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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest PunchNine

In regards to the most recent rumour...

...If it does become a reality...

I'd still support Jay no matter what. I'll support him 10x more than back when he was in 2PM.

I'm still going to participate in the movement and write to Jay/JYPE

... going to cross my fingers and pray until JYPE releases something official

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I wasn't sure if this was posted before... but guess who's the new female MC for SBS Inkigayo?

It will be Sulli from F(x). She will be hosting along with Taecyeon & Wooyoung starting from Feb. 7th.

Can't wait to see it~


[투데이코리아=손수정 기자]걸그룹 F(x) 멤버 설리가 SBS음악프로그램'인기가요' MC로 새로운 모습을 선보인다.

설리는 오는 2월 7일부터 탤런트 하연주 후임으로 SBS '인기가요' 에서 2PM 우영, 택연과 진행에 나선다.

28일 ‘인기가요’ 관계자는 한 언론을 통해 "설리가 새 MC로 확정됐다"며 "오는 2월 7일 방송부터 MC 하연주 후임으로 설리가 나온다.밝고 명랑한 성격이라 ‘인기가요’와 잘 맞을 것 같다"고 전했다.


Sulli, member of female group F(x), is the new MC for SBS Inkigayo. Starting from Feb.7th, 2010, Sulli will be replacing Ha Hyeon Ju and will be hosting SBS Inkigayo with Taecyeon & Wooyoung. She has a bright personality which will match with the show.

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Guest fattie8701

i beg of all of you guys please stop with the one liners... Edward already warned us about this.So please it wont take long to add something anything to your posts! Just NO ONE LINERS!!!!!!

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^Umm, you should really start living in the PRESENT not the PAST. It's over, what's done is done and that's that!

Hmm, ya I agree w/ silence... we should support the other 6, and forget about Jay! He's not even part of 2PM anymore, so please quit bringin' him up! You don't see me talking about Hyuna in the Wonder Girls thread, do you? NO. Great news about the sponsors! Congrats to JYP. :D

Please do not discuss other artists in this thread.

Thank you so much x'DDDDDDDDDDD

Please do not spam.

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Guest froditobolson

Hi to everyone!!

I want to share a draw I have just finish!!!

It is a little gift to the international forum of 2oneday but I want to share here also ^^

Now, we have to keep the faith and believe that the 7 members will be one soon ^^


P.D. I had a little watermark T__T forgive me.

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Guest park_eunkyung


I know a few bboys myself. My boyfriend is one... he told me about this really big event coming up in march that he's super psyched about and really needs to train for. ( i live in seattle) I asked which crews were going to be there and he listed a couple of them and said Art of Movement would attend. He said he had heard that our leader was signed up to battle... if that battle is in March.... and he's still here... then that means he's not coming back... I got really upset and slipped into the conversation: Isn't 2PM's album coming out in April. He needs to record with them doesn't he? And my boyfriend replied: i'm not so sure... someone said his contract is in the process on termination.

This is what my boyfriend has told me.... and so obviously it's not an official statement. however with all the rumors circulating before i heard this... i feel like this is true. :(


I feel like crying.

But whoever you are, you TROLL, how the heck can you tell us to forget about Jaebeom? Even if he leaves, he will always be a part of 2PM.

So why don't you go back to your 4minute thread.... =______________________=;;

Not much hope left in me, but hey guys, cheer up a little :)miracles can happen.

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Guest bert263

All I want to know is why fans are so stubborn and insistent on Jaebum's return to only 2PM? Why not support him in his return to singing as a solo singer, or a dancer, or an actor? Why must it have to be 2PM? Why can't fans voiced their protest on his return only (they could write other companies to hire him?) instead of voicing their hatred on JYPE?

People keep saying that 2PM is a family and that's why they must stick together...but people had also said once that JYPE was a family too but look how dis-functional JYPE is. Couldn't it be possible that 2PM itself might also be dis-functional too and the other members of 2PM really do dislike all of this attention that Jay's getting like that one article that I read on 2oneday? Because really, they can't show hatred, jealousy, or greed to the public through those variety shows. All we see is whatever they want us to see. Who knows..they all probably don't get along.

