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Guest touchtheskies.

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So....Which one is the right one?

Jay's Contract is being terminated or Not Terminated??

Guys...this just not right...

Come on don't argue things that not really exist (I mean we not really know the truth...)

Just...let the time pass by...And wait what is gonna happen..

Just keep pray and hoping that Jay's will back..That's all

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Why wouldn't JYPE let Jay work? He needs to earn money, and plus it makes him look humble and family-oriented, he'll be loved by more people when he comes back.

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Guest piperhebe1

ahh i am confuse.. so Jay's contract really terminated? TT

any reliable source stated that?

and cant TVn just leave Jay alone.. he just need some privacy..

btw i love their anycall cf.

PS"anyone have some recent pic of Junsu's. i juz cant find it TT

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Guest runawayu

^ Don't worry, i don't think his contract is terminated. It is just speculations made by people.

For those who are saying his contact is terminated, they don't really have concrete evidence and I don't really care about the so called insider info. From what I have read from this forum, the news they claim as insider infos are NOT reliable AT ALL because they does not prove anything for example the pretty boy image.

Good to hear that jay is still practicing piano and dance!

And good news !

Clarification regarding Ivy's Cyworld and Hottests


Thank you Hottests! Homepage will be temporarily discontinued

Ivy was not being sarcastic to Hottests on her homepage header.

She was showing her gratitude by thanking Hottests for leaving so many comments of support.

Also, she is not closing her homepage, but just the photo album because there were too many comments on it.

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Guest la vifzetta*

first one basically says reps from JYPE expressed their disapproval by saying that they(tvN) offended them/ did not find it right[that they stalked jay].(how you want to translate it)

second one says that JYPE felt that it was unfair (for tvN to interview Jay) cuz jype wants people to respect jays privacy and help him to have some time to think for himself

sorry im so bad at translating...

the word they used for unfair and offend is really hard to express in english.

hope that helped :)

THANK YOU for your translations, because i was reading else where and the translations weren't clear at all, and I wondered if JYPE would have just said something so ... simply on this matter.

regardless... hopefully this airing of the program will ... drive people to have more pity on what has happened to Jay, enough to make them forgive Jay completely and speed up his return <3

i miss leadja <3 ._.

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i'm starting to think that he is not under JYPE's contract anymore too ): didn't they say some ppl from JYPE 'll meet jay there on Nov. 7th but there is no news about it & i know that jay can't pay now so once again i'm lost

and i'm so mad that all they can say is we feel bad , can't they protect him if he is still an artist under JYPE ?

i just hope they 'll leave him alone until jype is ready to talk or let him comeback.

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Guest theblazenazn

I also share the distaste for what TvN is doing. I almost don't want to believe he's changing tires as apart time job. Not that its not its not acceptable or anything. It's just he's so talented and he deserves to showcase his all for his fans. JYPE's statement "We are Sad" is so WTF. They should at least issue a statement asking for the media to stop, its not like they control them but it will help a little. I'm just worried that his contract is terminated and he's just living day by day without his fans knowing he's not coming back. That is just too horrible to think about. Hopefully, the job is just for pocket money for expenses to compete in bboy contests or help his parents out until he returns.

EXTREMELY Awkward Transition...

Congrats to 2PM for Being #1 Last Week (11/15/2009 - 11/21/2009) on MELON. They defeated Park Bom's You and I to be #1. Remember to Vote for them too for the MELON AWARDS 2009 if you have an account there!


Also they're also #1 for the 60 Days Bestsellers on YesAsia. and #2 for the 90 days. (Their album has only been released about a week ago) PLEASE BUY THEIR ALBUM AND SUPPORT!



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Guest pinkPABOsings

i'm starting to think that he is not under JYPE's contract anymore too ): didn't they say some ppl from JYPE 'll meet jay there on Nov. 7th but there is no news about it & i know that jay can't pay now so once again i'm lost

and i'm so mad that all they can say is we feel bad , can't they protect him if he is still an artist under JYPE ?

i just hope they 'll leave him alone until jype is ready to talk or let him comeback.

I don't think anybody should be so worried about Jay's contract seeing as if the contract was terminated we'd eventually find out and JYP as a producer and CEO of a company wouldn't want the back lash. Also, JYP as a man wouldn't want to lose his crediblity as a trustworthy person as well as the CEO and producer of a company. That's just something that NO person would really want especially in such a fragile situation as this one.

Also, I wanted to say that Jay's job really isn't a big deal and I don't think any of us should be surprised/disappointed/fearful/or upset with JYP and Jay. We all know Jay only went to Korea and auditioned because of his mother. It's been said multiple times. Jay did it because he wanted to support his family the best way he could. It only makes since that he would go home and get a job even with his current employement(with JYPE) up in the air as it is. Jay wants nothing more then to be a good son and help support his family in the best way he knows how. In America, getting a job be it a small one or huge one is normal as it is in any country. And because of the situation and Jay's conscious being as it is I'm really happy to hear that he went out and got a job in the first place. With that being the case I don't think Jay getting a job means that his contract is terminated. It has been said that JYPE is "giving Jay time to think over his actions and take his time in making his decision"...if these words are fact I think it's normal for Jay to be allowed to get a job as well as important.

