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Guest touchtheskies.

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ahh.. no one replied to my question...well anyways

Hello guys :) I'm new to Soompi so obviously I'm new to this thread...

I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now :D

*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me. :D


i totally believe you :D maybe ill get to see him next year(if i get into UW...)..hahah but my hope is i wont cuz hell be back in korea performing as 2pm :D

im just so happy hes doing well and doing the things he loves the most :)

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Guest entermuriel

hey guys i found this on youtube...

2PM Samsung Corby: Behind the scene Full (EngSubs)

cr: 2pm0nline @youtube

it's pretty much the same as the other behind the scene video posted before... but different at the same time?

it seems like this was at some event or something though, but it got the english trans... and Chansung is so cute in here ahaha


thanks for sharing your story. it really comforts me to know what he said, even if it was your friends who told you about it.

hopefully people will realize that all he really needs is time

i'm sure he knows that fans are more than willing to wait for him, no matter how long it takes.

but yeah, like some people have said, and even though I AM DYING TO SEE pictures and videos of him, maybe you should keep them to yourself for now...

maybe post it for a few hours and then delete them? but there's still the risk of them getting spread...

i know it's a hard decision also T^T


lol i agree, they mostly post sad stories that just break my heart little by little. someone should share this nice story indeed haha

and to every hottest:

please, let me remind you, that here in NYC we're still doing the post-it event every friday.

now, we're not only doing post-its for Jay, but also for every single member in 2PM!

so if you could, please, pm me here on soompi or email me [entermuri.2PM@gmail.com] with your messages.

there's no limit to how many messages you can send [as long as each fits on a post-it hehe]

you can send 1 to INFINITY lol i will personally write them for you ;]

so please, send me your messages ^-^ i will pm or email back with more info.

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Guest tknoodles


I guess the cat is out of the bag that jay work's part time at an autoshop, but i will still edit this post. I wish they would leave him alone. :angry:

Hey there, you guys!

It's been a while since I've been here due to college and whatnot and I thought that i have nothing to add. HOWEVER, this time around, I do have something to add, and yes, it is in fact, a fan account. . It may not be as interesting or as direct of an interaction as le_maii's account, and I've debated about sharing this information because I wanted to respect Jay's privacy, but now that time has passed, it's not something that we all don't know. I hope you guys can follow along. Here it goes:


As I stated above, although i'm from the bay area, I am currently residing in Irvine, CA for college, and that is nowhere near Seattle, WA. I thought that i would never had any connects to any celebrity, asian or american. Through an indirect connection, i would like to say inform you guys that Jay is doing fine; he's happy, and healthy and he's not just moping about. He's out there and active. You may believe me or not, but please don't take this out of SOOMPI. PLEASE. I may come back after about a week and delete the image. Thanks for reading!

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Guest smilesoup

Could somebody put that awesome fan account up on 2oneday? For some reason they primarily get rumors that upsets alot of people. I really do believe that Jay would be back sometimes too...he just need time to relax and keep a low profile. If he can already smile and do activities in seattle...why can't we be happy for him and wait patiently.

Thnks for that story btw...made my day a bit better. Hopes that it's true though :)

Yes, someone please post on 2oneday! Hopefully this will calm things down a little.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

Hey there, you guys!

It's been a while since I've been here do to college and whatnot and I thought that i have nothing to add. HOWEVER, this time around, I do have something to add, and yes, it is in fact, a fan account. . It may not be as interesting or as direct of an interaction as le_maii's account, and I've debated about sharing this information because I wanted to respect Jay's privacy, but now that time has passed, it's not something that we all don't know. I hope you guys can follow along. Here it goes:

As I stated above, although i'm from the bay area, I am currently residing in Irvine, CA for college, and that is nowhere near Seattle, WA. I thought that i would never had any connects to any celebrity, asian or american. However, to my surprise, I have a connection to Jay, though very indirect. One of my very close friends that I have made here in college is Korean, and it turns out that her mom's best friend has a brother who has a business in Seattle (I'm not very sure what this business is). It turns out that he is friends with Jay's mom. When Jay left Korea, Jay's mom asked my friend's mom's friend's brother for work for Jay. So currently, Jay is working part time at this business, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; Tuesdays and Thursdays I will leave unwritten b/c I don't want to destroy his privacy; and as we all know, on his spare time, he goes to dance events.

