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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest i.said.hi

There are aspects I don't like, but I do very much appreciate the other boys hard work, and I have all the confidence in the world they will put on a great performance. Yes, even without Jay...because that's what professionals do. I think some people have taken the "7-1=0" too literally, in that the other boys, their talents, and their efforts are now non-existent, and it hurts. Yes, Jay is missed, he's the leader and he's a vital part of the group. But there are still 6 other people who are very much apart of that group and working their butts off to keep the group alive and going. Is it really fair to them to let one's longing for someone override their best efforts?

]Re JYP's statement: JYP is really starting to get on my nerves with this ambiguity. First there's a statement that Jay will be back, but makes it seem like it's not %100 possible he'll be back in 2pm. Now he's saying he would definitely be back in 2pm...IF he comes back. :/


How hard is it to call Jay, get a definite answer, and make a definite statement. I'd settle for a timeline at this point. :/

i agree w// your comment about how we have to support the other boys. that's exactly what i've been trying to say! all this boycotting stuff by the k-hottest is just like saying that they're abandoning the other boys because of jay. they're performing right now so as 2pm fans, we should support them.

what i don't agree w/ you is the "how hard is it to call jay, get a definite answer, and make a definite statement. i'd settle fo a timeline point"....

i think that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's not like jay is going to say "well, i think i'll be feeling better and confident w/o shame by june of next year. i'll be back then~!" hah X) he can't say that. it is going to be ambiguous on jyp's part because he can't tell a specific time. i think it's best to settle with the fact that when jay does return, he'll be back as 2pm and he'll be prepared!

i really think all we can do is NOT LEAVE THE OTHER GUYS OUT, because jay wanted them to succeed and he felt as if he was the burden, so if we continue to boycott them it's only going to hurt him more, and make him feel more embarrassed. i think all we can do is wait and not forget him, but not plague every single thread/topic about 2pm or the other 6 members and bombard it with "jay come back" etc because that means that the other 6 members weren't that important. you know? :)

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I have the up most respect for all the boys. They all worked so hard to put this album out and its really good. Also the new mv took me by surprise it was a lil different from all the other dark image type videos. I really liked it and the scenery. Cant wait to see them perform the song. Its a very catchy album.

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Glad to be back here.. The new MV and the full album made me so excited. Heartbeat is soooo awesome!!! I think overall it’s the best song from what I’ve heard from 2PM. I really like the MV too. It is so cool & I got goosebump. I hope their hardworking will be paid off because they are so deserved it. Once again, JYP is genius!! Thank you thank you thank you for making 2PM is 2 PM. Stupid Jae please come back!! You will forever have a spot as the 2PM leader!!!! That’s all I want to hear. :lol:

PS. I’m so tired of the Jae vs. JYP drama. No one knows what actually happened behind the scene. I only hear insiders from various (unidentified) sources say this and that then I got mental strained. :( I love both Jae and JYP. JYP is someone who I'm really admired and look up to, so I gotta to give him a benefit of the doubt. Hope Jay's focused 2pm fans will understand me. :P For me, this is just the test for us, Hottests & we WILL pass this. Please continue to support 2PM. :)

Love y'all.

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i agree. i don't know why fans start to have the blame game on JYP. but i understand that at that time i was also angry, but looking back, JYP didn't do anything wrong.

he was shocked and confused just like the rest of the boys when jay left. it's better for him to stay quiet and hidden than to start up something trobulesome with a statement again. everything he says will just be burned by the hatred of fans. he was a very busy man, thinking of jay, rest of the boys, their album and all twisted with wonder girls US debut. it's all hectic and i believe he couldn't do anything or say anything. i don't think he is the mad genius everyone claims him to be. if he was wouldn't wonder girls have been number 1 or something quickly in the US.

i know he cared for jay and knew him more than any one of us. so i believe in JYP's words. he could never say anything two months ago. fans would have ripped him up for that. no one is to blame. all that's left is jay's decision on coming back, and no 'if's' b/c i know he does, but not at this moment in time. probably next promotion..

