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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest uh-ohxev

Ah, where's Kabler when we need her? All these rumors are really killing me right now (2OD). I'm taking everything with a grain of salt.. but, the thing is I heard this rumor about Mimi not too long ago. I completely forgot about that rumor, cause I thought it was so random and stupid and it had no truth in it... but, look at what happened today. Now, I'm more cautious of all rumors. I am so incredibly scared about what's to come. If the rumor is true that Jaebum returns as a solo artist, then JYPE is going to be in a war with fans. He promised on television that he'd return to 2PM, and not solo. I'm so scared of what's to come... I need more hope again. I lost a tiny bit after that rumor... I have more hope then negativity, but somehow I'm still really scared... why won't February come already? Why isn't April here yet? I'm so anxious T___T

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I think it's sad that these "rumors" keep coming true and people keep supporting JYP and giving him money after all he has done to rip these brothers apart. I hope buying this album brought people a lot of happiness because I'm sure as jay was watching his career slip away he was hoping SOMEBODY was happy.

I agree with you so much.

It is a shame!


As far as the Ellen Show... what is the big deal?

People should not assume that they know what will happen if 2PM come to America. There have been plenty of artists from other countries who have come here and did pretty good.

Case in point a rock band named Tokio Hotel from Germany, who did not know English at first but had to learn it and within the first 4 months of being in America won a MTV music award and next thing you know they are everywhere.

Now if you do not listen to rock or watch MTV music shows, then you probably would not know them.

And let us not forget, what are the Wonder Girls (I will miss you Sunmi... come back!) doing?

Does it really matter if 2PM does not have the same success in America, as they do in Korea? Who cares!

The point is that they have fans here, who would like to see them as well.

Goodness... some of you are so scary. Have some confidence.

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The thing about Korean companies is that they really do change their minds very often. What I fear most is that JYP's obsession with the US mkt get the better of him and if they do take up the Hype Nation offer (if there really is one), things might change again esp when it comes to Jay.

I was in knowledge of their initial plans. I hope those plans don't change and the direction of this April album does not change, only Feb will tell if these foundations have been shaken.

The reason that I am so quiet is because I am waiting for their official annoucement too. I can't keep badgering the same people as they are already growing suspicious of my overtly concern for the plans of 2PM, esp since the company works across the board with everyone else. Recently I have found myself suggesting Shinee more just to get people off my back and use it as a smokescreen to cover my obvious bias. Thanks to 2PM, my professional credibility has taken a beating ... sigh

Need to go on vacation soon and leave the industry for a while... too involved...

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thank you Kabler for even being active in this thread when you obviously have a professional conflict.

I hope the plans have not changed for 2PM... it doesn't seem like JYPe's very good at deviation and sudden change of plans (I mean when Jay left they did the album promotions just as they had planned, they didn't change it for anything/anyone. Even the concept, choreo remained.)

Hype Nation sounds like it's going to be so bad... I really hope they don't accept.... unless the Hype Nation budget balloons by like 3x. I mean the production has been shelved sooo many times already.

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Guest theblazenazn

So sad to hear about Mimi from WG. It puts everything into retrospects. Anything goes, you never know because it can happen that fast. In a way I feel grateful that JYPE didn't replace Jay like they did twice now with WG. People never really know what will happen.

With Regards to the U.S. Movie "Hype Nation". Aside from 2PM, i also i'm apart of Pledis Sister fandom with After School and Son Dambi, I heard from the info. all over their fansites a long time ago that Son Dambi pulled out of the Hype Nation movie because the movie budget was reduced drastically and they had no sponsors. Apparently the entire Hype Nation movie Budget is even extremely less than Son Dambi's Anycall contract. Even the director and producer bailed. BoA also didn't accept it (SME would never turn down a US Movie offer for no good reason). They apparently pulled the plug on the whole production so I don't know why there are rumors about Jay staring in it when it's been said to be cancel. Plus, JYPE said they never heard about it and for once I believe them. But we'll let time reveal what's real. You never know...

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It does sound like a B-grade movie but what it has going for it is the premise of the movie does sound interesting. Koreans are some of the best dancers in the world and they have taken many dance competitions on the international platform. To have a black crew up against a korean crew, the dance sequences if done well should be a spectacular sight. The movie produced by Paramount also means major studio backing and that would translate into a decent amount of publicity budget going into it.

Its not bad per say and didn't JYP produce for Omarion before? That would definitely make it even more biased as he is already connected to a member of the project.

The only thing worrying is the fact that Boa was attached to it and later declined, so did Son Dambi... there must be a reason why these people are not "going into Hollywood" since it is the end dream for every artiste in Korea or even the world. My guess is the production is probably very messy internally and that just spells trouble on the onset.

