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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest uh-ohxev

sigh~ with so many rumors going around, sometimes i don't know what to think, honestly. but i still don't lose faith. i don't know what it is but i just got this feeling that Jaebeom will be back, i don't know what my feeling is based upon, but it's like my heart tells me not to give up and just have more patience. i just hope this feeling i got is not wrong.

as far as JYPE... i find myself getting more and more frustrated by them. i mean, it's not JYP the man who i don't trust, [for some reason, even through everything that has happened i still have respect for him and somewhat trust him] who i don't trust are the other higher-ups at JYPE, they're are the ones who make my heart unsettled T.T

i wish something OFFICIAL and LEGIT could appear from JYPE, sometimes i find myself getting impatient and i can't take it anymore, but then, i remember a saying that goes somewhat like this: "bad news travel the fastest, good news take their time to come." i'm somewhat relying on this phrase, hoping that if what JYPE have to tell us were to be bad news, they would've said something already. but it's been four months already... and nothing yet.

sigh~ i want to be positive, but i don't want to blind myself either T.T i'm just going to ignore any kind of rumor [positive or negative] i guess i'll just keep on waiting until February or April >.<

Your mind and mines are thinking alike! This is exactly how I feel.

It seems that no matter how many rumors come out... I don't want to believe them. It's just something so deep into my heart... in my gut... I just feel that he'll return. And I'm not sure why I have such a strong feeling. I just do. I hope it isn't my heart deceiving me... I really miss him and seeing a 2PM that can make me smile. It's not that a 6 member 2PM doesn't make me smile... it's just that I can put a genuine smile when I see that they're all together. And, I really don't understand why Jaebum wouldn't return.

On JYPEs part - it'd be great for Jaebum to return because while yes... most companies will not hire stars who have had "scandals", once they see the high demand for Jaebum - they will add 2PM into even more CFs... at the end of the day, they won't care about the scandal. But, if he's in high demand the company would make a lot of $$$. $$$ comes before anything in the Entertainment industry. This is the biggest plus for JYP. Jaebums comeback alone will be on every big newpaper/site/etc. This will bring even more attention to 2PM and JYPE.

On Jaebums part - Jaebum worked so hard for this. He gave up 4 years of his precious, peaceful life to become a star. He made it. That's huge in itself... to be able to have such a great opportunity, and give it up? It doesn't seem like Jay to me. If him leaving, was part of his decision after all... then, I don't blame him. I would've done the same if I were in his shoes. But, he shouldn't just let this be the end. It breaks me into 1,000,000 little pieces to think that someone worked so hard for this, and that it can all go to waste in just 4 days because of the words these evil netizens wrote. I hate to see them have so much power. Jaebum, worked too hard and gave up too much to let this be the end... and his brothers.. they need to be together. I know 2PM can't exist forever, but while they're still famous - he should come back. I have trouble imagining only 6 as a permament thing. Part of what's keeping me sane, is that I'm telling myself this is only temporary...

Honestly, I'm just trying to stay positive. I'm being optimistic, despite all these horrible rumors. God, please... our fandom really needs a miracle! We just want our leadja back. It isn't asking for too much... I'm so sick of being sad in this fandom. These were the boys that brought me happiness... now a days, I feel sadness watching them. I don't want to be sad watching them forever... what good would that do? It's not the boys fault. It's the netizens... nothing would've ever happened if it weren't for them. I feel so helpless... I just really miss Jay, and need to see him back. Nothing brings me more happiness then 2PM as 7...

I'm waiting until April. If I see Jaebum, then I will die of happiness and buy (not kidding about this) 3 copies of 1:59 and 5 copies of whatever new album. If he doesn't come back... I'm not sure what I'll do. I still love all the boys, and I WILL support them. Because, this isn't their fault.. but, it'll always be hard for me to watch them when there is an obvious person missing. Let's hope for the best. I'm waiting for April. JYPE, please don't disappoint us... please make us happy and bring the leadja we all love and miss back...

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it's really difficult to say what exactly is the company motivation in JYPE.

It's true, they let a lot of their artists go, but the one good thing is that so far, the people who leave their groups manage to bounce back or they have a completely successful career post JYPE.

In my humble opinion, the 2PM situation is unique. Actually, each of the situations mentioned by Max23 are unique.

YKS and GOD parted because he admitted himself, music was not his first love and he wanted to pursue acting, which he did. Hyuna is successful with 4min now.. About the recent sunmi & WG situation , I am so conflicted, she was my favorite member, but her personal feelings (I have an inkling the girl really did not adjust well in the US), and her personal choice to get a high school diploma are not BAD decisions. I mean, entertainment business is by no means a steady job, realizing that, and wanting to get your diploma so your life has some kind of insurance is not a wrong decision. She is just a teenager, she still has plenty of time to come back. And one thing to notice about these members who left, they did so mainly on their own accord, they all came to a point where music wasn't the main thing for them anymore.

