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Guest touchtheskies.

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i saw this picture posted some where(not sure where)

woo looks awesome....

can anyone tell me where its from?

thanks in advance^^



boycott is the thing that all should do...

If so, what about the other boys?

it's sad seeing how hard the 6 boys work with sad feelings....

and idk what to choose...

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i saw this picture posted some where(not sure where)

woo looks awesome....

can anyone tell me where its from?

thanks in advance^^


it's from SBS Gayo Daejun when they sang 5 Steps.

If jaebum does not return, i am quitting the entire kpop fandom. no love no more. back to pure kdramas. heck, maybe i'll switch to taiwanese dramas.

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Guest Endoh666

Wow. Honestly, even though this is my first post ever on Soompi, I've actually been coming here to this thread everyday now for the past four months. I would have commented sooner, but my first account got hijacked by a weird anti-2pm virus and wouldn't let me log in. So for a while now, I have just been "silently lurking" as you might call it, and reading every tidbit of information you guys kindly bring me. Nevertheless, I decided that my stalker-ish behavior must continue no further and I hope to become an active voice in the Hottest community...Even if it means creating a second account with my other, more personal email. ^_^

As I am now fully up-to-date with the news of our boys, let me just say one thing to let everyone know where I stand on these issues:

* Jaebeom was, and remains to be my favorite member from 2pm. Now, does that make me any less inclined to fan-gasm over the other six boys? Of course not. I always manage to connect well with one member of every band I enjoy, and Jay just happens to be the one from 2pm.

* I neither supported the boycott, nor spoke against it. It was pointless for me to do either because I have never bought anything 2pm-related in the entire time of being a fan. (I know, it's pitiful.) However, should 2pm come out with a second album in April which includes Jaebeom, then I vow to order every single/album they've ever sold from YesASIA immediately afterwords.

* In regards to the controversies involving JYPE and the fake news articles, all I have to say is that I DONT KNOW. Honestly? I give up reading news about 2pm when it's not obtained through public disclosure by JYPE itself. Nowadays, I read rumors like fictional stories of "what could be" and no longer take them seriously. I have hope in my heart and reason in my head to believe that Jay will be back one day. If not? Then it was an amazing run while it lasted, and at least there will be closure. Otherwise, I will wait patiently and see where tomorrow takes me.

* Lastly, I know there is a lot of hurt in this fandom. We are all tired of the frustration. Of the waiting and not knowing. And most of all the fighting. We need to remember that despite the many differences in opinion and attitude and way-of-thinking we all possess, there is still one thing that binds our hearts close together: the love and support we give to 2pm.

On a less serious note, I saw this survey a few pages back and it seems to have died out in flood of recent scandal issues. So, here I go to try my hand at one of these things! You'll probably won't want to read this because the explanations are so long, but I found reading WHY members were picked for their positions was the funnest part.

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Jaebeom - Husband/Boyfriend -

Well, everyone here now knows my bias already so I don't think I have to mention why I chose him. lol But like many others explained earlier, Jay is a very responsible and talented young man. Usually I'm not attracted to older guys and I like to stay within a year of my age group, but Jay seems playful and fun so I believe he could easily sway me, seeing as my ideal man has always been a jokester who know when to be serious. Plus, the whole "knowing English" thing really helps in the communication department, you know?

Junho - Best Friend #1 -

There are many different types of friends you can have: warm-weather-friends, school-friends, family-friends, etc. In Junho's case, he would be my comfort-friend. He would be the first person I would call after a break-up, or bad grade, or whatever and we would both go watch sappy romance movies together while sharing popcorn and secrets. He's the one person in whom I can confide confidently and know he won't spread any of my personal information to anyone. He's also the type of friend that sleeps over every once and a while and my parents know it's safe to leave us alone together. That kind of friend is rare.

Junsu - Best Friend #2 -

The type of friend that I would consider Junsu to be is an opposites-attract friend. Where I'm really introverted and shy in public, he's not. So, he would bring out the extrovert in me and make my life more active and wild. He would be the one to introduce me to new people, bands, ideas and he would be the friend that invites me to go see action/scary movies, carnivals, concerts, etc. Maybe he could even show me around Daegu, spouting tourist information in his adorkable accent.

