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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I feel terrible for not writing in this thread earlier this morning where I had to absorb everything the last minute, it was a shock for me. I never imagined something like this would happen to something I love, music. Everything's so hectic and tiring for everyone. I know this reply is short compared to many other fans. Jay we love you, don't stop your passion for music. He's awesome, such a hard worker and an inspiration to many people. I hope he's safe and stay healthy.


I saw all those GIFs and I remember the time 2PM was on Idol Show and Jay had to put the stocking over his face. Hahas, good times.

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Guest Stephy18
has this been posted? His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

After reading this and thinking about everything going on right now. I feel like we should give Jay, 2PM, JYP, and JYPE some space. I know that we are all very sad and just want Jay to be back with 2PM. I know we just want to show support for them. But less not go crazy with spaming everywhere esp twittering them. I think right now we just need to stay back and wait for an offical statement or whatever. We need to give them time to sort things out and I definitely dont want Jay to comeback because he feels forced by fans. We want him to comeback when he's stronger and feels like it is time. We really need to respect Jay's decision. Lets just keep supporting them from behind and keep the faith that they will comeback stronger as 2PM.


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first of all, im not a big fan of 2PM. i was only introduced to their music just recently

and i've started to love THEIR MUSIC.

i've seen an article bout JAE apologizing for comments he made years ago.

i thought that was brave of him to send his apologies & that he was sincerely sorry

for his mistake.

09/09/09, it was past midnight that i finished helping my dad with his reports, although i was tired

and my back was aching, i opened the computer and started browsing online. and then

the article that struck me was JAE LEFT for the States. i was shocked! in just a few days

after the "myspace" issue came out, he's leaving.

of all the 2PM members, it was JAE who got my attention. he's a REAL TALENT.

though a lot of us are sad over his farewell, i dont know why but im also happy for him.

he's aware of his mistake in the past & he's sorry for it. he needs a break. the

past few days were really stressful for him.

well, i dont wanna believe all i've read online. im gonna wait for the Official Statement

from JYP.


JAE, just be strong! We believe in you & in your talent! Stay healthy & see you again!

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Guest yourdaddyy

I'm usually a silent reader, but like many others, I couldn't resist posting. However, like someone mentioned before (sorry, don't remember the username >.<), this whole case started because of an invasion of privacy and I really don't think it's appropriate to share jay's friend's personal youtube channel. Please, even if you do know it, please refrain from sharing the URL on soompi or any other website.

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has this been posted? His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

Wait! Why would his friend want Hottest to stop supporting. No, we cannot stop supporting.

Yes I am glad Jay is home safely and with family and friends and yes he needs time to rest, but we still need to show JYP that we want him back.

We cannot give up! Please do not give up! :tears:

And JYP should make a statement. Please JYP do not let Jay go! :tears:

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Guest lilcece

I will say that for Jay to say "how can I when so many people here hate me?" that really tells us how heavy this current situation is weighing on Jay's shoulders.
that part got me the most in his friend's letter. it really hurts seeing him like this. I wish he knew just how much more people loves him. I mean have you guys seen the sticky notes on JYP building? its really sweet, thoughtful, and impressive of Hottests. they just got started and I doubt they're giving up. stay strong <3

has this been posted? His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

that's a huge relief. reading this is heartwarming. the fact that his friend mentioned JYP also shows that JYP himself may be silent but very concern and is keeping on the down low for now. Jay just returned home from the airport and must be tired as anything. so much must be running through his head and as much as I want to hear something from JYP, I'm much more concern about Jay's health. aside from his fan's support, he needs food and rest more than anything.

again, HOTTESTS - don't give up and keep the faith. I'm sure hundreds of people are keeping an eye on this thread for any light of hope. amazing that this has got to be the most united thing I've seen on soompi, fancafe, and other forums. you're all not alone. dont forget to also support the rest of 2PM as well~

I support HOTTESTS.

I support 2PM. and...

I support Jay Park.