I guess the one good thing you can say about JYPE is that after their artists leave, they don't try to block their advancements in the entertainment business like other entertainment companies do. They seem to be able to let go pretty well and wish their former families well.

I want Jay back in the group really badly, but I am also conflicted b/c in my heart, I knew that one day Jay would go solo from the group, as well as Junsu, and musically Junho and wooyoung are probably able to work solo. Khun, Taec, and Chan are probably going to go into acting or MC-ing. In fact, if Jay does come back to the group, he will become a first for JYPE, as he'd be the only member to temporarily leave the group and come back. On the other hand, Jay's situation is extremely unique. We all know that it was NOT his first choice to leave 2PM. (yeah, yeah, people keep saying that he chose to leave, but honestly, do you think he would have made the decision had it not been a set of extremely drastic consequences for everyone if he didn't?)

someone bring out a crystal ball and fastforward to February please. i''m hoping for some major valentine's day swag :P

I know what you're trying to say but honestly, I think NONE of the people who left JYPE actually wanted to leave. Whenever a person left JYPE, it was always very fishy and the statements of JYPE always went towards the direction of "we respect the artists' choice." Honestly, I don't believe all those statements and I think it's BS.

And I never thought that I would say this but it seems that what silence457 said a while ago is coming true. Your mention of solo activities for the 2PM members seem to fit what he/she said about 2PM's disbanding and having solo activities.

I also checked a few pages back for silence457's posts and I was really scared. SCARED.

He/she said that 2PM won't win at the Melon Awards and SNSD would win big, and it became true.

He/she said that 2PM won't release MV and promote Tired of Waiting, and it was nearly true: no MV and only a few performances (the song didn't even get into Top 10 of Music Bank.

I know maybe it's just coincidental but at this point, even silence457's words contain more truth than the official statements that JYPE managed to come up with. And that is seriously messed up.

sigh... my last post today.

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Guest badtzmarujung

:) Thank you Kabler for your opinion

Now I'm clam down and make my mind to prepare for the next Jay's situation (Good/Bad)

What's going on It's going on. We will see it and think of the next step to fix it.

Max23 - Thank you for your comment too. I feel the same but I look into the others company

in K-pop . I think they have a problem too (Different problem)

This is about the people not product. It has a different from the general problem of goods.

Scandal / Money / People's mind / Working process /etc.

It's hard to solve all kind of problems and make everyone satisfied .

Sorry for my poor English. :)

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its been long since I've wrote here...

first things first~~ Kabler well done in keeping the mood here in positive levels..

well..I'm getting to tired of all these..sorry to say that JYPE should have managed their things better..even when so many rumors flew in..all they did was deny deny and deny..and that was it? that is so unprofessional of them..

waiting for Jay to be back just brought me one thing..PAINSTAKING! if a simple fangirl like me feels so disturbed..I'm sure that most of Hottest whether International or Korean are cursing theirs hearts out because of this right now..as some may have already mention here..hopefully LEGIT or OFFICIAL people will just stand out and speak up..our brains are so messed up now..

50:50 chances going on here...

If Jay comes back well obviously the news will overshadow 2AM's current activities..that's why JYPE didn't mention a thing on Jay whether he'll be back or not..if he is coming back then the news will probably come out mid or end of February to confirm things..so its just waiting season for us..

on the other side of the possibility...the troll turns out to be right..and Jay is not coming back..then..how will Hottest react? will then be the decision of Jay himself that he doesn't want to be back? or will JYPE take actions because they have so many plans in their hands now?

this is jus dreadful..I hope time can just fast forward itself..I want to know! in the meantime..I'm drowning myself watching and listening to their stuffs..hopefully when time comes..truth will be revealed...


on a brighter note...since February is coming..


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Guest yoosufan

I don't understand what reasons JYPE would have to NOT bring Jaebum back??? Shouldn't they know by now that Jaebum returning is wanted by fans all around the world?! I just don't get it..

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Guest cheezychunnie

tvn did a ranking on 2PM members

10.01/21 tvN 2pm


cr: kahy1118

rumors...im so tired and confused..

i dont know which one is right which one is not..

im running away from all these and make myself bz until

JYPE brave enough to make a clear statement at PC(wich i dont have any idea when..)

laani>>>exactly what i've been thinking but since im

not familiar with korean entertainment biz so...

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Guest tru3luv316

Give JYPE the benefit of the doubt. As fans, we are just assuming this and that, we don't know what's true and what's not. I'm not blaming anybody until the truth is exposed.