Nichkhun - Tutor -

We all know Khun has got to be at least semi-smart for being able to learn and understand three seperate languages (Not including Chinese). Therefore, when I think of a place in my life where Khun could really fit, it's as my own private tutor. It would be one of those classic tales of "a girl pretending to flunk math in order to meet the dreamy hot math tutor who eventually falls in love with her" except I wouldn't be pretending and I doubt Khun would fall for someone as dumb as I am. lol Beside that, Khun just seems really patient and understanding, so I can see him as a good teacher.

Wooyoung - Twin Brother -

I don't know why, or when, but it suddenly struck me one day that Wooyoung acts just as I do. He's not a shy or cold person, but he comes off that way when he prefers not to talk. And yet, if you watch him interact with the other members naturally, he is just as goofy and chaotic as the next member. I think we are both introverts who become extroverts when friends and family are around. Also, I just think it would be pretty tight to have that "mental connection" thing twins have between he and I.

Chansung - Cute Younger Brother -

Even though he is technically like, two years older than I am, it would still be nice to have Chansung as my little brother. It would be such as contrast too, seeing as I'm barely 163cm and he is a whopping 184cm. lol Still, the fact that I could make fun of him for being younger and him having to call me noona would just be adorable. I would make him give me piggyback rides and I would buy him food so he would say he loved me.

Taekyeon - THAT Guy -

You know that one kid that always does weird things in the back of the classroom which always make you smile but inside you're asking, "What the hell is wrong with that kid,"? Well for me, Taek is that kid and is the sort that I would invite to my birthday party just to garner free entertainment. He's also the guy I would cheat off of for homework....kekeke.

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Guest rain_4ever

I've just found it from 2OD. Maybe it can help you guys feel better...


I’m an international Korean student in Seattle.

I’ve been living in Seattle for 4 years, and I saw Park Jaebum for the first time yesterday.

I like 2PM, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan.

I didn’t know where to write a post, so I’m posting here.

There’s a party at our school for international students, and I met my new boyfriend there.

He’s Hispanic, and he B-boys. I begged him to take me to see B-boying, and he told me there was an area Bboy gathering. He asked me to go with him, so I went.

The place was huge, but packed with people all dancing. I was the only person just watching. I felt weird by myself, so I walked around by to watch and I saw the real Park Jaebum.

I asked my boyfriend if he knew him, and he said he had battled with him before. When I told him that (Jay) was a super famous singer in Korea, he laughed out loud and told me to go say hi to him (Jay). I told him I was too embarrassed to, so he went with me.

His skin was super white and his lips were completely red. He wasn’t the tall type, but about the height of his b-boy friends. He dances well, but since I don’t know about b-boying, I can’t really rate it. He was wearing a black hat, but it looked like his hair was really short. He wore jeans and a hip-hop style jumper (jacket), but he looked really skinny.

I guess he liked chewing gum, but for the two hours I watched, he chewed gum the whole 2 hours. I guess I looked out-of-place or lonely, he laughed and offered me some gum from his pocket.


We caught eyes several times and laughed. He’s totally good-looking. His teeth were also pretty. To be honest, he looked like the neighborhood oppa at first and so I was a little scared. But after talking to him, he was friendly, nice, and cute. I couldn’t get his autograph because I didn’t have a paper and pen, but the three of us- my boyfriend and I took a picture with him. I was going to post the picture, but I don’t know how to fade out the faces. I’ll do it later and post it.

I wanted to talk to him more, but he was also dancing. I didn’t want him to react, so I didn’t get to ask him much. I told him that he was good-looking, and he thanked me and wiggled his eyebrows. kekekke

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

Copy this whole phrase out.


I love this line ^^....

he thanked me and wiggled his eyebrows

fainting because of this...

