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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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(sorry for my grammar)

I believed the rumors about the fact that JYPE didn't put 1:59PM on variety shows. These rumors state that it was because no variety shows wanted them. They lost leadja and as you may know, the family really is important in Korea, and they didn't represent a "family" anymore. Now that 2PM is more popular than before & poeple are used to see 2PM w/o their leader, the PD's are beginning to accept them little by little. In fact the rumors state that JYPE lied, this is not to respect the fans and all (never believe that x) but JYPE asked all PDs to accept the boys because 2PM was popular thanks to the TV shows! Even Jaebum said it to Boom once, he said "It's thanks to you we are famous now" (sorry I have no proofs it's just my memories XD) because thanks to Idol Show, 2PM gain popularity. For a group who has been famous because of TV Show and NOT because of their music in first, it was essential that they keep going on variety shows... So JYPE just hidden the fact that the PDs refused 2PM in their show and said "We will respect J." like that their image towards the fans would improve and they found an excuse (?) for the abscence of 2PM in variety shows. I think that thanks to (or because of) Jay's controversy, 2PM popularity exploded but Jay's too (sorry, but I don't think "Heartbeat" w/o its scandal just before would have made 2PM so popular as they are right now). The fact that J. was mentioned again & again made that poeple didn't forget that 2PM wasn't complete as a family so they couldn't go in variety shows. But now, it has been 4 months and poeple are used to see the boys w/o leadja, so I guess that they'll return in variety shows...

I just think that we won't see them in a show where Kang Ho Dong is the main MC because I have the feeling that he supports the Hottests who think that 2PM can't exist without one of their member (please, NO OFFENSE).

That's my theory x).

I just hope that the Hottests won't give up and will fight no matter what.

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Guest DbskDream

Khun's Thailand event set for February


Popular group 2PM's Nichkhun will be going to Phuket, Thailand with 100 fans on February 13th for 4 nights and 5 days. Having been chosen as Thailand's 2009 ambassador, he will be spending a thought and fun time with his fans while experiencing the various cultures of Thailand.

With various items that he recorded advertisements for, Khun and the fans will be able to experience events such as muy thai, dinner parties, beach games, spas, and city tours. Not only will the crowd consist of Khun fans but also regular families.


Read more: http://shasha-dbskforever.blogspot.com/201...r-february.html

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but promotions are over :/

From the statements I've read, I'm not seeing any kind of supposed promise JYPE broke.

If there is this promise out there, then please post a link to that article.

If Taec feels better during this whole ordeal by using humor (and we've seen him do this many times over the last couple of months), then he should be allowed to.

I don't feel any kind of joy or justice knowing that they have to stay in the dorms all day, staring at the walls. The guys need some kind of release after all this tension. Many times since Sept 8., I laughed and joked around with my family. But as soon as the guys do it, it's a sin and they're accused of "forgetting about Jay". Why can't the fans let them have this for once? Sorry fans, but those members are the ones hurting more.

And no, I seriously doubt Jay is feeling betrayed at the moment about this decision.

credit to: allkpop, popseoul, 2pm-online for their articles


That being said, I don't think any of the party is at fault here. The situation is very sad and complicated. Even JYPE does not have full control over whether Jay returns or not.

I'm just gonna wait and hope for the best. If by the end of February, we hear nothing of Jay's return, I think that's the end of Jay's career.


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i'm sorry to burst everyone's bubble are what not but i found this clip where i guess 2pm talks about how kwon from 2am is meeting some pd i guess for their new album or whatever. but throughout the video khun does not say one word but at the end they all get up to go eat and no one ever tries to take care of khun........ this makes me so sad. yes he may be tired and stuff but still.... i guess reading some comments on daum, some fans are going as far as saying that it's 5(CS, JH, JS, WY,TY) :2(jay khun) and that the whole "we miss you jay" on tv is just a front that's their putting on and stuff. this whole FO2 thing is making everyone confused and ripping fans apart. JYP LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!! =[

here's the clip:


^ click on the black square and it should start playing (sorry there's no translation/ subs. i cant really hear well of what they're saying anyways)

Hmm maybe Khun's just tired like you said?

Don't forget that Khun & Wooyoung are secretly married, Woo wouldn't just intentionally ignore Khun like that!

Otherwise, Wooyoung has this to face to when he gets home...


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Guest itszmaeee

Is everyone still one the Taec-issue-FO2-thing? Can I post something unrelated to that topic? I don't know if this was posted before, but I decided to post this on here since it's 2PM related.

