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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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okay hottest relax!

after jyp statement, everyone got worked up again.

simply there's no answer from him, isn't it better than saying a straight no that jay wouldn't be back?

at least there is still hope.

all we have to do now is wait.

give jay time.

now he needs his family and time the most.

at the same time we can't just sit and wait.

we support him but not by spamming or doing anything crazy.

try our best to keep everything low profile, so that the netizens could stop all the ridiculous petitions.

the last thing we want to see is jay on the headlines again, as in bad news.

i know everyone is feeling hurt now so am i, had not been sleeping, no appetite, hadn't been doing homework, the feeling just sucks to the core but...

we have to think before we do anything because every little thing we do might harm jay.

again, continue to support but not spamming and keep everything low.

i'm just trying to help the situation, but i'm not sure if it does because i'm at lost too.

jay is the one which brings me to 2pm, to kpop, the one who inspired me to exercise, to dance...

hottest, let's walk this together with jay, other 6 members.

we can get through this...

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Guest churvaness


Some clearer picture of the EXPULSION AND PROHIBITION OF ENTRY TO THE COUNTRY was created on

the 7th of September....The day Jaebeom left....The deadline is OCTOBER 05, 2009....WTF...

If they reached their goal...Which I know is POSSIBLE since the deadline is so far from today....


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Guest berryori

We all the support we are showing for Jay.

I hope it will help to make the right choice and come to Korea.

Even if its not this month or the next, it would be nice Christmas present if he came before December ends.

It's only my wish and it depends on Jay.

I will be waiting and won't give up on him.

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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

i knew it'd turn out like this .

everyone needs to chill . whats done is done, what more can JYP say?

im satisfied & completely agree with what he said

about the '2nd Park Jaebum' bulls. netizens need to get a life.

just get along yo .

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Guest jessicakth

I just read JYP's letter in 2oneday forum.. THey have a better translation than Allkpop.

I'm crying now T______T It's so hurtful to see this situation T_____T

JYP is hurt, 2pm mems are hurt, JYPE staffs are hurt, ppl who has known him are hurt

all those ppl who were had issues or fights with him before now are the ones who cry for him the most T_____T

Because they know Jay, indeed, Jay is the ones who could die for someone he considers as his family T____T

I love the way Jay is, Who had guts to say to JYP: “I’m confident in succeeding as long as I do not receive music of Park Jin Young.”.... Just look the relationship of him and JYP becoming closer like father and son.... his last words in the email to JYP: "I’VE BEEN A LITTLE PUNK IN THE PAST. I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW THAT IT WAS A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. IT MADE ME A MUCH BETTER MUCH STRONGER PERSON AND I’M THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME. REAL TALK."

OMG T______T hurt..... Visit 2oneday forum to read the whole letter translation... Get the tissues ready first.. because you will cry like me now T_____T

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Guest just_believe

Did Khun update his facebook? Because on the baidu 2pm bar, it says that Khun updated it, with a message about Jay. 0_0 Can anyone confirm this?

Love and respect. Believe in Jay, believe in 2pm, and stay together, Hottest, we can't fight among ourselves and we can't forget about the other 6 members of 2pm.

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Guest TaiTsuki

I read what JYP wrote and I read your responses and I can clearly say I am disappointed in some of you.

People who are blaming JYP, Have you ever put yourself in his shoes?

That guy took Jaebum in and opened his eyes to a country that was so strange to Jaebum.

That Guy is a mentor and a teacher and a father.

The reason he let Jaebum come back to America is because as a mentor, teacher, and father he can't stand to see his student/son hurt.

Wouldn't your parents do the same for you?

Instead of blaming JYP we should thank him for not treating Jaebum bad or as a client but for treating him as a son and respecting him.

JYP respects Jay that is why he went along with Jay's decision.

And I believe that JYP spent all this time trying to write that letter.

Look at it, it contains his heart and soul and how painful it must have been to write it.

He loves the boys as if they were his own.

JYP family is love. They truly is family.

I am happy if Jay is happy.

Even if that means not being with 2PM.

What ever he decides in the end, I will support because he will be happy doing what he love.

That is what a true fan is. Respecting the decision the person you love made and supporting that person in his moment of happiness.

Yes it is sad.

Yes I cried about it too.

But it comes down to this... I care for Jay and it pains me to see him so sad and upset and broken.

I would have made the same choice he did.

I would have done the same thing JYP did.

Because at the end of the day...

It is out of love

Jay left cause he love 2PM as his brothers. He doesn't want to hurt them anymore.

JYP let Jay leave because he love Jay and he doesn't want Jay to be hurt anymore.

Each decision is made with a reason and I believe love and respect and care is the reason for JYP and Jay's choice.

Maybe Jay will come back and maybe he won't.

But a true Hottest will be behind him and the other members no matter what path they choose to take.

Because that is what a true fan is.

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What is wrong with JYP? They did not defend him at all. All they said was "Oh, Jay is no longer part of 2PM". Hello!!! Because of Jay's talents is why JYP is making money. So this is how they treat their family member?

