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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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You know what?

The netizens are weird.

First, they criticize Jay for making the rude comment

(and wanting him to leave the 2PM or suicide)

Then, he left the 2PM.

Then, you all DEMAND an official statement from JYP.

Then. JYP gave an official statement.

Then, some of you blame JYP.

What's wrong with some of you?

JYP and Jay is not god or what. They can't possibly please everyone.

It is like a whether you take it or leave it situation.


i actually made a comment about this on one of the other threads in the photo section..

like i seriously don't know wth the netizens want.

when he was in korea, they wanted him to leave and go back to america.

when he finally left, they were calling him the 2nd steve yoo.. saying he betrayed their country.

like wtf? either way, it's a total lose-lose situation for the poor guy.

as for jyp's comment. i don't really think we can really play the blame game, although people are saying he really didn't give a clear answer.

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Guest cherri-yumi

it's not what im expected to hear from JYP..

I thought JYP would bring some good news for us to hear..but it's not happen at all..

however, myb jay made the right decision..

if he continue stay here he would b more suffer n his pain would getting worse and will harder to heal since he will facing korean netizens all the time.. all 2PM members would feel the same as they are not 7,but they are ONE ..

he dont want other 2PM members to take this burden with him..

he felt guilty bout this..

thus, he need to make a hard decision although he might regret bout this..

he need time to heal himself and i believe he'll be back..

i want him to b back with 2PM again.. i really want 2PM to back again together..

we as the HOTTEST need to keep supporting him, make him realize that HOTTEST never blame him for this, HOTTEST care bout him, and HOTTEST will never stop supporting him..

HOTTEST luv u jay..

plz comeback, we'll b waiting 4 u..

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Guest moomooriel

I want Jay back to 2PM, I truly do. But, none of us are in the position to point fingers at anybody in this kind of situation. We might think that we know what's best for Jay and 2PM, but we don't. You guys are only seeing what could benefit us fans, but you're not putting yourself in Jay's, 2PM's and even JYP's shoes. God only knows how they are REALLY feeling at the moment.

You guys saying that JYP is getting trying to off scott-free... he's not. How can we know he's trying to leave all the blame to Jay? do you guys truly think that he doesn't feel sad that a person with such a talent, a person JYP himself has help grow through the hard years Jay has been in Korea. do you truly think it was easy for JYP to let go of Jay? I'm pretty sure JYP knew if Jay stayed he wouldn't be happy at all. I bet he knew that him letting Jay go would bring himself much hatred, and guess what... he actually is. Have you thought that maybe JYP put Jay's happiness before his own and JYPE's name at risk?

Yesterday, when we went to the JYPE office in Manhattan, the staff from JYPE supported us wanting Jay back, i'm pretty sure staff in JYPE in Korea feel the same. Every single person in the staff probably wants Jay back, but they respect their opinion. They're not saying "You HAVE to come back." Instead they're saying "We'll wait for you. We HOPE you come back." Shouldn't we be doing the same?

Last but not least, 2PM still has other six members left, and just as Jay, they need our support. They have just lost an important person, they're devastated. I'm sure they're happy seeing the support Jay is getting, but don't you think they might be sad that people are saying that they won't support 2PM anymore because Jay left? And I highly doubt Jay would be happy to hear that either. Jay wants happiness for 2PM, and 2PM wants happiness for Jay.

Sometimes what we want as fans is not the best thing for the idol(s) we love.

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Hi everyone. Not a major fan of 2pm, but I enjoy watching their Wild Bunny show as well as their Idol Show.

I've been checking on and off about this whole fiasco and I just read JYP's statement. I agree with JYP even though some of you disagree strongly. I think JYP really want to say is, "It's up to you to decide what you want to do Jay." It all comes down to Jay's decision whether he wants to continue with his career and endure all the hardship, or just go back home and be away from all this.

