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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest CharlotteDarcy

I agree Jay needs a break from all this drama. Leaving to the States is the best thing for him right now. Let him rest guys. When he comes back, we'll welcome him with open arms.

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Guest xtoxicpinkx

everyone is hurting right now, and whats best for jay is some peace and quiet with his family.

he left, because he wanted to get away from it all and just be jay park.

not park jaebeom or 2PM's leadja jay.

we have to support his decision.

we have to let go of our selfish desire to keep him.

most of all, we have to have faith that in the end, he WILL come back.

so, lets just quietly wait.


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I'm sorry but do you really honestly believe JYP had no say in Jay's decision? Do you really think that everything was JAY'S IDEA and that JYP couldn't have stopped him? Let's not forget about Jay's contract. He is legally binded to JYP for 8 years until it is over. Even if in Jay's heart he wanted to go home and quit 2PM, JYP could have prevented it because since he is the CEO, he has the final say. He could have just allowed Jay to go home for the time being and let him do self reflection but to ALLOW HIM TO LEAVE THE GROUP, really makes me lose respect for the man because it showed that HE GAVE UP ON JAY. He watched Jay's audition, saw potential and talent in him, and brought him to Korea. He saw Jay grow from a boy to a man. He watched him rise to fame and also watched his down fall. Through all that, all the time and money he spent on Jay, you really believe he couldn't have done anything in Jay's decision? I disagree. I do think the tweeting project has the potential to work because afterall, JYP is a business man. His instinct is to GIVE THE PUBLIC what they want. Just like how the public wanted to get rid of Jay, that is what he did. Now the public wants Jay. He could bring him back.

I honestly don't think Jay quit on his own free will either because Jay is not a quitter. If he was a quitter don't you think he would have quit 4 years ago? When he was writing those myspace comments? When he was feeling lonely, frustrated, and wanted to go home? I don't know, but the whole situation just seems fishy to me. I don't want to believe JYP forced him to quit either but honestly, until there's a statement made, that's the logic I am standing under. Possibly Jay jsut really wanted to go back home to his family, but to leave his dreams AND his brothers behind? To call it quits within 4 DAYS after training and suffering for 4 YEARS? That's not the Jay I've grown to love and support.

I believe he'll return. I believe in him.

"Let's run together" Jay..

I'm sorry yu must have mistaken my intentions.

I am NOT saying that JYP had NO SAY IN THIS.

Of course JYP is the head honcho and Jay IS leagally binded to JYP through the 8 year contract.

it'll be ridiculous if JYP had no say-then it'll look like JYP doesn't care but JYP DOES.

He probably had a lot to say face to face with Jay and the other members but there has not been ANY PUBLIC STATEMENT FROM JYP DIRECTLY.

ALLKPOP's information was incorrect meaning JYP or JYPE saying "Jay's not leaving", "we're going to keep Jay here" etc. - Jyp didn't say that.

Of course JYP & the rest of the 2PM boys thinks that but JYP did not INFORM any news journalists/publicists anything.

JYP has been keeping quiet ALL ALONG.

JYP is sitting back and planning something. IDK what, but I feel like he's planning something.

Something secretive that hasn't been leaked yet.

Something that no one has an idea about except him and JYPE.

& ultimately, this is Jay's life and his decision is what counts the most yknow?

I'm not saying that JAY is weak either. He's strong and he's definitely NOT one to give up so easily.

But I feel like with the bombardment of 2OD's "MASSIVE TWITTER " project, I feel like they aren't giving JYP any room to breathe. so many thoughts are going through JYP's head especially & I'm just afraid we're harrassing him rather than helping him. I understand and completely agree that 2OD's twitter is a great way to help.

I am a fellow member of 2OD & proud, but I feel that they shouldn't write their tweets so forcefully.

Nothing has been determined yet and it seems like 2OD knows that JYP's thinking Jay's going to call quits for good.

I'm hoping what Jay's going through is a HIATUS & NOT A RETIREMENT.

I want him back, and JYP isn't going to let Jay go so easily. THATS A GIVEN.

JYP knows Jay has potential & Jay knows that he has talent to get him far.

Same with the rest of the 2PM members- Taek, Nick, Junho. Junsu, Wooyoung and Chansung.

I mentioned all this in my post.

& that's why I said, if worst comes to worst- whatever happens to Jay will happen.

I don't necessarily mean that he'll QUIT, I know that he won't, but honestly, how are we to know about the outcome right?

we can only wait, hope, pray and support Jay as a singer, entertainer and performer.

I did not mean to leave any bad words about JYP, JYPE & our 2PM. <3

So sorry if I did.