I think JYPE has done their job at releasing official statements. They've clearly stated their position and execution with the WG's situation and clarify all of the rumors about Jay.Honestly, I think there's nothing else that JYP could say about Jay at this moment in time.

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Guest babiluxx

^ I agree..im tired and confused too.

i just miss the boys. i miss their again and again days and miss watching them on shows.

i just want them to be happy.


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Guest mika.16

I don't understand what reasons JYPE would have to NOT bring Jaebum back??? Shouldn't they know by now that Jaebum returning is wanted by fans all around the world?! I just don't get it..

thats what i'm thinking! and not just the fans either.

any reason they could have for NOT wanting jay back doesnt seem big enough, like

1. Jay returning would tarnish 2pm's image? Not true, everyone knows it was a small mistake now, that people just took too far for the sake of it, everyone knows he was young and stressed,. and it was MYSPACE for godssake. if anything, jay leaving the country and showing his apologies/regret is enough to make him look like a better & responsible person.

2. losing advertisers? CRAZY, think of how many people would WANT jay & 2pm now, even if just for the hype of his return!

3. money (somehow)? if jay came back, their new album would sell like crazy. even non-fans would prob buy the album for the sake of it, and tv shows already want him on their cast.

4. if jay comes back, it would improve JYPE's image, promoting them as a 'family' rather than a cold business

Seriously, if Jay doesnt come back (NOT because he chooses not to, but because they wont LET him) then i swear the world is insane. think about it RATIONALLY, what did he do that was SO HORRIBLE that he had to leave his dream?! it just doesnt make any sense.

On the other hand, if Jay chooses to stay in America... then I'll be fine with it. I guess if I were him, i wouldnt be too eager to return to a country (MOTHERLAND as well) that turned its back on me.

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Guest Sacraca

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Actually, my English is rather bad, then I cant express my ideas clearly....can someone paraphrase my question?

For me, I would like

- Jaebeom: my husband as he will be perfect one who is responsible for his family

- Junsu, Khun: my older brother (once I lmao that Khun intimidated his sis "you will die" when he saw her bikini picture, and Junsu, I love the way he both scolded other mem (in WB) and guided them (in IS)

- Tae: my friend 'cause he is much much outgoing

- Wooyoung: my boyfriend (lmao that boyfriend is different from husband, forgive me Jay ^^)

- Junho: my boss (this idea bumped into my mind when I watched Dream Girl). Anyway, I also like him to be my oder brother too

- Chansung: of couse, he will be my lovely younger brother. OMG, his cuteness

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If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Actually, my English is rather bad, then I cant express my ideas clearly....can someone paraphrase my question?

Nice question there!!! Well I sorta understand your question though..so its ok with the English..^^ no worries...anyways here are my picks..

JaeBeom : he would be my husband too! LOL! I like the fact that he cares a lot about his family and their welfare..and he so loves his mom and dad..that's such a good quality for a man~ aww..and plus I'm sure he can bring me surprises daily coz he's just oh so cute..

JunSu: he can be my close friend from hometown that sort of relationship..LOL!! its be so fun to speak dialect with him and he's such a cute and adorable guy to be around..I'm sure he's like so fun to be around~

Nickhun: Khunnie! such a heartthrob..him being my boyfriend would be so so awesome..I remember watching Idol Army and he was telling how romantic it will be to bring his girlfriend to that resort~ XD!! AHhhh!! totally romantic boyfriend material..just imagine a nice meal at home with him..followed by some soft music and a warm cuddle..nosebleed...

Taecyeon: I want Taec to be my dad!!! LOL!! then I'll have such an adorkable dad! HEHE!! that is such a sweet talker and my friends would all be envious of my so tall, manly, handsome yet friendly and outgoing dad~ AWW!!! plus if I would have some of his genes I would be much taller now...-.-" eh heh...

WooYoung: WooYoung should hold the character of my older brother..I believe he is a very smart guy..I'd love him to be my guide in stuff as well as to protect me and have fun with me from time to time..and I thing he's someone with a lot of emotions..which is good for a guy..^^

JunHo: Ah~ King JunHo is obviously boss material..If my boss would smile to me and look like JunHo..I'll be employee of the month..EVERY MONTH!! and he seem to have high expectations in his work as well as people with him..definately BOSS! I'll be very motivated and I'll listen to everything he say~ HAHA!!!

ChanSung: can I like minimize myself to when I was just 5 or 6 years old and have Chan as my kindy teacher/Big Brother? XD!! Watching that Body Glove Campaign thing made me melt from my heart about Chan..he might be a tall boy but he's got such a kind heart..and he was like baby talking with that kid..Aww..and him being a 3dimensional drop dead gorgeous..oh~ he just spins my mind..but then again having him taking care of me would be so cute~

2PM as a whole : Boys I just LOVE you guys so much..please be together as 7 soon..I'm waiting~ still waiting...