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that part got me the most in his friend's letter. it really hurts seeing him like this. I wish he knew just how much more people loves him. I mean have you guys seen the sticky notes on JYP building? its really sweet, thoughtful, and impressive of Hottests. they just got started and I doubt they're giving up. stay strong <3

that's a huge relief. reading this is heartwarming. the fact that his friend mentioned JYP also shows that JYP himself may be silent but very concern and is keeping on the down low for now. Jay just returned home from the airport and must be tired as anything. so much must be running through his head and as much as I want to hear something from JYP, I'm much more concern about Jay's health. aside from his fan's support, he needs food and rest more than anything.

again, HOTTESTS - don't give up and keep the faith. I'm sure hundreds of people are keeping an eye on this thread for any light of hope. amazing that this has got to be the most united thing I've seen on soompi, fancafe, and other forums. you're all not alone. dont forget to also support the rest of 2PM as well~

I support HOTTESTS.

I support 2PM. and...

I support Jay Park.

OMg i feel better also ^^


hope u come back to 2pm


maybe i can sleep tonight :D

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Hey, it's from a letter from Jay's high school friend in Korea.




...there are people who hate you, but it's because they don't know you, they JUDGE you

...but there are far more people who love you as well. The fans who wanted to stop you at the airport, the ones that couldn't sleep all night because of you.....

please do com back. T-T

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Guest swtsorrow

Well I honestly hope that Jay was not forced into quitting, but something is definitely strange... b/c I would understand Jay wanting to go back home to his family and American friends... but the decision to "quit" in such a short time is so sad. It is mind-boggling and JYPE confirms it to be true ... (apparently it has been confirmed through a telephone call w/ a rep according to the Korean TV news...)..

I mean... some time off would make more sense for both Jay and JYPE....but for them to actually say he did quit?? sigh.... JYP invested so much for Jay, and I hope he isn't angry... he's always harder on the guys

I'm afraid of the really really "official" statement from JYP himself...(the decision to throw away the post-it notes at JYPE's Seoul location has a very foreboding feeling...) but I really hope it's good news... b/c when Jay left, he did sound like he couldn't return to being 2PM's leader... I mean.. studying music? that means he'll be staying in the States for a long time, like a few years... but in the end I just want him to be happy and content, without regrets or pain from something blown way out of proportion... and same for the rest of the 2pm members.

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towards the jyp issue:

i don't think jyp gave up on jay...sometimes you have to deal with life's problems yourself. it's how you learn. i personally think that jyp is giving jay the freedom to do what he thinks is best. after some time to himself, it'll be up to jay whether or not he comes back or not. all we can do is hope for the best and support him. this is his life, his decision, his future. the fact that jyp has yet to make an official statement makes me think that he's just waiting for jay to come to an answer himself...

then again, this is all just my opinion. not like i know any of this for sure. to each his own, right?

anyway, i hope this all works out for the best.

edit: i keep always having more to say after everything i read. i can't imagine how jay must be feeling right now...i just hope he's at peace right now. and i hope that if he truly wants to stay with 2pm in korea, that he will come back...

this is heartbreaking...

i really wonder if jay realizes exactly how many people are devastated by him leaving...if only he could read every single post-it on the jyp doors...read all the posts from his fans in this forum...to see everything everywhere to make him realize that the number of people who love and support him overpower the ones that are still angry by so much...i wonder if he knows.

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Guest dreamelephant
I don't know. The more I think about this, the weirder it seems to me. People kept saying '4 years of hard work ruined in 4 days'. Exactly, how could he make this decision so fast??? The 'scandal' first broke out 4 days ago. The suicide petition only came out yesterday afternoon. In less than half a day, he decided to quit. Then after only a few hours, he left Korea. It's just too weird if he's just gone like this in 4 days.

First of all, this is netizens we're talking about. They're so unpredictable; one second they say something, the next second they say another thing. Some people asked, why can't those people just forgive and forget? Based on what I notice from other scandals, they WILL 'forgive and forget'. You just need to hide from public for a while, give them some time to calm down. There are a lot of other cases, but two cases that I want to point out are Shinhwa's video scandal and Brian Joo's comment on the two Korean girls who were accidentally killed by US army. When Shinhwa's early video was leaked in January 2006, netizens were outraged. After a few days, Eric gave an official apology. Netizens didn't accept it at first, but eventually they calmed down. In May, they released an album and things went back to normal. And the more relevant case to Jaebum's is Brian's case in 2002. Netizens were also cursing him, telling him things like 'we hate you', 'go back to the US', 'IT'S BETTER IF YOU DIE', and he even actually got punched for that. He got cursed right at his face, not just in cyber world. So I just don't understand why Jaebum had to quit so fast like that. Yes, 3000 people signed for that suicide petition, but he also got support from 40,000+ people. Something just doesn't add up there.

