over and over again to make sure i'm not offending anyone or pushing my opinions to others. it's really hard T-T i just want people to understand that right now there's no white or black, there's no right or wrong, there are many people that fall in the gray area, i'm one of those.

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Guest cheezychunnie


Story from a VIP in Seattle

Wednesday, February 10 2010 Written by Mim

**This story is takern from VIP (Big Bang's fans) webboard, written by a VIP girl who lives in Seattle and went to bboy battle where Jay attened.


Steven (her acquaintance) said the 2pm jay would join in this battle, so I nagged him to take me over that battle.

It is the first time to see a singer with my own eyes!

This battle place is rather small. Very crowded, oh and the bboying is .....oh so sick so cool.....soooooo coool.

I looked around for jay, and some times later, I could find him besides a Korean girl, with hat. I can recognize him at a glance!

I felt he was a little different from his "Wild Bunny" days. And he was not noticeable, since everyone was the God of Dance.

My sister and Steven were curious about that battle since it was the first time to them. There were a lot of applaud when Jay was dancing. Oh my God! I could see Jay's dance in very close proximity!!!! He was really good, gave an inspired dance! I felt rather a sense of futility since I could see the singer so easily.

AOM was very noticeable, since they wore the uniform. And they were tall. Really coooool.

And there were so many paparazzi to take his photo. I felt sorry for that.......But Jay never saw them! I donno he pretended that he did not care about them.

And after the end of the battle, the autograph session!!!!!!! as soon as the battle ended, people asked AOM to take photos with them, and asked jay to sign. So many girls........but I don't think Jay is cool and nice! he is a little scary......

Well. I felt if I said in Korean, I seem to be a rustic girl to him. So, I asked Steven to get his autograph....Oh I did not have any good paper note so...I got his autograph on small paper......

When Steven got his autograph, I came near to him. He was in sweat, and took off his hat.....oh my God! I wanna be a hottest at that time!

Steven said my name was Julia, so I was surprised! "Julia?" then He saw me!

But he did not correct my name.....His autograph was so simple and wrote "AOM". I was a little embarrassed since he did not write 2pm. So I stared at him. Oh My God! I made eye contact with him!!!!!

Sick!!!!!!!!! oh My God! Cooooooooool. I wrote a diary on that day!~!!!!! how cool his eyes are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I was a little embarrassed, Jay wrote again "2pm Jay" beside the AOM. His handwriting was sooooooooooooo terrible!!!!!! And AOM called Jay, so Jay said to me, In Korean, "Thank you and good bye!"

OK. I am not sure "Thank you" or any other words..but sure, "Good bye!"

I was so embarrassed, but I said to him just I was a real hottest, "Come back Korea!!!!!"

He greeted me with his eyes! Yeah, maybe it's just my imagination? He smiled to me!!!!!!! sorry. anyway, his eyes is soooooooooooo coooooooooooooool.

Did he think that I was a hottest? It is ok; I will be a fan of 2pm from now hahaha.

Source: Bestiz

Credit: Kor-Eng Chinup_Jay@2pmalways.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Coordinator Cassina@2pmalways.com


he wrote 2pm..if JYPE wont bring him back,he would've known n he would never wrote that

on that autograph...i believe he will be back when the time is right...

its only 5 months..if he be back now,antis will said>>>ah..he only need 5 months to reflect himself..

its too short...and they will start attacking Jay..do u guys want that to happen?

wait a lil longer so that Jay can show his sincerity towards korean..he's getting better in his dance skill

other boys also improve...when they will be seven again...2PM will explode...

in a meantime,be patience.....

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Guest sweetVisions

I think we cannot blamed other Hottest that flood steproc's formspring acc regarding with Jay. If JYPE kidda give us some sort of honest answer regarding with Jay then Hottest won't be so desperately finding ways to know what is the real situation.

that's still no excuse. I'm sure that Jay's friends and AOM have other priorities and things to worry about that doesn't involve Jay.

Example: Say you were instant messaging with your friends and having fun, and all of a sudden, some girl you don't know sends you a message or bothers you just to say "OMG! YOUR BROTHER IS SOOOO HOT!". Wouldn't you be annoyed? Because I would.

I'm sure his acquaintances/friends try to be nice to the fans and answer a question here and there. But other fans see it and say "Omg, they're answering questions!" and spam that person. Take a inch, not a mile.


vickysaurus, I died laughing when Wooyoung fell out of that chair. He would make an interesting detective with the ssanti talk (? haha). Like when he goes "AAAAAaaahhhh"


And Junho KILLED in that dance battle. I didn't know bb had it like that. I've been so impressed with his skills during the "Heartbeat" promotions and he still surprises me.

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Guest thegreatbigbang

I know maybe I'm too late on this but I wanna spazz about the CF with YEH.