I am divided on whether Jay should do the movie if there was truly a concrete offer. But I am leaning more towwards him coming back to 2PM and hone their group skills abit more. These movies are cheap to produce and genre specific, I forsee more of them popping up hence there will be tons of other oportunities in the future.

2PM needs to stay unified and focused if they really want to enjoy longevity in the business. They have potential to be the next Shinhwa or even SMAP from Japan.

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you know what, I've had enough of all these dramas.

I am utterly pissed off at JYPE right now. I don't know if JYPE intentionally let those rumors (Wonder Girls' Mimi withdrawing, 2AM transferring to Big Hit Entertainment, Jaebeom's conference and Hype Nation movie, Jaebeom's not coming back....) spread out or JYPE was just too incompetent to deal with all those rumors.

I'm wondering if there can be a messier organization than JYPE. A lot of rumors and NO OFFICIAL STATEMENTS WHATSOEVER.

And I am also sad that the talented groups like 2PM, 2AM and Wonder Girls have to be managed by such a company. Sure JYP created good music for them and that's a good thing. But JYPE's PR department certainly contributed a lot to all these dramas and scandals exploding now.

Now that I look at the past, I realize that JYPE is NOT good at promoting their artists.


- GOD: Yoon Kye Sang left the group when they were still active.

- Park Ji Yoon: hit it big with Adult Ceremony, and then left JYPE because she couldn't live up to the concept created by JYPE for her (or JYPE failed to promote her properly?)

- Rain: left JYPE because there's no more prospect for him there. It made sense that Rain created his own company, or else he will rot in JYPE.

- Lim Jung Hee: (J-Lim) considered one of the best vocalists in Korea. Had great potential in Korea but JYPE brought her to the US to debut and since then we heard nothing from her.

- G-Soul and Min: never debuted.

- Joo: JYPE failed to protect her against scandals, she had to take hiatus of more than 1 year.

- 2AM: first album: under Cube, second album: under JYPE (and didn't receive enough promotion) and third album: possibly under Big Hit.

- 2PM: Jaebeom's scandal

I cannot stand this anymore. Someone should go to JYPE and tell them that their management skills is incompetent.

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Guest dorkafyd

Not sure if this has been asked, but it's just for fun... so yeah

Have you ever had a dream with 2PM in it and what happened?

please share! :P

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Guest happylove00

Credit: Kor-Eng : Lisa@2pm-online.com | Coordinator : Cassina@2pm-online.com

SOURCE: ilgankg.co.krWhat JYPE said about Jay's comeback

They said "We are not in the place to talk about it"

"The 'Important announcement' is not true"

They also said "We have got many offers from broadcasting companies, film creators, and award hosts. These are more appropriate to be said as one-sided opinions, not double-sided. The company's opinion is that we have settled on the one consistent opinion about Jaybum's status. That we are going to appreciate of his own opinion the first and the best."


honestly, i m losing my patience towards jype...

they are trying to maintain 2PM's popularity by using Jay as a prop...

if they do have a consistent opinion then why not say it out?

at least we can move on instead of remain status quo and debuting about it...

it's just so tiring...

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Guest tikamicizia

is it true the rumor about sunmi already brought up in the past?? I'm really scared now,, I had a bad dream last night... reading 2oneday twitter,, jyp making jay as solo artist and I saw him and jyp doing a performance with jay playing keyboard. lmao,, it was a cheap perf.... thank god I woke up and check twitter right away........

please don't let all the rumour come true.... yeah,, maybe jyp artists end it with them in a strange way,, but they still friends until now.. and they all doing what they like * yoon kye sang become an actor, park ji yoon singing what she's comfortable with... i still believe they really a family company and at least they don't end in jyp tragically like mon hee joon or shinwa..

idk what to think anymore.......

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is it true the rumor about sunmi already brought up in the past?? I'm really scared now,, I had a bad dream last night... reading 2oneday twitter,, jyp making jay as solo artist and I saw him and jyp doing a performance with jay playing keyboard. lmao,, it was a cheap perf.... thank god I woke up and check twitter right away........

please don't let all the rumour come true.... yeah,, maybe jyp artists end it with them in a strange way,, but they still friends until now.. and they all doing what they like * yoon kye sang become an actor, park ji yoon singing what she's comfortable with... i still believe they really a family company and at least they don't end in jyp tragically like mon hee joon or shinwa..

idk what to think anymore.......

I mean it doesn't have anything to do with the friendship between Park Jin Young and the artists. Frankly, I think the ones who really controlled everything are not Park Jin Young but the incompetent and heartless higher-ups in JYPE. I hate these Korean management companies so much, from SM to JYPE. The only one I still have patience with is YG.

