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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest summer_night

I think you don't get the point of it. Is not about making them cry.

It's just a way to voice an opinion, that's all.

i think you don't get the point of what i mean.

JYPE already knows that hottest are mad and sad.

why do you want to provoke them again?

and seriously, who cares about twitter and fb followers? JYPE doesnt, for sure.

but i just want to say again that i'm not a anti-fan. i love 2PM. and i respect all the things that hottest already have done.

but when i read comments by people who say you're an anti if you don't boycott... that's not true.

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Guest falling5tar

How can we get through to the public? Another demonstration? a silent protest? What to do? I hate being in this limbo...

Not a huge fan of 2pm, but I was thinking maybe you guys can ask/convince Khottests to put up a newspaper ad in Korea asking for the public's support or something of that nature? I know ads cost a lot but I'm sure international hottests are willing to help pay (through paypal or some other means). Also, can you put fliers up in public places in Korea?

[EDIT] Going along the same lines as the newspaper ad, maybe a radio ad as well?

Haha, i dunno. Just throwing out some ideas

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Guest purpurkisses

let's not forget about the boys who also needs our support as well...

afterall, we r hottests that support 2PM!


see k-hottests?

i believe is underground that donated by name of jaebum ^_^



jaebum, be healthy and strong!!!

u r so damn lucky to have hottests as fans!

treasure all the loves that we gave u and love urself even more!!!

u r the true leadja!!!




khunnie, i hope u r doing ok with the filming of movie... do your best and i know u will not disappoint us!

wooyounggie, MC-ing should be an easy job for u... i just hope to see ur cheerful self back again ^_^ continue to work hard!

kim bo peep, no news from u recently except ur birthday party with taec and junho! happy birthday! i hope to listen your own song in the near future!!!


chansung, u r so quiet these day... hope to see u on TV soon! whether is it variety show or what... just come out! LOL! stop hiding in the closet!


very busy, mr oktizen!!

no wonder u r not updating ur cyworld lately...

nvm, i prefer u get more rest than updating that cyworld in the middle of night!

u r not 2AM who sing in the night!!!


work hard for all those new projects u have on hand!!

i m seriously anticipating ur acting in the drama!!!

i still cannot believe u r cast in a drama and i m going to see u being somebody...

work hard, stay healthy and strong!


junho ahz... i think u r pretty good at mc-ing... since the lady mc from inkigayo left, perhaps u, taec and wooyoung can be mc trio...

seen or unseen?

for CF... i m looking forward for CASS MV!!!


all pics credits to {全天候}2AM·2PM中文后援会

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Guest tifaross

Not a huge fan of 2pm, but I was thinking maybe you guys can ask/convince Khottests to put up a newspaper ad in Korea asking for the public's support or something of that nature? I know ads cost a lot but I'm sure international hottests are willing to help pay (through paypal or some other means). Also, can you put fliers up in public places in Korea?

[EDIT] Going along the same lines as the newspaper ad, maybe a radio ad as well?

Haha, i dunno. Just throwing out some ideas

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I had done what i could at this moment, the YT and twitter thing.. & left some messages to JYP/E... Although in my heart, i know jolly well that this probably isn't going to knock any sense into JYPE. i had tried what i could as a IHottest..

Frustrated... I am really frustrated! There is so much INJUSTICE done to Jaebeom.. INJUSTICE! I wish Jaebeom knows that we love him so dearly.. and that we are trying whatever little means we could to bring him back.

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This is only a suggestion. Maybe we can work together on this idea?

First of all i want to apologize for my poor english and will do my best to explain you the idea of the HOTTEST BLACKOUT Project.

This is an project which i participated several years ago and i want to suggest it for the HOTTEST because we where very successful in getting attention with this project back then.

As you know many of the Hottest are divided by reason of the boycott or how agressive we should act. My idea in the first line is very peaceful. Our primary focus must be to reunite. I know that all people are individuals as Hottest and that we are no Borg. But at the end we all want the same thing to happen.