I find that it was a cowardly move for Jay to immediately fly home. Yes it's rough for the guy to be going through all this and being hated by a fraction of the citizens in Korea, but who hasn't been hated? There are tons of anti-fans all over the internet and celebrities get criticized all the time. But him flying home and calling it quit was cowardly just because he couldn't handle all the criticism. In a way I find it selfish because his members, JYPE staffs, and all his fans have supported him all these time, but he decided to quit.

I'm not trying to put him down, but I think that if he didn't leave, everyone wouldn't have been so devastated. It's a fight and he just give up and walked away instead of hanging in there. He stuck through the 4 years of training, why can't he continue to go on?

You have obviously never experience the wrath of the Korean netizens. If they want you dead, they will do everything possible to make it come true. People have committed suicide because of them. The answer is not as easy as you would like to think.

There has been talk of Jay coming back as a solo artist. I prefer Jay with 2pm. Literally it doesn't feel right without Jay.

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Guest ejunkebox

Truthfully i dont understand the korean netizens

First they were shock to jaebum really really leaving the country

After that some were sorry while some were merrry and berry making a petition to cast away him from korea

Think again he is a korean by blood gosh are they dismissing their own blood away from their country

Seriously this whole fiasco and chaos are all over the place

If they dun like foreign talent then why some of the korean artist are making big bucks at other country

What right they have with unless he is a terrorist by all means

What he does was just give music and love urgh

about jyp statement i dun care anymore as much as i love my boys

With or without jay things will NEVER be the SAME thanks knetizens

Talking about national pride they the knetizens are the national disgrace

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Guest Ella_Kwan

YO KOREAN ANTI'S has overdone it!



Yo I have a feeling they will reach their number need but i hope it DON'T make a diff.




AND for his friend's comment, AT LEAST IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING (real or fake)

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Guest kokorochoco


Some clearer picture of the EXPULSION AND PROHIBITION OF ENTRY TO THE COUNTRY was created on

the 7th of September....The day Jaebeom left....The deadline is OCTOBER 05, 2009....WTF...

If they reached their goal...Which I know is POSSIBLE since the deadline is so far from today....


I HATE YOU ANTIS!!!! *cries wid helplessness*

how cud they do this to him???

they don't want a 2nd park jayboem?! soo cruel....these words totally pierce through my heart!!

WHAT??-___- Afraid of a 2nd Park Jae Bum? Oh puhleeeaze, Korea NEEDS more Park Jae Bum's - people that HONEST, that STRAIGHT-UP are so rare these days..... people who care so much about there family that they would be willing to brave it out in a foreign country w/ a language they can't even understand away from everyone they love to support them... people who are THAT dedicated and passionate about their work.... who aren't afraid of being themselves, of being natural.

How could you NOT want more of that?

All you people ignoring ALL of those qualities, bashing him, going so far as to try to EXPEL HIM FROM KOREA FOREVER, signing petitions for someone to commit suicide just because of a MYSPACE COMMENT (even now i still can't get over what a RIDICULOUS thing started all this) - YOU are the ones that Korea needs less of. Don't worry about 2nd Park Jae Bums - worry about yourself. If you care that much about "setting examples for the younger generations" - What kind of example are YOU setting, huh?

Ughhh, these people are so delusional and hypocritical! LOL i'm getting so frustrated, can you tell? xD -___-;

you jus said everything i want....i can't get a word outta my head now...soo tired... :(

Why is everything like this?! I don't care if Jay gets back with 2PM or not anymore! i just want him to feel better and be happy again!!! BUT WHY D &%$*&) ARE THEY DOING THIS KINDA PETITION TO HURT HIM TO THE MAX?!!! Have he not suffered enough?! he said sorry, threw away all his success n career n even left the country! what more do u people want?!

this is soo not happening...


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Guest runawayu

You have obviously never experience the wrath of the Korean netizens. If they want you dead, they will do everything possible to make it come true. People have committed suicide because of them. The answer is not as easy as you would like to think.


