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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I really hope everyone will stop sharing links to Jay's friends youtube or whatever that will appear later.

We do not wish for his friends to suffer as well.

His friends are being nice by giving us updates so PLEASE, let's give them privacy.

And don't spam their account by asking Jay to come back.

Give him time, he just went back to his family and friends.

This goes for the remaining 2PM members (ie Taec or Khun) facebook accounts or etc.

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Guest JayDragon

I don't know how to start this comment since I'm very sad about Jay's departure. He was the main reason to me to fall in love with 2PM and the main reason to want everything about this amazing boy band.

I don't know if I'm bad in my appreciations or if I'm paranoid because my sadness is really deep now, but for what I can see, Jay is tired of all those bad comments against him and he just wants to have a little of privacy, tranquility and peace. He wasn't good mentally due to the pain he felt. I'm pretty sure he must have felt terribly sad, and depressed knowing that many Koreans hated him and wanted him out of 2PM. For Jay the fact to know that people who are supposed to support you now hates you must be devastating.

All we know how difficult was for him to leave his natal country (U.S.A) and start a new life in an unknown country where the only thing he knew was "dance, sing, beatbox, rap, b-boy and be himself, doing his best everytime he tried regardless if he missed his family or if he wanted to give up, just for reach his dreams". As we already know, in January of 2005 he arrived to Korea for the first time in his whole life so when he didn't know anything about culture, society, lifestyle, traditions, customs or Korean laws.

As you should to know, he was born and raised in the States learning culture, society, lifestyle, traditions, customs and American laws. Just think about it, he learned to speak English since he was a baby and this is his first language, he learned to communicate with native Americans and most likely with Americans of another ethnic cultures (Korean-Americans, Latin-Americans, Afro-Americans, etc). This explain why he wasn't fluent in Korean, or do you think his teachers gave their classes of Geography, Maths or History in Korean?! Of course not!

It's obvious to understand why he doesn't know the National Anthem of Korea, because since he was a little kid the only National Anthem he learned was the American National Anthem. I don't know how it is in U.S.A but in many countries children and teenagers even adults in the offices have to sing the National Anthem, if Americans do the same thing, it's logical to think Jay knows and sings the American National Anthem with the same respect and love for his country as any American (No matter if he is Korean-American, he's legally and oficially American). I suppose he never learned the Korean National Anthem because he hadn't why to learn it. He was living happily in Seattle as Jay Park (His real name) and at home (U.S.A).

It's the same with culture and many other things, we can't blame him just because when he arrived to Korea he didn't know anything about this country. We have to understand that for him Korea was totally unknown, it was his first time living there. He had 4 years to learn basic things but as we already know, it was not easy to adapt to Korean lifestyle. He had to deal with many troubles, people with different laws, traditions, beliefs, and the most important one, adapt to the mentality of the Koreans. I don't have to say it's 360º different, it's like black and white, good and bad, square and round. Orientals and Occidentals live in two completely opposite worlds and although we have "some" matches or similarities, we aren't equal (And I'm talking in general).

Jay grew not only in the West side but he had the fortune of being born in a first world country. This affects you in many ways because this mark who you are, how you express yourself , how you live, your education, your habits, etc. Jay has a lot of things that made you realize he's American. He likes hamburguers (Me too but this is very American), he's b-boy, the clothes he uses, his accent (He's from Seattle, do you remember?), his writing, his ideal girls, his expressions (Damn it, c'mon, yeah, basically, etc that he even says when he's speaking Korean), his moves when he dances (He's a b-boy so yeah, he's amazing in break dance), etc.

Why I'm saying all this? Well, because many people don't understand why Jay is different, maybe this is unnecessary but I just want to help to others to understand Jay's actions. It's not that Jay didn't want to be Korean, it's that he just didn't feel like that. He tried to adapt to the Koreans, live like them, understand them but Netizens just saw him as an stupid American wanting to be what he obviously wasn't. Jay is Korean in his physical features, in his lineage and genetic code, but his lifestyle, beliefs, values, concepts, education and principles are of a person born in the United Satates. He never said he hated his race or his appearance, he's proud of his Korean heritage and origin but he's really proud to be American too.

