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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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So yeah, I am Jay-biased like that. And I don't give a crap whether that's right or wrong. I seriously think nobody here deserves to be told what being a fan should not do or what is the correct way to love and support the boys. Just cause THERE AIN'T. So while I'm here speaking my mind, I may as well take all angry fan slams in a single blow. HERE GOES --- Yes, I'm jealous that jjit-Taec is now AS HOT AS Jay. I'm jealous that people are laughing at JunK and not Jay (because Jay always does the darnest things). I'm jealous that Woo/Taec are now the hottest members amongst female celebrities. I'm jealous... HAHAHAH I love you Park Jaebeom!

Oh well, all in good fun alright? I go to 2PM forums once in a while now to relive my passion for the boys and this is one really hyped out forum...and I really think it's not a bad thing at all. So ya know, we are like these over-protective parents, we've watched them since they were learning how to walk and now we're holding on to our boys real tight -- we get worried when they grow up too fast; we get worried when they start going out with girls; we get worried if fame ever gets to their head. But that doesn't mean we don't love them right? I know I still do.

And because I really love him so much. I believe and hope that DA BOY WILL COME BACK LIKE DAT. So fly even in a cardbox, our baby (ps. i forgot where I got this gif from so if you own it pls don't hate me for stealin' it and I love you):

lol sorry to cut your post but i loved it especially after going through 2-3 pages of massive pinkberrying in this thread. it would be nice to read more lighthearted posts like yours.

Kabler's post was <33 too

like someone said, i seriously hope our english speaking members don't come here and read this thread either because reading some posts really put me down so i can't even imagine how they would feel.

like all this talk about fame getting to their heads and how everything they do is calculated, how they're forgetting Jay...

i also don't understand why everyone is pinkberrying about their stripping. they haven't even stripped that much. and back then Jay was topless for practically every photoshoot and stripped during performances too so i don't get it!

at the moment i like 1:59PM, my inner Wooyoung fangirl somehow came out during this time, i started paying more attention to Junsu, and i like Taec stripping so no complaints.

at the same time i miss the old 2PM too and i watch old vids all the time.

and i'm just patiently waiting for Jay to come back because he will!!!!

and i can't wait for Junho to fill in for Taec. WooHo will be so cute.

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Guest haiphuong

In case anyone is feeling let down by all this rubbish right now, I just want us to stay cool and think through the questions I am listing. Once you have answered them, I believe we will all gain some rationality to the subject:

1) Did Jay kill anyone from JYP's family, a dog, his maid, or his mum?

2) Was his crime so huge that it cannot be explained away that a 'death' sentence on his career is a definite must

3) Did Jay perhaps steal JYP's stash of dduk or did something to this producer who has faced many setbacks and backstabs in his entire career with other proteges to cause him to single out jaebum and HATE him so much that he needs to plot his revenge against a 22 year old kid at the expense of his profit margins.(remember that bad blood ran deep when him and Rain parted. Where are they now?)

We're actually dealing with smart people here, people who are so good in what they do that they have single-handedly taken a homegrown company and brought its fame international.

I really hope this is my last statement on this subject till end Feb. The new album is not what everyone expects and Jay will be back likely by Feb. All those spotting rumours of this JYPE staff and she said, he said. Just wanted you guys to know that in our entertainment world, we also deal with underhand methods used by rival companies called corporate espionage. It doesn't really spell like a mission impossible movie but its normal practise for rival companies to go into forums and fan sites to spy on the sentiments at hand and do their best to create dessension in order to bring trouble-- a case of lessening of power for one to create a window of opportunity for another. I am sure many of you have heard this term that the entertainment business is the dirtiest trade in the world. Just want to reinforce that we don't get this reputation for what we do without rhyme nor reason.

One other thing, for 2PM to disband within the next 3-5 years is harder than asking the weather not to snow in Dec. If you only had any idea the number of offers coming in for the boys worldwide at the moment, you cannot even imagine the plans that the company has in stall for them. The knowledge I have on them probably occupies the tip of the iceberg. This will be the year of 2PM, possibly next year and year after and I am telling you this as an industry insider.

Keep the faith, dump out the rubbish. The truth will all be clear way too soon. Companies don't answer to fans on a whim because they work on timelines. Theres a time for everything and the key to understanding how our business works is patience.

