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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Wait! Why would his friend want Hottest to stop supporting. No, we cannot stop supporting.

Yes I am glad Jay is home safely and with family and friends and yes he needs time to rest, but we still need to show JYP that we want him back.

We cannot give up! Please do not give up! :tears:

And JYP should make a statement. Please JYP do not let Jay go! :tears:

I don't think the friend is asking Hottest to stop supporting him. He's saying that Jay can't go back to Korea right now because the situation is very complicated. If he was to go back, his fans and those who regret sending him away will be happy. But then im sure antis and other people will come up with things like "he comes and goes whenever he feels like it". there will be a lot of controversy if he was to return now.

Like his friend said, time is all we need. the petitions are great, but just understand that it will be extremely difficult for him to return and perform as an artist. I think what really the petitions should focus on is exactly what you said - showing SUPPORT. It will be great for Jay and JYP to know that 2pm's Jaebeom and the person Jay Park are both loved and forgiven for past mistakes. And it will be great for them to know that he will not be forgotten - neither will 2pm.

While 2pm will never be the same without Jay, they have chosen to contiue with the group. Jay's decision to leave is heartbreaking news, but the 2pm boys are still there. They also need to know that we will support the group 2pm, with or without Jaebeom.

As fans we can easily forgive him but in the eyes of others it is difficult. While celebrities have a fanbase to count on, there is so much more that determines their career. Surviving in the public eye means getting a general public support.

Plus, with all the emotional turmoil Jay is going though, im sure he would not like to go back anytime soon.

Again, what we all need is time. Only time will tell what will happen.

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Omfg haha.

this sounds unbelievable but my cousin was at the mall today and saw Jaebum with a group of friends. haha

she was too shocked so she wasn't able to talk to him. I was surprised that she saw him. Apparently he noticed her noticing him and his friends were laughing at my cousin cause of her facial expression. My other cousins were with her but they aren't into korean music so they didn't know that the guy was Jaebum. How amazingg..I'm jealous. thought i'd share cause I just found out..AHHHHH.

I just found out today that he's out of the group! wtf.

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I don't think Jay's friend means stop supporting him. Of course, we should keep repping Jay Park. But I think he means to give Jaebum some space. If I were him I'd be really afraid of strangers right now. So don't stalk him in his home town, don't fan-girl scream if he drives by you in Seattle, don't try to pick up the kleenex he used from the trash at McDonalds... stuff like that LOL. Just let him enjoy being a normal person again. I don't think he'd mind if fans just kept wishing him well and let him know that he has nothing to be ashamed of.

As for pressuring JYP and JYPE. The way I look at it is like this... they still haven't really given us a straight-up answer, an explanation of what went down, how they were able to come to this decision in this whirlwind of media frenzy. Was this decision really made after consulting all the necessary parties, and was it really the only choice for him to quit? So it's not like I'm saying JYP, bring back Jay or we're all going to smear pigs' blood on your office building. But I think Hottest are just asking leniency on Jay's part, and also for an explanation so that we know where everyone stands.

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Guest chaoticrose
Jay's in Seattle now, in a way I feel content since he's with his family. But from what I've heard, he still keeps saying sorry. It breaks my heart to know that he thinks so many people hate him and it hurts even more to know that he doesn't realise how many more people love him.

This may be a tiny bit off the main topic, but did the the 8th episode of Wild Bunny air? I'm guessing it didn't... but I just wanted to know.

Wild Bunny episode 8 did not air yet. Mnet decided that it would not be wise to release an episode of a show where Jaebeom is relatively joking and funny, whilst the situation at hand is grave. It wouldn't have done such a good job of convincing Korean audiences at the time to forgive him. I respect their decision and believe they did it for the best.

(Whoa, now that I think about it... it really is for the best. In the preview of Wild Bunny 8, the topic is "Choosing a new leader"--through the means of games and competitions, of course--but imagine what that would've done to the fans, even if Ep. 8 was filmed before all this happened.)