When my friend's mom recently found out that I am a fan of Jay and was devastated that he left 2PM, she asked my friend how do i spell my name. Last weekend, friend went home (she lives in LA) and returned to our apartment with a present for me: http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z79/TKn...th_IMG_0307.jpg

Turns out, her mom contacted her friend and her friend asked Jay to give us autographs, and he willingly did. I'm just here to let you know that Jay is fine, he's happy, and healthy and he's not just moping about. He's out there and active. You may believe me or not, but please don't take this out of SOOMPI. PLEASE. I may come back after about a week and delete the image. Thanks for reading!

so, i must say that you're lucky. god, you've got an autograph from him? it's awesome and i am happy to know that he's doing fine. anyway, thanks for posting this up.

Hello guys :) I'm new to Soompi so obviously I'm new to this thread...

I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now :D

*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me. :D


anyways, I live in Portland, OR which is about a 3 hour drive from Edmonds, where Jay is currently staying. I happen to know his aunt which lives in Portland also, and she says they're very close. He's talked to her several times about him leaving 2PM and twice now, he has come down to see her. (Shows what a good little boy he is ! HA!)

Anyhowww... according what his aunt has told me, Jay says he WILL come back. He misses 2PM and his fans a lot, but right now he just wants to take some time to heal and get over the mistakes he made. He said he can't face his fans at this point because of all the shame and guilt he has. He told her that he does plan to return and will do so in a year OR sooner, he hopes.

Sooo please don't worry guys, he's coming back. Just give him some time :)


OMGEEEE ! This is where I spazz out. haha.

As we all know Jay's really into break dancing right? Well he's in the AOM crew and the other day, November 7th, there was a break dance battle held in Portland and there'd be a judge in the battle that was from his crew and I was planning to go to the battle.

My friend and I were joking around that maybe Jaebeom would show since not only was his friend judging, other people from his crew were competing ! :D And again, we were joking that he'd come.


There was a guy who bumped into me as he was heading into battle and he never apologized so I looked up to see who it was. It was some short asian guy wearing a bandanna over his face. Everyone was laughing and yelling "HE HAS SWINE FLUUUU!"

I was a little angry since he never said sorry for bumping into me but when I looked at the part of his face that wasn't covered with a bandanna, it looked exactly like him. Then I looked at his EARS, and he was wearing the SAME DIAMOND earings our boy wears ! (Being the stalker that I am, I could tell those were "THE" earings from his Nylon photoshoot.) But then again, we weren't sure it was him... UNTIL. He started dancing and the bandanna fell off his face.

haha ! IT WAS HIM ! We started yelling and screaming and well... fan girling.

I felt bad though because he was trying to hide who he was and I had started hyperventilating in his presence... so he knew I knew him.

I went up to him and asked if he was Jay from 2PM and he said... NO. and walked away. But later while I was staring at him, he looked at me.. and well, he smiled and shook his head, saying he was him.

My friends from Seattle met him a few days later and well, they got to talk to him a lot about 2PM... and he didn't really say much.

This is what they told me he said:

"I just want some time off. I want all my fans to just leave me alone for a little while, and just know that I'm happy and I'm healthy. I know they're worried about me... but I just want a low profile for now."

Those are probably NOT his exact words, but that's what they said... :)

There's another break dance thing on saturday, and I'm going ! Rumor has it, he'll be there again. I'll see what I can find out... haha.

So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

AND YOU! why are you so lucky? he bumped you? he- ugh, i am so jealous with you. how could you be so lucky? i wish i were you. duh he smiled at you, that's priceless. a year or sooner? even though a year sounds long to me, but i think i could manage to wait for him then. hehe, and yes- please do post the picture as i wanted to see a latest picture of him. thank you! and i can't wait for it.