I liked this quote because it's very concise. I am rather disappointed at how beautiful JYP and JYP company looked after JYP wrote his official statement. It certainly allows people to understand Jaebum a little more, but is it just me or is JYP almost saying that Jaebum was just a punk kid and I only accepted him because he was a challenge and now this happened so whatever I can just get a new kid?

That's the message I got. He didn't use key words like, "Now Jaebum is proud to be in Korea." or "After debuting, he's become a much more open person with open ideas and loves to be in this country." He didn't use any such phrases which were key to the whole point Netizens are so angry. And the message Jay sent him was more like, "see ya when I'm ready, but I'm gone." Jaebum left within 4 days of this incident... Is that all JYP has to say? I would've thought JYP would've said something like, "Don't let these messages get to you. Just listen to the positive messages first. Just stay low for a couple months or something." Instead, he let the kid go. He's NOT a teenager either. Jaebum is 23 in American years. This does not mean he knows when to quit and when to go in the celebrity world. Couldn't JYP have said SOMETHING. And only THEN after JYP said something would he let Jaebum decide for himself...

Oh yeah, after just 4 days. --; Like anyone can be CLEAR after that.

I can't say anything more. Jaebum is in Seattle and he's resting and he's GONE. No more... nada.

It just sucks. a lot. It sucks even more that kHottest or whatever are boycotting the rest of the boys...

Now what are the rest of the boys supposed to do? Be left in the dust?

Jaebum did not want this. This is WHY he left, hello?! If only there was better communication between international fans and Korean fans. I wish our say could be heard as well.

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for people who criticize Jay for leaving so quickly.

He told JYP that he thought if he hesitated w/ his decision, 2PM members might start resenting him too.

I think there are unrevealed factors that we don't know about... like sponsors pulling out and group endorsements/appearances being cancelled. How can he stay when he knows that all of that is his fault (and even as a fan, I can admit that what he did was wrong, even though it was a long time ago, he was the one who made himself vulnerable.)

I think something should be done about the crazy netizens though. They should know that they have no right to start baseless and cruel petitions like that... there needs to be a POSITIVE netizen force to fight the evil... Honestly, if I were a parent, I'd rather my child be rebellious but honest and righteous like Jay and not be like the underhanded cowardly netizens, i don't care how "patriotic" they are...

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Guest bae_gopah

Their statement translates to:

He is not a celebrity but a public figure. Each and every action that he makes is a bad influence upon the younger generations. How can we allow a person that has belittled his own country to be the idol of our children? Where does he get the rights to be such a figure in our nation when he is merely here to use this country as business? We are afraid of a 2nd Park Jaebum. We believe that expulsion is the proper punishment.

(Due to many netizen's requests, we are moving this suggestion/discussion to an official protest movement)

WHAT??-___- Afraid of a 2nd Park Jae Bum? Oh puhleeeaze, Korea NEEDS more Park Jae Bum's - people that HONEST, that STRAIGHT-UP are so rare these days..... people who care so much about there family that they would be willing to brave it out in a foreign country w/ a language they can't even understand away from everyone they love to support them... people who are THAT dedicated and passionate about their work.... who aren't afraid of being themselves, of being natural.

How could you NOT want more of that?

All you people ignoring ALL of those qualities, bashing him, going so far as to try to EXPEL HIM FROM KOREA FOREVER, signing petitions for someone to commit suicide just because of a MYSPACE COMMENT (even now i still can't get over what a RIDICULOUS thing started all this) - YOU are the ones that Korea needs less of. Don't worry about 2nd Park Jae Bums - worry about yourself. If you care that much about "setting examples for the younger generations" - What kind of example are YOU setting, huh?

Ughhh, these people are so delusional and hypocritical! LOL i'm getting so frustrated, can you tell? xD -___-;

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I wonder if Wang Suk Hyun and Harin have heard this news already?

I wonder if they cried too.

Since Jaebeom is the one who made the decision, all we can do is to wait for time to heal all wounds.

"Since you made the decision, I respect you, Sir."

About the petition on not allowing Jaebeom to come back to Korea; I feel so disappointed with the anti(s).

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm also a little disappointed in Korea itself, I wish the government can do something about this.

I used to love Korea a lot, wanting to go live there for a period of time after school and stuff, but now I'm kind of scared.

Do they discriminate? I understand they are patriotic but, isn't this too much?

I don't think I can ever look at Kpop and Korea the same way again, just like how Jaebeom feels right now. This industry must be one of the scariest ones in Korea, it is too crazy, letting cowards behind their monitors control things.

JYP is innocent, people can't blame him. I'm glad he isn't SM.

Even he forces Jaebeom to stay in Korea, Jaebeom might get depression or even suicide.

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Guest kenn_kidd

After reading JYP's statement and taking a moment to register everything... I've finally came to the conclusion that everything is going to be alright. JYP is a smart man and whatever he has in store for 2PM I am willing to accept!

Regardless if Jay is coming back or not, we need to continue to support him. He's happy now. That's what important.

Lets not forget about the other members... and continue to support them as well. I can't imagine what they must be going through now.