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Guest true_ddalgi

ooh! i wanna do that survey too :D

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?


because i just love his easy-going nature. it looks like he would be so comfortable to be around. being in love means making yourself vulnerable to the person you're in love with...and jay seems like someone who would allow me to become vulnerable. and i can't forget that he is insanely talented. he never fails to amaze me with his singing, dancing, rapping, sense for humor. and oh, i love his sense of humor. he never fails to crack me up. and i love how caring he is. and i love his body/face. just..........there's a lot of reasons. he's nothinggg like my ideal guy (taecyeon) but he's the exception....the conspiracy lol.

junsu - FRIEND

he's just a silly guy....slightly awkward and i tend to get along with people like that. and his passion for music is something i admire. he'd be the friend that all my girlfriends are jealous of.


okay, i know this is cheating !! but khun....even though, again, he's nothing like my ideal guy....i admire him for his character more than his looks (he's cute...but not sexy...which is what i want). he seems really caring, responsible, and thoughtful. he seems like a gentle person and i'd love to have someone like that.


okay, i'm soooooo cheating buttttttttttttttt taecyeon is actually my ideal man. i had my own idea of my ultimate ideal man and when i first saw taecyeon, i realized that he WAS my ideal man--down to the shape of his eyebrows and size of his teeth. i'm not kidding. freaky, i know. it's like God made him knowing what my ideal guy looks like and acts like. he'd be the bf/husband that drives me crazy both positively and negatively. he's just so sexy with his tallness, tanness, handsomeness, beastlyness, big teeth, perfect build, etc. and i love his sense of humor and dorkiness. i'd have so much fun with him. we both looked like total nerds during high school and then transformed. i love his talents and personality.....but he'd drive me crazy with his numerous friendships with idol girls and his love of beer. so, it'd be a........passionate love lol.

wooyoung - FRIEND

i love wooyoung. like...everything about him. but........i dont imagine myself getting along too well with him. 'cause he seems nice....but also kind of cold. so, it'd take me a while to befriend him. but once we get comfortable with one another, it'd be awesome.


junho is another comfortable guy. he's intense about his craft and career....but he seems like he's also pretty easy going with his friends. i'd love just laughing and talking with him.


he's about a foot taller than me....but he's about 2 years younger than me and he's adorable. he reminds me somewhat of my real younger brother. idk why exactly....just something about them. anyway, it'd be fun to be his nuna i think. and i'd be proud of my hot younger brother. and i'd also shoo the unworthy girls away from him. "only the best for my baby brother" that kinda thing ^^;

and somebody....please, tell me what's going on about the rumors!!!

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it's from SBS Gayo Daejun when they sang 5 Steps.

If jaebum does not return, i am quitting the entire kpop fandom. no love no more. back to pure kdramas. heck, maybe i'll switch to taiwanese dramas.

oh i'm so dumb...ha ha ha

thanks for reply...

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I told him that he was good-looking, and he thanked me and wiggled his eyebrows. kekekke

This made me smile so much.

Thanks for being the dork that you are Jay :D

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Guest dorisawq

Hi hottests. Have been reading this thread and 2oneday for quite some time alrdy.

the rumours in 2oneday are rather negative but i just hope tht you guys just dont lose hope yet.

though it might be true tht it was alrdy decided in JYPE tht Jay will nt come back BUT this might change. (this is what i believe. if nt, why shld they want to drag till feb to announce tht breaking news?) so, THERE IS STILL HOPE.

Im happy to know that Jay is kinda fine and happy in Seattle (based on fan accounts.) Sometimes, I do wonder if he's happier as an ordinary person than being a celebrity. :\ Nevertheless, I believe that (like what some other hottests said) even if JYPE doesnt want jay back, other companies might want him becos' I feel that Jay's comeback will be a BIG news, probably the top10 kpop news in 2010. (Im pretty sure of tht.) But lets just pray hard for Jay's comback... hopefully as a 2pm leader. <- this is what we all wish right? :D

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Guest rain_4ever

100123 Jaebum BBOY, Capture the Movement Event

This is a video of Jaebum on January 23rd, 2010. There was an event called Capture the Movement (ART EXHIBIT . LIVE PERFORMANCES . 1v1 BBOY BATTLE). Someone I know went and took this video of Jaebum, he said I could publish it as well.

Although it was a competition, Jaebum did not compete but only did this little routine when it was intermission time.

All the proceeds and donations for this event went directly to R.O.O.T.S. Ministry, a young adults homeless shelter in the UW area that serves to men & women 18 -25.

CREDITS; jina_bing_bang@2ONEDAY.COM (It is my YT account)

Love his passion!!