Project suggestion:

Using the following images as your avatar and/or signature by blacking out your Facebook photo, your Myspace, your Twitter account, your me2day etc....



It can also be only black.

We can also use a common slogan with this project which u can use as text in all the boards and internet sites youre registered. Dunno what ... maybe something like "Have a heart" or "Only 7" or "blacked out for Jay" or something else.

Back then we rented a domain. On this matter this can be as example onlyseven.com/net or 2pmunite.com/net. or anything else. On this website we can write what happened back then in September in a objective manner and can also announce the statement of the HOTTEST in this case.

I am willing to rent the domain and to pay for it. But the statement has to be written by someone else who speaks very well english. Not me. :P

I am very confident that this project will bring a positiv feeling to all the Hottest and i think it will be attract attention from everywhere because the people will obviously get curious about all these strange avatars, signatures and slogans which they will see everywhere.

We can write a script for the banners which will direct everyone who clicks on the signatures to that site.

This is a project which everyone can participate because yaou only have to do some changes on your UCPs. It is peacefull and will get a lot of attention. Instead of acting agressive we should start, on a softer note i think.

So this is my basic Idea and my suggestion to you guys. Maybe we can work together on this.

Let's make brainstorming and bring this project to life. What do you say?

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Guest Idemandacookie

i think you don't get the point of what i mean.

JYPE already knows that hottest are mad and sad.

why do you want to provoke them again?

and seriously, who cares about twitter and fb followers? JYPE doesnt, for sure.

but i just want to say again that i'm not a anti-fan. i love 2PM. and i respect all the things that hottest already have done.

but when i read comments by people who say you're an anti if you don't boycott... that's not true.

I get the point that you don't get my point, if you get what I mean.

Of course JYPE already knows. If he cares or not, we don't lose anything by doing it.

And nobody said anything about being antis for not doing b******, we are not even talking about that o_O

The Twitter thing is completely harmless.


At least you're doing something, don't feel like it is useless. Have faith.

Jaebum knows we love him n_n


I think that's an interesting idea.

The site idea is great because most fansites are in korean and the rest are forums and livejournals.

The problem is that making a site takes times but I guess we don't anything by trying.

I'll post it in the 2oneday forum if you don't mind and credit back here n_n

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First off I think all this belief in rumors and hate on JYP and JYPE needs to stop. To believe all these rumors is kind of silly when you think logically about the rumors themselves and hating on JYP and JYPE is not going to help anything or propel things forward. I find it hard to believe that a group of business men are no longer in contact with someone who is currently under contract with and is a hot commonalty within their business. If the only way Jay is finding out about the progress of his coming back or not is through internet articles and other media portals (meaning he is no longer in communication with JYPE, which is simply ridiculous to me) it's all over then. You don't stop taking the calls of or communicating with those you still wish to do business with. These rumors and that of Jay being unhealthy or JYPE forcing him to stop bboying is just silly IMHO. He looked perfectly fine in the recent photos I've seen and maybe the boy just didn't feel like putting his skills on competitive display that day (he did dance during intermissions). Perhaps he like the other members of 2PM has stopped his activities and is saving what he's got for their second album comeback. He was there to support a friend who was judge and was not there to be judged himself. I don't understand why people keep coming up with all these conspiracy theories and choose to bring negativity to a situation that can use all the positive attention it can get.

How can we get through to the public? Another demonstration? a silent protest? What to do?

You need positive public opinion and positive media attention.

--Write into tv stations to cover how good 2PM is now but show how much better they were and that stage charisma, the extra UNF factor as I like to call it, they had and could have again when it is all 7 members.

--Write to radio stations about the greatness of 7 members. What Jay brought to the group, what is missing without him.

--Call into radio station requesting old (and new) 2PM songs and again remind them of the greatness of 7. Tell them of what Jay brought to the group, what is missing when he is not there and why he should be back.

--Use the internet. Get netizens talking positively about the 2PM that was, the 2PM that is now, about Jay and why he is needed back.