I totally agree with you, at that time I was also angry too. But it makes sense why JYP couldn't have easily said anything. Because anything he said could've created a huge backlash, Basically anything he would've said would've made people unhappy. So he just kept his silence, it was definitely a tough situation. But now that some time has passed, he is able to at least give a more clear answer, and this is all that we can ask for, really.

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I just wanted to say that Junsu looks smokin hot in the Heartbeat MV. Especially the part where you first get a clear shot of his face when he sings the chorus... I had been thinking that since his surgery his face has been extremely puffy. But in the MV it looks like the puffiness finally went down, and he looks healthier now.

About JYP & Jay, I believe that Jay will come back and I believe that JYP was being sincere. Even though JYP's previous artists like G.O.D & Rain are no longer with him they still hold a really deep bond which was evidenced when all of them were hanging out in a club after Rain's Ninja Assassin movie showing.

So I'd like to believe that JYP has a similar bond with all of the boys from 2PM. Of course we were all mad that he didn't say something sooner, but if you were in his shoes you probably wouldn't know what to say either, especially since no matter what you say it will not please everyone.

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Guest Pook_Pook

finally a word form JYP himself, all i can say is finally a spark of hope, and ill take it at facevalue.

if Jay comes back (if is the operative word) or not then so be it...

what is important now is we support whatever his decision is and continue to support our 2PM!!!

so that if Jay comesback..they are still on top of their game...

competition is really rising in the world of KPOP nowadays and we shouldnt let 2PM to be in the shadows...

after all they are the hottest group 2day!

I agree with the simplicity of this statement. I'm usually a silent reader, but have decided to give my two cents. I think that as fans we really do need to stay supportive of the other 6 members of 2PM. Before Jay left for the US 2PM was at the top of their game and rising to the top in Kpop as one of the top idol groups. It's only fitting that we fans help them to maintain their popularity so that "if" Jay comes back they won't have to fight their way back to the top. There are a lot of new and impressive boy groups right now and if 2PM fails now, it won't be easy for them to recapture the top spot once it's lost.

I know many fans are concerned that JYP is stating "If Jay comes back". We need to realize that JYP nor fans can force Jay to go back to 2PM. Right now Jay is still embarrassed and ashamed about the Myspace fiasco. He doesn't have the confidence to go on stage or to return to Korea...he needs time to rest and heal. JYP and 2PM want Jay to return. JYP is also doing a great thing by making sure that Jay is still receiving vocal and dance training in the US so that "IF" he decides to return to the group, then he won't have fallen behind and will still be of the same standard (if not better) than when he left.

Like all the other fans, I wait on the edge of my seat for Jay to return while still supporting the other members of 2PM.

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Guest Kiss Me

Don't know about the rest of you, but I sure got what I wanted to hear from JYP. Jaebeom will comeback and not as a solo but as 2PM! He'll return to HIS spot! Now I can just wait in peace. It'll be better if Jaebeom is getting ready to comeback after 2PM is done with their "heartbeat" promotions.

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If what JYP said is all true, if it's up to Jay to return or not, then Jay will come back because he's not going to feel guilty and dwell on it for the rest of his life is he? -__-

I really liked what he said about Jay ..his face, his words, everything is not able to lie.

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Guest Ella_Kwan

When JYP is talkin about Jay this and that...

Saying that he would do the same & that he felt bad for him & etc.

It's like he is trying to gain our sympathy for him.

and make ppl think that he is a good boss


He tried and tried to HARM our JAY in so many ways!

By setting up false statements & etc!

UH! I think what JYP said about JAY might come back is true BUT we all gotta remember that STILL JYP is evil be/c he wasn't there when WE or JAY needed Him! He's only stealing the credit now! -_-



Please go back and EDIT your post!

SO the 2PM thread wont be closed down again!