This whole thing is playing out like a slippery slope fallacy. Stop, think and always remember the grounds to why he left, the circumstance then, the circumstance now and apply rationality to his supposed "crime" before coming up with ludicrous acceptance of the garbage supposedly on how JYPE is against JAY. Why would there be an overhwleming need for the company to "finish" him when the tide has clearly turned.

His return is the most anticipated news of 2010, do you honestly think JYPE is going to let go of the biggest headline to make entertainment news this year and the possibility to milk that news to the hilt just because he is PMS-ing?

Peace out!

Since when I feel very happy when I read your post? Thanks for bringing up the mood here :)

I'm not working in entertainment company but I also go to work and I understand what business is. Like Kabler said, everything was definitely planed carefully and all we could do now is waiting. Whether it's happy or sad, JYPE. will release an official statement sooner or later. On the other way of speaking, JYPE. is the one who's in charge of giving us information we want: Jay will comeback or not, not the rumors we heard here and there. Let's calm down and be patient guys. We have been waiting for 4 months, should we wait a little more time?

As a business man, what JYP is doing now is try to protect his "family" (the artists, the staffs...). The CEO has many things to do and he has hundreds of staffs below. He also has the responsible for the whole company. Fans don't want 2PM with just 6 members but we don't want the "2PM" name is forgotten too, right? Everybody moves, so does them. They have to "move" to bring the money to the company because JYPE. still has many trainees to be trained, many staffs to be feed....

As an artist who has lived in the industry for a long time, he knows that Jay must be "forgotten" by the public at the moment. You have to forget to remember. We didn't hear any news about Jay recently and I think JYP did something about this. I think that he's not "earasing" Jay from everybody's memory but he's just trying to "hiding" him. What the boy need now is prepare his mental for the comeback, not becoming hot issue in daily news. He himself said that what Jay did was wrong but the re-action of the public was also too harsh. I think letting Jay back to Seattle was the last thing he could do to Jay. He broke his promise about keeping Jay in 2PM when the drama released, but was it possible for a CEO that broke his promise so simple like that? I think there must be something inside on that day.

Sorry for my bad english and I hope you won't misunderstand me :) All I want to say is please calm down a little and wait.

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Guest dawnded

I wanted to quote respond some messages, and then realized there were just too many msgs i wanted to respond too. HAHA. So I'll just say -- AWESOME fans are AWESOME fans. And Kabler's the best! :) Yay, now we're all happy, hope we stay like this. And thanks for all the Jay tributes, Jay tributes are always nice!

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Guest lilprincess

Thank you Kabler for putting into words how I feel about the whole Jaeboem situation and lending some authority by speaking as an industry insider! I have not been saying much about this issue cos I feel that the emotions surrounding it are too high-strung and there has been too much discord in this thread already. But like you said, I believe there is a TIME for everything and we should just wait patiently for things to unravel.

I feel Jay's time of respite in Seattle was needed for several reasons: the netizens had to calm down, Jay had to be responsible for his actions and away from the glaring spotlight, and JYPE had to allow the dust to settle and see which direction the public's sentiments would eventually take. But yet during this time the other 6 boys had to continue with their 1:59 album promotions or else risk being forgotten completely amongst the droves of boybands/girl groups that are popping up every week. And may I remind you guys what an incredible job they have done! Against all odds they still finished at the top - an amazing feat considering how their morale must have suffered after losing their leader. Whatever us fans went through following his departure... the other boys must have felt a thousand times more.

I remain optimistic about Jay's return for the following reasons:

1. the 6-membered 2PM has not elected a new leader

2. the boys constantly remembering Jay in their thank you speeches, posting about Jay on their cyworlds, sharing their album profits with him, hinting that they are still waiting for his return

3. 2PM not appearing on variety shows as a 6-membered group

4. JYP and Jay have remained in close contact

5. Jay's mistakes were not unforgivable

6. last but certainly not least, the little bits of info which Kabler has posted here!!

One more month is not too long to wait for news regarding the album and Jay's possible return. Be patient, keep the faith, and if all else fails find something to take your mind off this issue for now :)

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To Kabler,

whoever you are, wherever you are, i could kiss you really really hard!!

u totally kick some sense in me and also to, i'm sure, all of us who were reading ur post!

i guess ur right!

JYPE would use Jaebum to milk in cash!

sigh, no matter how much i hate how it sounds, it's better late than never, i guess.

thank you so much!

i feel much more at ease now~ ^^

thank you!

