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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest babiluxx

whoa...I'm not sure how i feel about their flat hair. Esp Khuns...its got that little thing on the top -.-'' and Junho...thats toooo long. the others look all right. the new clothes isn't bad tho.

well i guess i have to accept change.

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Guest ZZOOzzoo

Well the new songs are out. Based on the short snippet I listened to, Heartbeat sounds very...uh...different. Not much of a melody but VERY interesting beat.

I've yet to see if the song as a whole is as catchy as Again&Again, but you can def. tell that JYP put a lot of thought into it. I'm sure live performance will be nothing short of spectacular.

P.S. It's scary how much Wooyoung and JYP sound alike. o_o

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Oh! It's real. Or it's only a dream Jay appear on CD cover.


Credit : insider-2pm.exteen.com & PLK (popcornfor2)

It obviously a "photoshop"-ed one... The other six guys have their smokey eyes while Jay is not...

I guess it just a crop from a live performance...

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Guest viviean

everyone!! their new song just release on melon few minutes ago

it's really newwwwwwwwwwww style.

i don't know what to say.

their new song is heart beat

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don't quote pics please..

remove the %7Boption%7D tag :)

about the 1st album..

i'm liking the white suit.. but not their hair

i hope they got a hair cut *sigh*

but overall they looks manly, more mature, and of course smexy :lol:

well, i hope that 1:59PM not just for the marketing thing..

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[FULL AUDIO] 2PM - Heartbeat

2PM - The First Album 1:59PM

01 My Heart

02 Heartbeat

03 Tried of waiting

04 (I Was) Crazy Over You

05 Gimme the light

06 Back 2U

07 All Night Long

08 Heartbeat (Red Light Mix)

09 10 Points out of 10

10. Only You

11. Again & Again

12. I Hate You (Lounge Mix)

13. You Might Comeback (Bossa Nova Mix)

info + video credit: elaisfangirl @ YouTube

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[AUDIO] 2PM - Heartbeat

2PM - The First Album 1:59PM

01 My Heart

02 Heartbeat

03 Tried of waiting

04 (I Was) Crazy Over You

05 Gimme the light

06 Back 2U

07 All Night Long

08 Heartbeat (Red Light Mix)

09 10 Points out of 10

10. Only You

11. Again & Again

12. I Hate You (Lounge Mix)

13. You Might Comeback (Bossa Nova Mix)

info + video credit: elaisfangirl @ YouTube

SO GREAT!! As expected, JYP always delivers. The title song is VERY VERY different from the normal music nowadays. And the other songs are trendy and catchy as usual.

I'm loving the album! Can't wait to get my copy of it from YesAsia.


Guys let's talk about the album and refrain from discussing about other stuffs because right now what we need to do is support the album. I can't wait to see the MV!

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Guest babblebuffet

Hi there - this is a little long, so feel free not to read. This is just my opinion - that's all.

I've been silently reading this thread since about a week or so before Jay left. I'm what you'd call a new fan because I honestly never was into them - I thought they were all really great-looking guys, but I was never a fan of their music. That is, until I stumbled upon the 'I Hate You' rehearsal vid and then I discovered Wild Bunny and there was absolutely no turning back.

When the news broke out about Jay leaving, I literally felt my stomach drop. I was at work when I read the news and I felt so sad, because I'd just fallen in love with them almost a week before. It's been so hard reading all your thoughts because most of you have been there from the beginning, and I felt sad because it would've been so much more painful for you to see.

I don't know if my opinion is valid, but I personally am going to buy the album with 6 members. This is because that's all I can do as a fan. I knew them as 7 members for just over a week and then they became 6. That's not to say that I don't support them as 7 members - I do from the very bottom of my heart. Jaebeom and Taecyeon are my favourite members and everytime I see just 6 of them or 'Jay-less' as I call it, I feel incredibly sad and feel like crying. Watching the new teaser MVs for their new album doesn't make it any easier either.

To me, the members are still 2PM with or without Jay. I can't imagine someone walking up to the boys saying 'oh you're not 2PM - you need Jay to validate your existence as 2PM,' because I can't think of anything more hurtful. If you took Junho out, would the reaction be any crazed than it was/is? Would you walk up to Junho and say, 'oh you used to be 2PM, but you're not anymore and neither are the guys who are left'. When people post their trainee clips like that one of them dancing to 'Low' - are they not considered 2PM even though Chansung + Junsu hadn't joined yet? I think they're all equally a part of the group and they're all equally 2PM - to class them any differently would be to cancel out all their hard work and training over the years, both individually and as a group.

I fully support the boys back then with Jay, right now without Jay and in future with or without Jay. I'm going to by the album to support the boys on Jay's behalf until he's ready to return to them. When he does, I'm going to support them again even if I do have two copies of the 'same' album.