And I believe if Jay did not choose to leave 2PM, the k-netizens now will still make hell lot of noise. =.=

And maybe do some horrible stuff to Jay, and probably much worse than the suicide petition

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Guest jessicakth

You know what?

The netizens are weird.

First, they criticize Jay for making the rude comment

(and wanting him to leave the 2PM or suicide)

Then, he left the 2PM.

Then, you all DEMAND an official statement from JYP.

Then. JYP gave an official statement.

Then, some of you blame JYP.

What's wrong with some of you?

JYP and Jay is not god or what. They can't possibly please everyone.

It is like a whether you take it or leave it situation.

And it is most probably that JYP is feeling more pain than the rest of us since he watch Jay grow over many years.

I totally agree with you. They re crazy. JYP can't say: Yeah we will bring Jay back... You know a lot of Hottests are around.. but also alot of ANTIS are around just wanna kill Jay... He has to see if netizens cool downs first, then give an official saying that he will bring Jay back. See how much JYP loves Jay, he would protect Jay from getting hunted or killed by some crazy netizens. Imagine how Jay is gonna be if hes performing right now on stage. Would netizens will forgive him. We HOTTESTS forgive him, but ANTIS still not cool down yet... If Jay in korea now, he would face dangerous situation!!! (Choi Jin Shil even committed suicide bc of netizens!!!). So just leave JYP a peace of mind, he knows what hes doing!!!



Lee Soo Man would kick Jay and blame everything on Jay in this situation. But Jay is like a son to JYP. JYP is playing as father role now to protect Jay from crazy netizens and anti fans... SO PLEASE SUPPORT JYP AND 6 BOYS OF 2PM TOO. THEY ARE ALL FAMILY AND ALL HURT NOW FOR JAY!!!

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Some clearer picture of the EXPULSION AND PROHIBITION OF ENTRY TO THE COUNTRY was created on

the 7th of September....The day Jaebeom left....The deadline is OCTOBER 05, 2009....WTF...

If they reached their goal...Which I know is POSSIBLE since the deadline is so far from today....


The petition doesn't mean anything. Steve Yoo(?) was kicked out because he betrayed the Korean government, Jay made a comment on a social networking site, no government would be stupid enough to follow through this petition. Jay left on his own accord.

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Guest java_junkie

And here we go again... Do people really never learn? This whole incident started because a group of people were too narrow-minded and couldn't put themselves in Jaebum's shoes. If you're blaming JYP, you need to stop for a moment AND PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES. Yes, I'm sure more than anything he would love to have Jaebum stay. But JYP KNOWS him--knows his thoughts, his dreams, his fears, his strongpoints, his weakpoints. To JYP, Jaebum is a son and a friend, and perhaps that was why I've always liked JYPE. He goes beyond just looking at his artists as mere employees. He looks at them with love and guidance.

So IF YOU WERE JYP RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD YOU WANT FOR JAEBUM? Make him stay, when he's unsure of where his heart lies at the moment? Jaebum is going through a lot of confusion and turmoil right now, and yes, while JYP could have forced him to stay and "work out his issues" in Korea and wait for all this hoopla to wind down, he didn't? Why? We don't know, but here would be my thought process if I were in JYP's shoes.

1) HE NEEDS HIS FAMILY. When you are going through your darkest days, when you think the world is ending, who do you turn to? Your employer? A friend and mentor who, granted, gave you so much, but only knew you for the past four or fives years? Or do you go to your family--people who will love you unconditionally no matter what. Who love you for who you were, who you are, who you will be. It's no secret Jaebum was very close to his mother. It's only natural he wants to have some love and comfort from his mother. His mother gave birth to him. His mother raised him. IT'S HIS MOTHER WHO KNOWS HIM BEST. It's his mother who can offer him the proper comfort and guidance at this time. If anything else, I wish some of those fans would think about Jaebum's family as well. They are just as much affected as this, and frankly, is I was Jaebum's mother, I would force him back for the time being, even if it make fighting it out with JYP. Nothing hurts a mother more than to see her own child in pain.