What he said in the past is already where it has to be, in the past. Words are just that, words that easy come and easy go. Many of us have ever said that we hate life, our country, our parents, even God but I'm convinced that all those words were said in times of grief, frustration, anger, wrath, anger, and despair. We're human beings so nobody is perfect. Life is a school where all we came to learn and is in this learning process where we are. As Jesus said: "who is without sin cast the first stone".

The only thing we can do now, it's to support his decision we like it or not. To be in a place where you aren't loved must be really hard, plus he misses his family, his friends, he wants to do another things and I support him 100% because is him who's taking this decision. I'm crying very much, I will miss him a lot, nothing will be the same without him, but at least he's alive, with his family, at home, trying to forget and live as happily as he was before to leave America.

In my personal opinion he has nothing to feel ashamed for, he made a mistake and apologized several times for something we all do, err.

Dear Jay, don't let them a chance to see you defeated, and with your head down. There's anything wrong with you, are some Koreans who should feel ashamed of their conduct and third world mentality. That is one of the main reasons why they don't progress, his poor attitude.

I love Korea despite I'm foreigner and even without knowing a lot about its culture, however some people make me realize that we live in a world where we're cruel to each other and where we see each other as enemies and not as citizens of the same Earth, our home.

It's not about being Korean, Korean-American or American it's about feelings and were the Koreans (Or at least some of them) who hurted Jay's heart. And they want him back?!

What I can't accept is that JYPE didn't do anything to support him. I have an example, when G-Dragon was acussed of plagiarism YG Entertainment wrote in their official site a comunicate to defend him, when it was told that T.O.P wanted to commit suicide, YG Entertainment denied the rumours and always were by his side, etc. Why JYPE didn't do the same thing? They had to deffend Jay no matter what and send a letter to the media saying that what he wrote in his MySpace wasn't that bad and that he will send an apologize for that comments. JYPE had to do a press conference to explain why Jay wanted to leave 2PM and obviously to tell us the future of 2PM.

JYP as CEO of JYPE should to have more respect for their artists as well as the fans because everything he has is thanks to them (Talking about money, fame, popularity, etc). Jay simply made a mistake, he just wrote what he felt at the moment he took his computer without knowing he was going to be famous. Jay didn't know if he was going to debut or not. JYPE should support him sending a press release saying:

"We regret the incident of 4 years ago about Jay comments in his MySpace but soon he will send an official apologize to clarify everything. We believe that there is no reason to punish or scold Jay somehow, because he was not a public figure when he wrote those messages.

We consider what Jay has said 4 years ago, doesn't represent any aggression against Korea and its people because he was going through difficult times and only expressed his feelings and thoughts with his on-line friends. Since these messages were sent to his contacts from MySpace's features we consider them private and we respect Jay's private life.

Just as additional data, we inform you that in 2005 Jay Park was only an trainee and not a professional singer. For this reason, Jay stays in the group and we reiterate our support for both 2PM members and their fans. Meanwhile, the recording of 2PM's first album still is in process,


What kind of company is this?! What kind of support they bring to their artists?!

Jay, we will never forget you, please let us to know how are you and your next plans for the future. If you decide your future be 2PM, go ahead, I'll be there to support you again but if you decide to stay in the States and do something else with your friends as b-boy or what you want, I'll be there for you, just please let us to know what you're going to do. I don't want to miss you forever.

Let's do it again and again wherever you are and choose what you choose. Singer or not, you're JAY PARK.

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Guest churvaness

On the OTHER NOTE....

I SUPPORT THAT 2PM REMAIN 6 (for the time being..hoping until Jay finds it in his heart to go back)....

I DO NOT WANT somebody filling in the space of the 7TH member....That would be a closure that he will

not come back....