And I know what you mean about his constant apologies. I've noticed that he has a habit of almost degrading himself with the comments he says, e.g. 'my singing isn't that great', 'I don't like my voice', 'I'm not good-looking' that he's said on old interviews, and this only makes me even more worried about how he's going to think of himself.

I was at school today when I found out that a little 8th grade boy in our leadership class (our school is 6th to 12th grade) went to the same church as Jaebeom years back. All the 8th grader told me was that he was nice and he determined that because Jaebeom gave him pokemon cards, and I almost cried.

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Just wanted to share my thoughts...

Well somehow after being quite depressed

due to Jay leaving, I somehow got the

feeling that everything is going to be

settled pretty soon and Jay will

be back with 2PM. I also had a dream

of Jay telling me not to worry that

everything will be all right. So...

hopefully my dream comes true and I

am willing to do anything to help Jay and

2PM come back together!!! 7-1=0

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Guest Jaejoongsgirl<3

This summer/fall has been really hard on he K-Music industry first it was DBSK and the lawsuit and then it was Big Bang’s Daesang got into a car accident postponing all of Big Bang’s group activities for a very long time. And now with 2PM. This year has been a very great year for 2PM with all the awards and recognition they got. It was the perfect time for 2PM to release an album. But now this had to happen. It boggles my mind why something that happened 4 yrs matter today. Jay leaving 2PM seems really surreal to me for the simple fact that his 1826 days of blood sweat and tears would fall apart in mere 96 hours. I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that JYP is in America and Jay also left for America I am most definitely sure that JYP had something to do with Jay going to the states. I am also sure that Jay will meet up with JYP in NYC to talk over things. I am almost more then 100 percent sure that Jay WILL COME BACK because he would face legal problems by breaching his contract. He will have to pay big bucks for that. Even DBSK couldn’t breach their contracts because it was so much money. And JYP is all about talents and he wont let such a talented singer go. As for now I think in a couple of days when everything cools downs JYP will take a stance on the matter. And if its what I want then 2PM will resume Album activities and begin anew. When that will be I don’t know but I am hoping Nov/Dec cause a Oct comeback seems impossible now. So lets just hope for the best. I hope Jay and the rest of 2PM stays strong! ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!

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After reading this and thinking about everything going on right now. I feel like we should give Jay, 2PM, JYP, and JYPE some space. I know that we are all very sad and just want Jay to be back with 2PM. I know we just want to show support for them. But less not go crazy with spaming everywhere esp twittering them. I think right now we just need to stay back and wait for an offical statement or whatever. We need to give them time to sort things out and I definitely dont want Jay to comeback because he feels forced by fans. We want him to comeback when he's stronger and feels like it is time. We really need to respect Jay's decision. Lets just keep supporting them from behind and keep the faith that they will comeback stronger as 2PM.


AGREE with what u said here..

im somehow feel relieved that jay is at his home now..

yes i do want him back but for now its better for him to ease his mind first..

it was so touching to read what his friend wrote...

the pain that jay had we could never understand but we could feel it..

and true..stop accusing bout this person lied n that person lied..

lets wait for jype confirmation..it might be painful to wait but lets support each other n wait patiently..

Be strong Hottest..

i was watching a news clip of jaebeom at the airport, leaving for seattle.

hearing the screams and cries from HOTTEST really broke my heart.

"dont go, don't go." "no oppa."

stay strong, HOTTEST. be happy jaebeom oppa.

i know which clip u mean..

my tears fall down like a river when i watched it..

its too painful..hearing them begging jay not to go

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We won't give him fan pressure,just love and support no?He at least needs to know that those hypos that came up with that myspace news apologized.And how the fans at the airport were on their knees.