-----> hanerdang, ephedrinity, obession2pm

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First of all, I'm not going to quote anyone because I'm not trying to start a personal back and forth here, but I just want to say, a lot of people here are accusing others of "losing touch with reality," (and what's more, these people are not even allowed to post here in their own defense anymore.) and I just want to say that that's NOT the case. Many of the members who share a view that cannot be discussed here anymore DO NOT blame JYP for anything, other than maybe the lack of more meticulous Public Relations and Artist Relations people in the company. (honestly, JYPE should have had their artist relations people look for these "incriminating" things when the boys DEBUTED. This is part of artist protection and image management. True, Jay shouldn't have said those things in the first place, but then again, there are a lot of things many of us say EVERYDAY that we shouldn't, and we forget about it the next week... JYPE as a company was sloppy as well.)

I, for one, have ALWAYS stressed that JYP should not be hated on, because even if they did force Jay to leave, it can't be villainized as they were greedy evil people; instead, I understood that it was because JYPE as a collective, are made up of many working-class people who depend on their jobs to feed and support their families. Go back track my posts and it is evident. SO PLEASE DON'T LUMP everyone who don't share your opinion into one group. It's unfair to stereotype.

Like many members who have posted, I believe in JYP's sincerity in Golden Fishbowl. I cried at his words when he described what an honest person Jay was. I hope that he meant it when he said that he is helping Jay continue his practicing in singing and dancing in the states with teachers. and I also cried at YeEun's admission that she can really sympathize with Jay because as hard as it is on them to go abroad a a group in their 20s, it must have been much more difficult for Jay who was just a teenager.

On the other hand, I'm not completely convinced that this is the happy ending. I am truly happy that JYP has said that Jay belongs in 2PM. But the part that I am apprehensive about is that the entertainment business is exactly that, it's a BUSINESS. Businesses don't bring in employees whose risk factor outweighs their profitability. It doesn't make sense mathematically. And please don't come back with the "they are family" argument. (If people are accusing us for being delusional then I must say that it is naive to think that it's all JYPE is all butterflies and fairies, and that if one man has said something that promise will absolutely come true.)

No matter how much JYP may like Jay as a person, JYP and JYPE has many mouths to feed. If you were the president of a company, and your little brother who has a track record of pissing off your big customers (here is the big point that many people don't see, JYPE's big customers are not us fans, it's the SPONSORS), would you risk the jobs of all your other 100 employees for that one person?

I'm not talking about pro or anti in this post, so don't read that into it. I am also not doubting the sincerity or truth in JYP's words. What I am discussing is the practicality and the plausibility of it actually coming true.

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Guest Pook_Pook

This MV blew me awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and I'm still not back home yet. Seriously, this is an edgy new side of 2PM and I'm glad, so so so glad they did this.

They've grown up from the 'beastly' image and it would've been boring, unoriginal, and not so unique if they just kept with it IMO. It's so different. I love how they're not jumping the bandwagon with an all power-dance, charming-the-camera kind of concept. They've created an aesthetic piece of art and I'm not over-exaggerating because that's how I really feel about this MV compared to their previous ones.

2PM, with or without Jay, still has my support and love 100%.

I absolutely agree! These boys young men have really matured as artist. They have opened themselves up to a whole new fan base which will certainly increase their popularity. As a noona fan, I really appreciate this new artistic concept. Hot Hot Hot!

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now that i've heard jyp speak up about jay, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. come to think of it, 2 months is seriously not enough to heal such deep wounds and i can understand how embarassed and ashamed jay was after the myspace incident. perhaps even some people he worked with somehow treated him differently after the exposure of his comment.

to see Jay perform again without feeling burdened and ashamed and have completely get back his self again...that's the Jaebeom i want to see. So i will wait... I will never get tired of waiting... the mere fact that JYP/E made 1:59 as the album title clearly says that they recognize that it can't be called 2pm's first album becoz Jay is not there... Thank you JYP for the statement. For now, i can continue cheering on Jay and pray for his recovery and his huge comeback...