Well, unless I underestimated the seriousness of his offensive comment. I heard his comment can be considered a national attack to Korea, in which case then he would have no other choice but to leave the country. But is it really a national-scale scandal? like the anti US beef thing? Because someone also said 'don't blame Korea, just blame the handful netizens with no life', which means the scandal is not so big that everyone in Korea would know, right? It's not like people would throw eggs and bottles at him on the streets, right? So he didn't really become a public enemy, right?

He could've just made a press conference and apologized in person (even beg on his knees if necessary), then tried to stay low for a month or so. I'm sure by then the attention will have shifted to other news (like DBSK's contract that's coming soon for example). IF, by then people are still hating him, to the point where he can't be seen in public or on TV, then he might want to consider quitting. But why quit now? Why did he (or whoever it is behind the decision) have to make this decision so fast? It just doesn't make sense. I don't want to say that netizens ruined his 4 years of hard work in just 4 days. No, he ended his 4 years of hard work in 4 days himself. It wasn't netizens who didn't give him a chance to show he's changed. It is him who didn't give the netizens a chance to calm down. Keep in mind what a lot of people here said about forgiving the girl who started all this: "I will forgive her, I just can't right now". People need time to get over the anger and to forgive and forget. Too bad Jaebum couldn't stay a little longer. It just didn't have to end like this. And I'm sure JYP knows that.

So my conclusion is, either Jaebum is coming back soon, or there's something going on that we don't know. But basically, I think it is SO unnecessary for him to quit and leave Korea.

PS: Everyone has been leaving comments of support here. So I'd also like to say: you got all the supports from Shinhwa Changjo!!! =) Well, I'm 3/4 hottest though, does that count?

Calming down a bit, I think it is weird for Jay to suddenly "quit" when they could have just lay low and make this issue die down. 4 years of hardwork gone after 4 days . . . agreeing with this post, I also think it was unnecessary for Jay to suddenly quit and leave everything behind. Although, who really knows what Jay is thinking right now? Maybe, like the netizens, he just needs time to rethink everything and maybe reconsider his decisions.

In conclusion, without any official statement, I think JYPE is buying time, playing their cards right and weighing their options regarding this whole matter. We should ease up on the speculations against JYPE. For the past few days, there were just so much speculations, rumors, and misinformation . . . so we REALLY DON"T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON YET. There is a small chance that jay did not quit for good and even if he did decide that, truly time will tell if he will come back or not. If he doesn't come back, I wish him the best in living his life in the US.

I wouldn't want to keep my hopes too high on a comeback, so right now, what we do know that he's gone, and we'll just have to accept that reality.

Like I said before, Jay without 2pm feels wierd, but I do hope when they do comeback they'll be HOTTER and STRONGER than ever, sweeping the awards and proving that they could do it.

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Guest chaoticrose
has this been posted? His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

It really makes me happy to know that he's in the midst of friends and family during this hard time.

Now, 2PM's song "돌아올지도 몰라" (You Might Come Back) has a totally new meaning every time I listen to it.

Every time I listen, I can only think of Jay.

My mom and I were talking about this, and she actually said that she thought JYP was pretty smart with what he did because moving Jay out of Korea would: a.) keep him away from harm, b.) move him before more and more hate piled up--you saw, it was only after Jay said he would be leaving that fans really started to sign the petition and get more active, and c.) she believes that he'll come back, too, after the fans start forgiving him/petitioning for Jay to come back/realizing their own mistakes. I didn't think of it in such a positive way before, but I guess, concerning Jay's safety, I'm glad he really is in America for now. Hopefully he gets some long-deserved rest.

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Guest she-smiles

i was watching a news clip of jaebeom at the airport, leaving for seattle.

hearing the screams and cries from HOTTEST really broke my heart.