Honestly, I don't want Jaebum to return if JYPE really did have a hand in forcing him to leave. If he did return under those circumstances, can you even imagine the tension between him and the JYPE staff? I, myself, wouldn't want to return to a company knowing that they did that to me. I would resent them...isn't it possible Jaebum also resents them and probably wouldn't want to return to his company...or Korea at all because of what he went through?

edit: btw I'm a huge Khun and Wooyoung fan, if JYPE did that to them I wouldn't want them to return to 2PM or JYPE, they are too good for them. I would like to see them in a company that can treat them better. I wouldn't want them to return to the very same reason that caused them pain and hurt.

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bert263, the main reason fans want Jay to return to 2PM is that at various times and places, this is what Jay, the other members, and JYP have all expressed as their desire. In not just variety shows, but in thousands of pictures and thousands of hours of footage the boys have shown in words and body language that they care about one another - no one is THAT good of an actor, and for many months everyone said that one of the refreshing things about 2PM was how little 'styled,' they were, that they were allowed to show their true selves, smelly socks, teasing, gluttony, and all. They sure looked like family to me.

So one of the things that makes it so difficult is that we all did see true affection. As for it being "better" if Jay stays in Seattle, or takes up a solo career, or does any of the many other possible thing open to him - in a way, yes, it would be "better" in that it would be easier. Fans and Koreans would no longer be dragged through a combination of anguish, embarrassment, and personal reflection. Jay could spend the rest of his life comfortably tucked away in Seattle, where people love him, forgave him, and are eager to move on.

But then, that would be the end of the story, and the antis would have their final victory. They didn't get the suicide that they wanted, but they got the next best thing, he's out of Korea for many years at least. So on to the next idol or celebrity, and maybe they can hound that one to suicide. Where does it all end? And if I were a Korean-American, I would think twice - or maybe three times - about returning to Korea for anything other than a vacation. After all, look how Jay Park was treated. Any time there are difficulties with foreigners in Korea, this is going to be brought up, and it won't make the Koreans look too good.

The reason that people are so upset with JYPE is not so much because this happened in the first place - although tragically, it could have been easily prevented - but because the company failed to protect Jay, failed to support him, led the fans on with hints and campaigns about Jay's possible return, but, ultimately, are going to bow to the sponsor dollars, avoid any more nativistic furor from Koreans, and try their best to pretend that Jay never existed. I know a lot of people feel sorry for JYPE, but tell me, what one thing has that company done right, in regards to Jay's situation, since September 4, 2009? JYPE has preserved the group, as well as possible, with the remaining 6 members - so don't feel too bad for them, either; at least professionally, they are riding high.

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Guest Dipyramidal

Good news everybody!

2pm sold about 52k for their album in just a few short months. I'm sure

we'll reach 60k sooner or later =)


Congratulations! The chart is arranged in the number of albums sold in 2010, not 2009

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All I want to know is why fans are so stubborn and insistent on Jaebum's return to only 2PM? Why not support him in his return to singing as a solo singer, or a dancer, or an actor? Why must it have to be 2PM? Why can't fans voiced their protest on his return only (they could write other companies to hire him?) instead of voicing their hatred on JYPE?

People keep saying that 2PM is a family and that's why they must stick together...but people had also said once that JYPE was a family too but look how dis-functional JYPE is. Couldn't it be possible that 2PM itself might also be dis-functional too and the other members of 2PM really do dislike all of this attention that Jay's getting like that one article that I read on 2oneday? Because really, they can't show hatred, jealousy, or greed to the public through those variety shows. All we see is whatever they want us to see. Who knows..they all probably don't get along.

Honestly, I don't want Jaebum to return if JYPE really did have a hand in forcing him to leave. If he did return under those circumstances, can you even imagine the tension between him and the JYPE staff? I, myself, wouldn't want to return to a company knowing that they did that to me. I would resent them...isn't it possible Jaebum also resents them and probably wouldn't want to return to his company...or Korea at all because of what he went through?

edit: btw I'm a huge Khun and Wooyoung fan, if JYPE did that to them I wouldn't want them to return to 2PM or JYPE, they are too good for them. I would like to see them in a company that can treat them better. I wouldn't want them to return to the very same reason that caused them pain and hurt.

First of all, I can only answer your questions from my point of view. I can't speak for anyone else. But here are my reasons for wanting Jay Park to return to 2PM. And I will admit beforehand that they are selfish. I never said that Jay was my favorite, maybe if this was Woo I'd be less selfish and let him go, but it's not Woo we're talking about, it's Jay.