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Guest silence457




you can believe it or not, up to you. you can wait three more weeks or you can start crying now.

I feel bad for 2PM and all of the fans.

And to Kabler, if you are one of the JYPE staff who is trying to calm Hottests down, please have a heart and stop creating false hope.

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Guest itszmaeee

I know as a fan, I/we shouldn't lose hope about Jae, but a part of me believes that JYPE is using Jae as a tactic to keep the hype for 1:59. I know that the boys, individually, are pretty popular by themselves, and as a group they are popular too. Does that make sense? I don't think I'm making any sense. I don't know why, but I have this feeling [a tiny bit] that JYPE is just using Jae. I don't know at what point. I just can't find the right words on what it is. Seriously, now that I think about it, [as someone mentioned before], JYPE sucks at handling the fans, netizens, and the media. It got me thinking if they're paying Naver to release those rumors and deny it the next [wow. I think i sounded stupid when I wrote that]. Anyways, this is just my own personal opinion. I know a lot would disagree to what I just said, but then again, that's just my opinion though. so yeah.[EDIT] I still have faith that someday Jae will return as 2PM's leader, not a solo singer. At times I feel like I'm slowly losing my trust for JYPE. We don't know if he's doing what he needs to make things right and we haven't heard a single REAL statement from him regarding whether Jae officially withdrawed or stayed. And just by reading an article about a fellow JYP artist, it seems as though JYPE gave what that artist wanted. I don't blame him, but this just proves that JYPE isn't good at handling the media/netizens/fans, and even his own artist. Yes, they are a family[on TV/pictures], and I don't blame him for actually giving what his artist wants. What's the point of giving them contracts, when they could easily just leave.


Itoppedthepage. looksforsomethingtoshare.

Idk why, but I love love love this picture.

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Guest entermuriel

sigh~ with so many rumors going around, sometimes i don't know what to think, honestly. but i still don't lose faith. i don't know what it is but i just got this feeling that Jaebeom will be back, i don't know what my feeling is based upon, but it's like my heart tells me not to give up and just have more patience. i just hope this feeling i got is not wrong.

as far as JYPE... i find myself getting more and more frustrated by them. i mean, it's not JYP the man who i don't trust, [for some reason, even through everything that has happened i still have respect for him and somewhat trust him] who i don't trust are the other higher-ups at JYPE, they're are the ones who make my heart unsettled and keep on pushing my buttons T.T

i wish something OFFICIAL and LEGIT could appear from JYPE, sometimes i find myself getting impatient and i can't take it anymore, but then, i remember a saying that goes somewhat like this: "bad news travel the fastest, good news take their time to come." i'm somewhat relying on this phrase, hoping that if what JYPE have to tell us were to be bad news, they would've said something already. but it's been four months already... and nothing yet.

sigh~ i want to be positive, but i don't want to blind myself either T.T i'm just going to ignore any kind of rumor [positive or negative] i guess i'll just keep on waiting until February or April >.<

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Maxed out my 3 post limit but I agree with Max23 wholeheartedly. I think President Yang is terrific. His people skills, the way he handles press, crisis, he is always patient, logical and addresses the issues swiftly to its roots. Thats why he is extremely well respected in Korea.

I believe that if Jae was his artiste, he would have never allowed things to escalate to such an extent.

A classic example is the way he is handling the Gdragon situation. Very clever to play mediator on all fronts and low profile the artiste for the time being.

JYPE is not well known in Korea for their management style. Alot of people feel that the staff that work for the company are all very junior and inexperienced giving an impression that they are not very professional.

JYP himself is a creative and not necessarily the best businessman or people relations expert. Their internal structure seems a little messy at the time being. He is really good at spotting talent and grooming them but I think for the company to become stronger and better, they really need some senior exceutives who know the business well to hold fort for them. Unless that becomes a reality, I suspect when it comes to their artistes, clients and fans alike are in for a stressful time.

Edit: Since quite a few of you took a stab at my identity, for good or bad. I'll take a stab at Silence's secret identity as well... with that much authority... hmmm Khun's sister? :) Anyway the info I had about their plans spans all the way to last qtr 2010. But like I prev mentioned, with new offers and opportunities, just worried that JYPE will take the short term financial benefits and make changes to their original plans again. But since Oct last year my different sources has already confirmed that Jay was coming back. In fact Feb is such an improvement from the first news I got which was no earlier than second half 2010. Their businesses are all intertwined with JYPE's and I don't see why JYPE would give them "false information" or in fan terms "false hopes" when they need to plan their marketing around this info.And Silence seems to give us the impresssion that the company have meetings every week and makes up a new deicison eash week. Last week Silence gave us the positive news, this week, Jay's not coming back again. Since its different each week and the insider other than myself has reiterated we need to take the words seriously, we'll just wait for the week of mid feb and see if "JYPE" changed their mind again.