"dont go, don't go." "no oppa."

stay strong, HOTTEST. be happy jaebeom oppa.

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Guest edweird0

Netizen who exposed Jay comes clean


In my opinion,

I do understand the guilt ate him alive,

But this is something that can never be forgiven.

He RUINED Jay's career.

If Jay has to leave the industry because of a small comment,

Then god knows what should happen to this netizen.

Jay fighting~

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Guest chaoticrose
Netizen who exposed Jay comes clean

No way. I mean, spilled milk is spilled milk, I understand that, but wanting forgiveness after all the commotion he's stirred up--I don't think that'll come easy. (It sure as hell won't from me.) He's just lucky that his IP address isn't on the site and I kHottests can't find him.

Question: about Taecyeon's incident with his Mic ,From which show was it?

It's from the Hi Seoul Fest.


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I think masstwittering is not a good idea.

As Jay's friend said he needs some distance from the issue.

All of us need some space for selfreflection and patching up our hearts again.

Let's just BELIEVE he will come back, because I do believe with 100% trust.

Stick the post its to the NYC office and then we shall see what happens. The more we keep fuzzing the more fuel gets added to the fire and Jay might somewhen feel suffocated. He really needs to get away by now.

I once in my life had a similiar situation and camped out at my grandma's for a week. It was due to internet too so I know how paranoid he feels and I know that the only thing that helps is friends family and distracting. A safe surrounding.

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Jay's in Seattle now, in a way I feel content since he's with his family. But from what I've heard, he still keeps saying sorry. It breaks my heart to know that he thinks so many people hate him and it hurts even more to know that he doesn't realise how many more people love him.

This may be a tiny bit off the main topic, but did the the 8th episode of Wild Bunny air? I'm guessing it didn't... but I just wanted to know.

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Guest laurana1

Hey Hottests, how you holding up?

I agree that it might be good to give some space, but that's just my opinion.

Let Jay have some time to rest and heal.

Don't be impatient and selfish, think of Jay and 2pm first.

And know that everything will be okay in the end...

I promise, it'll be okay.

And of course, you can still be supportive without being really involved in the drama.

Just don't forget about Jay, okay? Or the other members.

Hold them in your hearts, and I think that's enough for now.

But of course, I'm not a Hottest, so please don't think I'm telling you all what to do.

I'm just here to try to help support you all, because the support of other fanclubs helped me so much when DBSK was experiencing (and still is experiencing) their crisis.

I'm glad to see so many messages of love and support! ^_^

On another note, a close friend of mine is probably going on the Tyra Banks show tomorrow...

I'm thinking I will send a message with her to the producers, with ideas for the show.

I think I want to talk about the Hallyu wave, how Korean music is becoming more popular in America and other non-Asian countries, a little bit about Musical Discrimination (like how people discriminate against Korean music, etc.), some about the unfair contracts in DBSK's case (which I'm sure affects many other Korean artists, as well) and some about this issue with Jay! I definitely think that people deserve to know about how persuasive the antis can be... But I also want to focus on how dedicated, devoted, and supportive the fandoms are! To show how supportive they are of their artists, and how we are all like family, supporting one another.

I dunno if they'll be interested, but I thought it's worth a try, right? It would be a good way to spread the news about Kpop and the influence it is having... I figured since I was presented with this opportunity, I should take it.

I will definitely mention Soompi, so please please PLEASE be conscious of what you say here. Show how much you love Kpop, fandoms, and the artists. Try to have positive words... I'm not saying to be fake, just that people are watching! I think they might be more interested knowing that Hottests will be doing that movement in NYC this weekend, where the Tyra show is.

Remember; if media take interest, BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR WORDS. Don't spend time criticising or hating JYP/antis or anyone else. PLEASE don't put pressure on Jay to come back, just say that you love and support him and all of 2pm, and that no matter what happens, he will always be 2pm's leader and Hottests will always support him.

I dunno if any of this'll happen, but yet again, it's worth a try. Please remember that you represent ALL kpop fans!

Keep Fighting, Hottests! You'll make it through, everything will be fine!

Don't forget to


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