All I want to know is why fans are so stubborn and insistent on Jaebum's return to only 2PM?

For me, Group 2PM was the funnest, funniest, most charismatic and most powerful on stage when Jay was with them. I've watched stuff with just the 6 of them, whether it be interviews or performances, and the most that they've managed to get out of me was a soft chuckle, even in my best-mood days when I am less concerned with Jay's return. And their performance for HB promotions don't wow me as much as their performances when Jay was there. (and this may very much be a personal preference thing, because I don't really get wowed by taec's pecs nor Jay's abs, but I was impressed with the smoothness and swag that Jay adds to their performances.) As a group, the performance impressiveness decreases without Jay, just because he's a sick dancer and a good/stable vocalist. Not because any of the other members DECREASE in value w/o him, but because he ADDS value to the group when he's there. I hope that makes sense. To me, they're just not as "cool" as a group without Jay. Maybe 2PM was always supposed to have a 7 member dynamic, and maybe I'm just thinking that Jay is irreplaceable b/c I've never seen someone else in the group. But for me, from what I've seen so far, without Jay, to me, they're just not as entertaining as 2PM. (Please note that I am not taking away the personal skills of any other members in this reply, Junsu's voice is still as smooth, Wooyoung's wit is still as sharp, and Junsu's face still looks like Bi, but I mean that COLLECTIVELY, Junsu+junho+chansung+wooyoung+taec+khun are not as entertaining and amusing as Junsu+junho+chansung+wooyoung+jay+taec+khun.)

So in conclusion, the reason I think why Jay should be back in 2PM is because when all 7 of them are together, that's when they bring me the most viewing pleasure. It's a selfish reason, sure, but as as fan/viewer/consumer, this is how I feel.

Couldn't it be possible that 2PM itself might also be dis-functional too and the other members of 2PM really do dislike all of this attention that Jay's getting like that one article that I read on 2oneday?

Sure, this is possible. Anything is possible. For all we know, Woo might actually really be a girl too like their parody on that award show.

As a fan/consumer/viewer, in the end, it's not really my responsibility to make sure if they love each other within the group. To me, I just want to see the group that was the most interesting/entertaining. And for me, that's not the 6 member formation 2PM, that's why I think they need to bring Jay back. I'm sure a lot of people may think that this is selfish but then again, I can't help it if the 2PM now doesn't entertain me as much. As a fan/viewer, I don't OWE it to them to keep liking them if they aren't impressing me with what they're showing me.

And personally, I don't think that 2PM members hate each other or Jay. The way I see it, 2PM became a truly nation-wide known name after that Jay incident got blown out of proportions in the media. People who didn't normally pay attention to 2PM and idols started to pay attention to them because they probably wanted to know who the heck these people are that were monopolizing the news portal headlines for a good month.

To put it slightly harshly, 2PM owes it to Jay that they are as known as they are today. In terms of "image value," Jay's remarks that got him in trouble actually did not hurt any of the other members one bit because Jay withdrew so quickly and left without leaving any traces behind. So far right now, Jay's actual leave doesn't seem to have a negative image impact on the members of 2PM either. But we'll see how that goes in the future. Whether or not the members are truly hurting inside because of Jay's leave is as unknownst to me as it is to you. I kind of think they are hurt, just because Wooyoung cried like a little girl when they won that first award at the end of the year. But, that's all up to personal interpretation.

And about Jay returning to JYPE after their awful handling of his situation...

The thing is that the people Jay works with on a daily basis: the managers, the codis, the stylists, the music producers and technicians, the training coaches, these people are probably all not involved with the administrative decision making (JYP excluded, although he's a music producer, i'm sure he has like 1 vote in the board meetings too.) Anyways, these people (codis, managers, stylists, drivers, etc) are the hired help. They are the salary earning staff of the company. And I don't think these people will resent Jay, because again, Jay's return will not threaten their job or salary. On the other hand, the powerful people in the company, ie. the businessmen of the company, who may be worried about company stock value and etc, Jay probably has very little contact w/ these people on a working relationship. They probably only see Jay in passing at the office, or when they are making some type of announcement.