It breaks my heart,but honestly I think Jay needs to know how much he has.It seems like he doesnt know the situation in korea?

hottests figihting!We'll fight all the way

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Like everyone's been saying so far I think we should leave Jay some space. And let's support the others also. They're far more affected than us, I think.

Hopefully, the future is bright and there'll be a positive outcome.

I hope netizens will learn from this mistake even thought I'm not ready to forgive 'em right now....

I don't think I'll be sleeping peacefully tonight. ;__;

Actually... I don't know. I'm a lost fan who's trying to make some sense @_@ ;_;

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Guest iceprincess0482
Netizen who exposed Jay comes clean

Now you feel remorse? Where was your conscience when you divulged the things Jay wrote? Do not tell me that you never meant for this to happen. You must have *some* agenda in mind when you did what you did...

In all my posts in the other international forums that I belong to, I've called you heartless. Your apology won't make me change my mind. What Jaebum said was something that he did not mean, it was brought on by strenous circumstances. It was something that was not intended to hurt. Your actions are the opposite of that. Your actions smack of meanness, cruelty and ill-intentions. You would have not released those unless you wanted to get Jay into trouble. What you did ruined someone else's name, toppled someone's dream and halted someone's career. The sweat, tears and hardwork Jaebum and the rest of 2PM has put into building 2PM's name has been casted away because of you. Jay Park has been innocent in all this, but he will go on in his life regretting his past and thinking that he has done something so terrible when in fact, he was just a victim. A victim of such narrow-minded, bitter people who have no lives outside of their computers.

I do not hate you but I don't think it's in me to forgive you for what you've done. Even if Park Jaebeom forgives you, even if 2PM forgives you and even if my fellow Hottests forgive you, I still won't. Because once upon a time, you have inflicted the worst pain imaginable to one of the members... once upon a time, you made my fellow Hottests cry... and because once upon a time, our beloved leadja went away...

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

wait what is twooneday twitter talking about

"RT @allkpop Clarification on the recent accusations against allkpop from JYPE http://tinyurl.com/nlk5nb"

credit from twoonedaytwitter.

but what is it talking about? the link won't open for me. it take me to a blank place.

anwyays im watching the thing that madam2pm put up. it breaks my heart to watch it.

i kinda laugh && chuckle, but im not sure if its appropriate or not =/

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Guest ushii-soo

i'm usually a silent reader...can't stand being on the sidelines anymore!~

i, too, am devastated and heartbroken over this matter

losing someone so talented, handsome, smart, funny, and kind to a riduculous matter is mind-boggling

jay was like the friend you've always wanted to have...someone who you want to keep always/cherish

but he made a mistake, a reckless,ignorant mistake and apologized...

we all make one...and we can all forgive a 'friend', eventually

and as much as i love all the supportive messages and begging for jay to come back...

i think we should just let things calm down by themselves...

let him be...let him have his resting period...let him spend his precious moments with people who love him for who he is...w/o the bashing/negative comments luring behind him...

let the oneday boys and jyp be at "peace" while things settle down a bit...

as much as i want him back and as much as i love him for who he is...it won't happen that way, he's not coming back while everything over there is still like walking in a fire for him~

we've lost him...mentally and physically, this was a hard blow on him!

its going to take a lot of time for things to go back to 'normal'...

even if he plans on going back...and as much regret...i don't think jay is going to be the same "jay" we all have learned to love whenever it is he will come back

all i think we can do now...is say thank you JYP, Park Jaebeom, 2pm for being who you are and for showing the beastly/funny/manly/real/down-to-earth sides of you!~ thankyou for your hard work and dedication in what you do! thankyou for being so strong and being so professional in/about everything you do...

we love you~~

keep being strong

we're behind you every step of the way...

whether it be civilian life/entertainer etc., being imperfect and human...

there is support within your fans....

who grew to love you

jay, i thank you for being so strong and a true leader. you truly have put the world on your shoulders...and that makes me heartbroken

enduring this pain, getting the work you deserve paid off...then ripped away from you in mere days...

stay happy...heal

but be true to yourself...

never change...keep being you!

that is who the hottest love most!

once again thankyou!~

and thankyou jyp for introducing us to a fine gentlemen...one who can make us scream/laugh/and go crazy for...


