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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Wow, that comic strip is gorgeous.

And the storyline is so meaningful.

I've never really voiced an opinion on this topic, but... With their comeback, I'm just not very terribly interested in EVERY performance, EVERY bit of news that pops up, or EVERY new little video that shows up on my subscriptions on youtube.

It really just isn't the same, and they're not the same anymore.

It's just a matter of time right?


Anyways, all just my opinion.

I have to say I completely share the same sentiment as you.

Maybe because Jay is my bias.

You know how some people have been saying that they’re afraid …that the longer Jaebum/Jay stays away from the KPOP scene, people will eventually forget about him and just think of 2PM as six members?

Surprisingly, for me, it’s the other way round.

Now, I’m becoming less interested in 2PM and their six members and more interested in bboying and the lifestyle that Jay reverted back to.

I am no longer that excited or interested - to quote you in EVERY performance, EVERY bit of news that pops up, or EVERY new little video that shows up on my subscriptions on youtube about 2PM. Because I know that my main pulling factor would not be there....so, i don't really look forward to them that much anymore.

I mean I still love 2PM more than any other boyband or KPop artist (in fact 2PM is my only KPop interest), but I was a Jaebum/Jay Park fan first before I became a 2PM fan, so, I don't consider myself as a Hottest. Just a regular fan of these seven boys, and only when they're together. Of course, Junho and Chansung are my second and third bias, so, I still enjoy hearing about them in the 2PM news these days, but I won't spazz or get too excited as I would've when there were seven of them.

I'm glad they're enjoying success and topping charts, and scoring all these CF deals left and right, cos they've worked hard all these years and deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labor.....but alas, i'm really sorry I'm not able to share the same level of enthusiasm as I would've if things had been different like the pre-scandal times.

Anyways, thanks again to le_maii and all those who shared their fan accounts. While you may not have been able to share videos and pics out of respect for Jay's privacy, the fact that you shared with us your experience and encounter with him means a lot to those Jay fans who have been in withdrawal for the past two months and more. Any bit of news of his activity and condition in Seattle means a lot as we've been unfairly and suddenly robbed of his presence just when things have been going so well. So, a million thanks to these kind souls out there who is lucky to get the chance of meeting him and generously sharing their joy with the rest of us. :)

I've already accepted the fact that Jaebum would not return to the KPOP scene and Korea anytime soon, at least until April next year, so, I'm just going to enjoy knowing that at least he is still actively bboying and keeping himself fit in Seattle, plus, surrounded with his family and friends which he has missed the most for the past four years. With or without 2PM, he is able to stay strong and not give up on life, and make the best of the situation. And so does the rest of the 2PM members. Until his comeback (I believe he will eventually), i'm supporting his activities in Seattle, as well as the rest of the 6 bois.

2PM hwaiting! Hottests Hwaiting! And Old Pink Leadja's minions Hwaiting! I'm glad to see that people are becoming more civil in this thread. It's always pleasant to be here if people are nice to each other.

Sorry. Long post is long.

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Guest fourletterword

@vee it's black!! i'm pretty sure, or at least the hottest always use black balloons ^^

thanks for the cartoon! it's so precious sigh.. i guess every here misses jay as well, but did ya'll read the fan account over at 2od, seems like wy is reaaaaally affected. anyhoos, i wish allthe boys the best, be it 6/7. love them soooooo much

@yum-O LOL. YEAH I KNOW. it looks reallllly dry to me as well HAHA.

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thanks to the two posters, who posted their fan accounts! esp to le_maii. it has seriously been so discouraging with all these rumors and supposed "insider" information. i think it'd be better for me if i just stop visiting the place that posts this stuff, haha. i think we can all agree that it's been an emotional rollercoaster for us fans these past two and half months. i can finally have some peace knowing that jay, himself, said that he will come back.

i think for many of us in the back of our minds, we do know that he will eventually be back. it's just that it's hard cause we need to hear actual confirmation of it. and i'm sure jyp knows this too, it's just that he can't say it, because he needs to be really cautious with everything he says, which makes a lot of sense.

now i can just fully support 2PM now, like i've been doing so far, with a peace of mind. continue to have faith and wait for jay to come back when he is ready. everything happens for a reason and i'm sure this happened for a reason too. i'm glad that at least through this experience, jay can grow and mature into a stronger and better person.

i await the happy ending that lies ahead. and just because he returns that doesn't mean everything's going to be fixed and perfect, of course. from then on, they will face a whole new set of challenges. but things will slowly get better. and hopefully, years from now, down the road, they can look back at this time and just remember how much they grew from it and take it as something they went thru in order to be where they are today(where they will be at later).