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I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now biggrin.gif

*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me. biggrin.gif


I was really upset before i read the fanaccount but then i got to read it

and believe it

I just start spazzing with you even though i'm not there i feel like i'm there

Thanks for sharing this, this actually made my night.

Sooo i knew it was that famous guy, the way he walk is just like him and the airchair move...i knew it haha

thank you though i really appreciate it that you post this, I'll be waiting for his comeback patiently

and yeah he need his time so let's all just wait patiently. Let him have his time with his family & friends too becuz holiday is getting close keke. But anyway lucky you got to see him b-boying in LIVE haha.

Hope to hear from you again lolx and hope to see Jay with his bros sometime around next yr or so....

And like other users have said umm don't show the video or the picture becuz at this moment Jay want a low profile

and yeah we should respect that don't disturb, just keep the picture and video to yourself at this moment when Jay comes back you can showed it lolx. Even though i really really really want to see it, i want to respect him or decision.

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Could somebody put that awesome fan account up on 2oneday? For some reason they primarily get rumors that upsets alot of people. I really do believe that Jay would be back sometimes too...he just need time to relax and keep a low profile. If he can already smile and do activities in seattle...why can't we be happy for him and wait patiently.

Thnks for that story btw...made my day a bit better. Hopes that it's true though :)

agreed. 2oneday's been putting up some upsetting news lately. i think letting them know about these awesome fan accounts will brighten things up a bit^^ let's cheer up fellow hottests from the other forums too everyone =)

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I thank the 2 fans who have shared their experience with us :)

I am so incredibly jealous of both of you!!! I have a trip planned to Seattle with my friends in Uni, so maybe I'll bump into Jay :) *wishful thinking*

Seriously, these 2 news brightened my day a bit after the rumor yesterday T_T

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese


i want an autograph of a famous celeb.

XD i would love jay's so lucky ughhh;

anyways you're one lucky person.

hmm. well i hope jay comes back soon.

i want him back at least jan ya know?? (:

jay i miss ya.

2pm 2pm 2pm <333

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Guest haiphuong

Many thanks tknoodles and le_maiii for the info.

After all the sad news I read, your infos really made my day. It's relieve to all of us to know that he's still fine and enjoy his time with his family and doing some stuffs that he loves. Although I miss him like crazy, these 2 infos are enough for me and I don't need any picture of video clip of what he's doing in the States. For us, he's Jae Beom of 2PM, a beloved leader that the 6 boys and us waiting forever but he's just Jay Park, a normal boy that loves his mom so much and b-boying is his life. At this time, maybe he just wanna be Jay Park. He already said that he will return, then we should give him time.

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Guest bbkaren

tknoodles and le_maiii,

Thank you so much for sharing it here. You don't know how happy I am reading your posts, to the point that I have finally got out of my lurkdom today. I was quite depressed last night because of that particular rumor. :angry: and can I just say that I'm really jealous with you guys? Especially the one where Jay bumped you.. :blush: You are one lucky girl! He even smiled at you from afar. Ahh! I would've totally melt from that. Spazz!! I'm really thankful to know that he's doing fine and he's happy there. I just really hope that it's true, that he'll really come back soon. I could wait even if it'll take him a year or so to come back, knowing that he wants to come back is enough for me to be happy. He's not giving up yet! <33

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Guest le_maiii

Hello again guys :D

Right after I said maybe I would post the videos I took... I thought about it and didn't really want to... and then I read your guys' post, I'm NOT going to post it. Sorry for all of you guys who would like to see it....

I'm glad to hear you guys are happy about hearing he'll come back. We never know, things could change... maybe Jay will decide that he likes living as a NORMAL person better than being a star... and he'll decide not to go back. Heck yes, we'll all be sad right?