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Guest everybodyshout
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Guest ohsopissed

i'm also upset that khun is bashed because he really does not deserve it. he might not have talent like the other boys, but he puts in alot of effort(thats why JYP praised him, i think he deserves it). even though he isnt my favourite member, but he was the one who made me interested in 2pm. initially i also thought that he was just a pretty face but after watching idol army, i realized that he had a really good character as well. i'm sure that he will continue to strive and put in effort to improve~ and i'm happy that he got an acting role as well.

as to FO2 thing, i like taec but i'm not really happy..

to the 'not appearing on variety programs' thing and that he's the most exposed in 2pm now, i'd rather the role go to another less exposed/underrated member. but still, i hope he does well in FO2.

it seems like taecyeon is the new 'mascot' of 2pm, and he certainly has a surge in popularity + number of female celebrity fans. but somehow i still feel like its a 'cycle' thing, at 1 point of time one member would be in the 'spotlight' and all attention goes to him, next we might not know. (but i kinda hope each member gets equal exposure)

anddddd lastly to my favourite member wooyoungie~~

i really miss his old bubbly personality as well:((((

in idol army, wild bunny and star king.

i'm not jumping on the bandwagon!! i really started liking him months ago.

somehow i could feel his effort, and his popularity was growing and not like suddenly BOOM, not due to him stripping or taking out his sunglasses in a cool manner, not being attention-seeking, but by doing his part to his best. thats what i like about him.

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Guest qweqwe

In case anyone is feeling let down by all this rubbish right now, I just want us to stay cool and think through the questions I am listing. Once you have answered them, I believe we will all gain some rationality to the subject:

1) Did Jay kill anyone from JYP's family, a dog, his maid, or his mum?

2) Was his crime so huge that it cannot be explained away that a 'death' sentence on his career is a definite must

3) Did Jay perhaps steal JYP's stash of dduk or did something to this producer who has faced many setbacks and backstabs in his entire career with other proteges to cause him to single out jaebum and HATE him so much that he needs to plot his revenge against a 22 year old kid at the expense of his profit margins.(remember that bad blood ran deep when him and Rain parted. Where are they now?)

We're actually dealing with smart people here, people who are so good in what they do that they have single-handedly taken a homegrown company and brought its fame international.

I really hope this is my last statement on this subject till end Feb. The new album is not what everyone expects and Jay will be back likely by Feb. All those spotting rumours of this JYPE staff and she said, he said. Just wanted you guys to know that in our entertainment world, we also deal with underhand methods used by rival companies called corporate espionage. It doesn't really spell like a mission impossible movie but its normal practise for rival companies to go into forums and fan sites to spy on the sentiments at hand and do their best to create dessension in order to bring trouble-- a case of lessening of power for one to create a window of opportunity for another. I am sure many of you have heard this term that the entertainment business is the dirtiest trade in the world. Just want to reinforce that we don't get this reputation for what we do without rhyme nor reason.

One other thing, for 2PM to disband within the next 3-5 years is harder than asking the weather not to snow in Dec. If you only had any idea the number of offers coming in for the boys worldwide at the moment, you cannot even imagine the plans that the company has in stall for them. The knowledge I have on them probably occupies the tip of the iceberg. This will be the year of 2PM, possibly next year and year after and I am telling you this as an industry insider.

Keep the faith, dump out the rubbish. The truth will all be clear way too soon. Companies don't answer to fans on a whim because they work on timelines. Theres a time for everything and the key to understanding how our business works is patience.

This whole thing is playing out like a slippery slope fallacy. Stop, think and always remember the grounds to why he left, the circumstance then, the circumstance now and apply rationality to his supposed "crime" before coming up with ludicrous acceptance of the garbage supposedly on how JYPE is against JAY. Why would there be an overhwleming need for the company to "finish" him when the tide has clearly turned.

His return is the most anticipated news of 2010, do you honestly think JYPE is going to let go of the biggest headline to make entertainment news this year and the possibility to milk that news to the hilt just because he is PMS-ing?

Peace out!

Dearest Kabler, thank you... thank you... thank you.. You are very often the bearer of hope & positivity in this thread! ;)

I choose to believe in your post. Because what you said make a lot of sense and i choose to believe what an industry insider has to say..