Anyway, to lighten things up - here's our beloved Jay doing what he does best:

omg i know exactly how you feel!! i also just started really liking 2pm like a few days before the horrid news broke! cos i was watching wild bunny and loving it so much! i was really upset at that time and even spent an hour on the phone ranting to my friend who isn't even a 2pm fan. ahaha!! now all i can hope for is that Jay will come back and continue to bring laughter to our screens. i mean i'm pretty confident he will return to kpop, but i'm just worried that he might not return as part of 2pm and make another debut or something. (kinda like what happened to hyun-ah)

i'm not sure if i'll buy the album if he's not there. not because i don't support the rest of the 6, but because i think that if JYP doesn't bring him back after all this hype (about 1.59pm on their website and with taec saying "7members"), then i'll be really pissed cos it's like JYPE played with the fans' expectations and feelings...which would be pretty despicable

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All 13 Tracks on "2PM - The First Album 1:59PM"

Gimme the Light

I Hate You (lounge Mix)

Back 2U

You Might Come Back (Bossa Nova Mix)

Heart Beat

Heart Beat (Red Light Mix)

All Night Long

My Heart

Only You (Acoustic Mix)

Again & Again

10 Out of 10 Points

(credit: elaisfangirl @ Youtube)

Tired of Waiting

(Credit : Babochorom @ Youtube)

I Was Crazy about You

(Credit : BK @ musictology.wordpress.com & cam1llee @ Youtube)

Edit: There you go, all the New songs are out now...

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Guest isabella91

Okay guys, this is just honestly, my opinion.

I think the rest of the 2PM boys, and even JYPE is trying to get Jay back.

Maybe it's Jay who doesn't wanna come back, YET.

Maybe Jay still needs time to think and all that. Korea might be a scary place for him to back to again.

Cause from the looks of it, the rest of the boys and JYPE are trying to get him back as well.

From the hints and signs given by Wooyoung and Taecie, saying 7=1 and all that.

And now the album title and all that, and all their lyrics about coming back, tired of waiting.

Maybe they're reaching out to Jay as well like we all are.

Obviously, they too want Jay back.

So yeahhh, that's just my opinion.

I'm half pro-boycott cause some of the actions do seem to make sense.

But really, I'm still gonna support the rest of the boys, let's all make their hard work and hard days without Jay pay off shall we?

I love these boys, and it's not their fault that things turned out like this.

And it saddens me to see that the rest of the boys too are affected by this.

But I know Hottests just wants their Leadja back (:

Let's all not give up! JAY and 2PM for the win! :D

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^^^^thanks for the awesome photos, i love their new style. man in nice suits are super hot espeically 2pm ! the heartbeat song...i don't know, i don't find it catching, well at least not yet. i have a feeling it's one of those songs that's going to take a while for me to come into terms with it but nevertheless the song is still very great.

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[FULL AUDIO] 2PM - Heartbeat

video credit: elaisfangirl @ YouTube

Lyrics to ‘Heartbeat’

Can you feel my heartbeat

The heart that you’ve stomped on is still beating and even so towards you.

No matter how hard I try, no matter how many new people I meet, and again and again why I turn around and think of you

I’m going to stop, I want to stop, though I calm and calm myself again it’s no use, my heart is broken, why

Why I’m still doing these stupid things, my mind seems to understand but why my heart is still acting on its own

I grabbed you and I still can’t let go, I still seems like you’re by my side, I can’t believe in goodbye

No matter who I meet, I can’t open a part of my heart and I keep leaving a space for you

There’s not reason for you to come back, but my heart keeps believing that you might come back, why won’t it listen

Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s waiting for you

It still doesn’t know it’s over, I don’t understand why it’s like this

Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s waiting for you

I still hurt at the thought of you, I think of you every time my heart beats

I have to forget, I have to forget to live, I have to erase you , if not I’ll die

Stop trying to get her back. She ain’t coming

She’s gone, gotta be moving on. She left and she’s not coming back, the girl isn’t thinking of you

She hasn’t a clue that I’m waiting and she’s living well, she’s already forgotten about me, completed erased.

Why can’t I do that

Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s waiting for you

It still doesn’t know it’s over, I don’t understand why it’s like this

Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s waiting for you

I still hurt at the thought of you, I think you ever time my heart beats

My heart is beating Faster and faster (4x)

CREDITS: Bestiz (Source) & G-race@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

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the song's growing on me... if only there were jay's voice


i'm somewhat hearing jay's adlib after the "it's beating for you", no? lol

who sings the 2nd rap(?) after chansung?

i mean this part : "Why I’m still doing these stupid things, my mind seems to understand but why my heart is still acting on its own

I grabbed you and I still can’t let go, I still seems like you’re by my side, I can’t believe in goodbye"

sounds like junho or wooyoung... not really sure -_-

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Guest chip packet

it's only been out for a few minutes, but I've already been replaying "Back 2U" again and again lol. I love it, it's like a weird mix of all the RnB artists in the US. All it needs for it to be completely awesome would be a touch of Jayness <3

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D: i don't like the new image they have. Why does it look like they are all about to die any second? Not to mention taec, khun and junho need haircuts. :[ it's just not the same anymore.

don't get me wrong, i love the boys till the end of the world, but this just doesn't cut it for me.

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Guest pinkshades

the song's growing on me... if only there were jay's voice


Sorry to cut your post. The song's growing on me too. But it also makes me miss Jay a lot more. Jay had such a huge presence in the vocals. He was usually part of the intro, chorus, and rap parts. The song sounds good, but it doesn't sound alive, if that makes sense.

I don't say this to insult the members in any way. I'm also glad to hear the others take a larger role in the songs... but it's weird. The more I listen to the songs, the more it feels like they're all trying to make up for a missing gap, instead of projecting as a whole. Well, I mean, duh, it makes sense.

Even their whole concept is about missing something....1:59PM?

1:59PM definitely looks and sounds like 1:59. It's missing a spark, that magic 1 minute. Just my opinion.

I hope everything goes well for the other members though. I do miss seeing them on stage...

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