But HIS happiness is more important. :D

So stay strong Hottests ! :D

Our leader will hopefully be back within a year...

I just want him to take his time... as long as he needs, even if it's more than a year, to get back to himself.


Oh geez >.< you made me feel kinda guilty about sharing my information ! :P hahaha

No worries, I wouldn't do that -Give out the address... :)


OMGee that's SOOOO cool !

His aunt got me a their CD with all seven members autographs on it ! :D

What time is it now?

Almost 2PM... almost.

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Guest chimeraspunk

to le_maiii and tknoodles,

thanks for sharing with us the happy news!! :D it really made me happy today. at first i was upset tt he said it was gonna take a year cos i miss him so bad. but now i think its alright, he should take his time so tt he can be true to himself on stage, having fun again with the boys!

i really can't help but feel proud of our leadja. after what he went through, he's now back on his own two feet. i was worried about him not earning money, but it seems tt doesn't seem like an issue anymore (: im really happy to know tt he's independent and being responsible. That he's making use of his hiatus in the US. He definitely is the 2pm leadja tt we know - the guy who never gives up, who picks himself up after every single fall and never fails to impress us all.


you're worth the wait.

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JAYBUM he wont be comming back to me he seems happy and contented over in the US and he will be doing his own thing as you can see the korean music industry has gone in to the illuminatie way of things ,everythings changed, and he didnt want to be apart of it and he never did nothing wrong he just stated his opinions............JAYBUM did the right thing and he will do good with Gods help! Peace to yu all!

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Guest badtzmarujung

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

tknoodles and le_maiii, Thank you so much for you info.

I hope he will be strong enough and come back to be My Leadja again.

I'm still waiting for Jay no matter how long it take.


<Ddudda! Geunyuh (Idol Army)> Production team | 'Endless affection! But you need to take off the lens of fanship in order to survive'

Credits: 10 Asia (Source); saradah@2oneday (Trans); kdrama_queen for finding this :)

In MBC Everyone's 'Idol Army Ddudda! Geunyuh' the main idol group members do not get special treatment or get "packaged" nicely. They throw away their pride to become a couple, and sometimes show off their ridiculous sides in order to win a game. Unlike mainstream variety programs, where the idol groups are treated with "respect" but have little room for freedom, 'Idol Army' provides them limitless freedom to show off their talents albeit in a more brutal(?) setting. Fans love it because they can see their favorite idols for a long time, and for non-fans they can simply laugh and enjoy the show. This is exactly how Idol Army Season 3 was able to reach the channel's number 1 rating by the 7th episode. We interviewed the staff of the production team, Lee Yoon Hwa PD and writer Kim Hyun Kyung, on their thoughts and secrets of the popularity of their program.

Q: Many people say that 'Idol Army' got funnier by Season 3. How did the ratings come out for this week?

KHK: It came out better than last episode. Don't I look happy right now? (Laughs)

LYH: The director asked who the guest was this week, that made our ratings go up. But we actually didn't have a guest this week. (laughs)

Q: So why did you decide to choose 2PM for season 3's main group?

LYH: In reality, if a member of an idol group makes a mistake in their choreography or interview, they get pressure from the other group members. But when I was watching a program, and saw Jaebum make a mistake in his greeting, rather than giving pressure or signs of disapproval, they were laughing and having fun. It caught my eye, that the group wasn't stiff and that they were able to get along really well.

KHK: It's just that they weren't hardened by the system yet. (Laughs) Usually, idols present what has already been assigned to them as their team's image. Although I don't necessarily see that as a negative thing, 2PM was like someone you'd meet in a street, something fresh. Their charm is like a fertilized egg (*something ready to be born, new/fresh), I thought that those things would fit in well with the flow of variety programs these days.

Q: Boom's participation as the MC in the program is also striking.

KHK: The concept for season 3 is the adaptation of 2PM into the variety world. For this, it's important that each of the members go around and try MCing and figuring out their roles, but it's equally important for a well-known veteran to move the show along smoothly. In other words, it's creating that funny/comfortable environment for the audience by having him take on the role of the foolish uncle that gets excited with the boys about female guests etc.