Why would JYPE kill off 2PM at the height of their popularity.. They are cash cows, for goodness sake.. and same applies to Jay.. I cannot even imagine how newsworthy jay will be if he were to even step foot into korea again!



On the contrary to Kabler, you are always the mood dampener.. or rather always the bearer of pessimistic & negative info. And there isn't a need to post in all caps & bold wordings.. I wonder what you are going to sprout next..

anyway, please do not respond to me. if you really have to (probably to tell me off & defend your post) <_< <_< , if you really must do so, please PM me.. don't flame this thread again with your writings.. but either way, you ain't getting any more reaction from me.. not going to feed you ego.

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Guest JiAhUiis

Hey guys!

Yes, lets keep the faith and wait for news instead. Jay is being missed but it doesn't mean we all have to push things or try to pressurize by finding out.

I believe as time goes by, things will get better. When everyone, everything and Jay is comfortable. Things will be fine once again. Of course I would LOVE the whole 2PM to be together.

Lets all pray and have faith. PATIENCE. Everyone is working hard(:

Fighting / HWAITING~♥

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Guest viviean

I love you so much kabler and all of hottests too.

I hope when our pink granpa come back. hottest will reunite again and 2pm will be on top of the top in kpop world.

keep the faith hottest.

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Guest dancingbymyself

I came into this thread because my friend like Ok Taecyeon and wanted me to find her some pics to use

as her phone wallpaper, and... yea... I had heard about this whole Jaebum thing, and that the fans were kind of

crazy, but... yea.. I didn't know it was to this extent.

People saying that the other 6 members are worthless and 2PM is only worth it if all the members are there... if your precious Park Jaebum saw that, he would probably feel disgusted. Honestly as a casual observer, I didn't even notice there

was someone missing. I knew he ran away to the US, but I thought when they made their comeback he was there, I didn't even notice he was not there until someone told me and I looked closely. (I don't know all their names/faces) Their still the same people and the same group they were before he left, it's just he's not there anymore. Maybe it's different to hardcore 2PM fans but...

And all this stuff about them not going on shows... should they put their lives on hold because he decided to run away?

They may be a group, but they are all also individual people who need to keep moving and working, but they should just

stay stagnant until he decides if he wants to come back? I think his leaving is kind of like a death in the family. The person is gone, but life goes on. You can't stop living just because that person did, just like 2PM can't stop working just because Jaebum did. It's something that hurts like a pinkberry, but you have to suck it up and move on, and try your best to move on and be happy.

And as for the whole "We were fans since hotblood" ... what about the people from hotblood that didn't make it to 2pm?

They are probably about as close, but they aren't in Oneday?

(Disclamer: I'm not a 2PM fan, i'm actually not really any idol groups fan, but... yea. If my post is like... completely wrong becuase i'm missing some crucial information that's why.)

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does anyone know if 2PM usually pre-records their performances on inkigayo or if they're apart of the live show? i'm GUESSING they pre-record since wooyoung & taecyeon are the MCs, yeah?

i'm thinking of going to the january 17th sunday taping for their final performance... well, i entered for tickets to the live show, but if i don't get 'em, i wanted to wait in line with khottest. but i've heard that inkigayo is kinda anal & won't let you in the live show if they let you in to see your artist's pre-recorded performance? if that's the case, i'll be pretty torn if i can only see 2PM do their pre-recorded performance and NOT see the boys MC the live show! :(

although, i've heard that if the MC is also a performing artist, if you wait in line with their respective fanclub, you are usually allowed for the entire live show (ie. FT island primadonna got to see the whole show cos hongki used to host the show?)

anyone know?

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Guest Qi Luo

As I topped the page, here are some HQ pics:

2PM - Hottest Time Of The Day (2008) - Wallpapers

(click the thumbs!)


I know many people became 2pm fans only after 'Again & Again', but I love them since their debut and I loved the concept of their first single 'Hottest Time Of The Day' album: the naughty flying b-boys concept. I loved how all songs, specially '10 Points Out of 10' had an old-school vibe. I also loved the choreography of '10 Points Out of 10' it was so energetic and cool.

HQ Screenshots of '10 Points Out Of 10' (B-Side Version) MV

(click the thumbs!)


I wasnt going to take screenshot of only 1 member, but Junho looked so cute doing that pose that I couldn't resist! :D


Why didn't JYPE chose this cover for '1:59' album?