This situation for Jay, the whole going back to America thing, is probably a huge reality check for him as well as us as fans, and netizens. And having a job like changing tires,especially at his age, is just a part of life. As someone who is 22 just like Jay there are things that we think about like getting from under our parents and supporting ourselves. A job like the one Jay has is just a normal part of his life at this stage of his life. If Jay had of never gone to Korea he'd probably be in school as well as working...so this is something that is helping him get back into the motions of being a normal adult growing up in America. As JYP has said, it's part of his time to reflect, his time to remember, and his time to think over everything that's gone on and is going on in his life. What I'm getting at is that maybe it will help some of us realize more so that Jay as well as all other artists be them K-POP artists, American artists, or European artists are all normal people who would be leading normal lives if they werent in the eye of the media. And that's just the thing I think JYP was trying to tell us by saying "respect his privacy" because if we had of never had the privilage of getting to know Jay as we did we'd never be worried about where he was in the world or what he was doing. He'd just be some normal guy who b-boyed in Seattle with his friends on the weekends, worked at the local tire shop and went to school during the week. So let's not worry so much about Jay and relax our minds just a bit. When he's ready he'll make his decision.

On another note....though this is late


I cried when I saw them get those awards. I cried when I heard them send out their thanks to Jay. I cried. Period. All I wanted was to see them walk across that stage and say that they wouldn't have made it that far without Jay and fans support and that's exactly what I heard. And I'm so damned happy and proud. They deserved it and they got exactly what they deserved. I hope to see them gain many more awards in the years to come. And soon, I hope to see Jay share the honor of gaining those awards with them. 2PM=7. 7=1.

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Guest you_wish

jyp[e] does a pretty bad job protecting its artists, think.

"we feel bad" ....tahts all you have to say?

but really...another news reporter following jay again??

is it really that hard to let him be??

not gonna lie, im getting tired of everything tahts going on.

people need to leave him alone,

let him relax and enjoy his time at home with

the people he needs right now. -_-

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Guest Stephy18

@runawayu Thanks for the clarification reg. Ivy and Hottest on her Cyworld. I was feeling bad that some hottest would blame Ivy for what happened at MAMA. And I thought that Ivy being sarcastic and mad at hottest, which I dont want. Thank goodness she closed it becuase there were just too many comments...but good supportive ones...hehe...I hope that hottest never will bash another artist esp on their own cyworld or whatever because we ourself know how hurtful it was when Jay had to go through it. Just a question though, how did you know she was not being sarcastic??? Just wondering....I'm not trying to say your a liar...just curious...lol

I really hope someone can tell allkpop to clarify this for hottest cuz seriously ppl were all saying hottest are immature and blah blah blah.

Just wondering, does anyone have a link to the gag concert show where some lady comedian mentioned jay and how he should comeback to make 1:59pm into 2pm again. I heard the news the other day, but still cant find that clip anywhere. I really want to see the audience reactions. Thanks

Like everyone else, I'm not so happy about TvN covering Jay...like seriously, the media just doesnt want to leave him alone. And their reasons are a bunch of bs. We just want to defend him and blah blah...seriously, us fans have been defending him since the day he left, we dont need someone to come in 2+ months later saying they will defend him when they were probably one of the first ppl to pressure him to leave. And I dont get the reasons all these media are covering him when they know he wont say anything. It is so pointless.

But I dont feel bad or sympathetic hearing that Jay is changing tires. Its really not that big of a deal. Because I'm in an asian family, I know that they tend to look down upon anyone whos is not like a doctor or those high paid jobs. But at his age in America, thats pretty normal and not a bad job at all. He's working hard and I admire him for that. He not being all stuck up cuz he was a celebrity and staying home waiting for ppl to serve him. His a humble guy and willing to work for himself and family. Plus I wouldnt mind seeing a half naked machanic changing my tires. LOL

Does anyone know if international fans can vote for the melon awards and if so how to sign up? Cant read korean at all..lol

I want my boys to win again and again. At least one award will make me happy....hehe

Does anyone feel like our boys will win this week on music bank and inki??? I think they have a really high change because there really isnt that much competition right now. I hope they do though. I just want my boys to rank as many awards as possible. They deserve it for all the hard work they put in this year. 2009 = 2PM's year baby!!!

Did anyone check 2pm-online and see the new screen caps of the mv set of 2pm Samsung corby. It looks like they will be doing a full mv, but I'm not sure...I hope so though...I wouldnt mind seeing our boys for a good 3 minutes. Hope they sing a song for it too. I believe samsung has made full mv for their phones before like AS and SDB armoled song. Plus the guys look super HOT in the costumes too. Taec looks black with his cornrolls, but there is a lot of skin/ab showing...I love it!!!!

Here's the link: http://www.2pm-online.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=565

Wow sorry for my long entry. I havent wrote in soompi for so long. Just want to express it all right now...haha...the future seems bright right now to me and everything seems positive.

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People are so cruel and heartless. I'm glad that JYPE spoke out, but I want the vdo to be removed from the program. <_< I hope they'll do something with it. About Jay's contract, I still chose to trust Taec, Junsu and Chansung that Jay is coming back.