Q: In order to make 'real variety' do you characterize the cast in a certain way?

KHK: For Boom, it's like that. Actually it's nearly impossible to try to make a character for the idols. However much we train them, as soon as we start filming, they forget their character or they become unnatural. In the beginning we had a hard time with that, so now, we just don't tell them anything before we film. That's how we get the natural feeling of the show.

LYH: If they are able to control their character, they're not newbie idols, they're Yoo Jay Suk (*famous MC). It's easier to just look at what we filmed and create a character from that. We usually create

a characteristic by using captions.

KHK: There are some parts that we 'control' on the spot. To tell you the truth, not all the female staff are in love with Nichkhun. But Nichkhun's good looks, and awkward Korean befits the role of someone that can trigger jealousy from the other members. So that's why we 'favor' him more, but the 2PM members who are still naive get really jealous. It's almost like we're doing a 'hidden camera' on them in order to bring out that realistic/honest reaction.

LYH: Also, within that set up, Nichkhun changes as well. Unlike his careful/controlled actions on mainstream shows, even if he isn't sure of words, he says it anyway. Because within the program, he's the prince. (Laughs) That's how we were able to catch things like, "I'm not a winking machine". The writer is good at figuring out their feelings and pulling out certain emotions at the right time.

Q: So that means, you film depending on the situation, and keep the "reality" aspect going on. You probably don't have to worry about your program scripts getting leaked. (Laughs)

KHK: Well, even if someone finds it, they probably can't decipher any of it. (Laughs)

LYH: Personally, I think the viewers are more sensitive about variety program scripts. We're not making them act out made-up roles, we're just helping to refine the characteristics that they already have. A script that creates a personality for someone doesn't exist.

KHK: Real varieties are like litmus papers. Settling on an item or concept is like the process of putting in the litmus paper -- we don't know the results yet. Our program is like that. The role of the script is to just organize the situation based on the casts' relationship and act as the catalyst between the cast's synergy. It's not only impossible to look at every little action, but also you cannot create a show like that. I think as a writer, the best you can do is have only half of it perfect and ready. No one knows what's going to happen on the set.

Q: It must be difficult to edit if there are unexpected situations that arise.

KHK: There are 8 PDs and 6 writers in our team. Usually you need more people that can edit for real variety shows than regular variety shows.

LYH: It's impossible to do it alone.

Q: Because you are trying to emphasize the 'real variety' aspect of the show, it seems as though there is no set format.

KHK: Sometimes we can't settle on a consistent format due to the member's personal schedules, Boom's schedule, the guests' schedules etc. For example, this week's show was actually formatted so that they can do the "popularity test" with a female guest. We have to be flexible according to the situation. Our motto is to try everything we can within the given situation.

LYH: Honestly, even the director doesn't know what exactly the program is meant to do even after watching it for 2 years. (Laughs) We are still trying to keep the basic format of having female guests come on the show. It's more effective to have female guest appearances and having the members naturally compete with one another and show off their talents than just giving them directions. Because each of them are trying to show off their best side, unexpected situations like showing off their abs happen on set.

Q: From the perspective of the viewers, the title, 'Ddudda Geunyuh' can have some constraints that lead to "fixed" situations. For instance, there are some who think that the foreign beauties that made an appearance for the 'Global special' episode was a stretch.

LYH: It's not because we didn't have any guests to bring in that we brought in the foreign guests. We wanted to bring out a different reaction from the boys from when they meet female idol stars. It's like the case when we brought in the high school girls as the guests.

KHK: Sometimes there is a limitation as to the show's progression because they meet people they have already met around the broadcast studios. If it were all up to me, I would honestly bring in guests like Uhm Hong Kil or Professor Lee Wae Soo and see the reaction of the idols when they meet respected/esteemed individuals. It's obvious that we need to keep the variation in the types of guests we bring in.