Man, them 4 are so HOT, H-O,T. Junsu changes 180 degree into a courteous manager. Taek's hair seems not fit for an inspector, but Wooyoung is seriously a big wow with his messy hair plus his acting (though it's short) - plus his jacket reminds me of many inspectors in American movies - the workaholic type. Haha, when he falls of the chair it's so LOL, it's a shame that he has so little camera time since his role is small. I think Khun is not as hot as the others, and he's a player, hehe but still love him. My biased Wooyoung, he looks like a REAL inspector, I mean his acting comes naturally and he doesn't have to act AT ALL, look at how he slaps that man's head & pushes that girl. Taek looks OK but his hair is so stylish for a detective.

This CF definitely beats the Dara & Minho Cass beer one. It's a pity that Junho & Chan can't participate, just like Big Bang films Hite Beer without Seungri. Come on, they're 21 in Korea already. WTF ??

The whole CF/drama is a big UNEXPECTED as well. Watching the teaser, you would think it's a triangle love between Taek, Khun & Eun Hee but it turns out to be totally different. CREEPY isn't it !! Remind me of Big Bang's KM Idol World Drama back then in 2007, the producers let the viewers understand the plot for themselves but it's crystal clear that Seungri was CHOPPED INTO PIECES by a mental girl. Yeah, it's even CREEPIER. But the point is, it's a real drama, not a CF, no music and Big Bang is not HOT as 2PM. But I love them both unconditionally.


About Jay, I don't wanna debate anymore. We believe what we should believe, I just hope for the best.

Edit : Anyway, can anybody plz explain for me why Junho got the nickname "the emperor" & Chan was the "Italian guy", thank you. I watched Idol Army & Wild Bunny already but I don't get when they got that. Did I miss sth ??

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Guest vickysaurus

that's still no excuse. I'm sure that Jay's friends and AOM have other priorities and things to worry about that doesn't involve Jay.

Example: Say you were instant messaging with your friends and having fun, and all of a sudden, some girl you don't know sends you a message or bothers you just to say "OMG! YOUR BROTHER IS SOOOO HOT!". Wouldn't you be annoyed? Because I would.

I'm sure his acquaintances/friends try to be nice to the fans and answer a question here and there. But other fans see it and say "Omg, they're answering questions!" and spam that person. Take a inch, not a mile.


vickysaurus, I died laughing when Wooyoung fell out of that chair. He would make an interesting detective with the ssanti talk (? haha). Like when he goes "AAAAAaaahhhh"


And Junho KILLED in that dance battle. I didn't know bb had it like that. I've been so impressed with his skills during the "Heartbeat" promotions and he still surprises me.

To start off, I totally agree with you.... I can understand WHY Hottest spam AOM members and other bboys about Jaebeom, of course. And I think asking a few questions isn't a problem... Steproc was perfectly okay with answering a few of questions about Jay but then it just got way out of hand! I also agree with others that if JYP would just release an official statement that things wouldn't be the way they are... But I don't think that's an excuse either. We already knew a few of the answers that AOM members gave us regarding Jay and that should have been enough. It's not like steproc, chico, chacha, or hiep know everything that's going on (and if they do, they're not going to tell us). It wasn't right for Hottest to spam like that....

A few of my friends and my boyfriend got spammed. He called me and was like: I got a comment on my formspring and a girl was like I've seen you around the events and talking to jay. do you know him? is he okay?

^ I'm just like... O______o/ =_________________=;;

Anyways, LOL Wooyoung as a dectective would be the funniest thing in the world. He's such a cutieeeeeeeee~ oh my gosh! :D hehe he's my bias ;]


Regarding the fan account... I have a similiar story... well kind of. My friend got his autograph at either Sweet 16 or Fat Laces... and he also signed hers : Jay. AOM. 2PM Jae

:DDD so there's hope!


Some ONEDAY loveee <3



...I think that's Taec he's hugging...



cr: wooyoung.tumblr



Did Jokwon say: "When I think of Jaebeom, I start crying...."?

If he did, when did he say that?

I saw it on tumblr and some people's signatures... :)

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Guest abcdana

agreed- spamming AOM and flooding them with questions about jay and his return was... not a good choice and it's unfair to that crew. im sad that steproc took down his site because, though i never asked him a question, i did like to just peruse through his answers. of course i got excited when i saw answers related to jay but i thought it was also fun to read about his bboy and choreography stuff too~

i was wondering- is writing "2pm jae" a positive sign? couldn't it be because that's how he became famous and he knew that's how people still see him? but i hope you guys are right and this can be seen as another positive sign of good things to come soon!!

until then i'll do what i can to help jaebeom come back! because i also love the seven!

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its only 5 months..if he be back now,antis will said>>>ah..he only need 5 months to reflect himself..

its too short...and they will start attacking Jay..do u guys want that to happen?

why are u so sure about what antis gonna do!

are u one of them ?


By the way, the cass CF Drama was great!

The professional advertising Team have lots of lots of my respect! wow...!

and the interaction between YEH and Khunnie... ... i love this drama!honestly...

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Guest cheezychunnie

why are u so sure about what antis gonna do!

are u one of them ?

wow!!chillax..its juz a presumption like most of did in here..


becoz of u now im not in the mood to share anything..

bye hottest see ya around..better lock myself from making any

opinion or comment or presumption..

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