random, but one veteran idol group comes to mind and they sure went thru their share of obstacles and hardships, and look at them now, they are the longest reigning male group in kpop, tho no longer idols, haha. for some reason i can just see 2PM being like them, even after all the popularity and everything fades (cause let's face it, the lifespan of idol groups aren't very long) that they still have each other's friendship and brotherhood. and will want to stay together for as long as possible :)

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Guest true_ddalgi

i miss 2pm.

i'm gonna be the little girl that i am and complain.

freaking a, i miss 2pm.

i wish this whole ordeal never happened.

i feel sick when i think about the whole thing

because on one hand, it doesn't seem like a big deal,

but on the other hand, it feels like us fans are being abused emotionally

with all of the confusion because JYP cant decide which approach will get him the money in the end.

abuse is a strong word, but i'm just ranting here....

anyway, i know a lot of us are worried/curious about jay,

but i wish people would just leave him alone for now.

i can imagine how hard it must be for him

when people are approaching him left & right when he goes out.

i feel sad when i see 6member 2pm

because they probably hate being called 1:59pm

& being boycotted against.....

but they probably also feel sad because they do feel empty without jay.

they probably wondered what in the samhell happened......

why this happened.

they were riding high with explosive and surprising popularity within a year...

but suddenly, something random hits & though it seemed like it would pass in a day or two....

resulted in ridiculously inhumane petition and the fall of their leadja.

i feel sad for 2pm.

theyre strong, but...i wish they didnt have to go through this in the first place.

i wish woo would get back his woodong cheeks & ssanti dance.

i wish taec would have the need to interpret again, looking like a sexy husband while at it.....

i wish all of our boys would....have the same feel as they did just a few months ago.

i dont support the boycott, but i dont want 2pm to go on with jay forever.

i love heartbeat and all, but i wish jay was there.

i love jay, but i want to fully support whatever jjctkw do.

i'm losing respect for jyp, but i respect him for creating 2pm.

i love 2pm <3

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Guest xclueless

You know how some people have been saying that they’re afraid …that the longer Jaebum/Jay stays away from the KPOP scene, people will eventually forget about him and just think of 2PM as six members?

Surprisingly, for me, it’s the other way round.

Now, I’m becoming less interested in 2PM and their six members and more interested in bboying and the lifestyle that Jay reverted back to.

It saddens me, but I feel the same way. 2PM is the only group where I actually adore all the members. Most other groups there is always at least one member I dislike, but not with 2PM. That being said I thought that even with the Jay controversy, I could still go on and support 2PM. But I just can't. I'm Jay biased also and ever since he left the scene I really don't find myself all that interested in 2PM anymore. I use to watch every single video, read every article, and come to this thread all the time but now I mostly stalk the Jay photo thread haha. I too am beginning to become more interested in the bboy scene and I always search new bboy battles on youtube hoping to see Jay either in the audience or dancing himself.

I still love 2PM and Wooyoung has ALWAYS been a close favorite of mine so I still follow 2PM often mostly because of him. But now a days, Woo has really lost his smile. He doesn't seem very energetic and cheerful anymore and if you guys read a recent Korean fan account on 2OD she talks about how during the concert, all the boys were joking around and Woo was just looking down the whole time with a frown. Of course I don't expect the boys to be happy and cheery 24/7 but being that Wooyoung is the silliest, happiest, goofiest member, it's just weird to see him being the complete opposite these days. And it really worries me, because we all know he can't hide his emotions well.

Well yeah, I think every 2PM fan is really sad about Jay's leave but those that are Jay biased really feel it the most. It's just not the same anymore when your favorite member isn't included.

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Guest kaling321

Just ordered my CDs...I'm so ess-sited! I think the last cd I bought was 7 hrs ago hehe! But im bummed out it would take till dec 17 for all 3 to arrive! Really like their perfs! Good luck 2pm! Even my honey is complaining he says I have no more time for him because of 2pm! Hahaha! :D

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Guest haiphuong

missyera and xclueless

I understand you guys cause I used to have that feeling when Won Bin left FT Island

My love for each 2PM members is equal and it's sadden me too when just 6 members comeback. If I had magic, I would turn back the time and tell him to delete all these comments. But what's done is done. The most thing which hurt me so bad is Woo Young expression these days. He's look like a stranger in my eyes: no more mandu cheeks, no more goofing around, no more ssanti dance... And the other boys smiling seems like they're hiding something inside.