As for the K-netizens... they all need to get a life. Let it go! Have they not seen the chaos they've caused?

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Whoa, just read JYP's full letter..................it was painful wasnt it?

No point nor wasting time on bashing the netizens, they aint going away. So lets move on. The point is fighting around obstacles to ur reach set goals is whats important. I think both Jae and JYP has learned a lesson in all this. I still support 'em both and hope Jay's future stay arises as well. It will just be hard to not see him on TV anymore with the rest of 2pm.

Now I just wonder how the next few months will be like for the boys over there??

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Guest runawayu

You know what?

The netizens are weird.

First, they criticize Jay for making the rude comment

(and wanting him to leave the 2PM or suicide)

Then, he left the 2PM.

Then, you all DEMAND an official statement from JYP.

Then. JYP gave an official statement.

Then, some of you blame JYP.

What's wrong with some of you?

JYP and Jay is not god or what. They can't possibly please everyone.

It is like a whether you take it or leave it situation.

And it is most probably that JYP is feeling more pain than the rest of us since he watch Jay grow over many years.

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YOU GUYS! i don't know if anyone's come across this yet. and it's hard to tell since the thread's exploded by JYP's official statement!

but i was surfing the net and came across this:

eta: this is unconfirmed, but one of jay's friends says that jay said he'll return after he's done studying music? wait for updates, guys, don't just write him off like this. time will tell, until then, keep the faith ♥


[someone shared this in their comment in livejournal]

andy laurel(not sure who he is)sent a message to the "i support jay park and 2pm" group on facebook:

Within minutes after I sent the message regarding Jay, mails started popping in my email, and when I woke up this morning I was really surprised with the number of mails that I got. There were about 300 messages from you guys wishing Jay to come back and be strong, and to just keep on fighting. I'm very grateful to everyone who had sent in their messages for Jay. It means a lot.

I've actually emailed Yoon yesterday with the first batch of messages and will email him again today. I'm starting to reply to everyone who sent in their emails, thank you very much again:-)

Jay said he will come back when he's finished with studying music conservatory. But he didn't say if he will come back as a member of 2PM:-(

Love & respect.

cr: OmonaTheyDidn't! livejournal

i know it's not official or anything regarding jay's return to korea, but doesn't this message give us HOPE!!?!?

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Seriously. I miss Jaebum SOOO much, but we need to stop with this bashing on JYP and petitions on trying to bring him back. He left ON HIS OWN. Don't you think it was a hard choice for him? He probably thought about all options over and over again and this is what he DECIDED on. This is the path he chose. He chose to go back. If he is more comfortable going back home, so be it! Seriously, who on earth would want to stay in a country where he is constantly getting bashed and told to leave and even to kill himself?!? And with this whole boycotting... Its so lame. Was 2PM ONLY about Jaebum? No. It was about ALL seven members. The reason why he left was because he didn't want to burden HIS MEMBERS. Boycotting 2PM stuff is not helping the rest of our boys. Shouldn't we be supporting them through this?

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Guest universe

i sort of understand k-Hottests' anger towards JYP too. they have been waiting for a statement every minute ever since Jae went back, and the statement he gave, though touching, did not really give what Hottests wants to know. i also agree that JYP could just send Jae back to his home, give him some rest. even up to a year. but still remain part of 2pm even though he may not be with them physically. to actually say the word "QUIT" seems too rushed and finalised after a mere 4 days.

i wonder how will everything goes from now. the whole situation don't seem to be dying down anytime soon even after Jae had left. in fact it seemed more heated than ever. there's just so much angst and frustration going on, even more before Jae left. everything is a cliffhanger. the future of the 6-member 2pm has just become all the more uncertain with the k-Hottest boycott.

and what about their new album which they have been recording? most likely they may re-record again so Jae's voice would not be in it anymore....so sad...

I used to love Korea a lot, wanting to go live there for a period of time after school and stuff, but now I'm kind of scared.

Do they discriminate? I understand they are patriotic but, isn't this too much?

I don't think I can ever look at Kpop and Korea the same way again, just like how Jaebeom feels right now. This industry must be one of the scariest ones in Korea, it is too crazy, letting cowards behind their monitors control things.

i agree totally.. Korea seems to be a really scary place now. all the cyber bullying has just gone to a new level. i guess i should just stay in my home country and support my fav idols from here. a simple thing such as posting on a blog or putting up a photo may invite unwanted and hurtful criticisms

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Guest aznchick732

Is anyone else wondering what's happening with our boys in Korea??

They're probably just as upset as Jay at this point.

You can't call Jay weak, he is a strong leader, JYP saw it from the start.

Jay made his decision for this obstacle, so now, let's just wait and see what happens next...

All this bashing and "boycotting"...where is it going to get us!?!

I understand that it's all out of anger...But really, what does it get us??

Let's just support Jay and do projects like the stickynotes to show him that even through all of this, WE LOVE HIM.

Jay is such an amazing person, once he takes a little break and thinks it through he'll give us an answer.


and respect his wishes

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