--Flash mobs, etc

I know for me when I see old eps of Hot Blood, Wild Bunny, Idol Army, old interviews etc it brings a smile to my face and makes me nostalgic for them to be together like that again. Seeing how hard these boys worked together, and how silly and fun they were makes me want Jay back all the more. When I see Flash mobs or read on youtube vids or see comments of people talking about how adorkable Jay was, about his antics, about the way he lead. It is just great seeing the love and appreciation people have for him, and makes me more positive and want to wait and support forever if need be. Watching vids of him dancing and performing. Seeing his stage charisma, how slick and sharp his skills are and the fact he makes me want to get up and learn their dances, the funny he brings to variety shows...it's like damn this is why he is needed back. You got to get people going dayum this is why Jay is need back. This is why 2PM is 7=1. Being negative and pulling negative antics does the very opposite of that. It makes people think of why he had to go and why it maybe good to not bring him back. The positive mind is a very powerful tool.

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Guest splapmidoh


i really like your idea. i think you should talk to 2od staff and ask for some help.

so they can spread your idea to other ihottest, also maybe they can approach khottest to do this with ihottest.

so, what can i do to make this project happen?

sorry for my poor english.

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I think that's an interesting idea.

The site idea is great because most fansites are in korean and the rest are forums and livejournals.

The problem is that making a site takes times but I guess we don't anything by trying.

I'll post it in the 2oneday forum if you don't mind and credit back here n_n

It will not take much of time. I have knowledge in hmtl-scripting a bit and made several homepages before with scripting it myself. I think a simple homepage would be enough which have three categories maybe. For example categorie 1 What is 2PM, categorie 2 our goal(s), categorie 3 what you can do etc.

I posted it already in 2oneday forum but no one noticed my post i think. :)

sukadewa, i like the idea. can i use the avie and sig?

7 is good but i think there should be included like 2PM somewhere in the area. 7 could represent something not 2PM but by adding a small font of 2PM or anything related to 2PM in it, at least the others will have an idea what this 7 represents for.

Yeah ur right. Any ideas?


i really like your idea

i'm taking the blacken 7 image now and changing my profile pictures as i'm posting this here

anything else we can do?

Of course you can use it. But i think we should decide what kind of Avatar and Signatures we should use. Maybe only black? Or black with the name JAY on it? Dunno. It is important that at the end EVERYONE use the same avatar or signature. Some suggestions and ideas would be great.

to all: We only can post three times here. Any ideas where we can move to discuss?

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Guest tifaross


I like your idea. I just changed my avatar to 7. This is one way of supporting our boys.

This is for you Jay. 2PM All the way!

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sukadewa, i like the idea. can i use the avie and sig?

7 is good but i think there should be included like 2PM somewhere in the area. 7 could represent something not 2PM but by adding a small font of 2PM or anything related to 2PM in it, at least the others will have an idea what this 7 represents for.

i'm talking to few 2ODers now

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Guest dfallentears

i've been lurking here silently but i feel like i really have to speak something for this matter

i dont wanna feel regret and guilty if february comes and the worst came out because i didnt do anything when i could

so please, let's decide on what project we can do to voice out our support for leadja


i really like your idea

i'm taking the blacken 7 image now and changing my profile pictures as i'm posting this here

anything else we can do?

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Guest sapharia

whoa, so many people posting here. Okay, so I didn't get the chance to read everything, but i skimmed through most of what everyone said.

Please unsubscribe and unfollow JYP and JYP related channels/twitters!!! Khottests has done so much and I think it's time for us to make our voice heard. Feb is approaching fast and we need to act fast! Can't be sitting around for the official statement. I'm hearing all these rumors that JYPE will come up with some lame excuse that Jay can't come back!!! Argh! Jay is unable to speak out on this and the boys have been sending us messages all this time~

Please, please participate in any of the projects that ihottests are putting together, be it tumblr, 2od, the fanmail project, anything!!! If you can, participate in ALL of them! I really like the idea of all of us using a common icon for fb, twitter, me2day, cyworld, forums to "speak" out against JYPE!