I'm also afraid that Jay might be forgotten if he stays away from K-pop for too long, but the most scaring me is 2PM would never be the same again. We can see the 6 boys not goofing around more like before at the moment. Would they be the same when Jay comeback? I mean would Jay, as well as 2PM still keep their natural side like they used to?

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It saddens me, but I feel the same way. 2PM is the only group where I actually adore all the members. Most other groups there is always at least one member I dislike, but not with 2PM. That being said I thought that even with the Jay controversy, I could still go on and support 2PM. But I just can't. I'm Jay biased also and ever since he left the scene I really don't find myself all that interested in 2PM anymore. I use to watch every single video, read every article, and come to this thread all the time but now I mostly stalk the Jay photo thread haha. I too am beginning to become more interested in the bboy scene and I always search new bboy battles on youtube hoping to see Jay either in the audience or dancing himself.

Well yeah, I think every 2PM fan is really sad about Jay's leave but those that are Jay biased really feel it the most. It's just not the same anymore when your favorite member isn't included.

I agree. I think it would be the same for any fan of 2PM who has a favorite member. It's like a body without a head. I mean, yeah, the body parts are there, but without the head, where else would you look at? (Okay, don't answer...lolz...weird analogy.)

On the same note, with regards to your point on searching for bboy battles to look for Jay, well, I sometimes do that too. *chuckles* But i REFRAIN from mentioning or commenting anything that would shift the focus to Jay in the videos.

For some reason, I feel second hand embarrassment reading comments from fans who mentions Jay in those youtube videos which clearly wasn't focused on Jay. I mean, yeah, you can be curious about him and watch the videos, but there's no need gush or compliment Jay when he clearly wasn't even the focus of the videos. Also, I'm really ashamed of some commenters/jay fans who proclaims something like "Oh Yeah, Jay has super awesome power moves, that the rest of the other guys pales in comparison....." or "Jay is the best one there. Other guys can't beat him"...or something to those extent. I mean, yeah, you like Jay and all, but there's no need to diss the other bboys, plus, those bboys are more experienced and skilled and have been training for a longer period of time, so, please also do respect them. And as Jay's fans, i'm sure he'd appreciate his crew being treated with respect as well.

i miss 2pm.

i'm gonna be the little girl that i am and complain.

freaking a, i miss 2pm.

i wish this whole ordeal never happened.

i feel sick when i think about the whole thing

because on one hand, it doesn't seem like a big deal,

but on the other hand, it feels like us fans are being abused emotionally

with all of the confusion because JYP cant decide which approach will get him the money in the end.

abuse is a strong word, but i'm just ranting here....

anyway, i know a lot of us are worried/curious about jay,

but i wish people would just leave him alone for now.

i can imagine how hard it must be for him

when people are approaching him left & right when he goes out.

i feel sad when i see 6member 2pm

because they probably hate being called 1:59pm

& being boycotted against.....

but they probably also feel sad because they do feel empty without jay.

they probably wondered what in the samhell happened......

why this happened.

they were riding high with explosive and surprising popularity within a year...

but suddenly, something random hits & though it seemed like it would pass in a day or two....

resulted in ridiculously inhumane petition and the fall of their leadja.

i feel sad for 2pm.

theyre strong, but...i wish they didnt have to go through this in the first place.

i wish woo would get back his woodong cheeks & ssanti dance.

i wish taec would have the need to interpret again, looking like a sexy husband while at it.....

i wish all of our boys would....have the same feel as they did just a few months ago.

i dont support the boycott, but i dont want 2pm to go on with jay forever.

i love heartbeat and all, but i wish jay was there.

i love jay, but i want to fully support whatever jjctkw do.

i'm losing respect for jyp, but i respect him for creating 2pm.

i love 2pm <3

I like your rant. It's straight to the point, and it encompasses all the feelings that we've experienced throughout this entire saga. It's a whole lot of 'BUT's. Never has any boy group made us feel so conflicted and confused and in a dilemma of choices.

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Guest gin2905

@yum-O & fourletterword

the brownie may look dry.. but in exact fact, it's not. and it's SO YUMMY!!!!!

i love it when it's not very sweet as compare to others that i eat before =x

(i'm just finish mine xD)

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Guest everybodyshout

I agree. I think it would be the same for any fan of 2PM who has a favorite member. It's like a body without a head. I mean, yeah, the body parts are there, but without the head, where else would you look at? (Okay, don't answer...lolz...weird analogy.)

On the same note, with regards to your point on searching for bboy battles to look for Jay, well, I sometimes do that too. *chuckles* But i REFRAIN from mentioning or commenting anything that would shift the focus to Jay in the videos.