LYH: Although the reaction of the fans weren't that good for the 'Global Beauties special' the ratings were good. Honestly, fans would watch anything that their favorite idol stars come out in. And the fans' reaction to the show does not always go in line with the ratings either. Although we should keep fans' opinions and reactions in mind, we have to take it in moderation. We are actually targeting the viewer group that do not know 2PM.

KHK: So if you look at the program carefully, they always have nametags on. Even in the footages where Wooyoung is getting his 'one shot', we have to use obvious captions like 'Wooyoung's doing this and that'. I think we have to keep in mind, the viewers that are not 2PM fans, and try to make the show fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why even though we have endless affection for 2PM, we have to keep the distance and keep them unfamiliar. If we do not get rid of the lens of fanship, then we're just creating personal fan videos of them.

Q: Then who are you really fans of? I'm sure you guys had idol groups you admired when you were young.

LYH: Not at all. I actually started my career with mnet because I loved foreign singers. But actually, I haven't been able to see any foreigners around mnet.

KHK: I was an idol fan. New Kids on the Block! (Laughs) I didn't even look at Korean idol stars.

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Guest shingg06

it's an interview on 21/08/2009.

wy can't talk..so he wrote on the paper..and jay spoke for woo...

it's love..isn't it?? jay...please come back soon..our wy baby didn't smile after u left...T^T


do u hv the vid for this ? xD would like to watch them !

and i really love to see jay and wooyoung together . they are vry CUTEEE!

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Guest tknoodles

Hey everyone!

I'm glad to know that my info, along with le_maiii's, brought you guys some peace of mind! I'm very thankful that you guys are thankful and that you guys are calling me lucky! However, there's one thing I would like to clarify myself with, and that's involving the picture of the autograph.I would like to clarify why I may take down the autograph after a week or so and maybe cutting the post short.

As you guys have seen in the picture, my name is quite out of the ordinary, (I am vietnamese-american. My parents aren't big fans of american names, that's why they stuck to a vietnamese one)and soompi is such a popular site, I'm assuming that there may be a slim, (very, very, very, slim, but it doesn't hurt to be overcautious) possibility that Jay or something may run across the post, and may remember my name (lots of people remember my name after meeting me just once). I don't want him to feel betrayed, feel that his privacy has been invaded, or look at the people we both indirectly know or at me any less. I hope that made sense, didn't sound retarded, and didn't sound like I'm trying to make myself sound important or snotty. Hope you guys will understand. However, I am glad that the info provided to you guys have made so many of you happy and hopeful!

Everything will be fine, Jay's not one to fall and stay fallen! He'll get back up, dust himself off, and try again. :)


you're like, 1000000000x luckier than me your fan account is totally awesome compared to mine. You've actually seen the guy! I hope you bump into him more often and post some more awesome accounts! I'll also try to update with some info too, if I'm lucky enough to be indrectly updated by Jay's mom through my friend from her mom's friend's brother.

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Guest papiroflexia

Jay does not have a say in anything and to even remotely suggest that Jay has a say in his career is ridiculous. We know how this business works... Jay can make a decision kind of talk is aimed specifically for teenagers and whoever that has not entered into the business world yet. Contractual obligations are binding in every sense, contractual obligations in the entertainment world even more complex, contractual obligations in a country like Korea in its tough entertainment industry with the governing system is beyond the imagination of most fans anyways.

Watching the boys, and seeing their interactions, I can't help but feel a part of their naivete has been lost thorugh the whole ideal. They became boys to men overnight and likely saw the ugliest side of what this entertainment business has to offer. Not just wooyoung, nichkhun in many ways seems alot more reticent and quiet than before.

With all the speculations coming up from the various sources. Here's what I think is the truth of the situation through my own analysis and drawing from my own experiences being in this field.