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Guest moomooriel

to answer zinnie

i don't really know why kHottest chose post-its, but we chose them because they did. and because we're not damaging private property by pasting these post-its and yet we're getting out message across.

the employees at the JYP NYC were really nice and thanked us for the support. and they said that we wouldn't get in trouble as long as we don't write it on the wall or on the glass... cause then that would be vandalizing. pasting post-its is different. ya know what i mean?

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Guest haze1nut
I have a Question...

Why are the fans sticking post-its on JYP buildings? Why specifically post-its? What's the significance?

I have been reading all the major events since day before yesterday, so I have been through a lot of pages, but apparently missed out on the 'post-it' thing.

Thank you to anyone who can give me an answer.

Get ready to battle HOTTEST, gotta take some Antis down! ;)

it's easy to stick on

and easy to take off

no fuss no mess :)

but they're colorful and bright! and they're eye catching

more info from this group


and I agree, no threats to the antis...I mean, call them names and what not but no like "i'm gonna kill ya muddafakaaaah" kind of threats...okie? :)

Show them how classy Hottest can be!

And I understand that Jay is in a whole world of hurt right not but showing our support will at least ease some of that :)

has this been posted? His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

thanks for sharing this with us :)

Rest well, Jay! go to Pike Place Market and get some good american food in you :) Let your family take care of you and get you the rest you deserve

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Guest stephlove_
i can't really believe that Jay already leave the group and heard to america!! this is just sad news!!! =(

COMMON!!! didnt you read the rules, NO ONE LINERS!!!


About Jaebeom's usage of the word "gay"

This wasn't a huge problem in Korea, but I know it has been on English-speaking forums. From what I've read from his friends' comments, Jay wasn't using "gay" as a substitute for saying "crappy" or "disgusting", but his belief that the clothes that most boy bands wear in Korea wouldn't be seen as acceptable or "straight" enough in America. I'm sure this isn't a new idea to many of us. I'm sure many of us can cite a time when a friend, family, or even we thought that if so-and-so Korean group was in America, they would be bashed for what many people would view as stereotypical, homosexual behavior/attire.

So it would be nice if people stopped bashing him for the wrong reasons. It's what many Americans would think when viewing KPop groups. And I'm sure some of us *cough* use it to our advantage when writing/reading yaoi themed fan fiction.


first off im korean just incase someone takes this the wrong way..

but when i wasnt into korean bands/shows/anything from korean in general...

when i saw some of the guys, and saw what they were wearing i was like wtf?!?! homos why do they dress soo feminine???? like guys in canada NEVER really wore pink or like pastelly colourful shirts/pants...they didnt even wear white pants and carry around side bag styled bags! but once i got more and more into korean stuff i started realizing that koreas fashion styles started popping up in canada too...like i always tell ppl that korea is like 3 years ahead of canada when it comes to electronics and fashion...!!!

so ya cut jaebummie some slack!

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What's Happening to Jay Breaks my Heart to pieces

i belive that he will comeback. how are the other members doing?

i'm worried about them, Please take care of yourselves guys.

Jaebum, Please Come Back Soooooooooooooooon.

I want to see your Smile Again & Again.





~~ HOTTEST Forever ~~

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I was crying yesterday when my friend called me and tell that Jay leaves Korea already. I was like...WHAT ON EARTH??? I just can't accept he's quitting 2PM! Owww I admit that at first it's Khun who attracted me to love 2PM, but later I found Jay's uniqueness, his voice...omooo....i just can't stop crying :( :( :( I just can't believe it! Pity those boys, they're crying at airport too and Wooyoung is fainted! We might be devastated with Jay's decision...but those boys are much more in pain than us right? So lets support our leader! Those antifans are wayyyyyyy to much!

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Is it true that Jaebom is only leaving temporary

cause i read somewhere on youtube that he will return and is only quiting for a while?

will jyp's contract with jaebom make him stay in 2pm

or will uhh, he have to pay back jyp for quiting with the contract still going on or something, you kno

REPLY pls!!

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Guest NaniSubs

I think its best for Hottest to sit tight, do whatever we can to stay strong, and wait for Jay.

I know its hard but 2OD is doing projects and stuff and Jay is with his fam....hopefully JYP

will have something in store for Jay's return or SOMETHING so that hottest can go to sleep easier.

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Hi I was wondering if anyone could post up 2oneday's articles from their twits. I can't log into 2OD forum despite creating several accts. Thanks. JAY FIGHTING!

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I posted this in 2pm forum but ill do it here too

His friend ,who like all the postings are from, posted this on his youtube 41 min ago

"dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me. i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it. please respect both his and jyp's decision. let him have a good rest while he's in the states. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everyone else. thank you everyone!

p.s. i don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails. it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you."

We don't know what's happening right now. Let's wait. Read between the lines will give you more information.