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Guest JenA313

omigod,,,such a chaos in here eh???

i understand that everybody is upset about the whole things going on in the past week,i am upset about it too,,,but can we hottest stay cool headed in this situation?i mean, what's negative comment gonna do to improve this situation?it's only gonna make things even worse...please all HOTTESTs be strong and stay positive now,,,its breaking my heart to see everyone panicking and pointing fingers and all that~

on the side notes, im glad that the boys are getting more and more gigs to do,,,and i hope everyone here can accept and understand the fact that in EVERY idol group,there must be one or two members that are getting a lil bit more spotlight than the others.its just the way it is so pls dont jump into bad conclusion, esp when it's negative!

im quite sad that the news of taec starring in a drama brings in more pesimism rather than excitement. i mean, we normally woulda be all bouncy and happy when our beloved idol is embarking on a new project...however the situation with 2pm rite now doesnt seem to allow that.every new gig is perceived as another "betrayal" to jay(THERE, I SAY IT!!!) i want leadja to come back as badly as everyone here, but i also want to give the fullest support to junsu,khun,taecyeon,wooyoung,junho,and chansung as well.

okay, there i said it all!!!

and not to be forgotten....

happy birthday to Junho!:DDDDD

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Guest mika.16

"To be honest, he looked like the neighborhood oppa at first and so I was a little scared."

What is a neighborhood oppa?

ooh in Korea, it means those gansta-type guys that you see around in your neighbourhood.

ya know, the pierced ears/eyebrows, dyed hair, chewing gum lol

not gangsta as in.. mafia lol, more like... 'nal-lari', kids who ditch school and go smoke in the playground instead hahahahah hope that makes sense.

i think heaps of people thought that about jay at first, i know i did when i saw his pictures b4 2pm debuted...

i think its cus of his slanted eyes and american-ish clothing

but hes too innocent/lost to be a 'neighbourhood oppa' ahahahahahaha (atleast i hope so!!!)

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Guest Labacookie

Trying to stay positive amidst rumors, though it's not easy. :(

Though, honestly Kabler, I'd go a step further and say what worried me was the success and popularity of a six person group. And it has been resounding. They have been EVERYWHERE since the album, not just Taec. What fans fail to realize is often, it's not up to them alone how popular their group is. Old fans go...but new fans come. Fans may feel one way, but the general public may feel something else. Where fans withhold their money out of discontent, a paying customer not remotely familiar with fandom woes is impressed by what they hear, and buys the album.

I think that reason JYPE is so blatant about not caring about Hottest (even with fan protests and "demands"), is they feel they have the Korean public on their side. A paying Korean public who can't get enough of their six-person group. I view 1:59PM as a social experiment. Even the name plays off the Jay departure. So, they wanted to see if a six-person group would sell. They wanted to see if 2PM without Jay could whether the sorrow of his leaving, and the scandal that caused it. They wanted to know if they would suffer any profit loss. The answer is ultimately, no.

Someone talked about 1:59PM sales compared to Again and Again and tried to say that fan efforts to make the album unsuccessful were working. I sincerely doubt it.

First, Again and Again sold over 60,000 copies? It was released in April, and those sales are over the span of several months. 1:59PM was released in November and in the span of a couple of months, as already sold half as many albums as the previous album (JYPE says 40,000, fans say 36,000), which means if patterns remain in place, it could go on to outsell it. If that's the trend JYPE is following, than they must feel really confident.

I do support the rest of the boys, I really do. And want them to do well, because why shouldn't they have a right to have successful careers?

Still...I worry. I'm trying to stay optimistic and go, "Well we don't know anything yet, let's wait for the album", but it's kind of hard. :(

Because my logical side is working overtime, and agreeing with certain comments here, especially about how cold and calculating the industry is. It's not up to Jay, it's not up to fans, no matter what "actions" are taken. Honestly, if JYPE has decided not to get Jay back, that's sincerely the end of it, and nothing can be done to change that. I sincerely feel such a decision, if proven final, will remain final.

I'm not going to leave Kpop over this, and I'm not going to stop supporting 2PM over it. But I will be very sad for a long time.