1. I do believe that Jay was asked to leave to keep the CF contracts intact but I'm not sure if the move was meant to be a permanent one

2. I do believe that they may not have made the kind of money that is stated in the media. Inflation of prices is common practice for our field, we usually do it by 3X but I;m sceptical on C list prices being A list artistes part. The transacted amount probably lies somewhere in between.

3. I do believe that JYP is the sole decision maker in that company despite his fervent alluding to having partners to consult on the business decisions. Last I know of his company, he is the biggest shareholder.

I understand where he is coming from from a business perspective but I find his actions pretty disgusting coming from a humanity one. Just a few days ago, I happen to chance on the footage for the press con he threw for the Wondergirls when the billboard announcement came up. He was full of smiles and confidence when handling this conference so why the mess when it came to 2PM.That to me was very hypocritical.

In the face of the boys struggling to regroup, here's the new release that he is coming up with a new boyband.Thats when I realise the boys are nothing to him but a product. If it works, good, if it fails, hey I've got Crossover as a good substitute.

The businesswoman in me tries to rationalise that the industry is cruel and to accept that this is just business and I should know better than to involve myself emotionally in such a situation but the fangirl noona in me just cannot forget the seven boys who became a part of my stressful day, that brought me laughs in the face of crap and watching their videos makes me forget the cynical jadedness of worklife.

He may not be the best man but he sure owns the best boys... I find it sad if they were tp be lost in a sea of idols when more time elapses.

What will 2PM in the future be... hopefully not known to be the band who had the most potential to make a difference in the world stage but never quite got there...

EDIT: Just read the news that Jay chose to terminate the contract. Great, this can only be so with JYP's blessings. My last sentence seems to be more real than I thought now. Since this is it ... I hope JB talks and finds a new career with someone who recognises his talent more than jut money at the end of the day

I agree, it's kind of obvious isn't it? If it was only solely based on Jay's decision (how can it be, there's contracts for reasons people) then wouldn't he have said something by now, on air even? Even if it was to say "I need time, please give me more time." or "I don't feel like the music industry is for me anymore, I'm sorry I have to quit." Coming from HIM, Jay is a man now, he can speak for himself yet JYPE keeps doing all the talking for him. (fishy fishy!) This is why Hottests are pissed, they're making up theories (can't blame them, it's a business world), & they're doing the "youknowwhat". If a company isn't being clear or are seem like they're hiding things between the lines, you can't expect the fans to be calm.

That article was certainly written well enough to be real, and it has the "spin" that JYPE would put on it - that it is Jay's decision, it is all because he can't and won't perform, etc. etc. and that it is his decision (yeah, right, that's how things work in boy/girl bands...)

I wonder if it is a leaked press release. That would explain why is wasn't on newsen, and why it was pulled so quickly - it wasn't meant to come out just yet.

Oh comeon. O:

Don't do that! (x

i think all of us HOTTEST are being treated like fools by JYPE/JYP

they always talk around the problem instead of talking about the exact details

no press conferences just wishy washy comments

It's been like that for a long time, since the day it just began.

My last post for today.

The articles basically said what I've been saying this whole time: Jay returning is pretty much up to Jay. I hope he does what's best for himself and doesn't force himself to return when he's not ready or in spite of not wanting to come back at all.

But as the other person said, people will believe what they want to, especially if they're looking for a scapegoat.

It kind of bugs me how some people basically haven't considered Jay needing to be away and are pretty much begging JYPE to force Jay back. :/ Let the boy come back when he's mentally and emotionally ready, and if he decides that's never, I for one am going to respect his decision.

I think what bothers me even more is that there are people out there who think it's that simple. I do believe JYP cares for Jay etc. but that's not all. It's not like Jay's working for JYP for free and out of love for a mentor, either. (So why would JYPE let it be his decision only.) It's a job, and jobs deal with...$$? JYP invested in him and it's hard to believe that he'll, even out of brotherly love, would throw time and investment away. I believe JYP is a smart man, and he's just doing what he considers best in the business POV.

But let's say it was only up to Jay. It doesn't seem like JYPE seems so welcoming. If I was Jay I'll feel too intimidated to return.