2) WOULD JAEBUM BE HAPPY IF I FORCED HIM TO STAY? No, he would not. There's still a lot of hostility over there. Imagine the fear he would have to live in every time he stepped out of the dorm. The guilt. The remorse. Jaebum realizes the mistake that he's made. And while we as fans have forgiven him, and even some netizens have forgiven him after he left (**rolling eyes**), I don't think he's completely forgiven himself yet, for thinking he's a burden to his fellow members, to JYP and to JYPE. There's a lot that's going on in the poor kid's head and heart at the moment, and from the accounts we've gotten now from JYP, he's a complicated kid. There was already a lot going on in his head prior to 2PM. A lot of insecurities and uncertainties about the path he would choose, and in light of this situation, I'm sure a lot of those insecurities and uncertainties have resurfaced. I think Jaebum just doesn't have it in his heart right now to face his members, JYPE and the fans with his head held high. While he certainly could have regrouped in Korea, it would have taken a lot longer. To return home to Seattle, he's away from everything. Away from the fans, the media, the netizens...everything that'll immediately remind him of his grave mistake. He needs peace and tranquility, something I don't think he would have gotten if he was locked up in his dorm in Korea. Sometimes you just need to let the little bird fly from the nest. It's all part of growing up. It's all a part of maturing. Jaebum needs to fly away from the nest for a moment to self-reflect on his future and what HE wants out of it, not what the fans want out of it. And I really respect JYP for not keeping Jaebum caged in if he didn't want to.

3) THE WELL-BEING OF JAEBUM. And thus comes to this. Above all else, I think JYP is considering Jaebum's well-being at the moment. I'm not talking about the well-being of Jaebum's artist status. I'm talking about the well-being of Jaebum as a person. Jaebum is carrying a lot of scars and wounds from this. It's easy for us to say "Hey, suck it up. We still love you. Come back and fight." But try it youself. I sure wouldn't. I'd want to run to my mom and dad, have them comfort me, and then wallow in ice cream for a while until the pain eases a bit. To have Jaebum stay could potentially ruin him physically, mentally and emotionally, and since JYP cares very deeply for him, would he wish that on him. WOULD YOU BE HAPPY, HOLDING ON TO SOMEONE, KNOWING THAT THEY'RE HURTING, THAT THEY'RE SICK?

I can understand that some are saying that JYP should have at least defended him. Yes, perhaps he should have released some kind of statement early on to support his artist. I myself was a little surprised that no statement was immediately released. But did any of us imagine that it would escalate to such heights? To say that JYP wanted Jaebum to leave is so, so unfair. THIS IS KILLING HIM. You can sense it in his letter, and you know that a little part of him has died when Jaebum left, because it's like watching a family member go. But JYP is all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He realizes that Jaebum isn't a punk anymore. He's not a kid anymore. He's matured into an adult, and he'll treat him like an adult--with respect. If Jaebum says he needs some time AWAY FROM KOREA TO THINK THINGS THROUGH, what right does JYP have to hold him back? Yes, he could have played the CEO card and held him back in some legal way through his contract or something, but he played the HUMANE card. He didn't want to shackle Jaebum down; that would only add to Jay's burdens. Plus, from his description of Jaebum, I would think Jaebum's a pretty stubborn guy. If he's set on doing something, he won't budge--that's the kind of Jaebum I picture. The only thing JYP could do was respect his decision, give him time, and hopefully be able to greet him with open arms again some day.

I'm sure when the dust settles a little, and Jaebum has had a bit of quality time with his family, then JYP will have some form of long heart-to-heart with Jaebum. Jaebum is still his student, and he'll be there to guide him towards the path that will be best for Jaebum.