TvN forcast 2PM vs BIGBANG in 2010....

News.nate : Maybe, the big event will be held in this year : 2PM and Bigbang will have the fight of the century.

tvN news forecast the prospects of this year in K-pop world and said that the most noticeable scenario might be the showdown between 2pm and Bigbang.

In the year of 2009, there are so many splendid idol stars in K-pop world. Especially, 2pm maintained the pride of male idol group in the sweeping zeal for female idol group. So 2pm is a group who is worthy to take the lead.

But, Bigbang who was the best idol group of the year 2008 and took activities as a solo in last year, has the plan to come back as "Big bang", so a showdown between the two(Big bang vs. 2pm) will be inevitable.

tvN ENEWS will analyze the showdown between the two in K-pop world from various angles, and select it as the hottest issue of the year. Actually, 2PM and Bigbang has never met in the final.

And tvN New will analyze around all aspects - including their music style, dance and fashion style, Ads and album sales. More, the prospect of the mass and the professionals will be included in this program. Through all these data, tvN news will forecast who will be a winner.

The rivals jostling each other for top rank in K-pop is the most interesting things in 2010, and it will be the most compelling rival structure as successor to HOT vs Sechs Kiss(1998) and Bigbang vs. Dongbandshinki(2008).

The forecast of the showdown between Bigband ang 2pm will be on air on 7th, 9:pm in tvN enews.

*(Credit: Kor-Eng Chinup_Jay@2pm-online.comCoordinator Cassina@2pm-online.com*)

credits:woojjen@big bang thread

I'd rather have both groups collaborate than have this whole rivalry fiasco since both groups are friends with each other. Big Bang is their sunbae and 2PM is Big Bang's hoobaes. No before that happens, I want Jaebeom back and be part of that collaboration.

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Guest thefirstmoment777

I have read all of ur posts abt those rumors and news today. I just want to share my feeling hear since I found no where to share it. (sorry 4 my bad English)

1.The first news I read this morning is abt Taec and FO2. I was like wt* ??? up til now this one is said that has not confirmed. but I think JYPE will not let this big chance go away...

2.and this afternoon, there is a news abt Khun and the trip with fans, which I remembered it was delayed due to Jay's issue.

these two make me think that: does JYPE start everything all over again, exactly the same steps right before Jay's controversy??? I have a bad feeling that they are trying to erase Jay's image out of 2PM..... But somewhere inside me I still hope that: they are putting it back to prepare for Jay's return.... back to normal....like they dont want when Jay's back, the public get angry, so they let other boys go to the shows in order for the public get used to 2PM's image on TV...

Im a fan of Taekie so when I read the news, im not only happy but also worry. Im happy coz Taekie finally has chance to shine more. But Im sad when I think abt him and Yoona :( also when I think abt Jay's situation. so now im confused with myself :( really dont know what is right, what is wrong :(

And abt the promises that some of u mentioned abt. I agree with sweetVisions. All I can see that they are trying to keep HOTTEST's mood at normal AT THAT TIME. But I really hate the way they didnt state something straight, they just said it so fans dont get angry >"<

Sorry everyone, I just write everything in my mine so it's not in any order... coz I got myself confused....

I keep a hope like Kabler said. Thanks for providing us some info to keep hope.At least it's not make me confused with myself....

OK, let me ask u guys this. I saw this pic on youtube and I cant find it anywhere. So could anyone help me to find it? I want to make it as my wallpaper ^^


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Guest avchuck

To those who are sarcastically asking about the PROMISE made by jyp it was an official statement made by JYP that the boys would not be going on variety shows out of respect to the fans who were upset about jaebom. There still is no jaebom and the fans are still upset but the boys are now going on variety shows. That's the promise we are talking about. JYP's words mean nothing so he should really stop putting out these statements. And YES the statment came from the company. So please stop posting these snide comments like "this mysterious promise" that we are speaking of. It's not mysterious and we are not jumping the gun or putting words in JYP's mouth.

Whoa-whoa-whoa! How about calming that sarcastic tone of yours down a little there. What I asked was an honest question. If you look at the number of posts I make in the time that I've been a member in soompi I DO NOT POST OFTEN! So when I asked about WTF "this mysterious promise" is--it IS a mysterious promise TO ME!! So take a major step down from your little high horse and back off!

Maybe you need to reread the post and note the bolded line:

What's this "JYP promise" everyone's talking about?

I've just now calmed down from reading the latest BOMBS of rumors on 2oneday's website and gone over everyone's reaction to the news. What I keep reading is "JYP promised!" WHAT DID HE PROMISE IN REGARDS TO JAY?!