I support Junho as the leader of the moment, even though I am also considering Junsu since he's the

second oldest...

I will do Jay's request....I will double my support for 2PM, since it is what they need most this time

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Guest gaga143

I have been a silent reader for quite some time now. But it's time to speak up...

This has got to have been the worst 24 hours ever! I was out of town for a friend's wedding since friday and I got back in last night and what do I find out?! Jay left 2pm!!! I was excited to look for new videos of our 2pm boys that I missed out on over the weekend and this massive turn of events took place.

I literally felt like someone ripped out my heart and stomped all over it.

I've been numb all day long. I'm still in utter shock that this is happening. As a noona fan who has had interest in these talented young boys since their debut and only recently became a fan, I sincerely looked forward to their upcoming album and their bright futures. Every single one of the boys stole a piece of my heart, especially JAY! And to see all of this happening to them is just too painful.

I don't know if I should say this but, I kind of saw something like this coming (though never something like this in my wildest dreams, more along the lines of a scandal of some sort)... why you might ask?! Because I've been avidly watching these kids since they started their 2nd album promotions, and while they have literally shook up my life as well as thousands of other people around the world, their sudden spike in fame made me worried.

We all know that it's a long journey to reach the top. But it's that much more difficult to stay there. People will literally kill to bring you down from there. That's just the sad truth of life. The thing that really hurts me, is that our boys were literally one step away from reaching that apex... and now they may have to start at the beginning again.

I predict that they will promote their 3rd album with 6 members. Jay will probably sit this one out. Hopefully he will return in the next album. But I really think it would be in his best interest as well as the other boys to sit this one out. No matter how much it will be painful to see his empty spot on stage, it's the only way the other members will survive. Unless, they postpone this album for another 6-9 months. Which will never happen because the company won't be making money and it wouldn't be fair for the boys. So I hope and pray that our six soldiers remain strong and don't let these turn of events affect their spirit.

The damage has been done. These kids have been scarred for life. Now they have to pick themselves up and work harder to keep their place in this cruel industry. I just pray that they don't lose too much of that innocent charm that we noonas love soo much. Although, I do understand that it is inevitable that things will never be the same. I hope that our boys take this experience as an opportunity to mature and strengthen their bonds with each other while keeping their trademark friendly/natural/freedom loving image. It will break my heart to see these boys looking all restricted because of the fear of the public eye.

I will always be rooting for our 7 bunnies. 2PM 짱!!!!

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Guest super_shinee94

I'm still devastated over Jaebum leaving 2PM. It never occurred to me that he'd actually......... leave :( 2PM is nothing without Jay. I swear I cried so much yesterday :'( he may not be my favourite in 2PM but my heart still ached. I really love 2PM so much and I've been on a 2PM high this past week. the news hit me hard.......... (U) Hottests, stay strong. Park jaebum, Hottests will be supporting you forever. Please come back.............

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Guest Fueled by Ramen

What address should we send it to?

I think this is my 5th post for the day,

so I'll see ya'll back here tomorrow~~~

but just write it on the wall of the event

and it will be written on a post-it. ^^

hottest keep praying & fighting.. <3

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Hey, it's from a letter from Jay's high school friend in Korea.


Gosh! I felt extremely heart pain after reading the letter from Jay's friend.

Especially the part:

"All those efforts he put were shattered in the blink of an eye. I tried to call him because I was so concerned. He told me he was at the airport and about to leave for USA. I asked if he'll ever come back. He said how could he when so many people hate him this much..."

This part makes me soooo sad, now. I really feel wasted for Jay.

Sigh. All I can think of now is, hopefully those Antis will simmer down & start to think properly.

And forgive Jay @ the same time = by removing the petition?

Hopefully.. :(

I hope they read the GOOOOD COMMENTS by Jay, & forget about the "not-so-good" ones?

“Now I think I have become a real Korean”

“I'm proud to be Korean”

“The Republic of Korea”

“Korean people are like stars, they dress so well comparing to me I dress like a pauper. Oh no, yes I am a pauper.”