In the meantime, remember, we're merely fans. Yes, we love him. Yes, we miss him. Yes, we all wish he would come back, be on stage with the rest of 2PM again and make great music again. BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL JAEBUM HOW TO LIVE HIS LIFE. AND WE SHOULDN'T. We can definitely encourage him, and show him our support and love. But we shouldn't pressure him or rush him to come back when he's not ready and still unsure of what he wants out of his future. Let him leave in peace for now. Let him live like a normal person, something I'm sure he's missed for the last little while.

I respect JYP for respecting Jaebum's decision. And I hope those who are angry at JYP take some time to try to understand it from his POV. He's only human too, and is doing what he thinks is right and best for Jaebum at the moment. The finger-pointing game is pointless, and will only add more pain and distress to more people. Honestly, in a world where there's enough hate going around, why can't we just be a little more understanding.

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Guest lovehunter12

I completely understand Jay's position.

I guess he doesn't want to be a burden to the members with the fact that he's a leader who belittled his own country..

I guess he's afraid that the members would be hurt and he isn't mend to be a leader...

Plus, he's getting pressures from anti netizens from the suicide petitions- knowing that no one is there supporting him and making him feel hes useless and all TT TT

On the other hand, I just hoped that he would stay in Korea, fight through this with all his fans, i mean we are gonna be with him through thick or thin.. thus, he would prove that netizens wrong and he is way stronger than what those netizens think of him~.

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i appreciate JYP's statement. i really do.

it definitely let us into a deeper look at 2pm park jaebum as just the simple jay park, the buy behind the cameras.

but honestly i don't think the hearts of thousands of fans can rest until they hear an official complete blunt and to-the-point "YES JAY IS COMING BACK" or "NO HE'S NOT COMING BACK" from either JYP or jay himself.

just some kind of absolute undebatable permanent closure.

if jay is coming back, FREAKIN AWESOME. we'll wait for his return.

if not, then just TELL US SO WE CAN MOVE ON.

but then again, the situation itself is probably just so unclear and vague right now. seems like JYP is just telling us to support jay's decision, but that ultimately it's still unsure.

sorry, all just the mindless ramble of a frustrated fan. please don't take anything i say as offense.

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Guest laurana1

Hey Hottests, are you still Keeping the Faith?

I'm glad to see that you are, even though I know it's hard... ^_^

Please continue to support 2pm to the best of your ability! This obviously includes Jay, as he will always be a part of 2pm, no matter what.

lockinsocks I think your comments are a bit unkind. To criticize someone who is in pain right now... how can you do that? You can't really know how Jay is feeling at the moment, none of us can. If he truly felt he couldn't face it, then I think people should understand that and love him anyway. Just because he doesn't fit your image of what a good leader should be doesn't mean he ISN'T a good leader. Do you really think the four years of training was harder for him to endure? At least then he felt hope for the future... Now he feels like there is no hope anymore. Which do you think is worse? A hard life with hope or a hard life without any hope?

Right now, people should not be questioning Jay. He did what he had to do. People should not selfishly judge him or his actions. As fans, we do not have the right to question our artists. We can only to choose whether or not we support them, whether or not we love them. Our questions are unimportant. The only thing that should matter is for our artists to be happy and safe... I truly believe this.

Also, it's quite rude to post such insensitive and accusatory comments about an artist that is not your own, especially at a time like this. I'm not even a Hottest (I'm a Cassie) and I thought that was offensive... So please try to be sensitive in the future and not bash other fans' artists.