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Guest sapharia

I read the articles on 2od and skimmed through most of what people said and their opinions and I'm not gonna do the same by writing out a bunch of long paragraphs cause honestly, I just don't want to talk about it openly here. But as of right now, I'm growing restless, tired, and becoming more confused cause of JYP and JYPE. No, I'm not tired of waiting for Jay, never. But I'm tired of JYPE giving out lame excuses and not coming out and give official announcements from their own words. I'm not bashing them or anything, I just want them to give us answers instead of holding back, changing their minds 349873874 times, and hesitating. In the meantime....

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Jay: my husband because he's my ideal type of guy

Khun: my boyfriend cause he's my 2nd ideal type of guy? lol he's def bf material and knows how to treat a girl really well

Junsu: good guy friend cause i heard he talks a lot, so i'm sure we wouldn't run out of things to talk about, but more like run out of time!

Taecyeon: my older brother, he's so dorky and a huge nerd, always goofing off and someone i can see that teases me all the time just cause he's older and is my bro

Chansung: my little brother, would always steal food and money from me aiyo~

Junho: my boss cause he's the emperor LOL

Wooyoung: my dad? haha, he would try to be serious, but i would end up laughing or finding what he says/does funny, plus his ssanti dance? LOL can totally see my wooyoungie like dad attempting to dance and it comes out looking so cheap~

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Guest Soulhead

Bad or Good rumor without any proof in this thread should be prohibited. Even JYP isn't very clear with what they want too , I think that the situation is too huge and sensitive for being controlled. Prediction and statement are different. We can predict a lot of things in 2PM future,if later our prediction become true that doesn't mean that we're from JYP...

At least, I have choose the good thread for my english : I read english text more than french text now XD

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Jaebum as my brother ,he will teach me some Bboy move and maybe Nichkhun too ,because that mean that i will go in Thaï often (for me being Nich' sister = Tata Young's concert XD) but he feed his sister even when she is 13 ,so it will be humiliated for me if he feed me ...Oh and Taec as that funny guy who always bring joy and laugh in your class .You don't talk to him that much ,but when he is sick and he is not here ,you are depressed and your only wish is that he will come back very soon XD With taec it will be always a joy to go in my class ^^

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If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Jaebum = husband!! he is a family man, willing to do everything for family. His personality is also interesting, funny n honest. oh, he knows how to entertain people. omg, there r too many reasons why Jay should be the husbie type LOL...i just love him, that's all i can say.

Edit--Jay has perfect looking for me, keke

Khun = father~ Khun is a perfect young man, He is totally perfect! You can tell he will protect his family throughout his life. ( if Khun is my father, im gonna have better looking face LOL)

Wooyoung = younger brother...he is just too cute, even someone have mentioned that he is a cool guy, but i still prefer his cute side ^_^...im willing to hug him everyday!!!

Junho = boss....this boy seems nice, responsible n caring...he fits to be the boss

Junsu, Taec, n Chansung = friends...- Taec...he is weirdo, n i like it! Jay was always laughing when he s with Taec tho

- Chan...he is like POPEYE lol...energetic n hot!! ( He is hotter in person!!, i mean he s soooo handsome )

- Junsu..he is one cool guy! seems like he will be there whenever u need some1 to talk to...<333





Thanks for creating all these polls, let's forget about rumors

I'm getting tired of rumors , n i know most of u guys feel the same :) Chin up Hotties<3

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Guest taejun4


C: 꼬꼬마 @ urthesun.com l stardaisy212 @ soompi





what is the pict all about? is it a random fan made pict or real picture? sorry to get hype up for nothing. is just that seeing taeyang & junsu on the pict make me wonder if they gona do a special stage performance or something. please anybody clear my doubt!

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Guest crazymentogurl

If you can choose 2PM's members as your friend, brother, father, husband, boss....etc, for each who will you choose?

Actually, my English is rather bad, then I cant express my ideas clearly....can someone paraphrase my question?

- Junsu, Khun: my older brother (once I lmao that Khun intimidated his sis "you will die" when he saw her bikini picture, and Junsu, I love the way he both scolded other mem (in WB) and guided them (in IS)

Sorry to cut the quote awkwardly but WHUT WHUT where did Khun scare his sister with that? LOL sounds super hilarious, I can just imagine him doing some cheesy move and saying "You will die" in some comical way XD

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Guest fattie8701

Actually it was about Idols whose voices are like WOW, unique voices and Junsu was picked :). The full article is up on 2oneday for anyone willing to read :)...

the photo is just from a magazine article where I think they interviewed the main vocals of various idol members, that's why junsu from 2PM was interviewed, becuase he's afternoon classes' lead vocalist.
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