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Guest tikamicizia

how can ppl in jype throwing away a boy who can dance this goooood and oh so hot!

zzzzzzzzzz,, still hoping still praying. coz seriously, if they remove jay, 2pm will lose the acrobatic trademark that makes them different than other idols.... T_T

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Love his passion!!

he looked buff in the pics but so skinny in the vid.

does he looks like he lost weight??? Thanx for sharing btw.

mmm, should we worry bout akp?

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thnk you thnk you for this!!

alas a vid of Jaebeom.. missing this boy a lot!

so many rumors.. *sigh*

i really hope this thread still reaches Jae's return. (almost 2000 pages)

everybody Jae will return (lol! adding another fuse of rumor..although it is not a rumor.. but i know he will!)

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Trying to stay positive amidst rumors, though it's not easy. :(

Though, honestly Kabler, I'd go a step further and say what worried me was the success and popularity of a six person group. And it has been resounding. They have been EVERYWHERE since the album, not just Taec. What fans fail to realize is often, it's not up to them alone how popular their group is. Old fans go...but new fans come. Fans may feel one way, but the general public may feel something else. Where fans withhold their money out of discontent, a paying customer not remotely familiar with fandom woes is impressed by what they hear, and buys the album.

I think that reason JYPE is so blatant about not caring about Hottest (even with fan protests and "demands"), is they feel they have the Korean public on their side. A paying Korean public who can't get enough of their six-person group. I view 1:59PM as a social experiment. Even the name plays off the Jay departure. So, they wanted to see if a six-person group would sell. They wanted to see if 2PM without Jay could whether the sorrow of his leaving, and the scandal that caused it. They wanted to know if they would suffer any profit loss. The answer is ultimately, no.

Someone talked about 1:59PM sales compared to Again and Again and tried to say that fan efforts to make the album unsuccessful were working. I sincerely doubt it.

First, Again and Again sold over 60,000 copies? It was released in April, and those sales are over the span of several months. 1:59PM was released in November and in the span of a couple of months, as already sold half as many albums as the previous album (JYPE says 40,000, fans say 36,000), which means if patterns remain in place, it could go on to outsell it. If that's the trend JYPE is following, than they must feel really confident.

I do support the rest of the boys, I really do. And want them to do well, because why shouldn't they have a right to have successful careers?

Still...I worry. I'm trying to stay optimistic and go, "Well we don't know anything yet, let's wait for the album", but it's kind of hard. :(

Because my logical side is working overtime, and agreeing with certain comments here, especially about how cold and calculating the industry is. It's not up to Jay, it's not up to fans, no matter what "actions" are taken. Honestly, if JYPE has decided not to get Jay back, that's sincerely the end of it, and nothing can be done to change that. I sincerely feel such a decision, if proven final, will remain final.

I'm not going to leave Kpop over this, and I'm not going to stop supporting 2PM over it. But I will be very sad for a long time.

Further to what you mentioned about 2PM album sales, frankly speaking, i don't even think that any of the sale figures above can equate to the popularity of the 6 boys and the amount of revenue they can generate / or is generating even as we speak.

The population of Korea is about 48 million. So the sales figures of 30,000 album sales, 40,000 or even 60,000 is not even that high, if you were to keep in mind the population of 48million. The huge bulk of the money, i would say, comes from endorsements... for example, the samsung corby cellphone ads... and my guess is, no doubt Khottest had been working damn hard in bringing Jay back (and I salute them for their effort), but truth be told, the money that they are all withholding (from not buying the album) is only a minor figure compared to say, the number of samsung corbies the general public may be willingly to fork out money for, or the millions of boxes of Market-O Brownies that children might be badgering their parents to buy after seeing the 6 Oppas in the ads..... I think these are where the real cold-hard cash lies...

Perhaps JYPE is thinking "2PM is now a hugh money-generating machine, so why fix something that is making money now"...

Gosh, the more i think about the whole fiasco, the more disgusted i'm at how the whole thing had turned out.. To quote Jaebeom's favourite line: This is a CONSPIRACY!

Edit: if my worst fear comes true and Jaebeom is not returning, I hope that he will not be sad for too long. He is still young and there are still many things he can accomplish.. life still goes on.. and he had experienced & seen so much that most of us normal people wouldn't even had the chance to experience in our lifetime!

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