On the issue of boycotting... Since I'm not a Hottest, I have no right to say what Hottests should do. I don't know them like you do. But in my opinion, this is not a good idea. I don't mean to hate on kHottests, and I think they have good intentions when doing this. But it just seems like they are saying to themselves, "it worked for Cassies, why can't it work for us?" But the situations are not the same... Jay made a choice here, and I think fans should respect that instead of trying to force him to change his mind by putting pressure on JYPE and the remaining members. It isn't that he was forced to leave by his company, right? I think he made the decision... But none of us really know; we aren't Jay. Still, fans cannot just expect that boycotting will have the same effect in such a different circumstance. It's a very powerful weapon, but it can hurt those who fans wish to protect. If Jay isn't ready to return yet, should fans try to pressure him into doing so? Shouldn't he be given time to heal first? Shouldn't fans support his wishes instead of going against them? Just my views... I think that he would only be unhappy if he was forced to return. And it really hurts the other six members. They need the support of Hottests, too. They're hurting too. They're struggling too. And they still have hopes and dreams, as well. If their fans abandon them in support of Jay, they won't be successful. Even though their popularity has grown so much in only a year, they are not a hugely established group just yet. So this boycott can really hurt them... and then Jay will just be more sad, because he will think "What I said foolishly four years ago is not only hurting only me, but now it's hurting my brothers, too. In the end, I have ruined their chances to achieve their dreams." Even though we all know that isn't true, he may feel that way. So I think it's a bad idea, but of course Hottests should do what they think is best.

In the end, just keep believing! Don't give up hope!

The other fanclubs are still here supporting you. We know this won't go away overnight, we know your hearts are still hurting...

Please keep supporting Jay and 2pm!

Believe in your artists, they won't fail you. Those who have brought you such joy in the past will continue to bring joy in time. But now you have to support them, in their time of need.

I know it's hard, not knowing what the outcome will be in the end. But don't pressure Jay right now, he probably doesn't even know what will happen, so how can he possibly say what will happen?

Just know that no matter what, Jay is and ALWAYS WILL BE 2pm's leader... Even if he never comes back, that is who he is and he should be respected as such.

Keep loving 2pm, and keep loving each other.

Always Keep the Faith!!!

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I wish Jay is still with 2pm...but no! not in Korea.

Korean neitizens r too scary...they r too much.

i absolutely understand Jay right now....if he was still in Korea

not only him that is going to hurt...for sure.

They will do other things if the petition is not success.

T_T...poor Jay...stay in America and have a good rest.

I love u...and i dont wanna see you cried...

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Guest WooMinChang

I think being a celeb really got to him...

Maybe he will regret it years from now but reading the statment JYP said, it made me cry.

when it talked about how he changed.

I live in seattle and hope to one day see them all together but its ok.

and i think us signing petitions to get him to come back and stuff it only making it worse,

its making the transition worse.

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Last but not least, 2PM still has other six members left, and just as Jay, they need our support. They have just lost an important person, they're devastated. I'm sure they're happy seeing the support Jay is getting, but don't you think they might be sad that people are saying that they won't support 2PM anymore because Jay left? And I highly doubt Jay would be happy to hear that either. Jay wants happiness for 2PM, and 2PM wants happiness for Jay.

Sometimes what we want as fans is not the best thing for the idol(s) we love.

Sorry for cutting your post. I'm definitely AGREE with you. Please do support the other members. Tell me if i miss it, but is there a project for other 2PM members like telling them we still support 2PM. the whole boycotting thing is ridiculous.. 2PM is not 7 but 1. that's true. but please remember 1 here refer to Jay, Khun, Taec, Junsu, Junho, Wooyoung and Chansung. the other members still need our support.


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Guest churvaness

I wonder if Wang Suk Hyun and Harin have heard this news already?

I wonder if they cried too.

Since Jaebeom is the one who made the decision, all we can do is to wait for time to heal all wounds.

"Since you made the decision, I respect you, Sir."

About the petition on not allowing Jaebeom to come back to Korea; I feel so disappointed with the anti(s).

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm also a little disappointed in Korea itself, I wish the government can do something about this.

I used to love Korea a lot, wanting to go live there for a period of time after school and stuff, but now I'm kind of scared.

Do they discriminate? I understand they are patriotic but, isn't this too much?