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About JYP not responding:

I don't want to shove judgments onto the guy. He IS the one that has mentored Jay since Jay started so, who could know Jay better, right? I also don't understand why IF JYP was the one who "kindly suggested" Jay leave 2pm then why did he make an official statement saying that Jaebum would not be kicked out? Honestly, I feel there's a lot more behind the scenes that I don't want to judge upon. :( I do not mind waiting at all~

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Guest missyblue

@ haze1nut -- i'm a new yorker and i'm thinking of coming by and sticking up a note or two. ;)

i've been a silent reader since forever, even before everything happened.

i've written some long comments as to how i feel already, and it's safe to say, i'm on the same boat as each and every one of you.

we're going to support jay, 2PM/2ONEDAY, and us hottests, internationals and the ones in korea as well.

this event brought most (if not, all) of us together as a whole, where we can wholeheartedly talk about it, share what we liked about jay and 2pm, its a chance for us to really celebrate what 2PM has given us this past year. :]

with all the petitions, comments to close friends of jay, our supporting banners on soompi, everything we do will get noticed. thanks to help from the 2OD people/forum, the people on the sticky note event on facebook, the petitions that we signed that keeps growing in numbers, everything that we do will serve as a reminder as to how 2PM has made such a big difference in our lives, that we needed to do something to support jay, 2PM/2ONEDAY, and HOTTESTs all around. i keep saying jay, 2PM/2ONEDAY, HOTTESTs all around because this has affected everyone, and we all need to support and keep everyone lively.

and again, i'm really really glad that i'm part of such a fanbase. the things that you guys do are truely awe-inspiring.

i'm just really really happy that i'm HOTTEST.

and i've never ever felt the need to come out and show my support for anyone or anything. this is a first.

i'm glad that this is something that i'm for. with the whole forgiveness part, this is truly what i'm for. (i think i just went off topic here. haha)


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Thank you moomooriel for your answer. Post-it does seem the safest and the easiest choice to get the point across. This act really shows the Korean Hottest's consideration and well manners (a round of applause to you all).

to answer zinnie

i don't really know why kHottest chose post-its, but we chose them because they did. and because we're not damaging private property by pasting these post-its and yet we're getting out message across.

the employees at the JYP NYC were really nice and thanked us for the support. and they said that we wouldn't get in trouble as long as we don't write it on the wall or on the glass... cause then that would be vandalizing. pasting post-its is different. ya know what i mean?

Yeah, of course. Totally! No swearing or violence- I am Buddhist. ;) The post-its are definitely colorful and very attractive. I wonder if the American press will get a wind of it. An article on crazy Antis on American news would be fun but might just add fuel to the fire. Well...anyways those lunatics gotta go down! If only I was a Sparta :rolleyes:

it's easy to stick on

and easy to take off

no fuss no mess :)

but they're colorful and bright! and they're eye catching

more info from this group


and I agree, no threats to the antis...I mean, call them names and what not but no like "i'm gonna kill ya muddafakaaaah" kind of threats...okie? :)

Show them how classy Hottest can be!

And I understand that Jay is in a whole world of hurt right not but showing our support will at least ease some of that :)

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Guest uh-ohxev

I love the message Jay's friend left... he's so sweet. Listen, at the end of the day this is Jay's choice. This is his future, I don't want him to feel pressured to come back if he really doesn't want to... I just know that hes strong and that hes worked hard for this so the thought of him giving up on this bothers me. But, like I said I'll support him reguardless... I just feel that after working so hard and giving up 4 years of your life? Keep fighting. You're strong. You can do this... prove everyone wrong. I just hate that its possible he'd give up on his dream... at first it was selfishness of me not wanting him to leave because 2PM is no longer 2PM... but now its just like... I don't know? It's just hard for me to picture working so hard, and then leaving. All that hard work practically gone to waste. I feel that he has the power to get back up and do this again even if it takes him time!

Ideally, I'd want him to take the amount of time he needs and take a break... and then return to 2PM and surprise everyone with an awesome comeback. Coming back better and stronger then ever. This way he would be able to have relaxed in America but, at the same time following his dream... I would hate for him to regret this when he's older, you know?

But, like I've said... at the end of the day it's his choice. I'll support it... even if it may hurt. And now I sound like a parrot repeating myself 100 times... so bye~! :lol:

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Guest Ella_Kwan

Some of the NYC HOTTEST who came out today for the trail event for Sat. it was a SUCCESS! And the JYP staff was sooo NICE about it! THANK YOU HOTTEST!!!

We asked how Jay was doing and she said genuinely "For now, he's okay."

Fb link : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=1288...9412&ref=nf


Here are some pics. Please feel free to share them & cr. us! Thank you!






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