“I'm not familiar with English now, isn't it funny? Haha”

These messages were written by Jaebeom in 2006.

I want Jay to be back soon! I miss him so badly.....

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Guest lovehunter12

I wonder what's wrong with JYP TT TT why hasnt he released any statement till now TT TT

anti netizens please stop doing this TT TT its not only hurting jay, it has affected alot of people TT TT the members, the fans, jay's friends(boom esp, hot blood producer, wild bunny producer, ft island, etc) and family..

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I was just looking at the voting thing someone posted.. And i found it amazing that they posted all of the pictures of everything jay and his friends said... Even what everyone on the international petition said.. I don`t know if they are translating it or something.. But i found it amazing and funny...

I am hoping that Jay is getting tons of rest and having a nice time with his family, I kinda hope he calls and talks to the rest of 2pm regularly.

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Guest beibe87

Dear my fellow k-pop's lovers, Hottest..eventho im not a hottest..in fact, im a cassie..but the news about the depature of jaebum truly break my heart..to lose such a talented dancer and singer in the Kpop industry surely leave a big scar to all the kpop lovers..dear hottest, u are not alone..we all feel as sad as you all..in this kind of situation, please be united..shows your loyalty as fan..i dont mind to join the petition either..as you ever support us (Cassiopeia) in our dark moment (issue of DBSK's disbandment), now on behalf of cassie, i would like to show you our support..eventho my small encouragement doesnt mean that much..wish it can help a bit..fighting to all Hottest! i will pray for Jaebum to come back! fighting! ^^

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sigh. i guess now all we can do is just wait.

doesn't seem like there's going to be much more updates on this situation for a while. but i guess it's better to let it simmer down. i think we all need a breather right about now...

in the meantime i hope jay gets plenty of rest, time with family and friends and some time to think.

*reminding myself that this is my 4th post for the day.

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Guest churvaness


Could we AVOID saying that 2PM IS NOTHING WITHOUT JAY...maybe 2pm will never be the same again

without Jay...

I am sure we are all disappointed and extremely heart broken at the moment

But, saying that would not really HELP THE 6 BROTHERS JAY LEFT...

I am certain that Jay is like one of the Pillars of 2pm...I mean they all are...

Saying that 2PM is NOTHING WITHOUT JAY seems like we FORGOT the other members' EXISTENCE AND


More than us, they are the ones who lost a brother, friend, supporter or whatever Jay's role is to them...

Imagine, their leader gone would have make them feel VULNERABLE and maybe INFERIOR...


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Guest empressxye


I believe hottests meant that "2PM is INCOMPLETE without JAY"

thus, giving the FEEL of "some" nothingness in 2PM.

But it's not utter nothingness. (I don't know if i make sense).

So to keep it accurate, i think most people meant JAY completes 2PM... and incomplete 2PM doesn't make THE 2PM that we are accustomed of...., thus the use of "2PM is nothing without JAY"--or any other member for that matter.

----the nothing refers to THE 2PM we originally knew and accepted and loved.

*(sorry if i'm a bit hazy with words)*

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I was just looking at the voting thing someone posted.. And i found it amazing that they posted all of the pictures of everything jay and his friends said... Even what everyone on the international petition said.. I don`t know if they are translating it or something.. But i found it amazing and funny...

I am hoping that Jay is getting tons of rest and having a nice time with his family, I kinda hope he calls and talks to the rest of 2pm regularly.

So, what I heard is that

This voting site is made by the netizens....

It's there "home" I guess that's the way I put it

That's why all the infor about this crisis is in there

And the voting starting on the 7th, and will last for 4 days

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Ahh, I feel bad that I haven't said anything since this whole ordeal has begun, I've just been emotionally drained and in denial. I don't usually post in this thread because I'm usually a silent reader, but I do read everyone's comments. I just thought, it'd only be right to drop by to add to all the support everyone is giving to Jay. When I heard he was leaving I felt so many emotions, it was heartbreaking to see Jay this type of situation.