I don't think I can ever look at Kpop and Korea the same way again, just like how Jaebeom feels right now. This industry must be one of the scariest ones in Korea, it is too crazy, letting cowards behind their monitors control things.

JYP is innocent, people can't blame him. I'm glad he isn't SM.

Even he forces Jaebeom to stay in Korea, Jaebeom might get depression or even suicide.

I, whole heartedly agree with you...

Ever since this scandal on Jaebeom started, I was really disappointed with Korea as a country....The People is the Country...What the people do and how they act is the COUNTRY...

It is not about the beauty of the sceneries, not even about the modernization of structures. It's not about the GNP/GDP, not even about whether you belong to the 1st/2nd/3rd world category, certainly not the difficulty of the language....

It is about the people living in there...Their attitude towards life and towards other people is what matters most...

I used to love Korea a lot too....I'm so engrossed with the thought of going there, that almost every time I call my parents I want to borrow money so that I could visit there...

Korea is so amazing in terms of arts... The dramas they do, the songs that infested other asian countries are terrific...

So, I find it very sad, to find that the gentle smiles from the KOREA SPARKLING commercials can turn to vicious ones once a person comes into the front of their computers and starts to use the internet...It is like they become possessed with an evil spirit with the aim of murdering other people's dreams or the people themselves...

To make things more the media and the government of Korea seems to be puppets used by these netizens...

I don't undertsand their media. Why do the data always come from the netizens and not from the reporters themselves...Aren't they too lazy to get up and come up with a first hand full of info??...

The government itself does not seem to act...They seemed to be scared of the fact that these netizens put them in their position hence if they make these psychopaths displeased they shall be ousted from their positions....In addition, why make this cyber law when you are not serious in imposing it...

This is really out of hand...

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let the kid stay here in the u.s


he's so much better off here.

any korean artist/idol would probably NEVER have to go through what they do in korea if they were here instead.

how can anyone blame him for saying what he said on his myspace?

he was young. he was born/raised here in america. any korean american in his situation could've said the same.

i sure as heck would've said the same darn thing.

why? because it's true.

if his definition of gay means:

overly obssessive compulsive fans who think they own these idols as their husbands,

brutal low life antis who waste good money and food trying to poison idols,

and netizens who have no life at all and project their insecurities by trying to be so bold in the cyberworld?

and those being just to name a FEW?

heck yea. he's right.

how can you blame the guy for saying what he said,

when korea is FULL of people like the ones blowing this whole situation out of proportion?

i dont know about you guys but as a korean american born and raised here,

i find it harder and harder to say i am proud to be a korean.

i have to say i'm proud to be a korean american to actually feel proud and good about my culture.

because us koreans born here and the koreans born over there?

there's just too much different and none of you can deny it. you all have to know what i'm talking about.

you don't see everyone of a particular race getting along like kumbaya lets hold hands in a circle,

JUST because they're the same race.

we are HUMANS and we have human EMOTIONS and ISSUES and we will often come to dislike even those of the same roots and background as us. again, because we're individual. humans.

2PM will live. they will somehow survive and move on.

i know this is sad and hard to watch but we've got a lot more things going on in the world people,

and you don't see the world ceasing to revolve despite even bigger crises.

if jay was never meant to stay with 2pm and jyp in korea, then so be it.

if you are true fans, you will all pray that he find some new path for the better in america.

and if that somehow someday leads back to korea, then so be it.

who knows.

for now, he's here. in america. he's HOME. so let him be. wish the best for the other members.

all this commotion can go on in the online communities for months more.

doesn't change the fact that he's gone and the fact that netizens and antis will never change.

they will always be like this, they will always have no freakin life.

so let them be, don't sink to their level, rise above them for the sake of the korean music industry.

because the industry is sure as heck becoming really pathetic.

this isn't what music should be about.

and i'm so sorry to see that this is what it's becoming.

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