One more thing,when JYP said that Jay is still meeting teachers in Seattle so his talents wont rust, if you try to think about it that means JYP is still investing on Jay, and some are stressing that JYP is a businessman afterall so if you invest on something for sure you've got plans on the turnover meaning he will not let his investment go to waste. The thought of it gives me hope, with that he is maintaining the concern he has for Jay as a "good hyung" and at the sametime being a "good businessman" for that matter.

I will wait... pray... and continue to support 2pm (Jaebeom,Wooyoung,Taecyeon,Nickhun,Junsu,Chansung and Junho)

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Guest traciebo0ox3

im not sure if this has been posted yet

JYP talks about plans on Jaebeom’s return

JYP (Park Jin Young) mentioned his thoughts and plans on ex-2PM leader Jaebeom's possible return on Golden Fishery last night.

On the show, JYP said:

"When the news about his anti-Korean statements were first released, I believed that the level of criticism against him was too harsh. I mean, people petitioned for his death. But public opinion changed to 'the translation was misleading and he did not do anything wrong' after he left for States, as if he actually did not do any wrong. His thoughts and mine on this matter are the same - it is somewhere in between. He did not do such great wrong but it is a matter serious enough that we cannot just ignore and pretend it didn't happen. It was a great mistake. Especially for a person who sings, dances and performs art. We are the ones who connect two different cultures and he cannot disrespect people of different culture like that. I believe that his expressions were very wrong

Is Jaebeom a bad person? No, he is very nice. But back then, his attitude was quite unpleasant, telling me in my face that he can succeed only if he doesn't get a song written by me. But I liked Jaebeom despite his attitude because he never lied, he was always truthful - and he kept changing. Now, he is a different person from who he was back then. I do agree then Jaebeom of the past has hurt too many Koreans with harsh expressions and he thinks the same. That is why he couldn't get on the stage because of shame. But you see, other members still have to perform, and he did not want to drag 2PM down. That is why he said "Hyung, I want to go back to States." If I was him, I think I would have made the same decision.

If him and I thought that accusations against him were wrong then we would have fought for him until the end. But he himself thinks that he did a great wrong. If the media and the fans feel any love for Jaebeom then the best they could do is let him be. He is taking time to regret and think over his wrongs so letting him do so would be helpful.

What can I do while he does so? Help him continue taking dancing and singing lessons to continue training as an artist. When he says that he wants to be back on stage, then I will help him do so. When he comes back, he will come back as a part of 2PM, the members love others very much. Neither him nor the members want him to return as a solo artist."


credit: time2sub2


i agree with JYP, i think we should leave jay alone & let him return when hes ready. I think we should not only support Jay but support the other 6 members as well.

we will be waiting for the day that Jay returns<3

cant wait till they perform their new song live :D

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i think the new concept is either something you love or hate

i personally love it. it's completely different but it doesn't seem like they're trying to be something they're not. (and wooyoungie is seriously looking so mighty fine)

i was afraid they would be really lackluster without Jay because his charisma is the best, but i'm impressed that they can still shine as 1:59PM. i mean of course there were parts that i pictured Jay would've been perfect in, and his voice & rapping would've made it all even more epic. but the rest of the boys are amazing. i support them and i really do think Jay will come back and i want him to have something great to come back to.

and i'm so satisfied with JYP's statement that Jay will return to 2PM if he returns. all those rumors about him getting demoted to CUBE were bs after all

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here are my 2 cent regarding JYP and his comment about JAE.

he took that long just to tell aching hearts and sobbing tears to tell HOTTEST this?

well i wanna thank him and tell him I RESPECT HIM W/ ALL MY HEART.

i waited 2 months for his comments regarding JAEBEOM..

if Kang Ho Dong was the only one who could let JYP speak of Jae, i would've known better.

for the people (the ones that support 7, starts w/ a b and ends w/ a y) let's never give up bringing Jae

back but it's time to fully support 2pm even w/o Jae.

their heartaches as much as we do.

it's time to support the group..

let's all stop here and move on.. until leadja returns.


their comeback is tonight! oh that's it, 2pm will take over and show rookies and veteran what's up. :D


still can't get over "all night long"

"all night long"- eng sub

the lyrics totally blown me away. i'm counting up to 10 nickhun come take me to your room! lol! j/k!