This cover is more beautiful and artistic and it fits the '1:59' dark concept more than

the cover they chose:



Shoot me again but I just feel they're concept all is now changing to be similar with the rest of the boy groups and I don't want that cuz that's not what 2pm is ! and all this

Jay coming back to 2PM is a harder decision then most of you would like to brush it off as. Once he comes back, the comments he made will come up again and I'm sure he's going to be expected to make a public statement along with issuing another apology again. And having to perform in front of people who might hate your guts probably doesn't make it any easier.

I think JYPE should have made a press conference when the scandal happened just to clear all the misunderstandings and allow Jay explain everything what happened to him since his pre-debut days. This way, we wouldn't see many articles with biased opinions agaisnt Jay and 2PM.

I know that bringing Jay back is a hard decision, specially now that 2PM(6PM version) became sucessful and many koreans felt pity for them and started becoming fans of 2PM(6PM). '1:59' album is the best selling album of 2010 and it's in the top 50 best selling records of 2009 even though the album was released in the very end of 2009.

I want to support the 6 members and I don't want them to fail, but if 2PM(6PM version) becomes even more sucessful, JYPE won't bring Jay back. Why would JYPE bring Jay back if the group is being sucessful without him? And why would they bring him back if this will bring the story about the scandal again and antis start being active again?

That's why I'm worried...

I know JYP is not a bad guy... Besides being a producer and creating JYPE... he is a singer and a performer. He knows what singing and dancing means for him and for his trainees and for his artists. But on JYPE he has people investing on the company, people backing the company with financial support, so on JYPE, it's not only JYP's decision that prevail.

Many people said that one of the things that helped push Jay away from 2PM, was a contract with a mobile company that was signed with 2PM before the scandal. Remember the CF with Hyun Ah (of 4Minutes)? It was supposed to be a CF with 2PM and it was going to be focused on Jay. But when Jay's scandal happened, the mobile company didn't want their brand be associated with a group that was involved in such scandal... so that's why JYPE let Jay go.

In the end it's money that will make the decision and it's scary how all the things seem to be going on the direction of having 2PM move on without Jay.

I love the 6 members but I falled in love for 2PM because of the 7 members together. I became fan of 2PM because besides Big Bang, all the other boy idol groups are the same and when 2PM debuted they were unique! They had a different concept, they had powerful dance skills, they were perfect on the live performances and they had a lot of energy. But after Jay left, JYPE has been slowly turning 2PM into a male idol group like all the others out there. They're losing their unique charm and unique concept. I'm not saying this is 6 members fault, I think it's JYPE's fault.

But, it's sad that 2PM is losing the charm that made me became fan of them. :(

There's no such thing as Jaebum2PM supporters. We are 2PM supporters.

We support Jay not because we don't support the 6 members. We support Jay because we support the 2PM we became fans. And 2PM is 2PM because of all 7 members.

I'm not saying we shouldn't support the 6 members... But we shouldn't forget that Jay is important for 2PM and we shouldn't stop supporting Jay and showing JYPE that we want him back with 2PM. Because 2PM is not 100% 2PM, if it's not complete.

PS: I don't think we should say bad things about 6 members if they smile or if they dont mention Jay all the time. I'm sure they want Jay to be back with them as much as we all do, but JYPE staff are probably forcing the boys to shut up and don't talk about what happened.

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Guest babiluxx

guys I think if we think someone in this thread is stating things that are not appropriate then we should just ignore them and report them. They are looking for a fight..but lets not give it to them. I just don't get why certain people wants to make negative comments all the time--maybe it will be true but maybe it wont but why bring it up when they know that it will make some of the fans upset? I don't understand...all I can do is click that report button on the side. :)

anyways I don't really want to take my opinion..i want to go off on many things and say a lot of things but like I said before we need to be positive. Hottests may all have different opinions about this situation but there is one thing that we all share and that is the love we have for our boys--2PM. since thats what united us to together...lets set aside our differences--because why do we post in this thread? BECAUSE we LOVE 2PM and we care about them.


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Guest JiAhUiis

omg. wtf.

i think everyone shld just chillax and stop commenting so much abt this issue. I seriously think everyone shld just wait and listen to what would happen rather than commenting. It's like, negative, positive and irrelevantive, The best way to solve everything is to WAIT AND HEAR WHAT JYP AND JAY would say later.

So lets all stop giving those nasty comments. And I doubt fans asked Jay to commit suidie. That's a lil way too over.

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