I'm kind of glad kHottests aren't just taking whatever info is given to them by JYPE, but they question and challenge the company. That's good because it shows they aren't stupid and something you can walk all over. (Not saying all info given out by the company was fake/lies, just an example.) Hottests just want clear answers. They have alot of questions and only a small percentage was answered, and answered a bit late. Better late than never, but you know, it pisses them off, too. (x

It'd be nice to see JYPE/JYP say "Jay, we're ready when you're ready." But they never did, they only told people "it's up to Jay's decision" and leave it as that without even mentioning they can or can not do anything about it, or will even try to.

If they did then I think more fans would be at ease, and truly believe the co. also has a heart for mentor-student love and not just all about talk and money.

Hey there, you guys!

It's been a while since I've been here do to college and whatnot and I thought that i have nothing to add. HOWEVER, this time around, I do have something to add, and yes, it is in fact, a fan account. . It may not be as interesting or as direct of an interaction as le_maii's account, and I've debated about sharing this information because I wanted to respect Jay's privacy, but now that time has passed, it's not something that we all don't know. I hope you guys can follow along. Here it goes:

As I stated above, although i'm from the bay area, I am currently residing in Irvine, CA for college, and that is nowhere near Seattle, WA. I thought that i would never had any connects to any celebrity, asian or american. However, to my surprise, I have a connection to Jay, though very indirect. One of my very close friends that I have made here in college is Korean, and it turns out that her mom's best friend has a brother who has a business in Seattle (I'm not very sure what this business is). It turns out that he is friends with Jay's mom. When Jay left Korea, Jay's mom asked my friend's mom's friend's brother for work for Jay. So currently, Jay is working part time at this business, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; Tuesdays and Thursdays I will leave unwritten b/c I don't want to destroy his privacy; and as we all know, on his spare time, he goes to dance events.

When my friend's mom recently found out that I am a fan of Jay and was devastated that he left 2PM, she asked my friend how do i spell my name. Last weekend, friend went home (she lives in LA) and returned to our apartment with a present for me:


Turns out, her mom contacted her friend and her friend asked Jay to give us autographs, and he willingly did. I'm just here to let you know that Jay is fine, he's happy, and healthy and he's not just moping about. He's out there and active. You may believe me or not, but please don't take this out of SOOMPI. PLEASE. I may come back after about a week and delete the image. Thanks for reading!

That's so cool. And very indirect but look how nice your friend's mom was, to ask for an autograph. (=

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thanks for all the fan accounts shared! ^^

it gave strength to believe and wait for him again..

actually, i have always believed Jay will be back. idk if its just a feeling, but rationally he'll be back..

it's just a matter of time..

nevertheless. all those CF things keep on bugging me.. of course i am happy with the rest of the guys doing well and made money, but actually that CFs are just as scary..

my family's business is kind of related to media business so i am fully aware that image is everything in order for someone to be endorsed/ be spokesperson/ sponsored of..

it's much easier for a singer who has had scandal to stand tall again on stage (like a few in kpop scenes we saw now) but not in CF deals department.

casting an actor to be a brand endorser is a long way process and had to go through board directors/CEOs and stakeholders and stuff..

now, the thing i'm so scared of is how if those CEOs made requests to not include Jay in the deal?

i would be soo sad. :mellow:

i was actually shocked when 2pm made come back their CF deals are tremendous but at the same time, do you think a nation company like samsung/cars etc will be kind hearted enough and let jay back again later on.. :huh:

i hope JYPE defend him or anything.. -.-

sigh. i'll just hope everything's fine...

off topic: i really want corby phone btw! looks like a cute yet cool, colourful phone! ^^

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Guest happylove00

jay, as long as you're healthy and doing good...that's what i wanna know...

somebody gonna tell k-hottests that jay is doing good so that they dun have to be too worried about him...

i think k-hottests have become the most stressful fans in the whole world...

they got so much things to worry for our boys! ^^

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