As far as I'm aware JYP didn't promise anything. The only thing he said coming close to a "promise" is that "IF" Jay chooses to return to Korea, he would be returning to 2PM. This is all I know. Does anyone know of this mysterious promise and would enlighten me with it's whereabouts? PLEASE!?! :huh:

My question was NOT SNIDE! But I can come at you better and jump down your MF throat and let you know the tone of my comments straight up! How do you like this one?


To the others reading this, I apologize. I don't appreciate being indirectly answered in such a disrespectful manner. Therefore, I found it necessary to approach this particular person with my response in this fashion. And no, what I just previously stated in the past three lines are not sarcastic (for the sake of anyone else thinking that that's the tone I'm giving off).

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OK I'm just saying that everybody needs to calm down and stop freaking out over every single info that came out these past few days. After all we cannot do anything about the situation and what we can do is only to wait.

Plus I already see there is possible heated argument ensuing, so I ask everybody to be polite in their discussion and try to not attack each other.

My last post today.

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Guest luv_uj

What I can say and do now is just to stay calm because we cant do anything more. I know you guys feel upset about news, rumors, info.

About Taec, the show will be recorded in the end of this month and will be aired in March... that's 1 or 2 months as I dont know the exact date. We might get a good news. Taec just turned 22 years old (am I wrong?) he got lots of energy to do many things in this age and I believe Jay is watching them grow.

For JYP, I have no comment but I just think no love no more suits for him now.

For Khun, I'm afraid that you guys might feel upset about him as he will do the activity. I just wanna say that he just works for motherland.

EDIT: I'm sorry if somebody already posted here but I like it very much. Just try. http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/201001/04/62/piano.swf

Junho will be MC instead of Taec while he's away.... new role for him.. but dont speak so fast.

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i'm upset about Taec being in F.O. although i quit watching that long ago when my chunderella team was out.

on behalf on the members here who are upset as i am, please calm down.

maybe good things will come out from the worst.

why must be F.O.? can't they continue W.B. instead?

i'm so upset of JYPE accepting the offer...

i don't know what else to say....

but i wanna curse JYPE, sometimes.. enough is enough!!!

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Guest shingg06

do u guys have the vid of sbs music festival the makihg of 2pm short parody ??!!

where all the pictures come from !! ^^

hehehe =)

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Guest akirasberry

why must be F.O.? can't they continue W.B. instead?

i'm not sure if you people realize but that last episode of wildbunny was about an Olympic like event for 'replacing the leader' where they did all sorts of tournaments

which is a pretty touchy subject since everything that has happened

we don't want hottests hating on the member that came first in that show or making a riot about their leader being replaced

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Guest mika.16

omg you guys, forget all the 'conspiracies' (LOL)

there are SOO MANY fantaken photos popping u[ right now!!!

wooyoung went to eat crab??? in busan.. he was wearing a cute shirt with a cardigan <3333333

omggg he took photos for sooo many people!!

and theres photos of him with his friendsss. omg so cute

man, my photobucket limit exceeded =((((

im sure someone will put it up soon!!!


hes so adorableee<333333

hes acting like a total celebrity but thats cute ! haha


^ a few of junho's back in ilsan, and a couple of wooyung in pusan


^wooyoung @ restaurant


^photos in front of his pusan HOUSE (how did they find him?!?!)

apparently his mom was so sweet, and told him to sign ALL of their papers LOL

and said thank you for being fans<333 awww mom!!!

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Well I know U all discuss about FO2 and Taec on it...But Just let's Take a break a little..

I'am Not Gonna comment about that...Keep Just rumor just rumor okay..

I wanna a Asking about Khun and J? Did Khun call J hyung?

I just curious about that..Because Junsu did not call J hyung..

That's why...

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Well I know U all discuss about FO2 and Taec on it...But Just let's Take a break a little..

I'am Not Gonna comment about that...Keep Just rumor just rumor okay..

I wanna a Asking about Khun and J? Did Khun call J hyung?

I just curious about that..Because Junsu did not call J hyung..

That's why...

I supposed Khun did address Jay as "hyung". Jusu call Jay as "Jaebum" as they are first two oldest members. For Khun and Jay, age difference is more than one year so he should call "hyung". Besides, Khun is so polite and mannered. :)

Today, I keep tweeting and tweeting but unluckily I didn't see "Jaebum" become first in trend topics. :huh: I did saw becoming second though. ;) Anyway, Hottests did amazing job and tweets are filled with love and understanding. :)

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