And tires changing job is cool, why ppl have the problem with that? This is America not Korea.

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I honestly don't think JYP has cut ties with Jay yet...I mean why would Taec say "return quickly" in their MAMA speech if Jay wasn't going to eventually come back?

And didn't a soompier previously post about Jay in Seattle, saying that he said something about returning in around a year or less? (That is if we choose to believe her)

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Guest Pook_Pook

I honestly don't think JYP has cut ties with Jay yet...I mean why would Taec say "return quickly" in their MAMA speech if Jay wasn't going to eventually come back?

And didn't a soompier previously post about Jay in Seattle, saying that he said something about returning in around a year or less? (That is if we choose to believe her)

I agree. JYP did say that he was providing dance and voice lessons for Jay so that he can keep his skills up. He wouldn't have much of a reason to do that if Jay's contract was terminated. I also think Jay will return after 2PM and JYP have both finished their album promotions.

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I wanna give my two cents on this

JYP would NOT lie, he made an announcement on national TV and other "official" statements online. Why would JYP risk his image, the companies' image, the companies' idols' image... think about it.... Cube Ent. will be effected too. All the stars under these two companies will be too. Why would he lie?

The boys writing Jay's name in the album, mentioning his name during the MAMA awards, if Jay was really out of the contract, why would Jay's name be even mentioned? Why would Jay not say anything to KBS? He is still under contract. Some of you may not believe it at all but like, why would they bother doing all this if Jay wasn't under contract? Why even bother mentioning him? If he was "kicked out", I am positive the company will save their image and say "Jay and the company have no more ties."

Also, about the job thing, maybe perhaps, JYP did talk to him about it. He needs to make a living. JYP is a business man but at the same time, I believe he is a good guy. We don't know what the contract says. Maybe it is only within Korea that Jay can't find other work. Besides, Jay is not prompting his name. He was quiet about this finding work. We, as Hottest, do not want to see him mop around all day and do nothing. I will give JYP the benefit of doubt and he is letting Jay work. We all should know by now how much Jay cares for his family. So I think it's fine that he is working. We have to remember Jay is not in Korea nor is he prompting his idol image at all. If Jay were to cut ties with JYPE then why didn't he speak? Don't you think he would be like "I'm sorry, I'm not in JYP anymore, don't ask me" instead of "I'm sorry, I can't say anything." I am not sure if it mistranslations but, there should be a difference right?

And about Jay "changing tires", seriously what is the big deal about it? People here do it all the time. The job is for sure more than minimum. I know people who work as mechanics, they do more then change tires, Why can't people think of it as a hook to get you to watch? Honestly, working as that is preferred over retail or cashier, trust me, I live in this cultural, mechanics/changing tires may be a "dirty" job but it is better pay and over all I think suits Jay more.

There are a lot of rumors and truths, it is really hard for people to pick it out, but I have a gut feeling that Jay will return, just after Christmas, sometime in late Jan or Feb. I can be wrong, but I came from conclusion.

1) JYPE never said Jay isn't part of the company

2) JYPE said Jay will not be leaving

3) JYP said on GF that Jay will be in 2PM if he decides to return

4) Jay did not reply KBS

5) Jay has not been home for holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas are big here) for probably about 4-5 years

6) The fact that the 2PM boys seem to hint that 7 is still here

7) The fact that JYPE let Hottest put up signs and Post-Its... on their walls

I don't know, to me it seems like Jay will be back. You can have your own conclusion but... the number 1 factor that I believe Jay will be back is because if he was out, no matter how hard the company tries to cover it, someone would have said something. The so-called "insider", it would have been out for a long time, and there is still no news now.

JYP was just careful with his words. IF JYP had said WHEN instead of IF, won't there be more backlash?

Also, I think if this aired... about Jay working as a mechanic, it shows people that Idols are people and also that life here, well, it is not the perfect picture people think it is. Honestly, the so-called better life doesn't really exist, there are still the same hardships. I don't know, maybe JYPE want to use pity to get more people to want Jay back...

Okay, it is late for me and I will leave it at this.

Let's just sit and wait. We have waited for 78 days, let's wait a little longer.

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Guest chimeraspunk

ljtong, well said.

cant believe its already been 78 days.

if we couldve endured it for that long,

whats a few months more..

stay strong hottests and jaylovers...

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Guest happylove00

ljtong... i din even know it has been 78 days...

still it hurts whenever i think of jaebum...

i just hope media or fans can stop stalking on him...

he should feel safe and comfortable in Seattle (his home), not being stalked by these ridiculous and selfish people...

stop, please stop!

we have already lost him once... we do not wanna lost him again!

On the side note, can anyone give me youtube link that shows how leadja save/care his boys from stage failure?

i remembered wooyoung dropped mic incident, taec mic failure... any others?

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thanks a lot for sharing!!!

it's such a cute and holiday-ish cf!!

the song the outfits the set the dance are all sooooo cheesy but i still find it extremely adorable

i especially loveeeee wooyoung in it!

actually, on a second thought, everyone's so cute in it!

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