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Guest Banana Peel

I just watched the clip of JYP talking about Jay T__________T

It definitely made me tear up, I just wish that JYP spoke this out to the public a bit earlier so that the fans wouldn't have been so worried sick. Oh well, all that matters is that JYP finally spoke about Jay's issue. And on the brighter note, Jay's possibility of coming back is like 99%, possibly? heh, or am I being tooo hopeful?

I could really tell that JYP does care about Jay. I was wrong to blame JYP for not 'doing anything' for Jay to return. And especially when he says "I wish they would all just leave him alone," I have to agree with him. I think right now, it's basically Jay's choice on whether to comeback or not. All we can do is cross our fingers for him to return soon.

I wonder when Jay would come back? Perhaps after the 2pm have finished their promotion for 'Heartbeat'? Or during? hm, but I have a feeling Jay returning would take awhile since even I in his case wouldn't want to perform in front of people just yet.

Anyways, I can't wait for 2pm's comeback -- today?! wow, didn't know it was this soon, haha. I hope the fans would be cheering them on, I don't want to hear a silent crowd :x I will definitely support the 6 members even though Jay isn't present currently.

I hope this thread would be full of hottests spazzing about their comeback tonight, not just all about the depressing/serious stuff :D

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Please don't judge me. You don't know me, I didn't give my reasons & that's not what you said, thanks.

Don't get me wrong, I am not in a position to judge you as a person. But given that this is a forum where not everyone knows everyone else, my comments were based on your words "I don't care of the new MV". To me, at least, this felt like something very cold to say. But like you said, if you meant something else rather than "I don't care about what the rest do if Jay is not around", well then, good for you.

You two should PM each other instead of posting here. It is not really topic related.


Warned for spamming. You quoted a large amount of text and reply with a smiley??? This is totally unacceptable.

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Like many members who have posted, I believe in JYP's sincerity in Golden Fishbowl. I cried at his words when he described what an honest person Jay was. I hope that he meant it when he said that he is helping Jay continue his practicing in singing and dancing in the states with teachers. and I also cried at YeEun's admission that she can really sympathize with Jay because as hard as it is on them to go abroad a a group in their 20s, it must have been much more difficult for Jay who was just a teenager.

On the other hand, I'm not completely convinced that this is the happy ending. I am truly happy that JYP has said that Jay belongs in 2PM. But the part that I am apprehensive about is that the entertainment business is exactly that, it's a BUSINESS. Businesses don't bring in employees whose risk factor outweighs their profitability. It doesn't make sense mathematically. And please don't come back with the "they are family" argument. (If people are accusing us for being delusional then I must say that it is naive to think that it's all JYPE is all butterflies and fairies, and that if one man has said something that promise will absolutely come true.)

No matter how much JYP may like Jay as a person, JYP and JYPE has many mouths to feed. If you were the president of a company, and your little brother who has a track record of pissing off your big customers (here is the big point that many people don't see, JYPE's big customers are not us fans, it's the SPONSORS), would you risk the jobs of all your other 100 employees for that one person?

I'm not talking about pro or anti in this post, so don't read that into it. I am also not doubting the sincerity or truth in JYP's words. What I am discussing is the practicality and the plausibility of it actually coming true.

Well, if the above holds true, does that not mean that whatever fans choose to do or not to do actually would not matter anymore? seems that it is a Catch-22 situation of sort? I definitely hope that it will not deteriorate to such a state.. things are sad & complicated enough already.

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