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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest monkey_hyukkie13

hello everyone!

first time posting here..

just wanna drop this video,not sure this have been shared or not..

but i guess emmm..sweet! 2pm+suju interaction..actually not really..but have lah!!!

donghae+eunhyuk was doing a heartbeat dance at their concert in beijing,


tkut gle post kt cni faez,ntah2 ade org mlayu..anyway..sore chnsung gle(chansung howt!) x sdp!!

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Guest punahime

hi guys

first time posting :blush:

I just wanna say that all Hottest here in Saudi Arabia

are supporting Jay oppa and without one member there is no 2pm

I've been a silent reader .

but an crazy fan so if that JYP didn't bring Jay oppa with him

that will be a serious problem

really people, what take you so much to realize that he just plays with our heart ?

we will wait and see What will happen in the meeting

* To all those who post pictures ?

Can you post the pictures with 7 members only

are not you the one whose saying that 2pm are 1 not 7 or 6 !

This is only a request, so you do whatever you want ...

*sorry for my bad English =^^=

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Guest entermuriel

removed. sorry >.<

check out our new project and keep on sending your post-its messages!!! just click on the links in my signature ^_^

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Guest dfallentears

hello everyone!

first time posting here..

just wanna drop this video,not sure this have been shared or not..

but i guess emmm..sweet! 2pm+suju interaction..actually not really..but have lah!!!

donghae+eunhyuk was doing a heartbeat dance at their concert in beijing,


tkut gle post kt cni faez,ntah2 ade org mlayu..anyway..sore chnsung gle(chansung howt!) x sdp!!

lol awesome i found a malay here :lol:

nape takot jumpe org mlyu kt cni?


haha very brief heartbeat parody there was that eunhae?

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Guest psycho-tic

:D Jay Park's birthday is a day before mine..

I hope he comes back, 2PM's not the same without him - it's almost like DBSK without Jaejoong or Big Bang without G-Dragon D:

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Guest Labacookie

Well, seeing as this thread is pretty dead now, I hope we can bring it back to life by discussing NEW and POSITIVE topics. Can we just move on now please? If you want to discuss banned topics and argue, why not do it in PM or at another forum? It's a shame that this thread had to come to a dead stop for people to realize just how unpopular all this is, or that moderators have to keep marching in here because people blatantly break the rules.

Let's just drop it. Clearly people are tired of the drama related to the controversial issues, which is why they were banned in the first place, and the tension is killing the thread, if a mod doesn't end up locking it first. And it's not fair. This thread used to be so supportive and fun, even when things were upsetting, we were able to talk about them rationally and respectfully. I feel like it was hijacked. It's really not the same thread anymore, and it makes me angry. At what point did things get so out of hand, and why? It shouldn't be like this.

I say enough rumors and enough finger pointing and enough rule breaking. We should be able to discuss actual news and events and share pictures and video. Pretty simple, right? And if a rumor gets posted, rather than freak out, people can decide for themselves whether or not it's the truth, and if we want to discuss it, let's respect one another's opinions, and not get carried away with accusations and name calling. I think maybe that will help bring people back. I hope.

And finally, I think the people who came to Soompi and joined the thread specifically to discuss certain topics that as you can see are not allowed, should please either follow the rules and contribute to discussion or go back to where they came from. We can all agree that the subject of Jay is confusing, and that we're concerned about what's going to happen, and that he means a great deal to us as fans.

But, I think we should also agree that respecting the forum's rules, respecting the peace and livelihood of this thread, and making it a welcome place for EVERYONE, regardless of what side of the issue they stand on is more important. So I say people should let certain issues drop, and or take those issues elsewhere. Don't rule break, don't finger-point, don't bring drama. Is that such a bad idea?

So, new topic to completely change the subject:

Which member is the one most likely to be abducted by aliens? Which member most likely really IS an alien?

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Guest theblazenazn

I know this so off topic but has anyone ever wonder what happened to 2PM's old house we see in Wild Bunny or Let's Stay Here Tonight & other shows? Well, the U-Kiss fanclub members said that they have moved into 2PM's old house/dorm a couple weeks ago. It's been confirmed and you can see on their new show U-Kiss vampire.