I concede defeat. I only know JYPE's stance to advertisers, sponsors and promoters from September last year till my last convo with some of them in early Jan. I have absolutely no clue what goes on their weekly meetings and if new developments change every minute every second. In my world, we work on datelins, timelines and strategies and we work with professionals who know exactly what needs to be done at every timeframe.

I agree with the statement: What did Jay do that was so wrong that he needs to be exiled forever. That is always in my heart and mind which helped me stay positive despite hearing all these speculations all the time.

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it's really difficult to say what exactly is the company motivation in JYPE.

It's true, they let a lot of their artists go, but the one good thing is that so far, the people who leave their groups manage to bounce back or they have a completely successful career post JYPE.

In my humble opinion, the 2PM situation is unique. Actually, each of the situations mentioned by Max23 are unique.

YKS and GOD parted because he admitted himself, music was not his first love and he wanted to pursue acting, which he did. Hyuna is successful with 4min now.. About the recent sunmi & WG situation , I am so conflicted, she was my favorite member, but her personal feelings (I have an inkling the girl really did not adjust well in the US), and her personal choice to get a high school diploma are not BAD decisions. I mean, the entertainment business is by no means a steady job, realizing that, and wanting to get your diploma so your life has some kind of insurance is not a wrong decision. (this is why part of me would be okay if Jay decides to stay in the US and get his butt to college. don't hate me for feeling that, but There is value in higher education, and although it's a much boring-er life than that of a pop star, it's stable, it's steady, and there is definitely happiness in being a normal person.) And one thing to notice about these members who left, they did so mainly on their own accord, they all came to a point where music wasn't the main thing for them anymore.

I guess the one good thing you can say about JYPE is that after their artists leave, they don't try to block their advancements in the entertainment business like other entertainment companies do. They seem to be able to let go pretty well and wish their former families well.

I want Jay back in the group really badly, but I am also conflicted b/c in my heart, I knew that one day Jay would go solo from the group, as well as Junsu, and musically Junho and wooyoung are probably able to work solo. Khun, Taec, and Chan are probably going to go into acting or MC-ing. In fact, if Jay does come back to the group, he will become a first for JYPE, as he'd be the only member to temporarily leave the group and come back. On the other hand, Jay's situation is extremely unique. We all know that it was NOT his first choice to leave 2PM. (yeah, yeah, people keep saying that he chose to leave, but honestly, do you think he would have made the decision had it not been a set of extremely drastic consequences for everyone if he didn't?)

I think one of the reasons why JYPE is in a mess right now is because they're not used to having so many active new artist groups altogether at one time. I mean, before, they had many artists but this is the first time they had so many artists at one time. I mean technically, by the time Bi came out, GOD was already on their 5th album. By the time they brought out WG, Bi was practically done w/ his JYPE contract. JYPE was never known to be like a multi-tasking agency like SM. All of a sudden in 2007-2008, JYPE came out with 4 new artists from WG, Joo, 2AM, 2PM. I think with all these artist launches, they took on too much in too short span of a time, and that's why management is a mess. Like Kabler said, either they expand and bring in people who know how to do things efficiently or they need to lessen their load. (which I guess they kinda did since Joo isn't active for a while now.)

someone bring out a crystal ball and fastforward to February please. i''m hoping for some major valentine's day swag :P

@Silence, it seems like the only thing consistent from your posts is that in mid-february, something is going to be announced, so I will wait 3 more weeks. (I'm not trying to be mocking or call you a troll, but you have to admit, your inside info changes from day to day, and maybe it is because JYPE changes their plans from day to day, who knows.) And to be honest, if he's not back, then he's not back. There are worse things in life that can happen to Hottests, and there are worse things in life that can happen to Jay. Maybe this is also what Jay wants, maybe it's not what he wants, but whatever, you cannot predict everything in life and you can't make everything go your way. Maybe I'm just numb and tired from everything, but I just want all the fellow fans here to know that LIFE WILL GO ON NO MATTER WHAT. Let's just wish the people we support the best.

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Guest happyberry2007

I am so depress right now and angry. I just read that sunmi from wondergirls left the group

and was replace by another member. I am not even a fan of wondergirls but i cannot help but

wonder if jyp is really gonna have jay comeback to 2pm. He seems to let go of his artist pretty easily.

With all this rumors going around why dont jype clears thing up and just stops playing with hottests feelings.

I also dont want jay to go solo call me selfish but i want to see to 2pm complete as 7 group member. The only thing clear in my mind right now is that i cant trust jyp or jype any longer.

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