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Guest xpanduhh

Thats really sweet of Jays friend to leave a msg for us: ) Im extremely happy that he's with his friends an family now <3 buutt, in the meanwhile, lets just continue to support Jay and also 2pm, our other boys are still thereee! i wonder how they're doingg so far. and let's wait for JYP's statement on the situationn.

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sksk89 and mikanpuriname, I understand what you guys are saying, I really do!

But I guess I just do not want to face the possibility of Jay not coming back to 2PM!

That would mean we would never see him again. Not his bboying,his smile, the way he always licked his fingers and rubbed his eyebrows, his singing and dancing and most of his laugh!

I cannot bear that! :(

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Guest Banana Peel
Omfg haha.

this sounds unbelievable but my cousin was at the mall today and saw Jaebum with a group of friends. haha

she was too shocked so she wasn't able to talk to him. I was surprised that she saw him. Apparently he noticed her noticing him and his friends were laughing at my cousin cause of her facial expression. My other cousins were with her but they aren't into korean music so they didn't know that the guy was Jaebum. How amazingg..I'm jealous. thought i'd share cause I just found out..ahhhh!

Seriously? o_o; wow, if that's true, he's already hanging out with his friends, I see, lol. Which is good of course, he obviously needs time to breathe.

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Guest kissme123
And I know what you mean about his constant apologies. I've noticed that he has a habit of almost degrading himself with the comments he says, e.g. 'my singing isn't that great', 'I don't like my voice', 'I'm not good-looking' that he's said on old interviews, and this only makes me even more worried about how he's going to become.

sorry to cut your post.

but i totally agree with you on this...jay always said that others are much better than him..junsu has the better singing, khun has the good looks..and i can relate why he took this sudden decision of quitting..he's so sensitive in the inside and at this point of time, he may thinks people hates him so much and he couldnt bear that feeling anymore and decided to leave....

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Guest madcool

Usually I'm a lurker in the thread...

But I got this on my Twitter a couple

of hours ago.

People in New York are also showing

support for Leader~


It's from MoonPD's twitter.

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Guest squeaky

man i read jaebum's friend's response and i agree with him.

we can't really do anything right now...it's all very messed up and jaebum probably isn't really keen on doing anything for the moment.

let this situation calm down for a little bit..let jaebum do what he wants for now because he's probably missed it like crazy. let him think about what he truly wants.

if he wants to stay in seattle, then i will support him, but i just want to let him know that 2PM will never be 2PM without him...

jaebum, please rest until your mind and body are fully healed. please feel better. know that your fans will always be behind you!

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I never thought I'd cry over a celebrity but I haven't cried so much over the course of two days. It's amazing. At first, I was utter disbelief over the issue. I was angry at whoever started this whole ordeal and every anti that contributed. I'm heartbroken over how critical he's being to himself. But I can honestly say that I've become more optimistic. Not all hope is lost for 2PM lovers. Right now, let's respect his decision to return to America. He really needs it. When he's ready, he'll come back and we'll love and support him even more. We shouldn't bash Korea because that's not what he wants. We cannot abandon Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, or Chansung because that will just make him feel even more guilty. Sure, we're sad but we should think of Jay before we think of ourselves. Let's continue writing him lovely words of support and creating projects to let him know that he's not the bad person he's making him out to be. I know I'm not alone when I say this: I love and admire Jay so much. It's a shame that such a talented boy was treated this way. But he's safe and with his family and friends now. Even Hottest cannot give him that love. Park Jaebeom always be our #1 leader no matter what happens, that's for certain. We miss you so much, Jay, and will love you always. We'll wait forever if that's what it takes.

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