I watched the first episode, you can see their old brown leather sofa where Wooyoung & Chansung sleep by is still there. Taec & Junsu's room is emptied out completely, the bunk beds are even gone, there's just a regular bed. The plasma TV that they have is still there though, it probably came with the place as part of the rental. The giant 2PM wallpaper from the 10 out of 10 days in the living room is gone, I hope they saved it for the new place, and it's replaced with a U-Kiss wallpaper. That place will be Forever 7, cuz U-Kiss is also 7 members. Coincidentally, U-Kiss's leader is also a former JYPE trainee.

Here's the Living room, you guys will probably remember it from when 2PM did the interview with the noonas and it was revealed Jay cried every night when he first came to Korea. =(

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This is the last CF before Jay go back to his home town. I miss his smiling face.

Hanami Behind The Scene 1/3


Credit : jirajirojuji (Youtube)

Hanami 2PM Behind The Scene 2/3

Hanami 2PM Behind The Scene 3/3

Credit : trendysnack.com

ahh~ this makes me miss JaeBeom more~

missing his goofy self.. and aww.. they are all laughing and having a good time.

thnks for posting.

i'm actually liking this thread, a little dead but it's alright~

drama-free! yay!

hmmpp, although i'm really missing the boys lately.

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Guest Labacookie


I miss them too, actually. I miss seeing them on music shows.

Wow, so Ukiss is in 2PM's old dorm?! That's very interesting. :D First Mblaq used 2PM's Wild Bunny house and now this. It seems that 2PM is passing along "hand me downs" in the form of living and filming spaces. :lol:

Whoops, topped a page. I guess I can share a couple pics:

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Which member is the one most likely to be abducted by aliens?

Wooyoung. I don't know why but I have a feeling he'd enjoy it too! : )

Which member most likely really IS an alien?

Khun! His head is so small and his face is so beautiful and he's really kind and I don't think someone could be so perfect! xD

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Guest Endoh666

Which member is the one most likely to be abducted by aliens?

Lol I don't know what everyone else thinks about this whole situation, but I'm pretty sure the reason JYPE hasn't told us whether or not Jay is coming back is because Jaebeom has been abducted by aliens. For realz, dog. They've been making him do solo concerts on their planet and they plan on kidnapping the rest of 2oneday mid-feb. That's the REAL d-day.....^_^ <3

Which member most likely really IS an alien?

Taekyeon. Honestly, what other person on this planet can be as greasy as him? Pshhh And his ears? >_< He was definitely in on the Jay-kidnapping too, just so he could become leader for awhile. lol

I have a fun survey question for everyone....Imagine 2PM as a girl-group. Who do you think would make the cutest girl?

Honestly, I think Chansung would be the cutest because he seems like he would be really spunky and I can imagine a tall, leggy girl with cute pigtails. lol

Nickhun and Junho would be the sweet, shy type of girls, I think. And then, Junsu would be constantly worrying about her makeup and outfit, while Taek would be the slob/exact opposite of Junsu. Jay would be spunky and adorkable like Chansung, and Woo would be the quiet, badass type of girl that looks like she gets in fights alot. lol But that's just what I see.

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Guest ohsnapitsdani


can someone tell me the hsitory of both of these pictures? Which one is fan made, are they both, or was one really for the 1:59 album! id really like to know(:


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can someone tell me the hsitory of both of these pictures? Which one is fan made, are they both, or was one really for the 1:59 album! id really like to know(:





hey there..those pics are fanmade..^^" they didn't really include Jay in the jacket pics~ but the power of the fans and their Phoshopping skills..LOLZ Awesome~

Nice question here..

Imagine 2PM as a girl-group. Who do you think would make the cutest girl?

for me~

I'd say Nickhun will make the cutest girl~ he already look like a cute girl in some photos few pages back..LOLZ he look so cute

Jay would be those hot sexy type of leader..imagine (HyunAh/GaHi) SEXAYY!! and spunky..

JunSu would be the pretty one..very cautious bout makeup and such..always perfect...

JunHo would be the smiling angel like he is..imagine (Tiffany)..he's got that image..

WooYoung would be the quiet one..calm and collected but sometimes acting aegyo in front of guys...

Taec would be the CF queen of the group~ LOLZ! he's prominent features if put as a girl~ would be hot too!!

ChanSung would be the cool magnae that all the guys drool on..very modellish and leggy~nice bod and looks Italian too!!

Ah~HAHAH~! this really brightens the day!~ cute to imagine how they would be as girls...2PM FTW!!


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