So while it may be awkward for Jay to deal with the businessmen of the company, I dont think he'll find his daily working environment to be drastically changed from before. And as for the business people, they just care if Jay can make them money or not. If Jay comes back and sales go up and all these sponsors come after him, the business people will treat him like a golden goose. So... in this perspective, I believe it's all about the money.

Which brings me to the point that I'm sure you're all sick of hearing from me, but seeing as how the kHOTTESTs are staging a large-scale protest on the 31st, us iHOTTESTs who really can't go protest with them can only do what we can do. Which is send supportive letters for Jay's return to JYP.

Here is JYP USA's mailing address:

110 East 31st Street

New York, NY 10016-6809

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Guest yoosufan

It is only truly hitting me now that his aspiring career may be coming to an end after 4 measly days, DAYS, of internet bashing.

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Guest lec8504

thank goodness no one is going the route of boycotting the boys new album YET.

Not following JYP on Twitter and sending letters to JYP is a good thought....I've already unfollowed JYP and now I'm working on my letter. I'll support demonstrations like these...who have somewhat of a positive vibe...and doesn't hurt the 6 boys.

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Guest teukiie

It seems like will not be able to see 2PM’s Taecyeon and SNSD’s Yoona having a relationship with each other on the upcoming Family Outing Season 2.

On January 28th, the PD of the show said “I know that fans are highly anticipated to see a loveline between Taecyeon and Yoona on the show, but there will be nothing like that whatsoever.”

He then said, “There will be no loveline, but they will be shown as good friends to the public. While we were filming, shooting only the two of them looked so beautiful, but there was no reason to create a loveline between the two.”

Fans expected the two to have a cute loveline because of their couple stage at the 2009 MBC Gayo Daejun, as well as the rumors about them wearing couple rings and dating.

As per netizens speculations that they two were dating, Taecyeon denied it saying, “It’s just for business.”

The PD is making the right choice, as the loveline would just create anti-fans for both of them.

But who knows? The two might develop a loveline naturally… at least we hope so!

Source: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/01/taecyeon-an...outing-season-2

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JYP – Discussion about Jaebum’s return?

‘Countdown to Jaebum’s return?’

It seems as though the return of Jaebum, who left 2PM, will turn into reality. This idea was brought up as a high-rank associate of JYPE left on the 29th to go to America. One associate said ‘Seattle was included in the plans of this high-rank JYPE associate’s business trip to America. It is said that they will discuss various opinions about Jaebum’s future plans. It is estimated that it will be a place to tune both sides’ opinions about his comeback.’

The associate concerned added a visit to Seattle, where Jaebum is, to their business trip schedule involving JYP’s international business, which includes going to various important cities of the US. It was a decision made to go see him. It has been known that this associate with meet not just Jaebum but his family, as well as share opinions about various subjects including his recent condition. Just in time, Jaebum had competed in B-boy competitions and won following his seclusion, and since he has finished warming up for his return, much interest falls on this meeting.

After both sides’ underwater activity (T/N: When things are happening ‘underground’, below official knowledge) was known of, it is expected that his return project will flood over uncontrollably. From the first album, which proceeded sans Jaebum, 2PM’s activities placed them at the top of the scene of pop. The group showed its sturdiness at various awards ceremonies by receiving many important awards. If Jaebum’s return becomes reality through this meeting, it is estimated that 2PM will have the power to easily overtake any competition in the business.

It seems as though in the background of this meeting, the fact that JYPE has realised that the direction of the public’s opinion is swaying rather seriously has been taken into account. JYPE has consistently reported thus far that ‘Jaebum’s return will be to 2PM’. Even so, fans have been sensitive to the course of action regarding Jaebum, due to various groundless rumours. Recently a ‘complete seclusion’ story has been brought up, increasing fans’ worries. Additionally was the news that Wonder Girls’ Sunmi is to stop activities, affecting the hearts and minds of fans around JYP in a negative light.

It is predicted that the decision to visit Seattle was made by JYPE, bearing in mind the confutation of the public they must face if Jaebum’s return does not happen. Fans and people of the business world alike are intently showing interest in both sides’ discreet meeting, and whether it will create a dramatic turn of events.

Source: ankooki.com, Kor-Eng summary by Janne@2PM-online.com, Coordinator: Cassina@2PM-online.com

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