For some reason, I feel second hand embarrassment reading comments from fans who mentions Jay in those youtube videos which clearly wasn't focused on Jay. I mean, yeah, you can be curious about him and watch the videos, but there's no need gush or compliment Jay when he clearly wasn't even the focus of the videos. Also, I'm really ashamed of some commenters/jay fans who proclaims something like "Oh Yeah, Jay has super awesome power moves, that the rest of the other guys pales in comparison....." or "Jay is the best one there. Other guys can't beat him"...or something to those extent. I mean, yeah, you like Jay and all, but there's no need to diss the other bboys, plus, those bboys are more experienced and skilled and have been training for a longer period of time, so, please also do respect them. And as Jay's fans, i'm sure he'd appreciate his crew being treated with respect as well.

I like your rant. It's straight to the point, and it encompasses all the feelings that we've experienced throughout this entire saga. It's a whole lot of 'BUT's. Never has any boy group made us feel so conflicted and confused and in a dilemma of choices.

this sfm. it just had to happen. *throws hands up in the air* but on the bright side, we get to see a side of the boys we've never seen before i guess. (even though it is kinda sadistic in a sense but i didn't mean in that way) like we know that they work really hard, but now we're truly witnessing what it's like for them to get back up after such a setback. like what other users have pointed out, at the back of our minds... we believe that eventually there'll be a happy ending. :)

anyways 2pm just performed on music bank!

not gonna spoil anything but it was as usual awesome :)

dayumm junsu = yummy.

all of them have yummy outfits actually.

/end fangirlism.

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091120 MBank - 2PM : Intro + Heartbeat



aw. i'm really liking the intro.. i wonder who choreo. it.

loving the outfit also.. mesh/vinyl tanktop ftw. sexy.

dang, how many time have these boys performed.. and no award yet?

i really hope one day they will.. maybe they would also give shout out to Jae..somehow.

still missing the leader every single day.

Junho looked really good today w/ his hair just flat down.

still waiting for that day "mr. wink" vending machine pretty boy Khun would appear.


oh snap! today(in my case.) ...tomorrow is MAMA huh?

*cross finger* please show me 7!! 2pm7!!

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Guest voxtae13

Jun Ho did ending performance not Woo Young.

I admit that Woo Young did not good last week. Anyway, why JYPE don't give him a chance??????

Anyway, Jun Ho did a good job.

Nervous for MAMA

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Guest runawayu

Jun Ho did ending performance not Woo Young.

I admit that Woo Young did not good last week. Anyway, why JYPE don't give him a chance??????

Anyway, Jun Ho did a good job.

Nervous for MAMA

I think is that JYPE do not want Wooyoung to do that ending so much cause it might hurt his back.

Imagine doing the ending pose for many times(practice, rehearsals and the real performances) is definitely going to harm WY's back. So maybe the guys are rotating their turns to do the ending pose each week?

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Can anyone explain to me, on today's MUSIC BANK, why is "Tired of Waiting" in the Top 3, together with Park Bom's & SS501's numbers?? I know in the end, Tired of waiting lost out..


I mean why is "Tired of Waiting" on the chart, and not HEARTBEAT? The fact that they performed HB on Music Bank.. IF they had won today, how would they do their encore with Tired of Waiting? I don't understand how Music Bank's Chart works.. Anyone kind to explain?

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Guest cheezychunnie

091120 MBank - 2PM : Ending



[FANCAM] 091120 2PM Music Bank Ending - Junho Cam



this is REALLY beautiful...i cried again and again... :(

2PM moments [Fanvid]


cr:Kimulzzang and Oneday

like what qweqwe said,i was wondering the same thing...its written there kidarida shishinda

its tired of waiting right??

before this, music bank did a mistake on calculating the votes,remember this?


so mebi they did a mistake again??

or there is another way of calculating the votes that i didnt know??

-edit-found this while surfing


cr:tvdaily korea

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Guest gorjuzghurl

I think it's because Tired of Waiting was released first than the the track (heartbeat) they're promoting right now. Heartbeat will probably go up the charts in a couple of weeks. Anyway, the boys did good today. I love Junho's bboy move on the last part. It's nice that Woo get's to rest in doing that really dangerous spin.

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Guest Labacookie

I'm very proud of them. They did really great, and honestly I'm relieved it's not Wooyoung doing the ending. That must take a SERIOUS toll after so long. :( I woudln't want him to be hurt. Maybe they'll keep switching it up.

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