I also think everyone should try to do more flashmobs and upload on youtube. But please do a song with JAY in it, no 1:59PM songs.

I know someone probably mentioned this already, but I also like the idea of corporating us with the khottests and put out some kind of newspaper ad, especially in the popular ones that the JYPE staff and everyone will see.

So far, I really like all the ideas that everyone is putting out!! We need to all come together and make our voices heard and quickly!

edit: since i topped a page for the first time, I'll post some pics that I have:

our leadja


one of my fav AAA pictures



bunch of dorks!


Do you think these things are just a coincidences?! The empty spot always left for Jay in their performances, their mentioning of their leadja after winning each award, the pictures below, the boys are all telling us something!!!!




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I like what you suggested.. that is something that all of us here can easily do..

I had just changed my soompi avatar & signature using the images you appended in your post. Hope you don't mind? :)

I have a suggestion that begins here in soompi. All hottests, no matter what your stance or belief lies, lets all start from this thread... let's all standardise our avatars, using the ones Sukadewa posted?? Let's all start from the same baseline..

EDIT: my suggestion, again: it takes bit of time to come up with a new avatar, sig & slogan that all of us agree upon, so until those come along, let's all now use the same avatar & sig, and use" blacked out for Jay" (credits goes to Sukadewa, thanks ;))

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Guest Idemandacookie

It will not take much of time. I have knowledge in hmtl-scripting a bit and made several homepages before with scripting it myself. I think a simple homepage would be enough which have three categories maybe. For example categorie 1 What is 2PM, categorie 2 our goal(s), categorie 3 what you can do etc.

I posted it already in 2oneday forum but no one noticed my post i think. :)

That forum is HUGE hun, I can't find your post.

But I have a site and I don't use it, except to host other sites :D

If the staff of 2oneday can help and they need a site, all we have to do then is buy a domain and build the site

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That forum is HUGE hun, I can't find your post.

But I have a site and I don't use it, except to host other sites :D

If the staff of 2oneday can help and they need a site, all we have to do then is buy a domain and build the site

Sorry! Here's the link: http://www.2oneday.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14284.

Since we are allowed to post only three times here i suggest we should move to there and discuss any futher steps and ideas?

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Guest JayrielzZ

@sukadewa - i saved the image and changed all my pictures into blackout 7.

thanks a lot.

i like this idea...

2PM fighting!!!

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Guest dawnded

I just want to say...that some people don't read :( Anyway just to reinforce (because of one of the posts above), the rumour about Jay being unhealthy..it's not a rumour that fans are spreading about Jay's condition. It is a rumour that JYPE may possibly use it as a reason to announce why Jay may not be coming back. And the person who gave out this info wants us to know that if JYPE really announces it, we have to know that it is bull s h i t, precisely because Jay is perfectly fine. So don't bash fellow Hottests about this rumour -- we are on the same side, keep the cool guys.

Also, we cannot give full and the right kind of support or go full throttle into a battle without doing the necessary research and being all naive (evident from all the misinterpreted opinions). I think that may be a reason why we failed to make enough of an impact.

In any case, it doesn't matter. This proves to be the final leg. Just do what you can and you believe, you can't say for sure whether anything will work anymore. Though I do think sending constructive comments and words of plea to jype will work better than bashing and B--------.

And to those who are getting excited, thinking we can start a complete revolution together, I hate to be blunt -- but I think it's hard to coordinate a movement unless a command is decided from the kHottests community and directed to us. Or we will keep doing the same thing and throwing ideas across the internet forums without any clear directions.The best thing I believe iHottests can do now is to send letters (nice ones) to JYP office in NYC like Mikanp--(omg sorry i forgot how to spell the rest of your username, haha) has suggested above.

Keep the hopes up Hottests, but also remember not to be idealistic and naive and do you research (i.e. read previous posts) before making any comments that further frustrates everyone else. I'm banking whatever energy I have to hope on a miracle. Love.

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