I've been following 2PM since the Hoot Blood days and the first person that caught my eye was Park Jae Bum. I don't know what it was about him, but he definitely had me hooked from the very beginning and even now he is still my favourite member.

Ever since the Myspace comments came out I didn't think it'd become this big debacle among the Korean Netizens. I definitely didn't think that it would cause Jay to go back to Seattle. Everything kind of still feels a bit surreal to me, but I think going home to Seattle is what he needs right now, he needs his family & friends that can provide support and comfort others can't give him in Korea. I'm not really sure what else I can say that other people haven't said already .. it's just really tragic that this was the end result. Although, he is in Seattle right now, I haven't lost hope that he may one day return. I really think this whole ordeal has been blown way out of proportion and can not believe some of the things Netizens have done. I realize why many Koreans were offended by the things Jay said and yes, he was in the wrong for using inappropriate language to describe Korea but, he apologized. People have to put themselves in his shoes and understand how he must of thought and felt during his training. The things some of the Netizens wished upon Jay were utterly disturbing to say the least.

I believe JYP has something planned, that is why he has not released a statement yet. We just have to have faith that everything will be okay.

Anyways, during this time I would also like to thank all the HOTTESTS and everyone else who has supported Jay through this time, I feel honored to be supporting Jay with such dedicated fans. I would also like to thank the various fan clubs that are supporting Jay during this time as well. Lastly, I would like to thank his friends that are defending him, I feel really touched when I read the articles defending Jay.

Also, to 2PM .. you must be have a hard time right? You're all suffering, right? Since your Leadja & Hyung has gone a way for a while, but I hope that the six of you will be strong for yourselves, but also for Jay. I hope you all stay healthy during this difficult time and hope with all that I have that I'll be able to see all seven of you reunited again. Until then, I hope everyone respects 2PM's privacy as they are probably having a harder time then we are, as they must feel like they've lost a brother.

And to Jay I wanted to say that .. While you're in Seattle please take care of yourself, get plenty of rest and realize so many people are waiting to see you pull through this. I believe in you Jay, so do what makes you happy because I'll always support you no matter what you do. Honestly to me, 2PM will always be seven people and you'll never be able to be replaced because you, Jay are irreplaceable. I trust you, you said you would return as a better man and a better leader and until that time comes all the HOTTESTS will be waiting :). While you're away, I'll continue to support the rest of 2PM and I hope to see you all together again soon.


I hope all HOTTESTS are taking care of themselves as well during this time :).

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it's vague, but many are speculating that drunken tiger is talking about jay on his twitter:



i'm extremely happy celebs are speaking up for jay.

woo, chan, isak, FT island, 2AM kwon, boom, bekah of coyote and now even the hip hop legend himself, drunken tiger.

*last post for the day

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Seeing all the support Hottests and Jay are getting is really making me feel better.

I really wish I lived in NYC so I could help out with the post-it notes.. I think

it's great that JYP America is letting us put them on.

We must show the Korean Hottests our love and support for Jay!

We must be patient!

JYP too must be going through a really tough time..maybe worse than what we

are feeling right now..Jay was like a brother to him.

I can cry just thinking about how much pain they are suffering.

I hope Jay will be happy and healthy in Seattle. At least I am comforted knowing that he is with

family and friends..people who love him

I'm still in denial guys..I can't accept it.

I'm going to rewatch all of the Hot Blood, Idol Army, and Wild Bunny episodes to relive

the happy memories of 2PM..when they were whole.

what time is it?

it's 2PM.

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i'm irritate, how can we so fast at blaming another person?

It's just as worse as what those antis are doing to jay now without knowing anything behind the matter

yes, i know jay announce of leaving 2pm

so what, it's done for ...finish over ...let him rest

sort out his heart.

he is feeling guilty, regret of the situation as is.

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